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For your records
Serial number: ______________________________________________________
Operating instructions, guidelines, and rules ..................................................................................................................................... S-2
Protection of personnel ........................................................................................................................................................................... S-3
Health concerns ........................................................................................................................................................................................ S-9
Gas, fumes and air quality....................................................................................................................................................................... S-9
Oxygen gas distribution for laser cutting ...........................................................................................................................................S-11
Public exhibitions and demonstrations ..............................................................................................................................................S-11
Large area viewing ..................................................................................................................................................................................S-11
Training ......................................................................................................................................................................................................S-12
National and local safety regulations ................................................................................................................................................. PS-1
Certification test marks ......................................................................................................................................................................... PS-1
Differences in national standards ....................................................................................................................................................... PS-1
Safe installation and use of shape cutting equipment .................................................................................................................. PS-1
Procedures for periodic inspection and testing .............................................................................................................................. PS-2
Qualification of test personnel .................................................................................................................................................. PS-2
Residual current devices (RCDs) ...................................................................................................................................................... PS-2
Higher-level systems ............................................................................................................................................................................. PS-3
National and local environmental regulations .................................................................................................................................. ES-1
The RoHS directive ............................................................................................................................................................................... ES-1
Proper disposal of Hypertherm products ......................................................................................................................................... ES-1
The WEEE directive .............................................................................................................................................................................. ES-1
The REACH regulation ......................................................................................................................................................................... ES-1
Proper handling and safe use of chemicals ..................................................................................................................................... ES-2
Fumes emission and air quality ........................................................................................................................................................... ES-2
Installation and use ............................................................................................................................................................................ EMC-1
Assessment of area ........................................................................................................................................................................... EMC-1
Methods of reducing emissions ..................................................................................................................................................... EMC-1
Earthing of the workpiece ................................................................................................................................................................ EMC-2
Screening and shielding ................................................................................................................................................................... EMC-2
General .......................................................................................................................................................................................................W-1
Limitation of liability .................................................................................................................................................................................W-2
National and local codes ........................................................................................................................................................................W-2
Liability cap ................................................................................................................................................................................................W-2
Transfer of rights.......................................................................................................................................................................................W-2
System gas requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1-10
Gas quality and pressure requirements .................................................................................................................................. 1-10
Gas control console – 051024 .........................................................................................................................................................1-12
Upon receipt ...............................................................................................................................................................................................2-1
Placement of system components .........................................................................................................................................................2-2
Site preparation before startup ...............................................................................................................................................................2-3
System components .......................................................................................................................................................................2-5
Cables and hoses ...........................................................................................................................................................................2-5
Power cables (customer-supplied) .............................................................................................................................................2-5
Supply gas hoses (customer supplied) ......................................................................................................................................2-5
Recommended grounding and shielding practices ...........................................................................................................................2-6
Types of grounding ..........................................................................................................................................................................2-6
Steps to take ....................................................................................................................................................................................2-7
Placement of the fiber laser supply .....................................................................................................................................................2-11
Lifting the fiber laser supply ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-12
General information ......................................................................................................................................................................2-13
Mounting the laser head controller (LHC) ........................................................................................................................................ 2-19
Mounting the gas console.....................................................................................................................................................................2-20
Mounting the laser head ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2-22
Install the laser head mounting bracket ...................................................................................................................................2-22
Laser head grounding .................................................................................................................................................................2-23
Laser head mounting dimensions ............................................................................................................................................. 2-23
General Precautions .................................................................................................................................................................... 2-26
General precautions ....................................................................................................................................................................2-28
Laser head connectors .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-35
Fiber laser supply to laser head ................................................................................................................................................ 2-37
Beam delivery optical cable and collimator coolant hoses ................................................................................................. 2-38
Fiber laser supply to chiller .........................................................................................................................................................2-40
Hypernet cable: fiber laser supply to a Hypertherm CNC – 223171 ..............................................................................2-41
Hypernet cable: fiber laser supply to laser head controller – 223171 ............................................................................2-42
Gas console control cable – 223138 ..................................................................................................................................... 2-43
Laser head I/O cable – 223169 ............................................................................................................................................2-44
Gas hoses ................................................................................................................................................................................................2-45
Gas control console to laser head ........................................................................................................................................... 2-45
HyIntensity Fiber Laser Instruction Manual – 807090 Revision 2 iii
table of contents
Laser head controller power cable – (customer supplied) ......................................................................................................... 2-46
Line disconnect switch ................................................................................................................................................................2-47
Main power cables (fiber laser supply and chiller) .......................................................................................................................... 2-47
Connect the power ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-48
Gas requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................................2-49
Gas regulators ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-50
Supply gas plumbing .............................................................................................................................................................................2-51
Connect the supply gases .........................................................................................................................................................2-52
General precautions ....................................................................................................................................................................2-58
Set-up and Operation ..........................................................................................................................3-1
Sequence of operation with a Hypertherm CNC ....................................................................................................................3-3
Sequence of operation with a generic CNC ............................................................................................................................3-4
Marking and cutting mild steel with a generic CNC ...............................................................................................................3-5
Fiber-to-fiber coupling unit ............................................................................................................................................................3-6
Laser power supply operation diagrams ..............................................................................................................................................3-7
Power ON sequence ......................................................................................................................................................................3-7
Laser power supply – faulted state ...........................................................................................................................................3-8
Laser power supply – laser beam OFF state .........................................................................................................................3-9
Laser power supply – laser beam ON state ........................................................................................................................ 3-10
Operating the laser head controller .................................................................................................................................................... 3-11
Navigating the Display Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 3-12
Changing the value of a parameter: ......................................................................................................................................... 3-12
Laser head controller screen navigation ................................................................................................................................. 3-13
Nozzle position calibration ..........................................................................................................................................................3-21
Laser head operation .............................................................................................................................................................................3-28
Using the “Tape shot” method for beam centering...............................................................................................................3-29
Setting pulse laser time and pulse laser power ....................................................................................................................3-31
Pulsing the fiber laser using a generic CNC .................................................................................................................................... 3-33
Pulsing the laser with a custom waveform .............................................................................................................................3-34
Gas console operation ..........................................................................................................................................................................3-35
Test cut gas pressures ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-35
Adjust side jet pressure ..............................................................................................................................................................3-36
Focal position ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-37
Mild steel – air and nitrogen assisted ...................................................................................................................................... 3-39
Surface of a laser cut ..................................................................................................................................................................3-40
General steps for optimizing laser cut quality ........................................................................................................................ 3-41
Setting the IP address ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-82
Upgrading the firmware ..............................................................................................................................................................3-84
Inspection and cleaning of the collimator ..................................................................................................................................4-2
Cleaning the quartz block ..............................................................................................................................................................4-4
Air filter element replacement .................................................................................................................................................... 4-15
Troubleshooting the gas console ..............................................................................................................................................4-19
Parts List..................................................................................................................................................5-1
LF150 cutting head - lower parts ..........................................................................................................................................................5-6
Lens assembly parts ..................................................................................................................................................................................5-7
Cables and hoses ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-10
vi HyIntensity Fiber LaserInstruction Manual – 807090 Revision 2
The Hypertherm HFL015 Fiber Laser consists of 4 assemblies.
1. HFL015 Fiber Laser Supply, part number 051023
Note: The HFL015 fiber laser supply, part number 051023, was certified to IEC 61010-1 Safety requirements
for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use which covers electrical safety.
2. Fiber Laser Gas Console, part number 051024
3. Fiber Laser Head Controller, part number 051026
4. Fiber Laser Head LF150, part number 051025
“Machine builder” in this context is meant to include any person that integrates the Hypertherm HFL015 Fiber Laser into
their final laser cutting system.
The Hypertherm HFL015 Fiber Laser is designed as COMPONENTS FOR INCORPORATION into a laser cutting
system for industrial and manufacturing environments. The machine builder is responsible for proper adherence to any
and all laser and machine safety regulations and certifications for the laser cutting system designed and manufactured
by the machine builder. If required by local code, the machine builder or customer shall make arrangements for the final
laser cutting system to be inspected and approved for compliance with local codes and standards by an accredited
testing laboratory or third party expert acceptable to the regulatory authority having jurisdiction for the final installation.
Laser beam cutting is a thermal cutting process that uses heat from a laser beam with high-pressure assist gas
to augment the removal of metal material. There are general hazards associated with metal cutting and specific
hazards using lasers for metal cutting that need to be evaluated and mitigated. The following information provided
with the Hypertherm HFL015 fiber laser is intended to inform the machine builder and the body responsible for the
implementation of workplace and laser safety at the installed site of their responsibilities for safe design, installation and
use. The appropriate local codes and standards for the final installation shall be consulted. Should any information in this
document be in contravention to local codes and standards, the local codes and standards shall take precedence.
HFL015 fiber laser intended for use in laser cutting systems
The Fiber Laser as sold by Hypertherm is a component intended for sale to machine builders designing and installing
the final laser cutting systems. The machine builder has to mount the laser head and enclose the beam and fiber laser
cable in a manner that satisfies all applicable standards and regulations. The machine builder has responsibility for the
safe design, safe installation, safe use and safe maintenance of the final laser cutting system including but not limited to
the provisions to prevent access to the fiber laser beam in the final laser cutting system.
All equipment shall be installed in compliance with the local regulations ( electrical safety, laser safety, workplace safety,
etc.) and any verification required by local regulatory authorities having jurisdiction for the site(s) where the final laser
cutting system with Hypertherm Fiber Laser components are installed and operated. Voltages inside the Hypertherm
HFL015 Fiber Laser Supply enclosure are sufficient to cause fatal injury. The equipment shall be installed by competent
and qualified personnel in accordance with the final laser cutting system instructions. In addition to these instructions,
ANSI Z136.1 and IEC EN 60825-1 are the recommended primary sources for laser safety information.
Operating instructions, guidelines, and rules
Instructions, guidelines, and rules covering operation and maintenance of final laser system, supplied by the machine
builder shall be made available to the laser safety officer and operator and shall be strictly followed. This document for
the Hypertherm fiber laser components may supplement but does not satisfy this requirement for the final laser cutting
system documentation.
Note 1: In addition to the machine builders’s instructions and these instructions, the following references may be of
• EN 60825-1 - Safety of laser products -- Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
• ANSI Z136.1; American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers
• The Laser Institute of America’s (LIA) Guide for the Selection of Laser Eye Protection;
• LIA’s Laser Safety Manual is designed to help those responsible for laser safety at their facility.
• US Code of Federal Regulation of 21CFR1040.10 and 21CFR1040.11 for a complete laser product,
• The USA Occupational Safety Health Administration’s (OSHA) Technical Manual, Section III, Chapter 6, “Laser
Note 2: The following reference documents provide basic requirements for metal cutting
• In Canada, CAN/CSA-W117.2-06 Safety in welding, cutting, and allied processes
• In the USA, see ANSI Z49.1:2005 Safety in welding, cutting, and allied processes
Note 3: The following reference documents will help determine welding and cutting particulate/fume sampling:
• ANSI/AWS F1.1 for airborne particulates;
• ANSI/AWS F1.2 for fume generation rates and total fume emission
Good housekeeping with areas free from trip and fall hazards shall be maintained in the workplace so that the final laser
cutting system, automated and semi-automated material transport machines, fiber laser and electrical cables, and other
apparatus do not create a hazard to operators, service and other personnel including visitors. Appropriate safeguards
and warning signs shall be provided to prevent slips, falls, electric shock, burns, inhalation of gases and fumes, and
exposure to noise, vibration and heat. Refer to the Safety and Compliance Manual published by Hypertherm for Plasma
Cutting Systems which covers many of the same hazards for metal cutting and protection of personnel in the workplace
except for Laser Safety aspects which are covered in ANSI Z136.1 and IEC EN 60825-al.
Note: The employer should conduct a physical demands analysis to ensure that any personal protective equipment does not
create a health hazard (e.g., neck , back and wrist problems associated with prolonged or repetitive use)
Laser safety officer
A Laser Safety Officer (LSO) shall be appointed at each facility using a fiber laser for welding or cutting. The duties and
responsibilities of the LSO should be as outlined in ANSI Z136.1, Section 1.3 in the US or other laser safety regulations
applicable to the OEM laser cutting systems at the final installation site.
Note: The LSO is responsible for ensuring that all operators are properly trained and fully aware of the safe
operation and hazards of operating a laser welding or cutting system. The LSO is also responsible for
communicating and enforcing safety procedures to ensure all personnel (operator, service and visitors)
understand the theory of operation for the OEM laser cutting end product and site safety instructions
before entering a restricted area or room where a laser can be operating.
The Laser Safety Officer (LSO) shall with support from the final laser cutting system manufacturer conduct a hazard
evaluation at the site that takes at least the following into consideration:
A. the potential hazards produced by the operation of the laser equipment;
B. the inherent hazards in the environment in which the equipment is to be operated;
C. the hazards that may occur with operation of the equipment in that environment; and
D. the individuals who may be affected by the hazards.
After completion of this hazard evaluation, the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) shall define the specific laser safety personal
protective equipment requirements and procedures.
Condition of laser beam equipment
All laser beam equipment shall be maintained in good mechanical and electrical condition by competent or qualified
maintenance personnel as specified by the machine builder. The operator shall report any equipment malfunction,
defect, or safety hazard to the laser safety officer, and the use of the equipment shall be discontinued until its safeness
has been ensured by the laser safety officer. Repairs shall be made only by competent or qualified maintenance
This product is a Class 4 laser capable of cutting metal. The Hypertherm HFL015 Fiber Laser is specifically designed
for incorporation or integration into other equipment. As such, it DOES NOT MEET the full requirements for a standalone laser system as defined by 21 CFR 1040.10 and IEC/EN 60825-1. Within the EU, the equipment is supplied with
a Certificate of Incorporation indicating harmonized standards considered in the design.
“Machine builder” in this context is meant to include any person that integrates the Hypertherm HFL015 Fiber Laser into
their final laser cutting system, or any person who uses the Hypertherm HFL015 Fiber Laser in the form as supplied by
The label shown below has been affixed to the HFL015 Fiber Laser Supply, part number 051023 to satisfy the US Code
of Federal Regulations which indicates equipment does not need to comply with the requirements of 21CFR1040.10
and 21CFR1040.11 for a complete laser product, provided the equipment is labeled with a statement that it is
designated for use solely as a component.
It is the responsibility of the machine builder to meet all of the regulatory requirements for the final laser cutting system.
Nonetheless, many of the electronic and labeling requirements have been incorporated into the Hypertherm HyIntensity
Fiber Laser to facilitate the final laser cutting system compliance with regulatory requirements.
The following laser safety warning labels are located on the Hypertherm HyIntensity Fiber Laser when the Hypertherm
HyIntensity Fiber Laser leaves the Hypertherm factory.
During installation it is vital that the laser hazard is fully managed. In particular, the machine builder is required to
implement the engineering requirements detailed in IEC/EN 60825-1. Based on the evaluation or certification of the
final laser cutting system, additional laser safety warnings may be provided by the machine builder or by the laser safety
officer at the installed site.
Health concerns
Personnel assigned to operate or maintain laser beam cutting equipment shall have been properly trained by the
machine builders representative or by a qualified instructor and shall understand the safety requirements of metal cutting
using lasers.
Laser safety eyewear (LSE)
Laser safety eyewear (LSE) is designed to reduce the amount of incident light of specific wavelengths to a safe level,
while transmitting sufficient light for good vision. As LSE often looks alike in style and color, it is important to specifically
check both the wavelength and optical density imprinted on all LSE prior to laser use, especially in multi-wavelength
facilities where more than one laser may be located. In the USA reference to ANSI Z136.1 is recommended for the
selection of appropriate eye wear to protect against reflections of laser radiation.
Acoustical noise
The noise generated by laser beam welding, cutting, or gouging may impair hearing. Hearing protection shall be worn
where the noise level exceeds limits as specified by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction Since operators and
nearby personnel can be exposed to noise levels in excess of 85 dB(A), it is important that their hearing be protected.
The most direct way to control excessive noise is to reduce the intensity at the source or install barriers in the final laser
cutting system between the source and the operator station(s). When engineering or administrative control methods
fail to bring noise exposure within levels established by the appropriate regulatory authority having jurisdiction, personal
protective devices such as earmuffs or earplugs shall be used. It is the responsibility of the machine builder and the
body responsible for the implementation of workplace / laser safety at the installed site to measure the acoustical noise
in application and ensure personnel are protected from noise levels that exceed limits.
Warning signs
Warning signs shall be posted in conspicuous areas to indicate laser and cutting hazards. The signs shall indicate the
need for the appropriate types of protective equipment.
Gas, fumes and air quality
Fumes and gases are generated by removal of metal from the workpiece being cut during laser beam cutting. The body
responsible for workplace / laser safety at the installed site needs to control the materials being cut. Before cutting any
unfamiliar materials or using any unfamiliar cleaning materials, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be read to
determine whether any hazards may exist when the material removed will be converted to a gas by laser cutting.
Personnel shall not be exposed to concentrations of airborne contaminants above acceptable limits as established by
the authority having jurisdiction. The most direct way to control fumes and gases is by ventilation. Air Quality permits
may be needed to release fumes outside the building. Consult a local expert for information on local air quality permits,
ventilation and fume extraction. Where ventilation alone cannot protect personnel, appropriate personal respiratory
protection shall be used as required by the authority having jurisdiction. Where respirators are employed, requirements
for the selection and use of respirators shall include, as a minimum, the following:
A. Written procedures for the proper care, use, maintenance, and storage of respirators shall be provided, and the
employer shall ensure that these procedures are followed. These procedures shall be developed and set down
in writing in consultation with the joint health and safety committee or the health and safety representative, as
applicable; and made readily accessible, along with related schedules, to the welder andwelding personnel.
B. The OEM laser cutting end product recommended maintenance and cleaning schedules and procedures shall
be followed.
C. Adequate and suitable storage facilities for respirators shall be provided.
D. A person with the appropriate skills and knowledge shall be assigned to examine respirators and carry out the
tests or procedures necessary to ensure that they serve their intended purpose; and ensure that the respirators
fit the individual workers correctly and are appropriate for their intended purpose.
E. The employer shall provide training and instruction for workers and supervisors on the proper use, care,
maintenance, and storage of respirators.
For fume and gases air sampling, where concentrations of airborne fume contaminants are to be determined by
sampling of the atmosphere, sampling shall be tested using the NIOSH methodology, other recognized methods, or the
guidelines of the authority having jurisdiction. When a helmet is worn, the samples shall be collected inside the helmet
in the operator’s breathing zone. The occupational exposure limits shall comply with the regulatory authority having
jurisdiction. Contaminant and fume analysis in the lab is covered under two areas:
A. Total welding fume particulate (mg/m3).
B. An elemental analysis of each contaminant (mg/m3). The contaminant particulate and fume testing is important
to determine the exposure risk to personnel.
Confined spaces
Confined spaces are defined specifically in the codes and regulations that apply to each work project. Confined spaces
need to be considered when the access or egress of personnel is restricted and there is a potential for the accumulation
of a hazardous gas, fume, vapor, and dust, or the development of an oxygen-deficient or oxygen-enriched atmosphere
that is likely to affect the health and safety of a worker.
If needed, the body responsible for the implementation of workplace / laser safety at the installed site shall have written
rescue procedures for confined space emergencies. Before the operator or service personnel enters a confined
space to undertake any welding, cutting, or allied process, the personnel shall be informed of and understand the
hazards of the confined space and receive instruction on safe procedures for entering, working in, and exiting from
Before a person enters a confined space, a leak test should be done on all joints of any hose or pipelines that have the
potential to introduce gases into the confined space. This leak test is done in order to eliminate the possibility of gases
being introduced into the confined space.
Oxygen distribution system including connections and valves shall be approved by the regulatory authority having
• Each outlet on the service piping from which oxygen is withdrawn to supply a portable outlet header shall be
equipped with a readily accessible shutoff valve.
• Each service outlet on portable outlet headers shall be provided with a check valve, a readily accessible shutoff
valve, and a detachable outlet seal cap that is chained or otherwise attached to the body of the valve.
• Master shutoff valves for oxygen shall be provided at the entry end of the portable outlet header.
• Portable outlet headers for fuel gas service shall be provided with an approved hydraulic backpressure valve
installed at the inlet and preceding the service outlets, unless an approved pressure-reducing regulator, an
approved backflow check valve, or an approved hydraulic backpressure valve is installed at each outlet. Outlets
provided on headers for oxygen service may be fitted for use with pressure-reducing regulators or for direct
• Hose for oxygen-fuel gas service shall meet the requirements of RMA IP-7 and CGA E-1.
shall be installed under the supervision of someone properly trained in their assembly and use.
In North America, hose diameters of 19 mm (3/4 in) or smaller are color-coded green for oxygen and red for fuel
gases (acetylene, liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), natural gas, hydrogen, etc.). Black hose is used for inert gases,
compressed air, and water services.
Note: ISO standard colors are blue for oxygen hose and orange for LPG hose.
Public exhibitions and demonstrations
Safety precautions specific to welding and cutting performed at public demonstrations and exhibits shall protect
viewers, demonstrators, and the public. Installation and operation of welding, cutting, and related equipment shall
be under the supervision of a competent person designated to ensure the safety of the public. The site shall be
so constructed, equipped, and operated as to minimize the possibility of injury to viewers at the site. Materials and
equipment on-site shall be located so as not to interfere with evacuation of people during an emergency. Sites shall be
provided with an appropriate type of portable fire extinguisher. Combustible materials at the site shall be shielded from
flames, sparks, and molten metal or moved to a safe distance, i.e., 15 m (50 ft). The fire department shall be notified in
advance of the public exhibition and demonstration. The public shall be shielded from flames, flying sparks, molten metal,
harmful laser radiation, inhalation of hazardous concentrations of fumes and gases and contact with live electrical arts.
Large area viewing
For large area viewing, such as training, demonstrations, shows, and certain automatic laser welding and cutting
operations, a large filter window or curtain may be used rather than individual helmets, hand shields, or goggles. It is
important to specifically check both the wavelength and optical density for a large filter window or curtain. Acombination
of windows or curtains and laser safety eye wear (LSE) may be used.
The laser safety and basic safety training shall be in accordance with the requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. The course contents should include, as a minimum, elements covering:
A. laser safety
B. basic safety
C. hazard identification, including:
a. electrical hazards
b. fire protection and prevention
c. burns
d. radiation
e. fumes and gases
f. noise
g. explosions
D. hazard controls
E. personal protective equipment
F. process-specific welding and cutting safety
G. ergonomic issues
H. care and maintenance of OEM laser cutting end product
Additional training shall be provided on the following subjects if applicable to the nature of work being performed:
A. elevated work and fall protection
B. material handling (basic rigging, hoisting, forklift, etc.)
Hypertherm maintains a global Regulatory Management
System to ensure that products comply with regulatory
and environmental requirements.
National and local safety
National and Local safety regulations shall take
precedence over any instructions provided with the
product. The product shall be imported, installed,
operated and disposed of in accordance with national
and local regulations applicable to the installed site.
Certification test marks
Certified products are identified by one or more
certification test marks from accredited testing
laboratories. The certification test marks are located
onornear the data plate.
Each certification test mark means that the product and
its safety-critical components conform to the relevant
national safety standards as reviewed and determined by
that testing laboratory. Hypertherm places a certification
test mark on its products only after that product is
manufactured with safety-critical components that have
been authorized by the accredited testing laboratory.
Once the product has left the Hypertherm factory,
the certification test marks are invalidated if any of the
following occurs:
feature that is designed into the product as part of the
certification, or otherwise.
CE marking constitutes a manufacturer’s declaration
of conformity to applicable European directives and
standards. Only those versions of Hypertherm products
with a CE Marking located on or near the data plate
have been tested for compliance with the European Low
Voltage Directive and the European EMC Directive. EMC
filters needed to comply with the European EMC Directive
are incorporated within versions of the power supply with
a CE Marking.
Certificates of compliance for Hypertherm products are
available fromthe Downloads Library on the Hypertherm
web site at
Differences in national standards
Nations may apply different performance, safety or other
standards. National differences in standards include, but
are not limited to:
• Voltages
• Plugandcordratings
• Languagerequirements
• Electromagneticcompatibilityrequirements
These differences in national or other standards may
make it impossible or impractical for all certification test
marks to be placed on the same version of a product.
For example, the CSA versions of Hypertherm’s products
do not comply with European EMC requirements, and
therefore do not have a CE marking on the data plate.
Countries that require CE marking or have compulsory
EMC regulations must use CE versions of Hypertherm
products with the CE marking on the data plate. These
include, but are not limited to:
• Australia
• NewZealand
• CountriesintheEuropeanUnion
• Russia
It is important that the product and its certification test
mark be suitable for the end-use installation site. When
Hypertherm products are shipped to one country for
export to another country; the product must be configured
and certified properly for the end-use site.
Safe installation and use of shape
cutting equipment
IEC 60974-9, titled Arc Welding Equipment – Installation
and use, provides guidance in the safe installation and
use of shape cutting equipment and the safe performance
of cutting operations. The requirements of national and
local regulations shall be taken into consideration during
installation, including, but not limited to, grounding or
protective earth connections, fuses, supply disconnecting
device, and type of supply circuit. Read these instructions
before installing the equipment. The first and most
important step is the safety assessment of the installation.
The safety assessment must be performed by an expert,
and determines what steps are necessary to create a safe
environment, and what precautions should be adopted
during the actual installation and operation.
Procedures for periodic inspection
and testing
Where required by local national regulations,
IEC60974-4 specifies test procedures for periodic
inspection and after repair or maintenance, to ensure
electrical safety for plasma cutting power sources built
in conformity with IEC 60974-1. Hypertherm performs
the continuity of the protective circuit and insulation
resistance tests in the factory as non-operating tests.
The tests are performed with the power and ground
connections removed.
Hypertherm also removes some protective devices
that would cause false test results. Where required by
local national regulations, a label shall be attached to
the equipment to indicate that it has passed the tests
prescribed by IEC60974-4. The repair report shall
indicate the results of all tests unless an indication is
made that a particular test has not been performed.
Qualification of test personnel
Electrical safety tests for shape cutting equipment can
be hazardous and shall be carried out by an expert in the
field of electrical repair, preferably someone also familiar
with welding, cutting, and allied processes. The safety
risks to personnel and equipment, when unqualified
personnel are performing these tests, may be much
greater than the benefit of periodic inspection and testing.
Hypertherm recommends that only visual inspection
be performed unless the electrical safety tests are
specifically required by local national regulations in the
country where the equipment is installed.
Residual current devices (RCDs)
In Australia and some other countries, local codes may
require the use of a Residual Current Devices (RCD)
when portable electrical equipment is used in the
workplace or at construction sites to protect operators
from electrical faults in the equipment. RCDs are
designed to safely disconnect the mains electrical supply
when an imbalance is detected between the supply
and return current (there is a leakage current to earth).
RCDs are available with both fixed and adjustable trip
currents between 6to 40 milliamperes and a range of trip
times up to 300milliseconds selected for the equipment
installation, application and intended use. Where RCDs
are used, the trip current and trip time on RCDs should
be selected or adjusted high enough to avoid nuisance
tripping during normal operation of the plasma cutting
equipment and low enough in the extremely unlikely event
of an electrical fault in the equipment to disconnect the
supply before the leakage current under a fault condition
can pose a life threatening electrical hazard to operators.
To verify that the RCDs continue to function properly
over time, both the trip current and the trip time should
be tested periodically. Portable electrical equipment
and RCDs used in commercial and industrial areas in
Australia and New Zealand are tested to the Australian
standard AS/ NZS3760. When you test the insulation
of plasma cutting equipment to AS/ NZS 3760, measure
the insulation resistance according to Appendix B of
the standard, at 250VDC with the power switch in the
ON position to verify proper testing and to avoid the
false failure of the leakage current test. False failures
are possible because the metal oxide varistors (MOVs)
and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) filters, used to
reduce emissions and protect the equipment from power
surges, may conduct up to 10milliamperes leakage
current to earth under normal conditions.
If you have any questions regarding the application or
interpretation of any IEC standards described here, you
are required to consult with an appropriate legal or other
advisor familiar with the International Electrotechnical
standards, and shall not rely on Hypertherm in any
respect regarding the interpretation or application of such
When a system integrator adds additional equipment;
such as cutting tables, motor drives, motion controllers
or robots; to a Hypertherm plasma cutting system, the
combined system may be considered a higher-level
system. A higher-level system with hazardous moving
parts may constitute industrial machinery or robotic
equipment, in which case the OEM or end-use customer
may be subject to additional regulations and standards
than those relevant to the plasma cutting system as
manufactured by Hypertherm.
It is the responsibility of the end-use customer and the
OEM to perform a risk assessment for the higher-level
system, and to provide protection against hazardous
moving parts. Unless the higher-level system is certified
when the OEM incorporates Hypertherm products into it,
the installation also may be subject to approval by local
authorities. Seek advice from legal counsel and local
regulatory experts if you are uncertain about compliance.
External interconnecting cables between component
parts of the higher level system must be suitable for
contaminants and movement as required by the final end
use installation site. When the external interconnecting
cables are subject to oil, dust, water, or other
contaminants, hard usage ratings may be required.
Product stewardshiP
When external interconnecting cables are subject to
continuous movement, constant flexing ratings may be
required. It is the responsibility of the end-use customer
or the OEM to ensure the cables are suitable for the
application. Since there are differences in the ratings and
costs that can be required by local regulations for higher
level systems, it is necessary to verify that any external
interconnecting cables are suitable for the end-use
installation site.
The Hypertherm Environmental Specification requires
RoHS, WEEE and REACH substance information to be
provided by Hypertherm’s suppliers.
Product environmental compliance does not address the
indoor air quality or environmental release of fumes by the
end user. Any materials that are cut by the end user are
not provided by Hypertherm with the product. The end
user is responsible for the materials being cut as well as
for safety and air quality in the workplace. The end user
must be aware of the potential health risks of the fumes
released from the materials being cut and comply with all
local regulations.
National and local environmental
National and local environmental regulations shall take
precedence over any instructions contained in this manual.
The product shall be imported, installed, operated and
disposed of in accordance with all national and local
environmental regulations applicable to the installed site.
The European Environmental regulations are discussed
later in TheWEEE Directive.
The RoHS directive
Hypertherm is committed to complying with all applicable
laws and regulations, including the European Union
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive
that restricts the use of hazardous materials in electronics
products. Hypertherm exceeds RoHS Directive
compliance obligations on a global basis.
Hypertherm continues to work toward the reduction of
RoHS materials in our products, which are subject to the
RoHS Directive, except where it is widely recognized that
there is no feasible alternative.
Declarations of RoHS Conformity have been prepared
for the current CE versions of Powermax plasma cutting
systems manufactured by Hypertherm. There is also
a “RoHS mark” on the Powermax CE versions below
the “CE Marking” on the data plate of CE versions
of Powermax series units shipped since 2006. Parts
used in CSA versions of Powermax and other products
manufactured by Hypertherm that are either out of scope
or exempt from RoHS are continuously being converted to
RoHS compliance in anticipation of future requirements.
Proper disposal of Hypertherm
Hypertherm plasma cutting systems, like all electronic
products, may contain materials or components, such
as printed circuit boards, that cannot be discarded
with ordinary waste. It is your responsibility to dispose
of any Hypertherm product or component part in an
environmentally acceptable manner according to national
and localcodes.
On January 27, 2003, the European Parliament and the
Council of the European Union authorized Directive
2002/96/EC or WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic
As required by the legislation, any Hypertherm product
covered by the directive and sold in the EU after August
13, 2005 is marked with the WEEE symbol. This directive
encourages and sets specific criteria for the collection,
handling, and recycling of EEE waste. Consumer and
business-to-business wastes are treated differently
(all Hypertherm products are considered business-tobusiness). Disposal instructions for the CE versions of
Powermax plasma systems can be found at
The URL is printed on the symbol-only warning label for
each of these CE version Powermax series units shipped
since 2006. The CSA versions of Powermax and other
products manufactured by Hypertherm are either out of
scope or exempt from WEEE.
The REACH regulation (1907/2006), in force since
June1, 2007, has an impact on chemicals available to the
European market. The REACH regulation requirements for
component manufacturers states that the component shall
not contain more than 0.1% by weight of the Substances
of Very High Concern (SVHC).
Component manufacturers and other downstream users,
such as Hypertherm, are obligated to obtain assurances
from its suppliers that all chemicals used in or on
Hypertherm products will have a European Chemical
Agency (ECHA) registration number. To provide chemical
information as required by the REACH regulation,
Hypertherm requires suppliers to provide REACH
declarations and identify any known use of REACH
SVHC. Any use of SVHC in amounts exceeding 0.1%
w/w of the parts has been eliminated. The MSDS contains
a full disclosure of all substances in the chemical and can
be used to verify REACH SVHC compliance.
The lubricants, sealants, coolants, adhesives, solvents,
coatings and other preparations or mixtures used by
Hypertherm in, on, for, or with its shape cutting equipment
are used in very small quantities (except the coolant)
and are commercially available with multiple sources
that can and will be replaced in the event of a supplier
problem associated with REACH Registration or REACH
Authorization (SVHCs).
Proper handling and safe use of
Chemical Regulations in the USA, Europe, and other
locations require that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
be made available for all chemicals. The list of chemicals
is provided by Hypertherm. The MSDS are for chemicals
provided with the product and other chemicals used in
or on the product. MSDS can be downloaded from the
Downloads Library on the Hypertherm web siteat https:// On the Search screen, insert
MSDS in the document title and click on Search.
Fumes emission and air quality
Note: The following information on air quality is
intended for general information only and should
not be used as a substitute for reviewing and
implementing applicable government regulations
or legal standards in the country where the cutting
equipment will be installed and operated.
In the USA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH) Manual of Analytical Methods
(NMAM) is a collection of methods for sampling and
analyzing contaminants in workplace air. Methods
published by others, such as OSHA, MSHA, EPA, ASTM,
ISO or commercial suppliers of sampling and analytical
equipment, may have advantages over NIOSH methods.
For example, ASTM Practice D 4185 is a standard
practice for the collection, dissolution, and determination
of trace metals in workplace atmospheres. The sensitivity,
detection limit, and optimum working concentrations
for 23 metals are listed in ASTMD4185. An industrial
hygienist should be used to determine the optimum
sampling protocol, considering analytical accuracy, cost,
and optimum sample number. Hypertherm uses a third
party industrial hygienist to perform and interpret air quality
testing results taken by air sampling equipment positioned
at operator stations in Hypertherm buildings where plasma
cutting tables are installed and operated.
Where applicable, Hypertherm also uses a third party
industrial hygienist to obtain air and water permits.
If you are not fully aware and up to date on all applicable
government regulations and legal standards for the
installation site, you should consult a local expert prior to
purchasing, installing, and operating theequipment.
In the USA, OSHA does not require Material Safety
Data Sheets for articles such as electrodes, swirl rings,
retaining caps, nozzles, shields, deflectors and other solid
parts of the torch.
Hypertherm does not manufacture or provide the materials
that are cut and has no knowledge whether the fumes
released from materials that are cut will pose a physical
hazard or health risk. Please consult with your supplier or
other technical advisor if you need guidance concerning
the properties of the material you will cut using a
Hypertherm product.
Hypertherm’s CE-marked equipment is built in compliance
with standard EN60974-10. The equipment should be
installed and used in accordance with the information
below to achieve electromagnetic compatibility.
The limits required by EN60974-10 may not be adequate
to completely eliminate interference when the affected
equipment is in close proximity or has a high degree of
sensitivity. In such cases it may be necessary to use other
measures to further reduce interference.
This cutting equipment is designed for use only in an
industrial environment.
Installation and use
The user is responsible for installing and using the cutting
equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
If electromagnetic disturbances are detected then it shall
be the responsibility of the user to resolve the situation
with the technical assistance of the manufacturer. In some
cases this remedial action may be as simple as earthing
the cutting circuit, see Earthing of the workpiece. In other
cases, it could involve constructing an electromagnetic
screen enclosing the power source and the work
complete with associated input filters. In all cases,
electromagnetic disturbances must be reduced to the
point where they are no longer troublesome.
Assessment of area
Before installing the equipment, the user shall make an
assessment of potential electromagnetic problems in
the surrounding area. The following shall be taken into
a. Other supply cables, control cables, signaling and
telephone cables; above, below and adjacent to the
cutting equipment.
b. Radio and television transmitters and receivers.
c. Computer and other control equipment.
d. Safety critical equipment, for example guarding of
industrial equipment.
e. Health of the people around, for example the use of
pacemakers and hearing aids.
f. Equipment used for calibration or measurement.
g. Immunity of other equipment in the environment. User
shall ensure that other equipment being used in the
environment is compatible. This may require additional
protection measures.
h. Time of day that cutting or other activities are to be
carried out.
The size of the surrounding area to be considered
will depend on the structure of the building and other
activities that are taking place. The surrounding area may
extend beyond the boundaries of the premises.
Methods of reducing emissions
Mains supply
Cutting equipment must be connected to the mains
supply according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
If interference occurs, it may be necessary to take
additional precautions such as filtering of the mains
Compliance Information EMC-1
Consideration should be given to shielding the supply
cable of permanently installed cutting equipment, in
metallic conduit or equivalent. Shielding should be
electrically continuous throughout its length. The shielding
should be connected to the cutting mains supply so that
good electrical contact is maintained between the conduit
and the cutting power source enclosure.
Maintenance of cutting equipment
The cutting equipment must be routinely maintained
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. All
access and service doors and covers should be closed
and properly fastened when the cutting equipment is in
operation. The cutting equipment should not be modified
in any way, except as set forth in and in accordance with
the manufacturer’s written instructions.
Cutting cables
The cutting cables should be kept as short as possible
and should be positioned close together, running at or
close to the floor level.
Equipotential bonding
Bonding of all metallic components in the cutting
installation and adjacent to it should be considered.
However, metallic components bonded to the workpiece
will increase the risk that the operator could receive a
shock by touching these metallic components and the
electrode (nozzle for laser heads) at the same time.
Earthing of the workpiece
Where the workpiece is not bonded to earth for electrical
safety, nor connected to earth because of its size and
position, for example, ship’s hull or building steel work,
a connection bonding the workpiece to earth may
reduce emissions in some, but not all instances. Care
should be taken to prevent the earthing of the workpiece
increasing the risk of injury to users, or damage to other
electrical equipment. Where necessary, the connection
of the workpiece to earth should be made by a direct
connection to the workpiece, but in some countries where
direct connection is not permitted, the bonding should be
achieved by suitable capacitances selected according to
national regulations.
Note: The cutting circuit may or may not be earthed for
safety reasons. Changing the earthing arrangements
should only be authorized by a person who is competent
to assess whether the changes will in crease the risk of
injury, for example, by allowing parallel cutting current
return paths which may damage the earth circuits of other
equipment. Further guidance is provided in IEC 60974-9,
Arc Welding Equip ment, Part 9: Installation and Use.
Screening and shielding
Selective screening and shielding of other cables and
equipment in the surrounding area may alleviate problems
of interference. Screening of the entire cutting system
may be considered for special applications.
The operator should be insulated from all such bonded
metallic components.
EMC-2 Compliance Information
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