Hypertherm HPR400XD, HPR800XD User Manual

Thick metal cutting techniques
For HPR400XD™ and HPR800XD plasma cutting systems
White paper
Using plasma to successfully cut thick metal requires more skill and technique than using plasma on thinner metal. The thick metal cutting techniques described in this document may be needed from the beginning of the cut with an edge start all the way to finishing the cut with a completely severed part.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, for the purposes of this document,
thick metal consists of stainless steel and aluminum from 5 inches to
6.25 inches (125 mm to 160 mm) thick. The techniques detailed in this document were developed using 304L stainless steel. Materials used for the development of this white paper were based on U.S. customary units (inches). Metric conversions are provided for reference.
This document describes thick metal cutting techniques developed for the HPR800XD that can help manage the large plasma lag angles associated with thick metal cutting. It also describes the timing and sequencing needed to be successful in piercing up to 4 inches (100 mm) stainless steel and 3 inches (75 mm) aluminum. This document is broken into four sections:
Thick metal cutting techniques overview on page 2 is an overview of different lag angle management techniques for thick metal cutting that covers a plasma cut from the beginning to completion.
Dogleg lead-out details for thick stainless steel on page 4 covers the details of a special lead-out technique (known as the dogleg or acute angle lead-out) that can allow you to completely sever a stainless steel part up to 6.25 inches (160 mm) thick.
Stationary piercing (up to 3-inch stainless steel and aluminum) on page 8 describes the timing and sequence to be followed to perform stationary piercing on 3 inch (75 mm) stainless steel and aluminum.
Moving pierce technique (up to 4-inch stainless steel) on page 10 describes a moving pierce technique for thick stainless steel that can be used with both the HPR800XD and the HPR400XD. This technique, combined with PowerPierce the HPR800XD to 4 inches (100 mm) and for the HPR400XD to 3inches (75mm).
technology, extends the pierce capacity for
Thick metal cutting techniques overview
Approximately 0.25 inches (6 mm)
Edge start
Proper positioning of the torch is important to allow the molten metal (or melt) to carry down the majority of the thickness (especially when starting on a rough edge). Set the height of the torch to the cut height listed in the cut chart, which you can find in the Operation section of the HPR800XD Instruction Manual (806500 [Auto Gas] or 806490 [Manual Gas]). Place the torch center-line about
0.25 inches (6 mm) from the workpiece edge. The edge of workpiece should be approximately lined up with the shield face diameter, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Edge start positioning
Initial cut speed (lead-in speed)
A reduced cut speed should be used for at least the first 1 inch (25 mm) of the cut before traveling at the full cut speed. The recommended initial cut speed should be 75% of the full cut speed.
Special cornering considerations may be necessary when working with thick metal due to the extreme lag of the tail (bottom portion) of the arc. If no technique is used, the cut edge may lose its form, especially near the bottom of the cut. Use one of the following methods:
• Rounding corners
•Corner delay
• Corner slow-down
Rounding corners
One method to maintain edge form is to round off corners of 90 degrees or less. In general, the radius should be equal to or greater than the kerf value (larger is better).
Motion (or pierce) delay
An adequate motion delay must be used to allow enough time for the arc to melt the majority of the edge prior to motion being initiated. Suggested motion delays for 800 A thick metal cutting are listed in the cut charts in the HPR800XD Instruction Manual. These times may need to be adjusted based on your application.
Corner delay
Allow the motion to dwell in the corner for approximately one second to allow the arc tail to “catch up.”
Corner slow-down
Approximately 1 inch (25 mm) before entering the corner, slow down the cut speed to 75% of the full cut speed. Maintain 75% of the cut speed for approximately 1 inch (25 mm) after the corner before resuming the full cut speed.
Completing the cut
Dogleg lead-out region
One of the following techniques may be necessary on metal 5 inches (125 mm) thick or greater to fully complete the cut. Otherwise, the arc may jump the very bottom portion of the cut as it exits the edge of the metal or enters the kerf, resulting in an incomplete sever of the cut piece.
Exiting the edge of material (lead-out speed)
For cuts that involve the arc exiting the edge of the material (as shown in Figure 2), a reduced cut speed should be used for the last 1 inch (25 mm) of the cut. The recommended final cut speed should be 75% of the full cut speed. The
cutting table must continue motion beyond the edge of the plate.
Figure 2 – Lead-out exiting the edge of the material
External contour part cut (dogleg or acute angle lead-out)
The dogleg (or acute angle) lead-out technique can be used to redirect the tail of the arc and the molten metal flow into the remaining portion of the cut (or “tab”), thereby allowing for a complete cut (see Figure 3 and Figure 4).
1 Follow the edge start, lead-in, and cornering
recommendations previously listed.
2 Cut the external contour of the part and approach lead-out.
3 Just as the arc breaks through to kerf, change the cut
direction by approximately 120 degrees into the skeleton at 115% of the cut speed.
4 Continue the lead-out segment for approximately
1.25 inches (32 mm) – the molten metal flow from cutting into the skeleton melts the tab, which completes the cut and allows the part to “drop.”
Dogleg lead-out details are included in the Dogleg lead-out details for thick stainless steel section in this document.
Figure 3 – Example of dogleg lead-out programmed cut path Figure 4 – 6 inch (150 mm) “dropped” external
contour cut
Dogleg lead-out details for thick stainless steel
Location of tab
Proper lead-out for thick material is critical to completely sever a part; otherwise, a small tab may keep the part attached to the skeleton at the point where the lead-out enters the lead-in (as shown in Figure 5).
Figure 5 – Example of a “tab” in a thick stainless steel contour cut
This tab is due to the extreme lagging tail of the arc, the lack of molten material flowing through the kerf, and the insufficient voltage to maintain the arc attachment at this distance from the torch. Crossing the kerf for the thickest materials may not be possible for the same voltage limitation reason, and even if the arc does transfer to the opposite side of the kerf, the arc tail is likely to jump over the tab.
The dogleg method for stainless steel takes advantage of this lagging arc by focusing it onto the tab section of the cut. At the point where the leading kerf edge breaks into the lead-in edge (and before the voltage reaches the critical value of the transformer), the cut path changes direction into an acute angle (60 degrees works well) toward the skeleton (see Figure 6). This allows the arc to transfer to the skeleton material, which reduces the voltage while driving the molten material down towards the tab and subsequently melting it off.
Leading kerf edge
Overshoot distance
Kerf width (K)
Lead-in edge
Programmed path
------------------------ -
In order for the leading kerf edge to enter the lead-in edge (with kerf compensation active), the programmed path must overshoot by some distance (see Figure 6).
Figure 6 – Overshoot definition
This overshoot distance can be calculated using the following equation:
Overshoot = K
Tabl e 1 – Correction factors.
Thickness Kerf Correction Factor
5 inches (125 mm) 0.530 inches (13.43 mm) 0.30
6 inches (150 mm) 0.680 inches (17.27 mm) 0.25
6.25 inches (160 mm) 0.700 inches (17.78 mm) 0.25
As an example, if α = 60° for a thickness of 6 inches, the overshoot value is:
where K is kerf, α is angle, and Correction is an additional factor necessary to ensure adequate penetration of the arc into the lead-in section. The Correction factor values for 5–6.25 inches (125–160 mm) are shown in Ta bl e 1 .
K(0.866-0.5+0.25) = 0.68(0.616) = 0.419 inches
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