Hypermax Mach 7 CXT Performance Module
Installation Instructions
1. Locate the FICM (Fuel Injection Control Module) on the driver’s side of the
2. Remove the 22 Pin Connector from the FICM module-Figure 1
3. Insert the Mach 7 engine harness 22 pin connector into the FICM-Figure 2
4. Insert the factory 22 pin connector into the mating connector of the Mach 7
engine harness.
5. Secure the Mach 7 engine harness with the provided zip ties
6. Route the engine wire through the firewall-Gray wire with 8 pin terminals.
***Use caution when routing this wire to be sure that you do not rip
the wires from the connector-This is not covered under warranty***
7. Find a suitable place to mount the Mach 7 controller away from driver
8. Connect the 8 pin connector the Mach 7 CPU into the plug marked
“Engine Harness”-Figure 3
9. Connect the selector switch to the “Table Switch” plug
10. If you purchased the EGT probe then mount the probe into the exhaust
manifold BEFORE the turbo.
11. Route the yellow EGT extension wire through the firewall and connect it to
the EGT probe wires-Red to Red and Yellow to Yellow.
12. Secure the Mach 7 CPU and wires under the dash away from all the driver
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
For technical support contact us at:
Hypermax Engineering Inc.
255 East Route 72
Gilberts, IL 60136