HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 1
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 2
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
Copyright 2010 Manual release R1.7.3 English – September 10th, 2010 (Update: 04/07/2014)
All rights reserved for this documentation. Along with that all photographs and electronic media are the sole property of HY­LINE Systems.
TTeecchhnniiccaall MMooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss
The company HY-LINE Systems reserves the right to make changes to the illustrations and information in this documentation without previous announcement. This documentation was created with utmost care and is regularly revised. In spite of all control measures taken it can not be ruled out that technical inaccuracies and typographical errors might have occurred. All errors known to us are eliminated in the next edition. We are always grateful for information regarding errors in this documentation.
Our technical support pages are on our website www.hy-line.de. New manuals and data sheets are also available there. FAQ pages are also available on our website. If you have further questions please direct them at systems@hy-line.de
CCaarree aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee
Only clean the case with a dry towel, do not use water or any other cleaning agents. Never use a spray can or bottle on the device.
Never open the router while it’s connected to a power outlet. Take the power socket out before opening the case. Danger possibility of electric shock.
RReeccyycclliinngg WWEEEEEE
SSeerrvviiccee aaddddrreesssseess,, ddeelliivveerriieess aanndd rreeppllaacceemmeennttss::
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching
Tel +49 (0)89/ 61450381 Fax +49 (0)89/ 61450385
E-Mail systems@hy-line.de Internet: www.hy-line.de
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 3
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
Product description . . . 4 Quick Start . . . 5 Configuration – Home . . . 6 Base Settings Identification . . . 7 Network . . . 8 Date & Time . . . 10 Connection Settings Phone Settings . . . 11 Internet Settings . . . 12 PPP / Dial-In . . . 14 E-Mail . . . 17 I/O-Settings . . . 19 Firewall . . . 21 NAT . . . 22 Services – Status . . . 25 DHCP/DNS Server . . . 26 DynDNS . . . 27 InetWD . . . 29 NTPd . . . 30 Proxy . . . 31 Ser2TCP . . . 32 SNMP . . . 33 SShd . . . 34
Syslogd . . . 35
FTP Server . . . 35 VPN . . . 36
VPN-PPTP Server . . . 38
VPN-PPTP Client . . . 39 VPN-IPsec . . . 43 Webserver . . . 49 Advanced System . . . 50
Logging . . . 51
User Management . . . 52
Technical specifications . . . 53 integrated switch . . . 54 Dimensions . . . 55
Opening the case /Modem changing . . . 56 Technical information Analog modem country code . . . 59 Reset to factory defaults . . . 63
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 4
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
Product description
M2M Industrial Router with modem, VPN and Firewall
The M2M-Industrial router is a simple, secure and global communications solution that will connect you to your systems and machines where ever you are! Connections to your systems and machines are made through the integrated firewall, VPN and automated call center. The compact design, with standard European Top Hat Rail connection for easy mounting, as well as the possibility to establish all connections (Analog, ISDN, GSM/GPRS, UMTS) in one device, are what make this the leading industrial router on the market.
The router has an RS232 port as well as the standard Ethernet connection. On the protocol side the router is capable of SNMP and DHCP. Configurable alarms can be sent via SMS or E-Mail. The digital inputs and outputs offer additional control and alarm possibilities.
Every router has an internal HTML web server with complete configuration software. Access, configuration and maintenance are easy and secure with a standard web browser. Installation of 3rd party software is not necessary or recommended.
Order-numbers: see current pricelist
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 5
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt::
Access to the router through a web browser: or
Administration access: login: manager password: changemetoo (Password can be changed through this account)
Visitors access: login: operator password: changeme (Password can only be changed through the administrators
Access to the router through SSH-Secure Shell (TCP/IP):
Note: After the allocation of the SSH – Passwords, the router must be on for the SSH – Keys to be generated. This process takes about 10 minutes after this the router will be reachable through SSH.
login: root password: changemetoo Settings SSH (TCP/IP): Host-Name or IP-Address: Router-IP Port: 22
Access to router over serial: login: root password: changemetoo
Settings for serial connection: 38.400 bps // 8 bits // no parity // 1 Stop bits // no flow control
IP-Address changes over SSH or serial console:
1) Login over SSH or serial as described above
2) Execute the following commands: a. ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx device eth0 b. commit ch c. write disk
Installation of the SIM card with a GSM/GPRS/UMTS-Router:
Insert the SIM-Card with the Chipside (gold) pointing to the printed side of the router case inside the SIM­card holder
Download Router Handbook & Firmware: www.hy-line.de/router
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 6
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
The start page holds a general oversight of the router; Firmware version, System updates, serial number, modem type, band type, gsm signal strength, router uptime, PPP-Data Counter (max. 2GB) as well as the status of the digital inputs and outputs
While the router is online it will show the assigned IP address form the service provider With the reboot button a soft start reboot will occur In Online mode you will see the status of the internet connection:
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 7
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn:
Device Name: Name of the router with a maximum character length of 35 (Special characters allowed) Location: Location of the router (for informational purposes only) Manager: E-Mail Address of the system manager (Recipient of the dynamic IP address, once the router is
connected to the internet)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 8
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- NNeettwwoorrkk::
IP-Address: Network IP address of the router Network mask: Subnetmask DNS Server: DNS server address (Default is an open DNS server) Gateway: Network Gateway Address Commit rules: check, in order to activate changes then press SAVE
IP-Addresses allow a logical addressing of devices in an IP network; i.e. the internet. Atleast one host has a static IP address. The IP address must be at least a version 4 IP address in which there are 4 numbers separated by periods with a value between or equal to 0 and 255, which then is capable of being separated though one point, i.e. or
The network mask (aka subnet mask) is a bit mask, where that IP address separates the network from the host. A network mask is just as long as an IP address (in IP version 4 it is 32 bit, in IP version 6 it is 128 bit). Every bit of the network mask is related to exactly one bit of the IP address.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the most important of these numbers in relation to the internet. A DNS is a databank, which changes the known address in to an IP address. In other words it takes the domain name and finds the corresponding IP address. In comparison it would be like a telephone book where you would look for a persons name, and the corresponding number would be there.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 9
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
The DNS system exists for simplicities sake, such that people are able to remember words better than a bunch of numbers. For example it would be much easier to remember the domain name
www.wikimedia.org in comparison to the IP-Address It is also able to work the
opposite way, i.e. get a domain name form an IP address (aka reverse lookup). In comparison to the telephone system, one would have a phone number and then find the adjoining name to that number. Through this DNS system, the domain name level of addresses can stay fixed while the IP addresses can be flexible, changing when needed without interrupting service to the original domain address, as well as being capable of load balancing.
A Gateway is the basis that allows networking to occur, this networking is based on a different set of protocols, in order to connect others. In addition to this, a gateway uses a protocol translator so that different computers can talk to each other, i.e. Linux to Windows. Within the gateway is everything allowed, in relation to the conversion of protocol, as well as the loss of data of that which is not absorbed by the addressee. In comparison, data packs that are with IPX/SPX, but destined for the internet are changed in to TCP/IP by the gateway.
In many operating systems, the IP address of the router, for example those in routing tables, will be used as the gateway. Gateways also don’t work with tunnel protocol, such as a protocol wrapped inside another protocol, sent to a specific address then unpacked and sent through its normal protocol (NetBIOS over TCP/IP is such an example).
One takes a protocol and changes in to another, there is no need, such that the output protocol is not used like in Tunneling.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 10
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- DDaattee && TTiimmee::
Date, Time: Date and time of the router Timezone: Timezone in which the router is (Please be aware that the summer and winter time will be
automatically switched only in Germany. Settings: Berlin) Time-Server (IP) Time server, standard: ptbtime1.ptb.de Manual sync.: for manual adjustment of the time and date Network sync.: Time and date will be synchronized after pressing SAVE over the
internet (The router will dial in to the internet)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 11
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss
PPhhoonnee SSeettttiinnggss::
Phone number: Telephone number of the router: only important when it is an ISDN connection: the MSN must be included here. Die MSN (Multiple subscriber Number) is either the dialing number without area code or only the extension number. This is dependent on the setup of the telephone system.
Enable PIN: Enable PIN is only for use with a SIM card in order to log in to the network -> do not enable for use with analog or ISDN connections!
PIN 1st: PIN number of the GSM/GPRS SIM card PIN verify: Re-enter the SIMS PIN number
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 12
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss
IInntteerrnneett PPPPPP::
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 13
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
Internet Service Provider: Choose an ISP in order to enable Call-by-Call option
GPRS-GSM: default T-Mobile Analog-ISDN 1: default Arcor Analog-ISDN 2: default Freenet Analog-ISDN 3: default T-Online Analog-ISDN 4: default Schweiz
Provider number: Telephone number of the ISPs Call-by-Call center (2 seconds for every comma, i.e. 0,,0625112345)
Username: Username for the Call-by-Call Internet access
Password: Password for the Call-by-Call Internet access Re-enter Password: Re-enter the password for the Call-by-Call Internet access Timeout: Time till the router hangs up on an inactive connection to the Internet IP reporting mode: After Internet login: DynDNS activated and/or dynamic IP address of the router sent
per email Network time sync (additional settings under Services/NTPd) Time Synchronisation
- Once (RFC868): Time sync one time after online connection
- NTP (RF1305): permanent time sync after RFC1305
Network connection mode: Internet Dial-Up
- On-Demand: connects only when needed, timeout activ
- Persistent: permanent online connection (InetWD Service should be activated)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 14
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss
DDiiaall--IInn // CCaallll BBaacckk::
PPP-Dial Dial-In: ISDN/Analog/GSM-PPP-Dial-In: the router will pick up after the number of rings and will build the PPP connection. Please wait 30 seconds after cutting the connection in order to build another connection.
Internet by call/ Ringing function: Calling the M2M router from any phoneline (don’t wait until the router connect the line!) activates the router to log in to the internet.
Port Speed: with bad analog lines (usually overseas) the routers communication speed can be set down for more stable phone lines
Dial-In Server/Client IP: IP addresses of the PPP tunnel should be within the same subnet as the gateway (M2M router IP address). Advantage: The router IP address doesn’t have to be inputted in to the devices gateway address.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 15
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
The point to Point-to-Point Protocol is used to establish dialup connections (i.e. Modem or ISDN). It allows the two way communication of many different network protocols (i.e. IP, IPX, AppleTalk, etc.). Seldom is PPP used for static communications, for example the authentication protocol of PAP or CHAP. For this type of communication PPPoE or PPTP are used to establish the more permanent connections.
PPP today is the standard protocol for ISPs, in order for users to log in. The specifications of PPP are such that they are not only designed to support TCP/IP but many others as well.
Configuring Direct Connection to M2M Router over PPP:
There is one PPP-User on the router is a permanent account with user name pppuser. This account is not displayed in the User Management. Additional PPP-Users can be added as system user.
-User name: pppuser (can not be changed)
-Password: M2MLogin
-DFÜ-Client Einstellung: Windows Standard Einstellungen für DFÜ-Clients übernehmen Important: Please make sure that there are no user names registered with the name pppuser in User
Management. If there are delete them.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 16
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ooff CCaallll--bbyy--CCaallll aacccceessss ffoorr IISSDDNN // AAnnaalloogg tteelleepphhoonnee lliinneess --GGEERRMMAANNYY--::
No login needed, costs are over the standard telephone bill. Call costs can be found at the website of your provider.
User: arcor-ibc Password: internet Tel-Nummer: 0192075 Arcor-DNS:
MSN (Microsoft Network)
User: msn@easysurfer-eco.de Password: msn Tel-Nummer: 0193670 MSN-DNS: Standard DNS verwenden (z.B. Arcor-DNS:
User: gast Password: internet Tel-Nummer: 019231770 Freenet-DNS:
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ooff CCaallll--bbyy--CCaallll aacccceessss ffoorr IISSDDNN // AAnnaalloogg tteelleepphhoonnee lliinneess --WWOORRLLDDWWIIDDEE--::
No login needed, costs are over the standard telephone bill. Call costs can be found at the website of your provider.
User: arcor Password: internet Tel-Nummer: 00493412004937 Arcor-DNS:
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffoorr aacccceessss ttoo GGPPRRSS mmooddeemm ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss wwiitthh AAPPNN::
T-MOBILE T-D1 GPRS settings with standard APN:
Number or APN: internet.t-d1.de User: t-d1 Password: t-d1
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 17
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch Seite 18
HY-LINE Systems GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems
E-Mail recipient for root: E-Mail address of the system managers, it can also be set to administrator, in which case copies of all E-Mails would be sent there.
SMTP-Server: Address of the SMTP server for the sending of E-Mails (supports DNS addresses as well as IP addresses).
Rewrite sender address: If enabled rewrites the sender domain for outgoing E-Mails. Sender domain: Sender domain for outgoing E-Mails. Encryption: Whether to use SMTP over TLS for outgoing E-Mails. Use TLS cert.: Whether to use STARTTLS command for TLS connections Location of TLS certificate: Place and name of the TLS certificate ESMTP authentication: Whether to use ESTMP Auth for outgoing E-Mails E-Mail recipient 1-3: E-Mail recipients 1-3
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