HY-LINE hy-443p User Manual

HY-LINE truecon Router Manual
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 1
HY-LINE truecon Router Manual
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 2
Copyright 2014 Manual release R1.9.2b English – 21. June 2016
All rights reserved for this documentation. Along with that all photographs and electronic media are the sole property of HY­LINE Systems.
TTeecchhnniiccaall MMooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss
The company HY-LINE Systems reserves the right to make changes to the illustrations and information in this documentation without previous announcement. This documentation was created with utmost care and is regularly revised. In spite of all control measures taken it can not be ruled out that technical inaccuracies and typographical errors might have occurred. All errors known to us are eliminated in the next edition. We are always grateful for information regarding errors in this documentation.
Our technical support pages are on our website www.hy-line.de. New manuals and data sheets are also available there. FAQ pages are also available on our website. If you have further questions please direct them at systems@hy-line.de
CCaarree aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee
Only clean the case with a dry towel, do not use water or any other cleaning agents. Never use a spray can or bottle on the device.
Never open the router while it’s connected to a power outlet. Take the power socket out before opening the case. Danger possibility of electric shock.
RReeccyycclliinngg WWEEEEEE
IBM PC, AT, XT is trademark from International Business Machine Corporation.
Windows™ is trademark from Microsoft Corporation.
Java is trademark from Oracle Corporation. Linux is trademark from Linus Torvalds.
Errors and omissions excepted.
SSeerrvviiccee aaddddrreesssseess,, ddeelliivveerriieess aanndd rreeppllaacceemmeennttss::
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching Germany
Phone +49 (0)89/ 61450381 Fax +49 (0)89/ 61450385
E-Mail systems@hy-line.de Internet: www.hy-line.de/systems M2M-Router: www.hy-line.de/router
HY-LINE truecon Router Manual
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 3
Product description 4
Safety & Regulations 5
Router Variations 7
Operating elements 8
Quick start 9
Software reset (factory defaults ) 10
Configuration - Home 11
Base Settings
Identification 14
Network 16
Date & Time 18
Connection Settings
Phone Settings 19
Internet Settings 20
Dial-In / Call back 22
E-Mail 24
I/O-Settings Input / Output 26
Firewall 28
NAT 29
Services – Status 32
DHCP/DNS Server 33
DynDNS 34
InetWD + Redundancy 35
NTPd 39
Ser2TCP 40
SShd _ 42
Syslogd 43
FTP Server 43
UDP-Broadcast 44
Webserver 45
VPN 47
VPN-PPTP Server 48
VPN-PPTP Client 49
VPN-OpenVPN Server 53
VPN-OpenVPN Client 56
VPN-IPsec 57
Command line interface 63
System settings / Update 66
Logging 67
Network tracer 68
User Management 70
Technical specifications 71
with integr. Switch 72
Dimensions 73
Analog modem country code 74
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-Lstems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 4
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems@hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 4
Product description
M2M Industrial Router with modem, VPN and Firewall
The M2M-Industrial router is a simple, secure and global communications solution that will connect you to your systems and machines where ever you are! Connections to your systems and machines are made through the integrated firewall, VPN and automated call center. The compact design, with standard European Top Hat Rail connection for easy mounting, as well as the possibility to establish all connections (Analog, ISDN, GSM/GPRS/UMTS, LTE, DSL) in one device, are what make this the leading industrial router on the market.
The router has an RS232 port as well as the standard Ethernet connection. On the protocol side the router is capable of SNMP, DynDNS, NTP and DHCP. Configurable alarms can be sent via E-Mail. The digital inputs and outputs offer additional control and alarm possibilities.
Every router has an internal HTML web server with complete configuration software. Access, configuration and maintenance are easy and secure with a standard web browser. Installation of 3rd party software is not necessary or recommended.
Order-numbers: see current productlist
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-Lstems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 5
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems@hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 5
Qualification of personnel
This manual is only for trained personnel familiar with the applicable norms and standards. The specialist must have read and understood this documentation and follow the instructions.
Safety regulations
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the product described fulfill all safety requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and rules.
The product is delivered according to the application and internal modem in particular hardware and firmware configurations. Changes to hardware or software configurations which are not described in this manual are not allowed and nullify the liability of the HY-LINE Systems GmbH The product is made according to current state of the art technical and reliable in operation and left the factory in safety condition state.
To maintain this condition over the period of operation, the information in the manual and applicable product change notification should take care of.
Obligation of diligence
The operator must ensure that
• The product is used as intended.
• the product is operated working condition.
• Only suitably qualified and authorized personnel operate the product.
• the personnel is instructed regularly about relevant occupational safety and environmental protection, as well as the manual and especially the safety notes contained herein. The operator must strictly observe the applicable national regulations concerning operation, functional testing, repair and maintenance of electronic equipment note.
Intended Use
The product is only allowed to use within the specified information from this document and documents referred to. The product must not be used for the following purposes and under these conditions or operated: control of machines and equipment that are not of the Directive 2006/42/EC and Directive 2004/108/EC (EMC - Directive).
It is recommended to use the following power supply with the HY-LINE router because all EMC tests were performed with this power supply:
- HAP-RUx - UMTS Router Versionen: 12W AC adapter Minwa MC120D050 with ferrite Würth 74270077
- all other router versions: Power supply PHI-CON: PS18A120
12W AC adapter Minwa MC120D050 with ferrite Würth 74270077 Read carefully this documentation before installation and commissioning. Incorrect handling of the product may result in personal injury or property damage.
Technical Limits
The product is for use only within the specified limits which are in the data sheets determined. Following limiting values are set:
• The ambient temperature must not be exceeded or below.
• The specified supply voltage must not be exceeded or below.
• Humidity must not be exceeded, and condensation should be avoided.
• The maximum switching voltage, and maximum switching current must not be exceeded.
• The maximum input voltage, and the maximum input current must not be exceeded.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-Lstems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 6
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems@hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 6
Warranty provision
The product is maintenance free. Opening the case will void the warranty. Repairs should be performed only by authorized personnel. An improper use, disregarding of this documentation, the use of insufficiently qualified personnel as well as unauthorized changes exclude the liability of the manufacturer for any resulting damage.
Notes for transport and storage
Please avoid environmental conditions for storage like: mechanical stress, temperature, moisture, corrosive atmospheres. The product is packaged so that it is protected against shocks during transport and storage. Please check the product for possible damage that might be caused by improper transport or improper handling before installation.
Electrical installation safety
Installation must be in accordance with appropriate tools and documentation. The assembly of the product may only occur with switched off power supply. When wiring the cabinet must be secured against being switched on again. National accident prevention regulations must be observed. The electrical installation is in accordance with national regulations done (wire colors, cross sections, fuses, PE connection, etc.) Electrical work must made by authorized personnel. Observe the electrical connection information in the documentation, otherwise the electrical protection can be affected.
The product in its delivery consists of different materials: The individual components must be disposed of properly. All components of the delivery can be returned to HY-LINE system for proper disposal. Transport costs will be paid by the sender.
The scope of supply for the HY-LINE router includes the accessories listed below. Please check that all accessories are included in the box. If anything is missing or damaged, please contact your distributor.
1 HY-LINE router (basic types)
1 Quick Installation Guide
1 GSM antenna with magnetic base (optional for different Router package versions)
Further documents for the HY-LINE routers are available at: www.hy-line.de/router
The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL or other Free Licenses. You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us at cost price for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product. Please contact under topic: 'Source code for truecon router': HY-LINE Systems GmbH, Inselkammerstr. 10, 82008 Unterhaching, Germany. E-Mail: systems@hy-line.de This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-Lstems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 7
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems@hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 7
HHYY--LLIINNEE RRoouutteerr pprroodduucctt vvaarriiaattiioonnss
Analog: HAP-RA
with integr. Switch (4x LAN): HAP-RAS
with integr. Switch (4x LAN): HAP-RiS
with integr. Switch (4x LAN): HAP-RUS
with integr. Switch (4x LAN):
HAP-R – without integr. Modem
with integr. Switch (4x LAN): HAP-RS
with integr. Switch (4x LAN): HAP-RLS
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-Lstems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 8
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems@hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 8
OOppeerraattiinngg eelleemmeennttss
Power (10-30VDC) Digital I/Os (Screw terminal, removable)
Antenna 2 -- SMA: GSM/UMTS (optional)
Antenna 1 -- FME: GSM/UMTS
Serial RS232 – SUB-D 9 PIN
Analog RJ11Analog RJ11
Network RJ45
Mounting: Din Rail Mount
SIM-Card Slot
integr. 4--port Switch
integr. 4--port Switch
-> For better shielding (EMC reason) please connect antenna connector (1 and 2) with connector PE. The PE connector should be connected to earth/ground level e.g. from cabinet.
CCoonnnneeccttoorr llaayyoouutt::
Antenna 1: Main Antenna (use this connector if only one antenna is connected) Antenna 2: RX-Diversity/MIMO for 3G/4G (Router automatically recognize Antenna 2)
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: tthhee nneettwwoorrkk RRJJ4455 ssoocckkeett oonn tthhee ssiiddee ooff tthhee rroouutteerr iiss nnoott ccoonnnneecctteedd aatt rroouutteerr vveerrssiioonnss wwiitthh iinntteeggrraatteedd
sswwiittcchh aanndd mmuusstt nnoott bbee uusseedd .. TThhiiss ssoocckkeett iiss sseeaalleedd iinn ffaaccttoorryy ddeeffaauulltt bbyy aa pplluugg.. TThhiiss pplluugg mmuusstt nnoott bbee rreemmoovveedd..
Router Version
Connector – ISDN/DSL
Connector – Analog
Not used
Not used
used (Pin 4/5 – DSL A/B)
Not used
Analog - HAP-RA/RAS
Not used
used (Pin 3/4 – TX/RX)
used (Pin 3/4/5/6 – TX+/TX-/RX+/RX-) Not used
Without internal modem - HAP-R/RS
Not used
Not used
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-Lstems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 9
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems@hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 9
Quick start
Access to the router through a web browser: or
Administration access: login: manager password: changemetoo (Password can be changed through this account)
Visitors access:
login: user password: changeme (Password can only be changed through the administrators account)
Access to the router through SSH-Secure Shell (TCP/IP):
login: root password: changemetoo Settings SSH (TCP/IP): Host-Name or IP-Address: Router-IP Port: 22
Note: After first time power-up the router initializes his SSH-Keys. This process takes about 15 minutes after that the router will be reachable through SSH.
Access to router over serial:
login: root password: changemetoo Settings for serial connection: 38.400 bps // 8 bits // no parity // 1 Stop bits //
no flow control
IP-Address changes over SSH or serial console zero modem cable):
Login over SSH or serial as described above, Execute the following commands:
a. ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx device eth0 b. commit ch c. write disk
Installation of the SIM card with a GSM/GPRS/UMTS/LTE-Router:
Insert the SIM-Card inside the SIM-card holder with the Chip side (gold) pointing to the printed side of the router case. The SIM card must snap in the SIM card holder.
Internet watchdog service: Don’t enable this service until router is ready to access internet connections
Download Router Handbook & Firmware: www.hy-line.de/router
Firmware update: Please contact our support team: systems@hy-line.de
Attention: Do not install system.conf files from older firmware version to newer firmware versions or vice versa.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 10
SSooffttwwaarree rreesseett
Factory default for all settings
1. Disconnect power from the router
2. Set Jumper 3 (see picture) to on position
3. Power up router, wait for flashing LEDs (approx. 2 Min.)
4. Disconnect power from the router
5. Set Jumper 3 (see picture) to off position
6. Power up router, factory default set
Important: Power down Router before changing the jumper positions!
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 11
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn -- HHoommee::
The start page holds a general oversight of the router; Firmware version, System updates, serial number, modem type, band type, gsm signal strength, router uptime, PPP-Data Counter (max. 2GB) as well as the status of the digital inputs and outputs
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 12
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn -- HHoommee::
Internal modem 1: analog, isdn, gsm, umts, dsl, lte, none (without modem)
Signal strength: Error no signal, check antenna and/or SIM-Card and SIM-PIN
Bad -113 ... -112 dBm Low -111 ... – 90 dBm Good - 89 ... – 56 dBm Very good > -55 dBm
Active band: lte
Umts / WCDMA2100 gsm1800 (gprs-1800 MHz Band) gsm900 (gprs-900 MHz Band) no service (no signal, check antenna and/or SIM-Card and SIM-PIN)
Connectivity status: While the router is online it will show the assigned IP address form the service
provider (WAN interface). In Online mode you will see the status of the internet connection:
WAN Traffic Counter: Traffic counter Internet und PPP-Traffic, max. 2.147.483.648 Bytes
Reset-Taste: Reset traffic counter
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 13
KKoonnffiigguurraattiioonn -- HHoommee::
DNS Servers: active DNS server
Default Gateway: active gateway (further information on page 16 – LAN settings)
Internet Connectivity: Pressing the button send a ping to a host or ip-address configured in
../Services/InetWD. On demand router will be triggered to establish an internet connection
Refresh-button: resend ping
Home-button: back to home menu
Reboot-button: Router (software) reboot
Redundancy mode: On/Off – Active/Inactive
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 14
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn:
Router name: Name of router, max. 35 letters characters, name is attached to send E-Mails
Location: Location of the router (for informational purposes only)
Manager: E-Mail Address of the system manager (Recipient of the dynamic IP address, once
the router is connected to the internet)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 15
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- NNeettwwoorrkk::
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 16
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- NNeettwwoorrkk::
Configure LAN network parameter. Interfaces are: eth0, eth0:1 und eth0:2. The :x are virtual interfaces mapped to eth0. With this settings it is possible to have more then one subnet on the physical interface of the router. Subnets on the ethernet interface of the router are not isolated against each other.
LAN 0 – LAN 2:
Local IP-Adresse / Network mask: Parameter for each individual interface (Multirouting)
Systemwide Network Settings:
DNS Server: Network DNS Server Address (Default is public DNS Server from Arcor) Gateway: Network Gateway Address Activate network changes: check to enable settings after pressing SAVE button immediately
Configuration Multi-LAN:
- DHCP works only with interface LAN2 (eth0:2)
- DHCP Client receives IP address, subnet mask, DNS server and default gateway.
External gateway for data communications (Router: no internal modem or not active)
- Service: Deactivate Internet-Dial-Up in Service menu ../Services/
- Apply following settings if HY-LINE Router is using an external gateway on WAN side
DHCP-Server inactive in external gateway subnet (WAN):
LAN 0: Network/subnet Gateway side (WAN) LAN 2: Network/subnet HY-LINE Router Gateway (systemwide): Network/Subnet Gateway side (WAN)
DHCP-Server active in ext. gateway subnet:
LAN 0: Network/subnet HY-LINE Router LAN 2: Network/subnet Gateway side (WAN - DHCP active) Gateway (systemwide): Network/subnet Gateway side (WAN)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 17
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- NNeettwwoorrkk::
continue: external gateway for data communications
Allow: In- and outgoing data traffic over external WAN gateway
Service Menu Firewall:
Masquerade srcnet: activate to allow TCP/IP packets to send over standard gateway (no modem
Source net: network ip-mask of outgoing traffic
Example: - - - 255..255.255.0
Ipv4 network adresses and netmasks
(Source: Wikipedia: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netzmaske)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 18
BBaassee SSeettttiinnggss -- DDaattee && TTiimmee::
Date, Time: Date and time of the router
Timezone: Timezone in which the router is (Please be aware that the summer and winter time
will be automatically switched only in Germany. Settings: Berlin)
Time-Server: Time server, standard: ptbtime1.ptb.de: ptbtime1.ptb.de
Manual apply: for manual adjustment of the time and date
Network sync.: Time and date will be synchronized after pressing SAVE over
the internet (The router will dial in to the internet)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 19
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss –– MMooddeemm SSeettttiinnggss::
MSN/Mobile number:
Telephone number of the router: only important when it is an ISDN connection: the
MSN must be included here. Die MSN (Multiple subscriber Number) is either the dialling number without area code or only the extension number. This is dependent on the setup of the telephone system.
GSM band: Set GSM Band manually. Option: 0=auto; 5=gprs; 8=umts; 9=lte
SIM-PIN: Enable PIN is only for use with a SIM card in order to log in to the network -> do
not enable for use with analog or ISDN connections!
PIN: PIN number of the GSM/GPRS SIM card
PIN verify: Re-enter the SIMS PIN number
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 20
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss –– IInntteerrnneett SSeettttiinnggss::
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 21
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss –– IInntteerrnneett SSeettttiinnggss::
Internet Service: Choose an ISP in order to enable Call-by-Call option
Analog-ISDN 1: default Arcor
Analog-ISDN 2: default Freenet
Analog-ISDN 3: default T-Online
Analog-ISDN 4: default Schweiz
PPPoE – external modem/gateway for data connections (Router: no internal modem or
- PPPoE activation: Connectivity Settings\Internet Settings\Internet Service: choose DSL
- Connect external PPPoE modem to any Router ethernet port of HY-LINE router
- PPPoE with external modem can’t be used with HY-LINE Router with internal DSL modem
APN / Phone number: APN for LTE/UMTS/GPRS
Telephone number of the ISPs Call-by-Call center (2 seconds for every comma, i.e. 0,,0625112345)
Username: Username for internet service Password: Password for internet service
-> Username and password fields mus’t be blank. If no data is required by ISP, leave fields at default settings.
Password verify: Re-enter password for internet service
Timeout: Time till router hangs up an connection to the Internet due to lack of
traffic. No function if router is set to mode: always online
IP reporting mode: After Internet login: DynDNS activated and/or dynamic IP address of
the router sent per email
Network time sync (further settings in service men: ../services/ntpd):
- Once (RFC868): Time sync one time after online connection
- NTP (RF1305): permanent time sync after RFC1305
Network connection mode: Internet dial-up:
- On-Demand: connects only when needed, timeout active
- Always online: permanent online connection (InetWD Service should be activated)
Use peer DNS: DNS server is set from provider (recommended)
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 22
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss –– DDiiaall--IInn // CCaallll BBaacckk::
PPP-Dial Dial-In: ISDN/Analog/GSM-PPP-Dial-In: the router will pick up after the number of
rings and will build the PPP connection. Please wait 30 seconds after cutting the connection in order to build another connection.
Internet by call/ Ringing function:
Calling the M2M router from any phone line (don’t wait until the router connect the line!) activates the router to log in to the internet.
HY-LINE truecon Router Handbuch
HY-LINE Systems GmbH
Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching systems(at)hy-line.de www.hy-line.de/systems Seite 23
CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSeettttiinnggss –– DDiiaall--IInn // CCaallll BBaacckk:
Port Speed: with bad analog lines (usually overseas) the routers communication speed can be set
down for more stable phone lines
Dial-In Server/Client IP: IP addresses of the PPP tunnel should be within the same subnet as the
gateway (M2M router IP address). Advantage: The router IP address doesn’t have to be inputted in to the devices gateway address.
Configuring Direct Connection to M2M Router over PPP:
There is one PPP-User on the router is a permanent account with user name pppuser. This account is not displayed in the User Management. Additional PPP-Users can be added as system user.
-User name: pppuser (can not be changed)
-Password: M2MLogin
-DFÜ-Client settings: Windows default settings
Important: Please make sure that there are no user names registered with the name pppuser in User Management. If there are delete them.
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ooff CCaallll--bbyy--CCaallll aacccceessss ffoorr IISSDDNN // AAnnaalloogg tteelleepphhoonnee lliinneess
No login needed, costs are over the standard telephone bill. Call costs can be found at the website of your provider.
User: arcor-ibc Password: internet Tel-no.: 0192075 Arcor-DNS:
User: arcor Password: internet Tel-no.: 00493412004937 Arcor-DNS:
MSN (Microsoft Network)
User: msn@easysurfer-eco.de Password: msn Tel-no: 0193670 MSN-DNS:
User: gast Password: internet Tel-no: 019231770 Freenet-DNS:
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ooff CCaallll--bbyy--CCaallll aacccceessss ffoorr IISSDDNN // AAnnaalloogg tteelleepphhoonnee lliinneess --WWOORRLLDDWWIIDDEE--::
No login needed, costs are over the standard telephone bill. Call costs can be found at the website of your provider.
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffoorr aacccceessss ttoo GGPPRRSS//UUMMTTSS//LLTTEE mmooddeemm ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss wwiitthh AAPPNN::
T-MOBILE T-D1 settings with standard APN:
Number or APN: internet.t-d1.de User: t-d1 Password: t-d1
+ 52 hidden pages