Hydrotech SL948-10-5600 User Manual

Residential Scaleless System
Model # SL948-10-5600, SL1054-12-5600, SL1252-16-7000
Operating and Maintenance Manual
This manual contains important maintenance procedures for the continued proper operation of your unit. These MUST be performed regularly for your guarantee to remain valid.
• Media and scale reduction distributor stack is recommended to be replaced every three years
• Scale Media operates in upow condition
• These systems does not have a grain removal capacity, however, other contiminants present in the water will gradually degrade the effectiveness of
this cartridge.
• It is recommended to change the media altleast once a year
• Temperature Range: 35 Deg F/2 Deg C to 100 deg F/30 Deg C
• Maximum Pressure: 125 psi/8.6 bar
• Do not use where water is microbiologically unsafe without adequately treating the water before or after the system
• The manufacturer reserves the right to make product improvements which may deviate from the specications and descriptions stated herein, without
obligation to change previously manufactured products or to note the change.
• At the stated service ow rates, the pressure drop through these devices will not exceed 15 psig.
Model # Tank
9 x 48 5600SXT 1 CF 10 4 3 years 3/4” 33506
10 x 54 5600SXT 1.5 CF 12 5 3 years 3/4” 33507
12 x 52 7000SXT 2 CF 16 7 3 years 1” 33508
Flow Rate
of Replace-
ment of Sca-
less Stack
item #
How Your Scaleless Stack Water Filter Works
The Scaleless system provides protection from scale formation throughout the home.
The Scaleless system can be installed at the point of entry to treat your entire home, both hot and cold water, or it can be located directly before a water heater or other device (e.g. sauna, etc) that requires protection from hard water.
Scaleless reduces or eliminates scale formation on internal and external plumbing surfaces as well as reducing spotting and streaking normally associated with hard water.
Scaleless prevents scale by transforming the normal dissolved hardness minerals into undissolved crystal micro-particles. These crystals stay suspended in the water and have a greatly reduced ability to react and attach to surfaces like dissolved hardness does. Therefore the problem of internal buildup of scale in pipes, water heat-
ers and on xtures and glass is greatly reduced.
Scaleless is not a water softener – Low or phosphate-free cleaning products are recommended to achieve opti­mum results.
Modern surfactant or detergent based, liquid soaps are preferred over oldfashioned caustic solid soaps.
Unlike softened water, Scaleless treated water maintains the benecial essential mineral content of your water
and is safe to drink.
Scaleless Benets
• Chemical Free Scale Prevention. Cost savings and environmental benets.
• Virtually Maintenance Free. No salt bags or other chemicals to buy, transport and store.
• No Electricity, no wastewater, completely self-contained.
• Benecial minerals retained for more healthful drinking water.
• Improves the efciency of water-using appliances.
• Simple installation – no electrical and drain hookup
• Safe for landscaping and lawn watering. No need to costly bypass plumbing
• Compatible with all on-site and community wastewater treatment systems
• Not subject to water softener restrictions and “bans
Scaleless Stack Distributor
Control Valve
Riser Tube
Startup Procedure
1. Manually Generate the Control Valve to
Riser Tube
To t between the con-
trol valve and Scaleless
Stack Distributor
Backwash model
2. Turn on the water supply slowly to only
half way and let the tank ll with water for
10 minutes
3. Turn off the main water supply and wait for 3 minutes
4. Turn on the main water supply slowly to
Scaleless Stack part #
Model # Part #
SL948-10-5600 33506
SL1054-12-5600 33507
SL1252-16-7000 33508
Scaleless Stack
eg Granular Activated Carbon
fully open and backwash for 30 minutes
5. Put unit to Rapid Rinse for 5 minutes.
6. Unit is ready to use.
The scaleless stack is recommended to be replaced every three years.
In normal operation, the Time of Day display will alternate being viewed with the Days Remaining Display the day Volume Remaining display will count down from a maximum value to zero or (---). Once this occurs, a regeneration cycle will be initiated at the Set Regeneration Time.
Example 3 days remaining for filter to regenerate
PM Indicator
Flow Indicator (Flashing with water flow)
0 days Remaining to Regeneration
PM Indicator
Flow Indicator (Flashing with water flow)
Control Operation During Regeneration
In regeneration, the control will display a special regeneration display. In this display, the control will show the current
regeneration step number the valve is advancing to or has reached and the time remaining in that step. The step number
displayed will flash until the valve has completed driving into this regeneration step position. Once all regeneration steps have been completed, the valve will return to Service and resume normal operation.
Example Less than 6 minutes
remaining in Regen
Step Rapid Rinse
Pushing the Extra Cycle Button during a regeneration cycle will immediately advance the valve to the next cycle step
position and resume normal step timing.
Control Operation During Programming
The control will only enter the Program Mode with the valve in Service. While in the Program Mode, the control will continue to operate normally, monitoring water usage and keeping all displays up to date. Control programming is stored in memory permanently, eliminating the need for battery back-up power.
Time Clock Delayed Control
A Time Clock Delayed Control regenerates the system on a timed interval. The control will initiate a regeneration cycle at the programmed regeneration time when the number of days since the last regeneration equals the regeneration day
override value.
Day of the Week Control
This control regenerates the system on a weekly schedule. The schedule is defined in Master Programming by setting each day to either “off” or “on.” The control will initiates a regeneration cycle on days that have been set to “on” at the
specified regeneration time.
Control Operation During a Power Failure
The SXT includes integral power backup. In the event of power failure, the control shifts into a power-saving mode. The control stops monitoring water usage, and the display and motor shut down, but it continues to keep track of the time and
day for a minimum of 48 hours.
The system configuration settings are stored in a non-volatile memory and are stored indefinitely with or without line power. The Time of Day flashes when there has been a power failure. Press any button to stop the Time of Day from
If power fails while the unit is in regeneration, the control will save the current valve position before it shuts down. When power is restored, the control will resume the regeneration cycle from the point where power failed. Note that if power fails during a regeneration cycle, the valve will remain in it’s current position until power is restored. The valve system should include all required safety components to prevent overflows resulting from a power failure during regeneration.
The control will not start a new regeneration cycle without line power. If the valve misses a scheduled regeneration due to a power failure, it will queue a regeneration. Once power is restored, the control will initiate a regeneration cycle the next time that the Time of Day equals the programmed regeneration time. Typically, this means that the valve will regenerate one day after it was originally scheduled. If the treated water output is important and power interruptions are expected, the system should be setup with a sufficient reserve capacity to compensate for regeneration delays.
Installation Instructions
All government codes and regulations governing the installation of these devices must be observed.
CAUTION: If the ground from the electrical panel or breaker box to the water meter or underground copper pipe is tied to the copper water lines and these lines are cut during installation of the Noryl bypass valve and/or poly pipe, an approved
grounding strap must be used between the two lines that have been cut in order to maintain continuity. The length of the grounding strap will depend upon the number of units being installed and/or the amount of copper pipe being replaced
with poly. See Figure 1.
In all cases where metal pipe was originally used and is later interrupted by poly pipe or the Noryl bypass valve as in Figure 1 or by physical separation as in Figure 2, an
approved ground clamp with no less than #6
conductor must be used for continuity,
to maintain proper
metallic pipe bonding.
Check your local electrical code for the correct clamp and
cable size.
1. Determine the best location for your water filter, bearing
in mind the location of your water supply lines, drain line and 120 volt AC electrical outlet. Subjecting the filter to freezing or temperatures above 43°C (110°F)
will void the warranty.
Media Installation (When Necessary)
For installation of stack distributor, remove the old
scaleless stack/ or conventional distributor tube from the
tank after removing the media from the tank. Install the
new Scaleless stack (come complete with lower basket and distibutor tube). Cut grey distributor tube so that the scaleless stack and control valve fits in the tank.
Remove the valve from the mineral tank.
Temporarily plug the open end of the riser tube to ensure
that no resin or gravel falls down into the distribution.
Fill mineral tank one quarter full of water to protect
distribution during gravel installation.
Figure 1
From Panel
Figure 2
Unfiltered Water Bypass Loop Cut & Capped
Electrical Panel
Ground Strap
Poly Pipe
Outside Water Line For Outside & 3rd Tap Comes From Meter
Filtered Water Line in Home
Poly Pipe
Filter c/w Plastic Bypass
Ground Strap Required Because of Break in Continuity
Copper Pipe
Water Meter
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