Hydrospace S4 Standup Owner's Manual

Dear Customer,
We would like to thank you very much for your trust, and congratulate you on your new Hydrospace Standup. When we developed it, we made it a point to create a versatile and fast S4 Standup. We didn´t forget a revolutionary design or a low-emission engine technology either. Our S4 Standup is driven by a four-stroke turbo engine, with a sound that sparks emotion and represents sportiness. What you need to observe and know for your S4 Standup has been summarized in this operating manual. Observing the service work is also a condition for safeguarding your guarantee claims. Please make sure that service work on the S4 Standup´s only done by specialists trained by Hydrospace. Should you require any further information, please consult our homepage at: www.hydrospace.at It is also important to observe the recommended service intervals after the seller's warranty. This will not only pay off during operation, but also when you want to re-sell it.
We wish you lots of fun with your Hydrospace S4 Standup.
Yours truly,
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General introduction to the handbook for captains
This handbook has been compiled so that you can skipper your boat safely and enjoyably. Along with details on the boat itself, accessories supplied or built into the craft and its installations, it also contains information on its operation. Please read this carefully and familiarise yourself with the boat before you use it.
This handbook for captains is not a course in boat safety or seamanship. If this is your first boat or if you have changed to a type of boat with which you are not yet familiar, please make sure that for your own safety and comfort you know about the handling and operation of the boat before you take control. Your dealer or the national sailing or motorboat association or yacht club will be pleased to provide you with information about local yachting schools or recommend experienced trainers.
Make sure that the expected wind and sea conditions comply with the design category of your boat and that you and your crew are capable of handling the boat under these conditions.
Even if your boat is designed for them, the sea and wind conditions corresponding to design categories A, B and C range from a category A storm to the most serious conditions of the upper category C, including the risk of breaking waves or wind squalls. These are dangerous conditions in which only a competent, capable and trained crew with a well-maintained boat can work satisfactorily.
This handbook is not a detailed instruction for maintenance or troubleshooting. If difficulties arise, please consult the boat builders or their agents. If a maintenance handbook is provided, use this to maintain the boat.
Only use trained and competent staff for maintenance, repairs or alterations. Alterations which can adversely affect the safety properties of the boat must be assessed, carried out and documented by specialists. The boat builders cannot be responsible for alterations to which they have not agreed.
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In some countries a driving license or an authorisation is required or particular regulations apply. Always maintain your boat correctly and take note of any wear which may occur over time or as a result of frequent usage or incorrect use of the boat.
Any boat, regardless of how strongly it is built, can sustain serious damage through incorrect handling. This cannot be reconciled with safe skippering. Always adjust the speed and direction of travel of the boat to the sea conditions.
If your boat is equipped with a life raft, read its operating instructions carefully. The boat should have the corresponding safety equipment on board (life jackets, safety belts etc.) according to the type of boat, weather conditions etc. This equipment is obligatory in some countries. The crew should be familiar with the use of all safety equipment and manoeuvring in emergencies (man-overboard rescues, making fast etc.)
Sailing schools and clubs regularly organise training courses. Everybody should wear a portable buoyancy aid (life jacket/personal buoyancy aid) when they are on deck. It should be borne in mind that in some countries there are legal requirements which prescribe that a buoyancy aid complying with the national regulations should always be worn.
Please keep this handbook or this CD in a safe place and pass it on to the new owner when you sell the boat.
General information and safety instructions
Features and functions
Upkeep and servicing
Faults and repair measures
The rider must wear a life jacket approved by the Coast Guard, which has been approved for use on the S4 Standup. During the ride, shatter-proof protective goggles should be used. Wind, water splashes, and speed can cause the eyes to water and reduce vision.
S4 Standup riders must wear protective clothing. This comprises:
Neoprene shorts or thick, close-woven and tight-fitting clothing which offers
sufficient protection. Thin cycling shorts for example are not suitable. When you fall into the water or comes near the jet pump nozzle, you can sustain severe internal injuries. Normal swimwear does not provide adequate protection.
Shoes and gloves are also recommended. It is advisable to protect the feet
with light and flexible shoes. This reduces the risk of injuries from hitting sharp objects under the water.
Preparation before a ride
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Note: We recommend that recreational riders use a helmet. If you want to take part in races, you should wear a helmet approved for S4 Standup´s due to the increased risk of accidents from the vicinity of other riders. Read the instructions and safety directions supplied with the helmet.
Eye protection
Life jacket
Neoprene suit or Neoprene shorts
Foot protection
Observe the safety regulations and conditions of the respective country.
Identification number
Engine number
Important warnings
Position of warning signs
Safety instructions
Restrictions for operation
Riding safety regulations
Important information on
watercraft helmets
Characteristics of the jet drive
Breaking-in of the S4 Standup according
to your possibilities
You will need the identification number to register your craft. They are used for identifying your craft in order to clearly differentiate it from crafts of the same type. The manufacturer identification is also required for ordering spare parts. In case of theft, report the manufacturer identification, the exact model description and special characteristics of your craft to the appropriate authorities. This makes it possible to identify your S4 Standup.
A non-standard engine number with 10 digits for identification, is in the crankshaft housing. From this number, the production date can be determined.
All warning stickers on this watercraft are shown and explained below. Every user must familiarize himself or herself with the meaning of these stickers. The warning
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1.3 Important warnings
1.2 Engine number
1.1 Vehicle identification numbers
The identification number is a) Above the starter b) Right hand on the rear.
Manufacturer Vehicle serial number
Month of production Model year
1.1.2 M a nufacturer identification
Position of warning stickers
Gasoline vapors my cause fires or explosions.Do not overfill fuel tank.Keep the craft away from open flames and sparks.Do not start watercraft if liquid gasoline or vapors are present.
Benzindämpfe können Brände oder Explosionen verursachen.Überfüllen Sie den Kraftstofftank nicht.Halten Sie das Fahrzeug von offenen Flammen und Funken fern.Starten Sie das Fahrzeug nicht, wenn flüssiges Benzin oder Benzin-
dämpfe vorhanden sind.
Recommended:Premium unlead gasoline
95 pump octans or higher
Minimum: Regular unlead gasoline
95 pumps octan or higher
Empfohlen: Bleifreies Superbenzin
95 Oktan oder mehr
Mindestanforderung:Bleifreies Suoerbenzin
95 Oktan oder mehr
CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL Vehicle must be level to perform verification. Bring engine to normal operating temperatures then let iT for 5 seconds. Stop engine, wait for at least 5 sec. and check oil level using the dipstick. Caution: Neverlet the engine run outof the water without cooling through the flush kit connection as it may damage the engine. Oil may be hot.
KONTROLLE DES MOTORÜLSTANDS Für die Kontrolle muss sich das Fahrzeug in waagrechter Lage befin den. Bringen Sie den Motor auf normale Betriebstemperatur und las­sen Sie ihn dann 5 Sekunden lang im Leerlauf laufen. Stoppen Sie den Motor, warten Sie mindestens 5 Sek. und prüfen Sie dann den Ölstand mit dem Ölmessstab. Vorsicht: Lassen Sie den Motor außerhalb des Wassers niemals laufen, ohne ihn über den Spülanschluss zu spülen, da dies zu Motorschäden führen kann. Öl kann heiß sein.
When operating the engine while the watercraft ist out of the water,the heat exchanger in the ride plate may become very hot. Avoid any contakt with the ride plate as burns may occur.
Wenn der Motor läuft, während sich das Fahrzeug außerhalb des Wassers befindet, kann der Wärme­tauscher in der Schwingplattesehr heiß werden. Vermeiden Sie jeden Kontakt mit der Schwing­platte, da es sonst zu Verbrennungen kommen kann.
TRAGEN SIE EINE SCHWIMWESTE. Alle Fahrer müssen eine zugelassene Schwimmweste (Zulassung z.B. durch die Landesbehörde) tragen, die zur Verwendung mit dem Jet-Boot geeeignet ist.
Kollisionen führen bei Jet-Booten zu mehr VERLETZUNGEN und TODESFÄLLEN als jede andere At von Unfällen. UM KOLLISIONEN ZU VERMEIDEN: HALTEN SIE STÄNDIG AUSSCHAU nach Menschen, Gegenständen und anderen Fahrzeugen. Seien Sie auf
Bedingungen gefasst, die Ihre Sicherheit einschränken oder Ihre Sicht auf andere beienträchtigen. FAHREN SIE DEFENSIV mit ungefährlicher Geschwindigkeit und halten Sie sicherne Abstand zu Personen, Gegenständen und anderen Fahrzeugen.
Fahren Sie nicht direkt hinter Jet-Booten oder anderen Booten hinterher.Vermeiden Sie scharfe Wendungen oder andere Manöver, die es für andere schwer machen, Ihnen auszuweichen oder Ihre Fahrrichtung zu erkennen.Fahren Sie nicht in die Nähen von anderen, um sie mit Wasser zu besrühen oder zu bespritzen.Vermeiden Sie Bereiche mit Objekten unter der Wsseroberfläche oder mit seichtem Wassser.
ERGREIFEN SIE FRÜHZEITIG MAßNAHMEN, um kollisionen zu vermeiden. Bedenken Sie, dass Jet-Boote und andere Boote keine Bremsen haben. LASSSEN SIE NICHT DEN GASHEBEL LOS, WENN SIE VERSUCHEN, Objekten AUSZUWEICHEN – Sie müssen Gas geben, um stgeuern zu
können.Prüfen Sie vor dem Starten des Jet-Boots stets die Bedienelemente von Gassystem und Lenkung auf volle Funktionstüchtigkeit. Befolgen Sie die Schifffahrtsregeln sowie staatliche, regionale und lokale Gesetze und Vorschriften für Jet-Boote. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung. Die Sitzplätze sind begrenzt auf XX Fahrer.
TRAGEN SIE SCHUTZKLEIDUNG. Bei einem Sturz ins Wasseroder durch Aufhalten in der Nähe der Strahlpumpendüse kann es durch in Körperholräumegelangtes Wasser zu schweren inneren Verletzungen kkommen. Normale Schwimm­bekleidung bietet keinen angemessenen Schutz gegen das gewaltsame Eindrungen des Wassers in die Körperöffnungen des Unterleibes von Männern und Frauen. Alle Fahrer müssen eine Neoprenhose bzw. Kleidung, die gleichwertigen Schutz bietet (siehe Bedienungsanleitung). Schuhe, Handschuhe und Augenschutz/Brille werden empfohlen. MACHEN SIE SICH MIT DEN SCHIFFFAHRTSVORSCHRIFTEN VERTRAUT. Hydrospace empfiehlt für Bootsführer ein Mindestalter von 16 Jahren. Erkundigen Sie sich nach dem Mindestalter für Bootsführer und den Ausbildungsanforderungen Für ihr Bundesland/Land.Es wird empfohlen, einen Kurs für das sicherer Bootsfahren zu absolvieren, möglicherweise ist ein solcher Kurs in ihrem Bundesland/Land auch vorgeschrieben. BEFESTIGEN SIE DIE MOTORABSCHALTLEINE (SICHERHEITSLEINE) an der Schwimmweste und sorgen Sie dafür, dass sie sich nicht am Lenker verfängt, damit das Fahrzeug stoppt, wenn der Fahrer herunterfällt. Ziehen Sie nach dem Fahren die Leine von der Schwimmweste ab, um den unerlaubten Gebrauch durch Kinder oder andere Personen zu vermeiden. Fahren Sie Ihren Fähigkeiten entsprechend und unterlassen Sie agressive Manöver, um den Kontrollverlust über das Fahrzeug, Abwerfen und Kollisionen zu vermeiden. Dies ist ein sehr leistungfähiges Boot – kein Spielzeug. Scharfe Wendungen oder das Springen über Kielwasser und Wellen können die Gefahr von Gelenk- und Wirbelsäulenverletzung (Lähmung), Gesichtsverletzungen sowie Bein-, Knöchel-, und sonstige Knchenbrüche erhöhen. Springen Sie nicht über Kielwasser oder Wellen. GEBEN SIE KEIN GAS, WENN SICH JEMAND HINTER DEM FAHRZEUG BEFINDET – schalten Sie den Motor ab oder lassen Sie es im Leerlauf laufen. Aus der Strahlpumpendüse austretendes Wasser und(oder Staub können zu schwerenn Verletzungen führen. HALTEN SIE SICH VOM ANSAUGGITTER FERN, wenn der Motor läuft. Langes Haar, weite Kleidung und Riemen der Schwimmweste könnten sich in beweglichen Teilen verfangen und zu schweren Verletzungen oder zum Ertrinken führen.
stickers point out important safety measures for your own protection. These stickers must therefore remain in the places provided for them. Missing, damaged, or illegible stickers must be replaced immediately and fixed in the correct place. You can get spare stickers from the licensed Hydrospace dealer.
When you are riding your S4 Standup, the safety lanyard must be fixed safely to the rider at all times. If there is a fall, the safety lanyard will separate the contact to the engine and the craft will stop. If the safety lanyard is not fixed, the S4 Standup will not stop. This can cause injury or damage to yourself, swimming persons, and boats.
It is absolutely necessary to read the operator manual before the watercraft is used. It contains important information for safe operation.
Riders must always wear a life jacket when they are riding.
The warning stickers can be found on the inside of the steering column.
1.4 Position of warning stickers
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Riding of the S4 Standup by children.
The Hydrospace S4 Standup is not a toy. It is a highly efficient watercraft meant for the transport of one person. Minors can put themselves and others in danger with it. Hydrospace recommends a minimum age of 16 years. A course for a boat driving licence is recommended and may by mandatory in the area of use.
The S4 Standup is not designed to be left in the water for a long time. Strong movement of waves can cause water to get into the water draining system of the engine's interior. Water in the engine compartment can cause the craft to sink. S4 Standup riders can fall into the water at any time, so being a good swimmer is absolutely necessary. Don't move further away from the shore with your S4 Standup than you can swim back to under your own steam. S4 Standup riders must absolutely use a life jacket, otherwise they are in acute danger of drowning.
1.5 Safety instructions
If your S4 Standup capsizes, proceed as follows:
Make sure that the motor is off. Otherwise, pull the safety rip cord immedia-
tely or actuate the motor stop button to switch off.
Swim to the stern of your S4 Standup.Then grip the two rear corners of the S4 with your hands and turn the S4
Plug the safety rip cord in again and start the motor.Climb in again
ALWAYS turn the S4 Standup clockwise!!! Turning anticlockwise can let water penetrate into the exhaust system and damage the motor.
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The safe use of your S4 Standup depends on the correct riding technique and a good and safe assessment of the respective situation. Make use of your experience and your common sense. That is the most likely way to avoid accidents.
Before use, the following points should be met:
Never allow anyone to ride without explanation and reading of the user
An explanation of the warning instructions guarantees safe operation and is
absolutely necessary..
This S4 Standup is not a toy! Hydrospace recommends a minimum age of 16 years for its use.Adults have obligatory supervision of minors.This watercraft was designed exclusively for the transport of 1 person.
Please also observe the local regulations for the use of your S4 Standup.
You can get exact information from your licensed Hydrospace dealer or from the competent "water authority".
1.6 Restrictions during operation
1.7 Safety rules for riding
The competent authority will tell you if you need to register the craft (licence
Observe the navigation regulations applicable in the region. You can get the
respective information from the Coast Guard or the water protection police. It is advisable to consult the local authorities to protect yourself against avoida­ble difficulties and penalties.
Ride defensively with a safe speed and always keep a necessary safety
distance from other crafts in the water.
Avoid riding directly behind other boats. Do not splash other PWC riders with water. Keep a sharp lookout and be careful before making sharp manoeuvres. You
and other boats might get a surprise.
Before making a sharp turn, make sure that there are no watercrafts behind you.
Ride with foresight and take early steps for avoiding collisions.
Don't forget: S4 Standups do not have brakes.
During a ride with the S4 Standup, the safety lanyard must always be tied to
the rider. If you fall into the water, the pull on the line will cause your S4 Standup to stop safely.
Therefore, no alcohol for practising the sport safely!
The rider should wear suitable eye protection. If you do not do so, spray
water can cause a safety risk.
Wear suitable shoes for riding the S4 Standup. Objects in the water could
lead to unnecessary injuries.
Hydrospace recommends the wearing of suitable neoprene suits to avoid
injuries from falling into the water.
You need to accelerate for riding curves. If you don't accelerate, the
S4 Standup will lose its controllability and this could cause accidents.
The S4 Standup was not developed for the night. Use it only during the day. Avoid riding in waters with algae, flotsam or other obstacles. This could
block the jet pump. This can lead to increased risk of injury!
Stick to the minimum water depth of 60 cm.Do not attempt to cross jumps with the S4 Standup. You risk major injuries
and the S4 Standup can get damaged most severely.
The S4 Standup is not suitable for towing other watercraft or for water-skiing.Riding the surf is strictly forbidden with the S4 Standup. It is dangerous and
prohibited in most countries.
If you are riding on waves, throttle before cutting through a wave. Riding too
fast can cause injuries to the vertebrae.
Attention! Wave jumps can cause the hull to break (loss of warranty claim!). The rider must always keep a safe riding speed. The latter depends on the
visibility, weather conditions, swell, wind, etc.
While the jet pump is safer than a propellor, safety measures must also be
Keep clothing, feet, hands, and long hair away from the jet pump intake.
The helmet protects the head in case of collisions, but can also contribute to neck injuries. Therefore, consider the advantages and risks of using a helmet. You alone must decide on the basis of the prevailing conditions: Helmet – yes or no. (Observe regulations!)
1.8 Important information regarding watercraft helmets
The drive works through the intakes on the bottom sides of the boat via the intake grid. In this area there is the jet pump which ejects the water back­wards via a screw.
1.9 Characteristics of the jet drive
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Observe the following regulations and recommendations and you will have lots of fun with your Hydrospace S4 Standup:
During the first 5 minutes of riding time, approx. 2500 rpm should not be
Do not run the engine during the first 5 hours with more than 3/4
acceleration and do not overstrain it.
Accelerate only for very short times and then ride again with average rpm.
Warm up: With the S4 Standup turbo engine, you must warm up the engine after each start.
If you use the Hydrospace S4 Standup properly it will reward you with greater reliability and a longer life. Don't forget to take your S4 Standup to a licensed Hydrospace dealer after 12 hours of operation and have it serviced. In case of non-observance, warranty claims could be lost!
1.10 Breaking-in of the S4 Standup according to your possibilities.
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Features and functions
2.1 Arrangement of controls 30
2.2 Engine stop switch 38
2.3 Safety lanyard 38
2.4 Throttle control 39
2.5 Trim control 39
2.6 Steering system 40
2.7 Engine hood 40
2.8 Gas cap 42
A. Steering B. Steering column C. Engine hood D. Fuel tank lid (inside) E. Bypass opening F. Water inlet/intake grate G. Sponson (additional
2.1 Arrangement of controls: general
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