SuperLogic 1500
Installation and Operation Manual
370 Encinal Street, Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(888) 426-5644, Fax (831) 336-9840
SuperLogic 1500 Manual
- 1,500 gpd system.
- High flow, low energy membrane
- Automated TDS controller and moni-
tor with simultaneous feed and product
- Carbon fiber face plate
- Rinsable sediment and
Eco-Green Carbon block prefiltration
- Anti-scalant cartridge for use in hard wa-
ter applications
- Brine and product flowmeters
- Prefilter In/Out gauges
- Membrane In/Out gauges
- Stainless steel waste water recirculation
- Stainless steel heavy duty commercial
- Low pressure cut-off switch
- Non-petroleum bioplastic fittings
- Manufactured in the USA
- All systems QC tested and verified
370 Encinal Street, Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(888) 426-5644, Fax (831) 336-9840
SuperLogic 1500 Manual
IntroducƟ on
Congratula ons on the purchase of your SuperLogic commercial reverse osmosis system. This is professional water purifi ca on
equipment which, with proper care and maintenance can last you for many years.
Feed water condi ons can vary dras cally as well as fl uctuate at your specifi c site. In order retain your warranty, the provided
opera ng log must be maintained and available for our review.
Prior to star ng up the SuperLogic reverse osmosis systems this user manual must be fully read and understood. Keep this
manual in a safe place for future reference. A copy of this manual can be found at www.hydrologicsystems.com.
System Specifi caƟ ons
HL Model Number 31043
Capacity (gpd)
Membrane Type
Number of Membranes 1
Membrane TDS RejecƟ on
Prefi lters
Pretreatment An -scalant cartridge
Pump 325 gph
Motor 3/4 Hp
Minimum Feed (GPM) 4 GPM
Feed ConnecƟ on Female garden hose
Brine ConnecƟ on 3/8” tube
Product ConnecƟ on 3/8” tube
Dimensions 18”W x 26”D x 30”H
Weight 100 lbs
Based on membrane performance aŌ er 24 hours, 77°F (25°C), 500
ppm TDS, 120 psi and 66% recovery. Membrane performance may
vary ±15%.
4” x 21” high fl ow,
low energy, thin-fi lm
10” rinsable sediment (5 micron)
10” Green Carbon block (10 micron)
Feed Water and OperaƟ ng Specifi caƟ ons
Important Note: Feed water quality has a great eff ect on
the performance of your reverse osmosis. It is very important to meet the minimum feed water requirements.
Failure to do so will cause the membranes to foul and
void the warranty.
Feed Pressure 40-80 psi
Max OperaƟ ng Pressure 150 psi
Temperature 40° - 100°F
Max Chlorine (conƟ nuous) <0.3 ppm
Max Total Dissolved Solids 5,000 ppm
Hardness <15 grains
Silt Density Index <5 SDI
Turbidity <1 NTU
pH Range 2-11
Silica < 1 ppm
Iron, Hydrogen Sulfi de or
Please Note:
Higher TDS and/or lower temperatures will reduce the
systems performance
0 ppm
Detailed water analysis available. All levels of pre and
post fi ltra on available to match source water.
Call HydroLogic directly for assistance (888) 426.5644
370 Encinal Street, Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(888) 426-5644, Fax (831) 336-9840
SuperLogic 1500 Manual
Prefilter IN Gauge
Prefilter OUT Gauge
Vessel IN Gauge
Vessel Out Gauge
Sediment Prefilter
TDS Monitor
Product Flowmeter
Brine Flowmeter
on Valve
Solenoid Valve
Carbon Prefilter
Low Pressure Switch
370 Encinal Street, Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(888) 426-5644, Fax (831) 336-9840
SuperLogic 1500 Manual
Product Connec on
Brine Connec on
Feed Connec on
Garden Hose Thread
Flow Control
Product Water
Check Valve
370 Encinal Street, Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(888) 426-5644, Fax (831) 336-9840