Hyd-Mech P 225 Use And Maintenance Manual

YEAR OF MANUFACTURE: ______________
P 225
Operation and maintenance manual for P 225 1..................
FOREWORD 1......................................................
INTRODUCTION 2.................................................
MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS 2......................................
CHAPTER 1 --- Functional parts of the machine 4.................
1.1 --- Cutting head 4..................................................
1 . 2 --- Vi c e 4.........................................................
1.3 --- Lubricant/coolant system 4.......................................
CHAPTER 2 --- Safety 5.......................................
2.1 --- Intended use of the machine 5....................................
2.2 --- General recommendations 5......................................
2.3 --- Recommendations for the operator 5..............................
2.4 --- Machine safety devices 6.........................................
2.4.1 --- Reference standards 6..........................................
2.4.2 --- Protection against accidental contact with the blade 7...............
2.4.3 --- Electrical equipment 7.........................................
2.5 --- Airborne noise from the machine 7................................
2.5.1 --- Methods of measuring sound level values 7........................
2.5.2 --- Noise level values 7............................................
2.6 --- Electromagnetic compatibility 8...................................
2.6.1 --- Emissions 8...................................................
2.6.2 --- Immunity 8...................................................
CHAPTER 3 --- Installing the machine 9.........................
3.1 --- Unpacking the machine 9........................................
3 . 2 --- C h e c k l i s t 9....................................................
3.3 --- Minimum requirements 9........................................
3.5 --- Connecting electrical power supply 10...............................
CHAPTER 4 --- Machine operation 11............................
4.1 --- Description of controls 11.........................................
4.2 --- Manual operating cycle 12.........................................
CHAPTER 5 --- Drawings, exploded diagrams and spare parts 13.....
5.1 --- Diagrams 13....................................................
5.1.1 --- Electrical diagrams 13...........................................
How to read the wiring diagrams 13......................................
5.2 --- Exploded views 20...............................................
5.2.1 --- Head assembly 20..............................................
5.2.2 --- Vice assembly 22...............................................
5.2.3 --- Handgrip 24...................................................
CHAPTER 6 --- Adjustments 26.................................
6 . 1 --- B la d e 2 6........................................................
6.1.1 --- Performing angled cuts 26........................................
6.2 --- Changing blade 26...............................................
CHAPTER 7 --- Maintenance and choice of expendable materials 27..
7.1 --- Role of the operator responsible for the machine 27...................
7.2 --- Recommendations for maintenance 27..............................
7.3 --- General machine maintenance 27..................................
7.3.1 --- Daily 27.......................................................
7.3.2 --- Weekly 27.....................................................
7.3.3 --- Monthly 27....................................................
7.4 --- Maintenance o f working units 27...................................
7.4.1 --- Transmission box 27............................................
7.5 --- Expendable materials 27..........................................
7.5.1 --- Transmission box oils 27.........................................
7.5.2 --- Oils for the lubricant/coolant fluid 27..............................
CHAPTER 8 --- Choice of blades 28..............................
8.1 --- Choice of blade 28...............................................
8.1.1 --- Tooth pi tch 28.................................................
8.1.2 --- Cutting and feeding speed 28....................................
8.1.3 --- Lubricating/cooling fluid 28......................................
8.1.4 --- Blade structure 29..............................................
8.1.5 --- Types of blade 29...............................................
8.1.6 --- Recommended cutting parameter table 31..........................
8.2 --- Classification of ste els 32..........................................
8.2.1 --- Steel nomenclature table 32......................................
CHAPTER 9 --- Diagnostics tables 33.............................
9.1 --- Diagnostics for blades and cuts 33..................................
9.2 --- Troubleshooting 35...............................................
P 225 1
Operation and maintenance manual for P 225
The machine P 225 is a pendulum bench sawing machine designed for cutting metals. Operation is manual: after turning on the electrical power supply to the machine and clamping the workpiece in the vice, theoperator starts the bladeby pressing the microswitch located onthecontrol lever; he thenmoves the head downwards in order to cut the material; after completing the cut, the cutting head returns to position ready for a new cutting cycle.
P 225 U.M. DATA
External blade diameter -- profiles / solid pieces mm 225 Diameter of internal hole mm 32 Blade thickness mm 2
Standard speed rpm 50
Head spindle motor 2--4 poles std. 2 speed kW 0.8 Maximum installed electrical power kW 0.8 Oil for lubrication/cooling liquid (concentration 5--6 %) capacity kg 0.7
Transmission box oil capacity Lt. 2.5
P 2252
This working tool has been designed to provide a simple and reliable solution to the needs of DIY enthusiasts and fitters who work with metals and require a practical and versatile machine.
The P 225, is a compact, lightweight pendulum sawing machine that can perform cuts angled by 45° to the left; these features make the P 225 a versatile and economical machine.
Congratulations on choosing the P 225. This machine will give you many years of trouble--free operation provided you follow
the instructions given in this operation and maintenance manual.
The anodized aluminium identification plate is riveted to the side of the machine.
IMPORTANT: everytimeyou contact the Servi­ce Centre make sure you quote the model, serial number and year of manufacture given on the plate.
bar bar
------ --
model air pressure
data code
oil pressure
The Rock Solid Solution
a = 640 mm
c = 370 mm
d = 710 mm
weight = 38 kg
0 degrees
55 50
45 degrees left
225 225
P 225 3
0 degrees
40 40
45 degrees left
225 225
Max. opening of cutting vice:70mm
Dimensions: HM 225x32x2mm for solid pieces and profiles
Cutting speed: standard 50 r.p.m.
Spindle motor: single phase 4 poles; 50 Hz; IP 54. Characteristics:
Voltage Volt Absorption Amp. Power kW r.p.m.
4 poles
230 5.8 0.8 1.355
Stator winding in enamelled copper class H 200° C; Insulation class F (limit temperature TL=155° C); Example of class F insulation : in air--cooled machines at a room temperature of 40° C (in accordance with CEI 2--3 and IEC 85) the admissible overtemperature is 100° C (where 100° C represents the admissible T). IP 54 protection rating (total protection against contact with live parts and against water sprayed from any direction). Complies with CEI standards, IEC publication 34 of 1 July 1985.
P 2254
CHAPTER 1 -- Functional parts of the machine
In order to gain a good understanding ofthemachine,whichwill be described in detail in the chapter ”MACHINE OPERATION”, we will look at its main units and their respective positions.
1.1 -- Cutting head
The cutting head is the unit that performs the cut and consists of acasti ron section on whichthefollowingparts are mounted: the blade,the bladesupportunits,thedrivetransmissionunitandthe spindlemotor. Thecuttinghead isfixedto theturntablebymeans of a hinge and travels downwards to perform the cut. The upwards and downward movement of the head is controlled manually by the operator.
1.2 -- Vice
Theviceistheunitthatholdstheworkpiecesteadyduringcutting; itconsistsof avicesupporton whichtheslide withthemobilejaw and the fixed jaw is mounted. The vice support is fixed to the upper section of the base.
1.3 -- Lubricant/coolant s ystem
The lubricant/coolant system consists of a membrane pump driven by a cam mechanical system located on the shaft onto which the blade is flanged.
P 225 5
CHAPTER 2 -- Safety
TheP 225hasbeendesignedandconstructedtocomplywithEu­ropean standards. It is extremely importantthat you follow the instructions given in this chapter, as they are essential for correct use of the machine.
2.1 -- Intended use of the machine
Thependulumdisc sawingmachineP 225is intendedtobeused exclusively for cutting metal profiles. The machine’s specific
characteristicsmake itunsuitablefor othertypes ofmaterial or process.
Personneltraining istheresponsibilityofthe employer,whomust inform operators about risks of accident, safety devices, risks related to noise emission and general safety precautions laid down by international directives and legislation of the country in which the machine is used. The operator must be fully aware
of the position a nd operation of all the machine’s controls. The instructions, warnings and general safety precautions
describedin thismanual mustbe followedcompletely bythe personnel using the machine.
Inaccordance withthe MACHINERYDIRECTIVE 98/37/CEEEC and subsequent supplements and amendments 91/368--93/44--93/68, the following definitions are used:
` ”Dangerzone”: anyzonewithin and/oraroundmachineryin
which an exposed person is subject to a risk to his health or safety.
` ”Exposed person”: any person wholly or partially in a
danger zone.
` ”Operator”: the person or persons given the task of instal-
ling, operating, adjusting, maintaining, cleaning, repairing or transporting machinery.
WARNING: The manufacturer is released from all civil and criminal liability if one or more parts orunitsofthemachine are tampered with and/or replaced without due authorisa­tion, or if any accessories, tools and expendable materials are used other than those recommended by the manufacturer,orifthemachine is inserted in a complex sy­stem or it is used in any way that is different from the inten­ded use.
2.2 -- General recommendations
A lack of adequate lighting for the intended type of operation couldleadto risks forthesafetyof personnel. Forthisreasonthe userofthemachinemust ensurethatsuitablelightingis provided for the working environment in order to eliminate any areas of shadow or irritating glare. (Reference standard ISO 8995--89 ”Lighting in working environments”).
On the basis of the machine’s power absorption levels given in the ”Machine specifications” tables on page 2, check that the electric and pneumatic power supply lines are able to withstand themachine’smaximum absorptionlevelsandmakeany neces­sary changes.
Theearthingsystemmustmeetprecisespecifications asprescri ­bed by the IEC STANDARD 204.
Theoperatorusingthe machine mustbeinthe position shown in the diagram below.
2.3 -- Recommendations for the operator
Always wear adequate s afety glasses.
Do not use the machine without the guards in position.
Do not place your hands or arms in the cutting zone while the machine is working or the tool is still turning.
Do not wear loose-- fitting clothing, longsleeves, gloves of the wrong size, bracelets, c hains or anything else that might get caught in the machine during operation; tie back long hair.
Always disconnect the machine from the electrical power supply before carrying out any maintenance work on the machine or changing theblade.Thisalsoapplies to operations that lie outside the normal use of the machine.
P 2256
Beforestarting tocut,makesurethatthematerial is adequately supported on both sides of the machine.
Work may be carried out on the hydraulic and pneumaticsystemsonlyafterthepressureinside them has been released.
Theoperatormustavoid operations that areun­safe or not appropriate for the job being performed (e.g. removing swarf from the machine while cutting).
Clearthecuttingareaoftools,implementsand all otherobjects;keeptheworking area ascleanas possible.
Before starting the c utting operation, make sure that the workpiece is held securely by the vice and that the machine is correctly set up. The following are examples of how different section bars can be locked on our sawing machines.
Do not use the machine for cutting workpieces that exceed the capacity stated on the technical sheet.
Do not move the machine while it is cutting.
Donot usebladeswith differentdimensionsfrom those declared in the machine specifications.
Whencuttingextremelyshort workpieces, make sure that they are not dragged behind the rest shoulder as this gives rise to a risk of the blade seizing.
When operating the saw, wear gloves only for handling material and for adjusting or changing the blade. Carryoutonlyoneoperationatatime and do not fill your hands with more than one object at the same time. Keep your hands as clean as possible.
Warning: ifthebladeseizeswhile cutting,imme­diately press the machine’s emergency stop button. If the blade does not free, open the vice slowly,removethe workpieceandcheckthat the blade and the teeth are not broken. If they are, replace the blade.
Before carrying out any repair work on the machine,contactthe Technicalservice centreor if necessary its representatives in the country in which the machine is used.
2.4 -- Machine safety devices
This operation and maintenance manual is not intended to be solely a guide to using the machine for the purposes of production, but provides instructions to ensure that it is used correctlywitha view tothesafetyof workers.Belowisa list ofthe standards prescribedbytheEECcouncilcontainedindirectives regarding the safety of machinery, safety at the workplace, personal protection and environment protection. These standards have been applied to the P 225.
2.4.1 -- Reference standards
` EEC directive no. 98/37/CE of 14.06.1989 known as the
Machinery directive”.
` EEC directives nos. 91/368;93/44;93/68 amending EEC di-
rective no. 98/37/CE regarding the safety of machinery.
` EEC directive no. 73/23 known as the ”Low tension
` EECdirectivesnos.80/1107;83/477;86/188;88/188;88/642
relating tothesafeguardingofworkersagainstrisksderiving from exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents during work.
` EEC directive no. 89/391 and Special EEC directives no.
89/654 and no. 89/655 relating to the improvement of health
and safety of workers at work.
` EEC directive no. 90/394 relating to the safeguarding of
workersagainstrisks deriving fromexposure to carcinogenic agents during work.
` EEC directives no. 77/576 and no. 79/640 regarding safety
signs at the workplace.
` EECdirectivesno.89/656 and no. 89/686 regarding theuse
of individual protective devices.
` EEC directive no. 75/442 regarding waste disposal. ` EECdirective no. 75/439 regarding the disposal of used oil.
P 225 7
2.4.2 -- Protection against accidental contact with the blade
¡ Metal blade guard fixed to the cutting head; © mobile blade guard attached to the fixed guard and the
machinebodytoensurethatthebladeiscoveredand thatonly the part of the blade engaged in cutting is left free, as prescribed by the DPR 547/55 art.108.
2.4.3 -- Electrical equipment
Inaccordance withtheItalianstandardCEI60204--1,September 1993, deriving from the European standard EN 60204--1 IEC publication 204--1, 1992:
- Accessibility to the electrical panel restricted by screws;
- earthing of all parts subject to risk of contact accidentally or
during work;
- thepower supply sectioningdevicerealisedwith a socket/plug combination in accordance with 5.3.2 sub--section c.
2.5 -- Airborne noise from the machine
Noise causes damage to hearing and is a problem that many countries tackle by laying down specific regulations. In conformity with the regulations established by the Machinery Directive98/37/CE/EEC,weherebyinformyouofthestandards prescribing the sound level threshold for machine tools. This chapterprovidesthevaluesofairbornenoiselevelsgeneratedby the P 225 in the various stages of its operation and the method used for measuring the sound level values. This situation is regulated in ITALYbytheD.M.no.277/91whichhas adopted the
Community Directives 80/1107/EEC, 82/605/EEC, 83/477/EEC, 86/188/EEC, 88/642/EEC.
2.5.1 -- Methods of measuring sound level values
The sound level measurements are carried out using an instrument called an Integrating sound level meter which serves to measure the weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level at the workplace.
The damage caused by noise depends on three factors: level, frequency distribution and duration. The concept of equivalent level L
combines the three factors so as to provide just one
simpleparameter. TheL
isbasedon theequal energyprinciple and represents the continuous stationary level with the same energycontent,expressedindBA, as the real fluctuating levelin the same period of time.
This calculation is performed automatically by the integrating sound level meter. Each measurement lasts for 60 seconds to allow the value to stabilise; the value obtained remains on the display to give the operator time to read it.
Measurements are made with the equipment held at a distance ofabout1metrefrom the machineandataheight of 1.60mfrom the operator’s workplace platform. Two measurements are made: the first while the machine is performing a manual cut without a workpiece; the second while the material is being cut manually.
2.5.2 -- Noise level values
Machine type
Band saw for metal applications
P 225
Reference standard
ISO 3746
50x15 mm pipe in FE37 steel Disc blade HSS--DMO5 Ø 225x32x2
Tes t 1
MEAN SOUND LEVEL (Leq) 101.25 dB (A)
Environmental correction (K) 2.78 dB(A) Peak sound power (Lw) 111.82 dB(A)
35 mm Ø solid tube in FE37 steel. Disc blade HSS--DMO5 Ø 225x32x2
Tes t 2
MEAN SOUND LEVEL (Leq) 93.16 dB(A)
Environmental correction (K) 2.78 dB(A) Peak sound power (Lw) 102.34 dB(A)
20 mm Ø solid tube in FE37 steel. Disc blade HSS--DMO5 Ø 225x32x2
Tes t 3
MEAN SOUND LEVEL (Leq) 89.67 dB(A)
Environmental correction (K) 2.78 dB(A) Peak sound power (Lw) 98.40 dB(A)
P 2258
2.6 -- Electromagnetic compatibility
As from 1 January 1996 all electrical and electronic appliances bearing the CE marking that are sold on the European market must conform to Directive 89/336/EEC and decree law no. 476/92 concerning electromagnetic compatibility, i.e. the compatibilityofelectrical/electronicdevicesandsystemswiththe electromagnetic environment in which they are located. The prescriptions regard two specific aspects in particular: 1 “EMISSIONS: during its operation, the appliance or system must not emit spurious electromagnetic signals of such
magnitude as to contaminate the surrounding electromagnetic environment beyond clearly prescribed limits”; 2 “IMMUNITY:the appliance or system must be able to operate correctly even when it is placed in an electromagnetic environment that is contaminated by disturbances of defined magnitude”. Thefollowingtext contains alistofthe applied standardsandthe results of the electromagnetic compatibility testing of machine model P 225; Test report no. 051200.
2.6.1 -- Emissions
` EN 55014--1 (1998) + A2 (1999) Electromagnetic Compatibility -- Requirementsforhouseholdappliances,electric tools and similar apparatus part 1: Emission -- Product family standard. ` EN 61000 -- 3 -- 2 (1995) + A1/A2 (1998) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 3: Limits -- Section 2: Limits for
harmoniccurrentemissions(equipmentinputcurrent<16 Aper phase). ` EN61000--3 --3(1995) Electromagneticcompatibility (EMC)
-- Part3:Limits -- Section 3: Limitationofvoltage fluctuations and flicker in low--voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current < 16 A.
Port Freq. (MHz) Q --- p e a k l i m i t ( d B u V ) Limit average (dBuV) Result
A.C. mains 0.15 --- 0.5
0 . 5 --- 5
5 --- 3 0
66 --- 56
(decreasing linearly with
the logarithm of the fre-
56 60
56 --- 46
(decreasing linearly with the logar-
ithm of the frequency)
46 50
Port Result
A.C. mains Not applicable
Port Limit (class) Result
A.C. mains A Pass
Port Flicker limit Result Voltage variation limit Result
A.C. mains pst = 1
plt: not applicable
Pass dc = 3%
d(t) = 200 ms
2.6.2 -- Immunity
` EN 55014 -- 2 (1998) Electromagnetic compatibility -­Requirements for Household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus Part 2: Immunity -- Product family standard.
EUT classification Result
Category I
(Apparatus containing no electronic control circuitry)
(Category 1 apparatus are deemed to fulfil the immunity
requirements without testing)
P 225 9
CHAPTER 3 -- Installing the machine
3.1 -- Unpacking the machine
Hyd--Mech uses packagingthat is appropriate for protecting the machinefromdamageduring transport right upuntilthetimeitis delivered to the customer.
The type of packaging used for the machine depends on the dimensions,weightand destination, sothecustomer will receive the machine in one of the two following ways:
-- package including pallet, straps and cardboard box with lid.
-- package with pallet, cardboard boxes (for more than one machine) and wooden crate.
In eithercase,liftthemachineusingaforklifttruck,inserting the forks at the points marked by the arrows and following the instructions given on the box.
WARNING! Do not handle the packaged machine by harnes­sing with a sling.
Beforeinstalling themachine,removethe packaging,takingcare not to cut electric cables or hydraulic hoses and using pliers, a hammer and a cutter as required. To place the machine in its working position, follow the instructions given in paragraph 3.4. The working position must be chosen taking into consideration the machine dimensions and the space required to allow the operator to perform all necessary manoeuvres to ensure his safety.
3.2 -- Check list
Before beginning to install the machine, check the standard and optional accessories provided with the machine. The standard version of the P 225 1 SPEED sawing machine is supplied com­plete with:
` pedestal with tank for coolant; ` membrane pump for lubrication and cooling of blade; ` IP 55 head control lever; ` mobile guard to cover part of blade not engaged in cutting; ` rotatinghead withscrewlocking facility toperformangled cuts; ` possibility of performing cuts from 0_ to 45° to the left; ` 1 speed single--phase electric motor; ` bag of accessories.
The bag of accessories is enclosed in the machine before packaging and contains the following accessories:
` 4, 5, 6, 10 mm Allen keys; ` rod for measured cuts; ` this operation and maintenance manual;
ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST: ` HSS DMo5/M2 D.225x32x2 circular blade for cutting solid
bars and profiles;
` 5 l can of emulsible oil.
3.3 -- Minimum requirements
The following are the minimum environmental requirements needed to ensure correct operation of the machine:
-- mainsvoltage/frequency:seevaluesgivenonthedataplate;
-- room temperature: from -- 10 to + 50 °C;
-- relative humidity: no higher than 90%;
-- room lighting: no lower than 500 Lux.
Although the machine is protected against voltage variations, good operation can only be ensured by stable
voltage, which should not vary by more than 10%.
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