HW Group Poseidon2 3266, Poseidon2 3468, Poseidon2 4002, Poseidon2 3268 User Manual

Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Poseidon2 family
Poseidon2 is a product family for use in remote monitoring and for measuring over LAN. The family consists of several product versions, designated for use in different
environments (19” rack cabinets, data centres, switchboard cabinets, ..). Specific models vary in number and types of sensors it can connect, otherwise the devices offer identical
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Table of Contents
Poseidon2 devices ............................................................................................................................. 3
Poseidon2 3266 .............................................................................................................................. 3
Poseidon2 3268 .............................................................................................................................. 3
Poseidon2 3468 .............................................................................................................................. 4
Poseidon2 4002 .............................................................................................................................. 4
Comparison of specific models ....................................................................................................... 5
Connectors description ................................................................................................................... 6
POSEIDON2: FIRST STEPS ........................................................................................ 7
Web interface of the device ............................................................................................................. 9
CONNECTING THE SENSORS ................................................................................. 18
1-Wire Bus (RJ11) sensors ........................................................................................................... 18
RS-485 (RJ45) sensors ................................................................................................................. 19
COMMON FEATURES OF POSEIDON2 FAMILY ..................................................... 20
Supported interfaces (in details)..................................................................................................... 23
Dry Contact Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 23
RJ11 – 1-Wire bus ........................................................................................................................ 24
RJ45 - RS-485 .............................................................................................................................. 27
User interface ................................................................................................................................... 33
UDP Config ................................................................................................................................... 33
WEB interface ............................................................................................................................... 34
Update Firmware ........................................................................................................................... 60
Software Applications .................................................................................................................... 61
CONNECTING POSEIDON2 TO SENSDESK PORTAL ............................................ 63
Connecting to the portal ................................................................................................................ 63
USING POSEIDON2 UNITS IN YOUR APPLICATIONS ............................................ 67
PosDamIO – Command line control .............................................................................................. 67
HWg-SDK ...................................................................................................................................... 68
Poseidon formats and interfaces ................................................................................................ .... 75
SMS – Interface description .......................................................................................................... 75
E-mail – Interface description ........................................................................................................ 76
XML – Interface description........................................................................................................... 79
Logger format ................................................................................................................................ 87
Modbus over TCP – Interface description ..................................................................................... 89
HWg-netGSM - remote SMS gateway protocol for HW group products ........................................ 91
SNMP – Interface description ........................................................................................................ 97
SNMP Trap – Interface description ............................................................................................. 101
Connectors and connections ........................................................................................................ 104
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Poseidon2 devices
Poseidon2 3266
Poseidon2 3268
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Poseidon2 3468
Poseidon2 4002
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Comparison of specific models
Ethernet 100 Mbit 100 Mbit 100 Mbit 100 Mbit
VLAN future future future future
SNMP v2/3 future future future future
Trap destinations 5 5 5 5
E-mail Destinations 5 5 5 5
SSL future future future future
SMS/ Local RS-232
SMS Destinations 5 5 5 5
Logger reccords 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000
HWg-Push protocol
IPv6 future future future future
Comm monitor
DO Local conditions
1-Wire sensors 8 8 8 16
1-Wire UNI support
RS-485 support
RS-485 sensors 24
M-BUS meters
Modbus /TCP
Email Alarm reminder
Email Periodical Status
Power Input 1 9-30V 9-30V 9-30V 9-30V
Power Input 2 -- -- 48V DC --
DI (Digital Inputs) 4 4 4 12
DO (Digital Outputs) 0 2 2 4
DO max load -- 50V/1A 230V/10A 50V/1A
Operating temperature -30-85°C -30-85°C -30-50°C -30-85°C
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Connectors description
Ethernet 100Base-T (10/100Mbit). After connecting the adapter a green "Link" LED shows correct connection and yellow "Activity" LED flashes
Green LED light shows that the device is powered-up. Power supply in range 9­30V is required, for Poseidon2 3268 it is 48V. Modules can be manufactured in PoE versions for use in specific projects
Can be used as a power supply for connected sensors and accessories. PowerOut output is directly connected to 9-30V input. Power outputs on units that require 48V can be used as a 12V/300mA power supply.
1-Wire/1-Wire UNI
Connecting HWg sensors with 1-Wire/1-Wire UNI interface. Each port can directly connect up to 60m bus. 2 Wire UNI sensors. More in chapter Connecting the sensors
RS-485 (only Poseidon2 4002)
For connecting RS-485 HWg sensors. TermA and TermB switches are used for bus termination. More in chapter Connecting the sensors
INx - Inputs for connecting dry contacts. All inputs have one common GND potential. Green LED light shows that the input is triggered.
OUTx – relay outputs with switch contacts. Clamps connected in normal state are NCx (Normally closed) + COMx (Common), NOx (Normally Open) + COMx when the relay is switched. Yellow LED light shows that an output is switched.
Alarm/Setup LED
Red LED shows the device state - Light indicates alarm state (some sensors or inputs out of their safe range), flashing indicates that the device is in TCP or Serial Setup.
DIP1/DIP2 system switches
DIP1 - Serial setup mode activation / Factory default settings switch. Factory default settings can be restored by switching the DIP1 3x within 5 seconds after connecting the power adapter. DIP2 - Safe mode - Switching the DIP activates HWg settings protection. No settings can be changed.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Poseidon2: first steps
1) Connecting the cables
Turn the unit and write down its MAC address that is printed on the label on the side.  Set the switches: DIP1=Off, DIP2=Off.  Connect the unit to the Ethernet (with a patch cable to a switch, cross-over cable to a PC), RJ-
45 port.
Plug the power adapter into a mains outlet and connect it to the Poseidon2 power input.  The green POWER LED lights up.  If the Ethernet connection works properly, the LINK LED lights up after a short while, and then
flashes whenever data are transferred (activity indication).
2) Configuring the IP address – UDP Config
UDP Config utility – root directory of the supplied CD (Windows and Linux versions).
Available for download at www.HW-group.com Software > UDP Config.
Click the icon to launch UDP Config. The program automatically looks for connected devices. Automatic device discovery works only in the local network. Individual Poseidon2 units are identified by their MAC addresses (on the label at the bottom). Double-click a MAC address to open a basic device configuration dialog.
Double click for
Poseidon2 – Family manual
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Configure the network parameters
IP address / HTTP port (80 by default) Network mask Gateway IP address for your network Device name (optional)
Click the Apply Changes button to save the settings.
Alternatively, you may use the following utilities to configure the IP address:
UDP Config for Linux
To reset the device to factory defaults, toggle DIP1 several times within 5 seconds after
applying power to the device.
No configuration changes can be stored while DIP2=On.
To change the IP address, set DIP2=Off.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
4) WWW interface of the device
To open the WWW interface of the device:
o Enter the IP address into a web browser o Click the IP address in UDP Config o Click the underlined IP address in UDP
The WWW page displays current states of devices and sensors.
Web interface of the device
General: Overview of current readings General Setup: IP address, DNS, security (user name/password)  SNMP: SNMP / SNMP Trap configuration (ports and alarm recipients)  E-mail: Configuration and test  GSM & RFID: Configuration and test in order to use a remote SMS-GW  Log & Time: Time configuration, NTP server  Portal: Connection to a remote portal system  Sensors: Device name, sensor names, status overview  Inputs: Control of inputs and alert parameters  System: Firmware upgrade, save/restore configuration, etc.
Action when value
out of range
Alarm thresholds
MIB file for SNMP
User-defined names for
sensors and digital
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
General Setup
Device name, e.g.
“First floor 1”
5 destinations for SNMP Traps
Three levels of passwords for
device security.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
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Periodic Status Settings
Periodical Status
When on, sends an e-mail with device status at the specified intervals. For example every 24 hours (1440 minutes).
Alarm reminder
When active, sends periodic reminders that the device is in the Alarm state. For example every 15 minutes.
NOTE: Configuration changes must be confirmed by clicking the Apply Changes button.
Sends a test E-mail
Inserts this text at the
beginning of the e-mail
subject line
Up to 5 recipients for
alarm e-mails
E-mail test result
1) Correct Gateway IP address
2) DNS server in network settings
3) SMTP server and port
4) Authentication turned on, correct user name and password
5) Spam filter for your mailbox is
To send e-mail, check:
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Log & Time
Press to synchronize the
time with the specified
Interval for logging
measured values
Expected size of recorded
IP address of “HWg-SMS-GW”
to use for sending text messages
Recipients' phone numbers
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Configures the communication with the portal using the HWg-Push protocol. Poseidon2 is the active side and establishes the connection periodically and/or whenever a change in a sensor value exceeds the configured AutoPush value.
The www.SensDesk.com portal connection parameters are filled in.
AutoPush configuration
Poseidon2 connects to the portal and notifies a value change whenever a change in the sensor reading exceeds the configured AutoPush value.
This configuration only applies to the communication between Poseidon2 and the online portal. Local alarm values are configured in the portal.
Enable connection to the remote portal
Message from the portal
AutoPush configuration
Click to connect to the portal
1) Correct Gateway IP address
2) DNS server in network settings
3) Correct Server Address of the portal
For portal connection, check:
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
After connecting sensors or changing RJ11 connections, sensors need to be detected again.
NOTE: Configuration changes must be confirmed by clicking the Apply Changes button.
Sensor name will be shown
in e-mails, text messages,
or SNMP traps
Sends a SNMP trap if the “Safe
Range” for this sensor is
Scans connected sensors and
displays detected sensors
Sends an E-mail if the “Safe
Range” for this sensor is
Sends a text message (SMS) if
the “Safe Range” for this sensor is
Range of allowed values. If
exceeded, alarm is signaled.
To avoid numerous false alerts (by e-mail or SMS) whenever the reading fluctuates around the threshold, you can use:
1) Hysteresis Idle Range
Tolerance band around the “Safe Range”. Prevents multiple alarm alerts.
2) Delay [s] Delays the information about alarm beginning and alarm end by a specified time. Can be used for dry contacts, too.
Tip: For details, see the complete “Poseidon family” manual.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Poseidon2 informs about alarm
activation and deactivation for each Digital Input and/or sensor.
E-mail format cannot be changed;
sensors may have custom names.
Yellow background in a line with a
sensor or an input means that the safe range is exceeded but alarm notification is off.
Connecting the inputs
NOTE: Configuration changes must be confirmed by clicking the Apply Changes button.
Enter Digital Input name,
will be shown in e-mails, text messages or SNMP
Active if On
Alarm when the contact closes (1 = On)
Active if Off
Alarm when the contact opens (0 = Off)
No Alarm
Reaction to digital inputs:
Disabled Send a SNMP Trap Send an E-mail Send a SMS
0 (Off)
1 (On)
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Pulse Timer – After clicking this option the output will switch for a defined time.
Pulse Timer = 0 function inactive Details can be found in the manual in chapters about WEB interface.
Output mode:
A) Manual
Output can be controlled using the Web interface or externally using M2M protocols. The output cannot be used in “thermostat” mode – local condition.
B) Local Condition
The output cannot be controlled over the Web, it is controlled by the local condition. The output is read-only for all M2M protocols. Hysteresis in the sensor settings applies.
Outputs cannot be controlled via web or M2M protocols in Local Condition mode.
o On if any alarm
The output is active if at least one input or sensor is in alarm.
o On if value equal to Trigger
The output is active if the selected sensor reading is equal to the “Target Value”.
o On if value higher than Trigger
The output is active if the selected sensor reading is greater than the “Target Value”.
o On if value lower than Trigger
The output is active if the selected sensor reading is less than the “Target Value”.
Choose the output mode
Manual mode: Output controlled over the WEB
or M2M protocols
Local Condition mode: Controls the output according to
the specified sensor
Enter Digital Input name,
will be shown in e-mails, text messages or SNMP
Pulse output timer [s].
Default Pulse Timer = 0 sets
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
o On if Alarm on
Output = On, if the selected sensor or input is in an Alarm state.
o Dependent On – sensor / input to which the condition applies.
Communication Monitor
This function is useful e.g. to send a warning e-mail whenever Poseidon2 ceases to be periodically monitored over SNMP or SCADA.
This function controls a virtual Digital Input that is available in Inputs as “Com Monitor 1” with an ID
of 123. If no communication took place in the specified time using the selected protocols, it sets “Com
Monitor 1” = 0 (Off).
If three protocols are selected, all 3 conditions must be met for the OK state.
Download – Retrieve the configuration from the device and store it on the PC. Upload – Send a saved configuration from the PC to the device.
NOTE: Configuration changes must be confirmed by clicking the Apply Changes button.
Uploads new firmware from
the PC
Restoring factory defaults
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Connecting the sensors
1-Wire Bus (RJ11) sensors
Connect the sensor before powering up the Poseidon - the connector
must click in.
Max distance per active port is 60m. Sensors can be daisy-chained.  Sensors can be also connected using a star topology with the T-Box
(TBox2) hub.
After any change in the connected sensors an autodetection has to be run again.
(WWW interface > Sensors > Autodetect sensors )
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
RS-485 (RJ45) sensors
Industrial bus for connecting sensors over longer distances
Connect the sensors before powering up the unit. Sensors can be daisy-chained, or connected to a virtual star using
the “S-Hub” unit.
Terminate the RS-485 line with a 120 Ω to 470 Ω terminator. Some
sensors (e.g. Temp-485) contain a built-in terminator controlled with a jumper or a DIP switch (TERM = ON). See the sensor manual.
Check or set the sensor address. Each sensor on the RS-485 bus must have an unique
address. The address (ID) is expressed as a letter (A..Z / a..z) or a number (65..122). The
numbers correspond to the ASCII codes of the letters, A=65, Z=90, a=97, z=122. More details on setting up the address in sensor manuals.
After any change in the connected sensors an autodetection has to be run again.
(WWW interface > Sensors > Autodetect sensors )
Sensors are shipped with non-conflicting addresses whenever possible. The preset address is written on the label.
Note: A particular sensor is identified by its RS-485 address. Sensors with the same
address can be swapped without the need for a new detection.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Common features of Poseidon2 family
Displayed readings options
The Poseidon2 unit displays current readings from all connected sensors. Dry contact inputs are scanned approximately every 200ms. Values from all sensors on both buses (RS-485 and 1W bus) are read in a single loop that
repeats once per second; however, the actual time needed to read the sensors may vary from 1 to 30 seconds
All values are in the “integer/10” format, range is ±999.9. A value of 999.9 is out of range for all supported sensors and indicates that the sensor was
not found.
If you have disconnected or replaced a sensor, run sensor autodetection, or remove
the sensor from the list.
When the Poseidon2 unit is overloaded with network requests (as is sometimes the
case, for example, with our public online demo), -999.9 can sometimes appear even though the sensor works properly. This is due to limited computing performance of the unit. Try to reduce the load.
Units are assigned to values automatically according to the detected sensor type. Supported
units include:
Temperature: °C, °K, °F
(please note that Safe Range thresholds can be set in °C only)
Humidity: %RH Voltage: V, current: A or mA Other units: %, etc...
Input / sensor in alarm state
Alarm state can be set independently for every input (contact) / sensor. For a sensor, “Alarm” occurs whenever the reading is outside of the specified Safe Range,
as long as alarm alerting is enabled for at least one notification method (SNMP / e-mail & SMS).
Response to a sensor being disconnected
-999.9 is displayed The value evaluates as an “Alarm” (reading out of the specified Safe Range). If alarm
alerting is enabled for the given sensor, e-mail or SNMP trap is sent.
More information about data formats, variables
identification and SDK can be found in Thorough Poseidon
family manual.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Each sensor can be calibrated by specifying a linear offset. The calibration value can be
written over XML. For calibration settings use the Calibrator utility (For download on Poseidon 2250 websites) or EX104 from HWg SDK (menu can be opened by a right-click).
Calibration value = +3 → sensor measures 0,5°C → Poseidon shows +3,5°C Calibration value = -3 → sensor measures 0,5°C → Poseidon shows -2,5°C Calibration value = -10 → sensor measures 27% RH → Poseidon shows 17% RH
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Sensor hysteresis
The Hysteresis setting defines a tolerance band for alarm alerts. This feature prevents multiple alarm alerts if the reading oscillates around the specified threshold. See the graph for an explanation.
Without a hysteresis of 5°C, the alarm raised at point 8 would end at point 9. With the hysteresis function, the alarm continues until the temperature rises above the tolerance band (point 10), that is, 5°C + (-15°C) = -10°C.
Hysteresis = 5°C: The unit sends 3 e-mails (SMS)
Alarm at points 0..4, 8..10, 12 and beyond
No hysteresis (0°C): The unit sends 8 e-mail (SMS) messages Alarm active in
points 0..1, 2..3, 8..9, 12..13, 14 and beyond
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Supported interfaces (in details)
Dry Contact Inputs
Dry contacts can be connected to the clamps. For example Door contact.
The inputs are electrically connected to the power supply.
Unconnected inputs read as “0 (Off)”. Activated inputs (closed contacts) read as
1 (On)”, resistance against the Common pin must not exceed 500Ω.
Connection parameters:
Maximum wiring length: 50 m  Supported sensors: Any contact without external voltage (dry contact)  Per-input alarm settings:
o Alarm inactive o Alarm when the contact is opened or closed o Alarm whenever the contact is open
Possible alarm responses: Common setting for all inputs
o No response o Alarm alert sent as a SNMP trap o Alarm alert sent by e-mail or text message (SMS) o Alarm alert sent as a SNMP trap as well as by e-mail or SMS
Polling period: 800 ms  Range of sensor IDs: Inputs use ID addresses from 1 to 9  Sensor names: Sensors can be named using up to 12 characters  Disconnected sensor detection: None, disconnected sensor reads as “O (Off)”.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
RJ11 – 1-Wire bus
Digital bus from company Dallas Semiconductor, each sensor has its own unique ID.
We recommend to keep the total wiring length under 60m, although functionality has been achieved over tens to hundreds of meters in experimental settings.
If the wiring connected to one connector of the Poseidon2 unit is longer than approximately 60m, we cannot guarantee error-free operation, as it greatly depends on the actual wiring implementation, topology and environment.
Active / Passive 1W port
Active is RJ11 connector on a Poseidon2 device. Full max length
and power supply is guaranteed for all 1-Wire UNI/1-Wire sensors. If you move a connected sensor from one active port to another, the sensor will be shown as disconnected. After connecting, run sensor autodetection again.
Passive port is an RJ11 connector on T-Hub or an RJ11 connector on a sensor (for daisy-chaining). Cannot guarantee full length and power supply for following sensors. Power supply issues can be resolved by using 1-Wire hub Power.
1-Wire UNI (RJ11)
1-Wire UNI is a software extension of 1-Wire bus.
1-Wire UNI sensors:
o Illumination sensor o Sensor 4-20mA o Sensor 0-60V (-48V DC) o Sensor 0-30A AC o >> More sensors
Maximum wiring length: 60 meters total length per each active RJ11 port
Note: Length can be limited by some 1-Wire UNI sensors or by using more RJ11 male-female connectors.
Power to sensors: 5V/20 mA from RJ11 connectors (can be boosted by "1-
Wire hub Power")
Other parameters are identical with 1-Wire
1 - Not used
Transmit Data
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
1-Wire (UNI) bus
Supported sensors: Only new sensors supplied by HW group 1-Wire UNI: Software extension "UNI" show other than temperature or
humidity sensors.
Communication cable: 4-wire phone cable Polling period: 800 to 10 seconds Sensor address assignment: Automatic, each sensor has a unique address Disconnected sensor detection: Yes, disconnected sensors read as “-999.9” Alarm if sensor is disconnected: If the sensor is set to alarm whenever its reading is outside
of the safe range, disconnection triggers the alarm
1-Wire bus accessories
o Poseidon T-Box - Hub for 5 1-Wire / 1-Wire UNI sensors o 1-Wire hub Power (photo) - hub + additional power supply for 8 1-Wire /
1-Wire UNI sensors
o Poseidon T-Box2 (photo) - Hub for 2 1-Wire / 1-Wire UNI sensors
Remember: All 1Wire bus sensors have their unique serial numbers. These are stored with
sensor names during autodetection and expressed using the sensor IDs. If you change the sensors on the bus, you must re-run Autodetection in the Flash SETUP.
Special accessories for the 1Wire bus
1-Wire hub Power – Power booster + Hub for 8 sensors
1x Input: 1-Wire bus 1x input: 12VDC power 8x output: 1-Wire bus Compatible with
1-Wire and 1-Wire UNI bus.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
HW group
Poseidon T-Box2 – Hub for 2 sensors
Cable length: 1m Maximum number of connected sensors: 2 Connectors: RJ11 Bus type: 1-Wire bus
Poseidon T-Box – Hub for 5 sensors
Cable length: 10cm Maximum number of connected sensors: 5 Connectors: RJ11 Bus type: 1Wire bus
Poseidon Spider – Bridges 1-Wire bus to RS-485
The Spider unit connects to the Poseidon2 over the Industrial
bus (RS-485)
Spider unit can connect 4 sensors over 1-Wire bus Spider supports ONLY sensors for temperature, humidity and
dry contact inputs.
Each sensor is connected to a separate connector and may be
located up to 25m away.
Maximum number of connected sensors: 4x 1-Wire
Sensor types: 1-Wire bus (1-Wire) (Does not support 1-Wire UNI) Connects to: RS-485
Caution: The Poseidon2 unit warranty explicitly excludes failures caused by connecting
sensors made by other manufacturers or with excessively long wiring.
Poseidon2 – Family manual
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RJ45 - RS-485
The RS-485 bus can be used to connect up to 31 sensors over up to 1000m, even in industrial environments. For convenience and ease of use, TP cables and RJ45 modular jacks are used to wire the RS485 industrial bus.
The RS-485 bus uses the blue pair of wires (pins 4 and 5), labeled A and B. The brown pair (pins 7, 8) is used to supply 12V to power the sensors.
If you use the S-Hub unit and the B-Cable module, the green pair of wires (pins 3, 6) is used for the return RS-485 connection. The green pair of wires is not connected at the Poseidon2 4002 unit.
Maximum wiring length: Up to 1000m in total Supported sensors: temperature, humidity, current, voltage sensors and others (more in
Sensors overview in our product list)
Number of sensors on the RS-485 bus: Up to 31 physical
Power: 12V/120 mA, available at the RJ45 jack. Power supplied
by the bus is sufficient for up to 3 external sensors, an S-Hub can be added to power more sensors
Communication cable: Twisted 2-wire UTP, eventually 4-wire
phone cable
Alarm settings: Monitoring of the measured values (SafeRange) Polling period: 800 ms to 10 s (depending on the number of sensors, 10 seconds for 41
Sensor address assignment: Manual, each sensor must have a unique address (see
sensor manual)
Range of sensor IDs: Sensors use IDs from 48 to 122, the address corresponds to the
ASCII code of 0..9, A..Z, a..z characters.
Disconnected sensor detection: Yes, disconnected sensors read as “-999.9” Alarm if sensor is disconnected: If the sensor is set to alarm whenever its reading is
outside of the safe range, disconnection triggers the alarm
General RS-485 characteristics
Maximum wiring length 1000 m Up to 32 devices on the bus (Poseidon unit + 31 sensors) High resistance to noise in industrial environments Daisy chain topology is necessary (as opposed to star topology) Each device must have a unique address Wire polarity must be respected Line must be terminated at the beginning and at the end
Port 1 – RJ45
Not used
Not used
485 B return
B (-)
A (+)
485 A return
Poseidon2 – Family manual
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RS-485 termination on the side of Poseidon2 Poseidon2 4002 units are equipped with two
DIP switches (TermA and TermB) for RS-485 bus termination.
Poseidon2 4002 at the start of RS-485 line
Poseidon2 4002 in the middle of RS-485 line
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Termination of RS-485 bus
The RS-485 bus must be terminated at its end. The following options are available:
Internal jumper on certain sensors (jumper named TERM or TERMINATOR) – for example
Temp-485 or HTemp-485
B-Cable adapter with “LAST” configuration selected using the switches By an external resistor for sensors that do not have clamp connector or a DIP switch
(Temp-485-Pt100). Terminate the RS-485 with an external resistor at the end of the bus (connect the resistor between clamps A and B on the last sensor).
Value of this resistor is 120Ω. For short wirings, 470 Ω can be used to reduce the current
consumption of the sensors.
Note: A disadvantage is that it is necessary to have a wiring topology with a single beginning and a single, terminated end, as opposed to the popular star topology with a single
interconnection point.
Special accessories for the RS-485 bus
B-Cable - RJ45 / 4-wire connection
The B-Cable module is an adapter that converts a RJ45 jack connection to a block of 4 terminals A,B,+,–.
Some of the available RS-485 sensors already have a RJ45 jack; however, some only have 4 terminals labeled A,B,+,- . Such sensors can be connected to the Poseidon 1250 unit or to an S-Hub using either a TP cable (4 or 6 wires) or the B-Cable module.
The 4-wire connection
length should not exceed 20 cm.
Sensor position on the RS-
485 bus (MIDDLE / LAST) is selected with jumpers; see the picture for details.
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Sensor RJ45 MIDDLE cable
RS-485 cable, 0.5m, RJ45/4 pins. Connects 4 terminals (A, B, +, - ) to a RJ45 modular jack (uses 3 pairs).
This cable is used to connect all sensors except for the last one in the chain. Sensors connected with this table must not
terminate the RS-485 bus.
Sensor RJ45 LAST cableRS-485 cable,
0.5m, RJ45/4 pins. Connects 4 terminals (A, B, +, - ) to a RJ45 modular jack (2 pairs only).
This cable is used to connect the last sensor in the chain.
The sensor connected with this cable MUST TERMINATE the RS-485 bus in one of the following ways:
Equipped with an external 120Ω resistor Jumper or DIP switch at the sensor set to TERM=ON For other options, see the sensor manual
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