IP WatchDog2
Lite / Industrial
Monitor of Ethernet devices with automatic reset function
Shipment contents
Complete package of IP Watchdog2 contains the following items:
IP WatchDog2 in mechanical design according to ordering no.
Printed Manual
Power adaptor
Ethernet cable
Safety at work
The device complies with the standards in force in the Czech Republic, is operationally tested and is
supplied in a serviceable condition. To keep the device in this state, it is necessary to follow the
requirements on safety and maintenance of the device.
The device must not be used if:
It is visibly damaged.
Is not working properly.
There are loose parts inside the device
Been exposed to moisture or water.
It was repaired by unauthorized persons.
The power adaptor or its power cord are visibly damaged.
Manufacturer has responsibility of the device only if it is powered by the supplied or recommended
power supply.
Default network parameters configuration:
IP address:
Network mask
Default gateway:
IP configuration via DHCP Enabled
User name: Not set
User name: Not set
IP WatchDog2 Lite / Industrial
Monitored functions and parameters
IP range – range of IP addresses defined by IP and mask, from which the
receiving PING can be accepted.
Timeout delay for reboot – time interval, in range from 0-1800 s ( 0
=disabled),that IP WatchDog2 waits for incoming PING before causing
Primary target IP – primary IP address where IP Watchdog2 sends the
PING and from which it awaits reply.
Secondary target IP – secondary IP address where IP WatchDog2 sends
the PING and from which it awaits reply, if primary target does not responds.
Quantity of failed ping for reboot – number of PINGs, that IP WatchDog2
assumes for lost before causing RESET.
Outgoing ping interval – interval between sent PINGs in range of 0-1800s
(0 =disabled).
Incoming HTML
(WWW client)
Server IP – IP address where IP WatchDog2 requires HTML page from.
Timeout delay for reboot – time interval, in range from 0-1800 s ( 0
=disabled), for this time IP WatchDog2 awaits for an request for a HTML
page, then RESET is performed.
Reading HTML page period – interval between demands for WWW pages
in range 0-1800 s ( 0 = disabled).
Outgoing HTML
(WWW server)
Request Page – address of HTML page offered to monitored device.
Provides number for further processing of canal and information about
acceptable IP address and IP address client, whose required page.
Device IP – IP address of WWW monitored client, from which the request
for releasing the HTML page is accepted.
Timeout delay for reboot - interval in range from 0-1800 s ( 0 = disabled ),
for this time IP WatchDog2 awaits for an request for a HTML page, then
RESET is performed.
Incoming RS232
(IP WatchDog2
Industrial only)
Incoming string – string in format ASCII, HEX or DEC awaits on port RS-
232 (* represents random sign).
Timeout delay for reboot – interval v rozsahu 0-1800 s ( 0 = disabled ), for
this time IP WatchDog2 awaits for an request for a HTML page, then
RESET is performed.
Technical parameters IP WatchDog2 Lite
RJ45 (10BASE-T / 100BASE-Tx)
Ethernet: Version 2.0/IEEE 802.3
5 to 95 % (non-condensing)
+ Mechanical construction
Metal, table construction With external wall bracket, DIN rail or Rack
FCC Part 15, Class B, CE - EN 55022, EN 55024, EN 61000
Main device power input (typically 250 mA) + Power Out
Jack (barrel, inner 2.5 mm outer 6.3 mm),
Terminal Block
Max. Power Adaptor minus 250mA or 1000mA
Technical parameters IP WatchDog2 Industrial
RJ45 (10BASE-T / 100BASE-Tx)
Ethernet: Version 2.0/IEEE 802.3
Serial port 1 - Channel 1
adjustable in range 50..115200 Bd
Serial port 2 - Channel 2
Not full serial port - RxD on pin 8 only!
adjustable in range 50..115200 Bd
5 to 95 % (non-condensing)
+ Mechanical construction
Plastic, mountable on wall or DIN rail
FCC Part 15, Class B, CE - EN 55022, EN 55024, EN 61000
Main device power input (typically 250 mA)
Jack (barrel, inner 2.5 mm outer 6.3 mm),
Terminal Block
Connectors of the IP WatchDog2 Lite
Individual connectors and control elements as well as connection of the relays is shown on the
picture below:
Power (Green) - lights, if connected and the device is working
Status (Yellow) - blinks when signal is accepted from the monitored device, blinking quickly
when being upgraded
Alarm (Red) - lights, if some of device is unavailable and IP WatchDog2 is performing reset
Channel1/Channel2 - lights when channel is switched (reset or manual switch)
DIP switches
Setup - is used to reset the device to the default configuration, if switched when the power
supply is
Safe - for manufacturer purposes only
Outputs Channel1 / Channel2
Terminal board description
In the idle state this pin contains power supply of the IP Watchdog2 - axis of the power
In Reset mode this pin contains power supply of the IP Watchdog2 - axis of the power
Negative pole of the supply voltage. Is connected directly to GND.
In Idle state this pin is connected with the appropriate COM pin
In Reset state this pin is connected with the appropriate COM pin
Common pin - in case of switching contacts connected to relay housing
PF / PO Powered outputs usage
Connectors of the IP WatchDog2 Industrial
Individual connectors and control elements as well as connection of the relays is shown on the
picture below:
Power (Green) - lights, if connected and the device is working
Status (Yellow) - blinks when signal is accepted from the monitored device, blinking quickly
when being upgraded
Alarm (Red) - lights, if some of device is unavailable and IP WatchDog2 is performing reset
Channel1/Channel2 - lights when channel is switched (reset or manual switch)
DIP switches
Setup - is used to reset the device to the default configuration, if switched when the power
supply is
Safe - for manufacturer purposes only
Outputs Channel1 / Channel2
Description terminal board
In Idle state this pin is connected with the appropriate COM pin
In Reset state this pin is connected with the appropriate COM pin
Common pin - in case of switching contacts connected to relay housing
Clear to Send, (Receive
Data) 8
First steps
In this chapter you will learn how to connect the IP WatchDog2 easily to your PC or company
network, setting it up and putting it into service.
Device connection
The following procedure is recommended for quick setup of the device. Detailed description of all
parameters and commands can be found in chapter called "Parameters description".
Cable connection
Set switches from DIP1 and DIP2 into OFF position.
Connect IP WatchDog2 to the Ethernet 10/100 Mbit network.
Connect the supplied power adaptor to power grid and plug the connector of the power adaptor
into power connector of the IP relay. The Power LED indicator should light up.
If the Ethernet connection is OK, the LINK indicator should light up.