Huvitz HDR-700 User manual

------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
Operator’s Manual
Digital Refractor HDR-7000
This product may malfunction due to electromagnetic waves caused by portable personal telephones, transceivers, radio-controlled toys, etc. Be sure to avoid having objects such as, which affect this product, brought near the product.
The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely accurate at the time of publication. HUVITZ assumes no responsibility, however, for possible errors or omissions, or for any consequences resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
HUVITZ reserves the right to make changes in its products or product specifications at any time and without prior notice, and is not required to update this documentation to reflect such changes.
© 2008 HUVITZ Co., Ltd. 689-3, Geumjeong-dong, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, 435-862, Republic of Korea
All rights are reserved. Under copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of HUVITZ Co., Ltd.
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 10
1.1. Outline of the Instrument .................................................................................10
1.2. Classification ................................................................................................... 11
1.3. Certification ..................................................................................................... 11
Safety Information.............................................................................................12
2.1. Introduction......................................................................................................12
2.2. Safety Symbols................................................................................................13
2.3. Environment Factors........................................................................................ 14
2.4. Safety Precaution ............................................................................................16
Features.. ........................................................................................................... 20
Notes for Using the Instrument ........................................................................22
5.1. Digital Refractor...............................................................................................23
5.1.1. Detail Explanation....................................................................................24
5.2. Junction Box (JB) ............................................................................................ 25
5.2.1. Detail Explanation....................................................................................26
5.3. Operation Panel (OP) ...................................................................................... 27
5.3.1. Detail Explanation: Front side..................................................................28
5.3.2. Detail Explanation: Rear side...................................................................29
5.4. Various Accessories.........................................................................................30
5.4.1. Accessories for Digital Refractor..............................................................30
5.4.2. Accessories for Operation Panel and Junction Box..................................31
5.4.3. Optional accessories................................................................................32
5.5. System Installation...........................................................................................33
Basic Operations ...............................................................................................34
6.1. Operation of the Keypad Buttons .....................................................................34
6.2. Operation of the Touch Screen Buttons............................................................45
Menu Selection ..................................................................................................51
7.1. Test Result.......................................................................................................52
7.2. System Config .................................................................................................59
7.3. Edit program....................................................................................................60
7.4. Edit Test...........................................................................................................61
7.5. Edit Message...................................................................................................62
7.6. Gallery.............................................................................................................63
Configuring the System ....................................................................................64
8.1. Button operations.............................................................................................65
8.2. Description of Options......................................................................................67
8.2.1. Page 1 - LENS & DATA MANIPULATION (1)............................................67
8.2.2. Page 2 - LENS & DATA MANIPULATION (2)............................................68
8.2.3. Page 3 – TEST & DATA MANIPULATION (1)...........................................70
8.2.4. Page 4 – TEST & DATA MANIPULATION (2)...........................................72
8.2.5. Page 5 - TEST ENVIRONMENT ..............................................................74
8.2.6. Page 6 - PRINT OPTION.........................................................................75
Editing User-Designable Program & Test.........................................................78
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9.1. Editing User-Designable Program.................................................................... 78
9.2. Editing User-Designable Unit Test ................................................................... 89
10. Editing Messages ..............................................................................................96
10.1. Introduction......................................................................................................96
10.2. How to Use Virtual Keyboard...........................................................................97
10.3. Editing Program Name ..................................................................................101
10.4. Editing Test Name ......................................................................................... 102
10.5. Editing Guide Message.................................................................................. 103
10.6. Editing Shop Name........................................................................................105
11. Examination Modes.........................................................................................106
11.1. Why Examination Mode is Important?............................................................ 108
11.1.1. Scenario ................................................................................................ 108
11.2. Data Duplication ............................................................................................ 111
11.3. Warnings on Mode......................................................................................... 112
11.4. Measuring Near and Far Vision ..................................................................... 113
11.5. Other Temporal Examination Modes.............................................................. 116
11.5.1. PRESET Mode ...................................................................................... 116
11.5.2. AUX OFF Mode..................................................................................... 117
11.5.3. ADD OFF Mode..................................................................................... 118
11.5.4. PRISM OFF Mode ................................................................................. 119
12. Standard Program & Functions ...................................................................... 120
12.1. Starting the System-Providing STANDARD Program .....................................120
12.1.1. Adjustment of the SPH-CYL-AXIS Values for Right Eye......................... 121
12.1.2. Jackson Cross Cylinder Test(AXIS) for Right Eye ..................................122
12.1.3. Jackson Cross Cylinder Test(CYL) for Right Eye....................................123
12.1.4. Red/Green Test for Right Eye ................................................................124
12.1.5. Checking The Visual Acuity for Right Eye...............................................125
12.1.6. Adjustment of the SPH-CYL-AXIS Values for Left Eye ...........................126
12.1.7. Jackson Cross Cylinder Test(AXIS) for Left Eye.....................................126
12.1.8. Jackson Cross Cylinder Test(CYL) for Left Eye......................................127
12.1.9. Red-Green Test for Left Eye...................................................................127
12.1.10. Checking The Visual Acuity for Left Eye.................................................127
12.1.11. Balancing Binocular Vision.....................................................................127
12.1.12. Checking The Visual Acuity for Binocular Vision.....................................128
12.1.13. Horizontal Coincidence Test at Far.........................................................129
12.1.14. Vertical Coincidence Test at Far.............................................................129
12.1.15. Near Addition Test with Fused Cross Cylinder Lenses............................130
12.1.16. Near Visual Acuity Test ..........................................................................131
12.1.17. Near Horizontal/Vertical Von Graefe Test ...............................................132
13. System-Providing Unit Tests...........................................................................134
13.1. Near Visual Acuity Test ..................................................................................137
13.2. Near Point of Convergence Test ....................................................................137
13.3. Near Point of Accommodation Test ................................................................139
13.4. Near Addition Test with Fused Cross Cylinder Lenses ...................................140
13.5. Negative Relative Accommodation Test .........................................................142
13.6. Positive Relative Accommodation Test...........................................................143
13.7. Negative Relative Convergence Test .............................................................145
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13.8. Positive Relative Convergence Test...............................................................146
13.9. Cylinder Axis Test ..........................................................................................148
13.10. Cylinder Power Test.......................................................................................150
13.11. Red/Green Test ............................................................................................. 151
13.12. Jackson Cross Cylinder Test.......................................................................... 152
13.13. Dual Cross Cylinder Test ...............................................................................154
13.14. Cross Grid Test for Distance ..........................................................................156
13.15. Dominant Eye Test for Phoria ........................................................................ 158
13.16. Horizontal Maddox Test .................................................................................158
13.17. Vertical Maddox Test...................................................................................... 160
13.18. Polarized Binocular Balance Test...................................................................162
13.19. Polarized Red/Green Test.............................................................................. 164
13.20. Worth 4 Dots Test ..........................................................................................166
13.21. Schober Test .................................................................................................168
13.22. Horizontal Von Graefe Test ............................................................................ 170
13.23. Vertical Von Graefe Test ................................................................................ 173
13.24. Horizontal Coincidence Test...........................................................................174
13.25. Vertical Coincidence Test............................................................................... 176
13.26. Polarized Cross Test......................................................................................178
13.27. Polarized Cross Test with Fixation Point ........................................................ 180
13.28. Stereo Test ....................................................................................................184
13.29. Minute Stereo Test.........................................................................................185
14. Examination Results and Printout.................................................................. 188
14.1. How to Print................................................................................................... 188
14.2. Print on the Paper..........................................................................................189
14.3. Print on the Screen........................................................................................196
15. Maintenance.....................................................................................................197
15.1. Replacing Printing Paper ...............................................................................197
15.2. Replacing Fuse..............................................................................................198
15.3. Cleaning ........................................................................................................199
15.4. Storage..........................................................................................................199
15.5. Disposal.........................................................................................................200
16. Troubleshooting...............................................................................................201
16.1. Digital Refractor doesn’t work at all................................................................201
16.2. Refractor Body makes noisy sound while performing power-on self-test ........201
16.3. Operation Panel displays empty screen .........................................................201
16.4. Operation Panel doesn’t print out...................................................................201
16.5. Chart presenting device doesn’t respond to Operation Panel.........................202
16.6. Transferred measurement from auto ref/keratometer or auto lensmeter are not
received by Operation Panel......................................................................................202
16.7. All the polarization tests are not working ........................................................203
17. Specifications ..................................................................................................204
18. Components And Options...............................................................................206
18.1. Standard Package Components.....................................................................206
18.2. Optional interface Package............................................................................208
19. Service Information .........................................................................................209
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
1. Introduction
1.1. Outline of the Instrument
The HUVITZ Digital Refractor HDR-7000 system is a computerized auto refractor used for subjective refraction by regarding the patient’s accommodation power and facilities. Also the Digital Refractor is used for detecting and measuring any anomalies in binocular vision such as muscle balance, binocular balance, aniseikonia, fusion, and stereopsis. The subjective refraction can be practiced on the basis of objective refraction that is done by using an Auto Ref/Keratometer(RK) connected to Digital Refractor. The examiner can do their optometric practice in pretty short period of time with ease with the aid of fully integrated and automated Digital Refraction System where every instrument for the refraction is interfaced and controlled by one touch of button on the Digital Refractor.
HDR-7000 system includes a refractor body, an operation panel, and a junction box.
The refractor body has more than a hundred lenses and serves as an automatic lens-loading unit. It is connected to the operation panel via the junction box and is controlled by the operation panel.
The operation panel is the main controller of HDR-7000 system. It controls the refractor body, chart-presenting device, and also receives data transmitted from Auto Ref/Keratometer(RK), Auto Lensmeter(LM), or a PC interfaced with Digital Refraction System. And also it has a built-in thermal printer with it.
The junction box serves as a power supply to the Digital Refractor and the Operation Panel. And it provides communication ports for interfaced instruments such as Chart Projector or Auto Ref/Keratometer.
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
1.2. Classification
Classification Under the Provision if 93/42/EEC (MDD): Class I
Protection Against Electrical Shock: Class I
Applied Parts: Type B applied parts.
Protection against harmful ingress of water: Ordinary, IPX0
Degree of safety in the presence of a flammable anesthetics mixture with air
or with oxygen or with nitrous oxide: Not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetics mixture with air or with oxygen or with nitrous oxide.
Mode of Operation: Continuous
1.3. Certification
(This applies only to the instrument that has the certification symbol printed explicitly on the product label.)
2. Safety Information
2.1. Introduction
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. The safe use of this equipment is largely dependent upon the installer, user, operator, and maintainer. It is imperative that personnel study and become familiar with this entire manual before attempting to install, use, clean, service or adjust this equipment and any associated accessories. It is paramount that the instructions contained in this manual are fully under stood and followed to enhance safety to the patient and the user/operator. It is for this reason that the following safety notices have been placed appropriately within the text of this manual to highlight safety related information or information requiring special emphasis. All user, operators, and maintainers must be familiar with and pay particular attention to all warning and cautions incorporated herein.
“Warning” indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage if ignored.
“Note” describes information for the installation, operation, or maintenance of which is important but hazard related if ignored.
“Caution” indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in minor injury, or property damaged if ignored.
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2.2. Safety Symbols
The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) has established a set of symbols for medical electronic equipment, which classify a connection or warn of any potential hazard. The classifications and symbol s are shown below.
Save these instructions
High voltage.
Type B Isolated patient connection.
This symbol identifies a safety note. Ensure you understand
the function of this control before using it. Control function is
described in the appropriate User’s or Service Manual.
Manufactured by xxxx (year).
Identifies the point where the system safety ground is
fastened to the chassis. Protective earth connected to
conductive parts of Class I equipment for safety purposes.
2.3. Environment Factors
Avoid the following environments for operation or storage:
Where th e eq uip ment is expos ed t o wat er vapor. Don ’t operat e eq uipment wit h a wet hand .
Where th e eq uip ment is expos ed t o d ir ec t sun li gh t.
Where th e temperatu re chan ges extreme ly. Normal operatin g t emperatur e rang e is fro m 1 0 to 40 , Humidi ty i s from 30 % to 75 %.
Where it i s near th e heat eq uipment .
Where the humid it y i s extr emely hi gh or t here is a ventilat io n probl em.
Where the equipm en t i s subject t o exc es si ve shocks or vibrations .
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
Where eq uipment is exposed to chemica l mater ia l o r explosiv e ga s.
Be caref ul n ot to b e inser ted dust, especi al ly, m etal.
Don ’t d isass emble the p roduct or open. We aren’t resp on sible for it f or no th ing.
Be care fu l not to clos e th e fan loc at ed on the lat eral or rea r sid e of the eq uipment.
Don ’t plug t he AC power cord into the out let bef or e the connecti on between dev ices of the e q u ip me nt i s c o m pl et ed . Thi s can gen erate the d efect.
Pull out th e pow er cord with holding the plug, no t the cord.
Avoid places where the ambient temperature falls below 10 or exceeds 40 for normal operation, or below –10 or exceeds 40(14-104) for transportation and
storage. Humidity should be maintained between 30 and 75% for normal operation, transportation and storage. Avoid environments where the equipment is exposed to excessive shocks or vibrations.
2.4. Safety Precaution
This equipment has been developed and tested according to safety standards as well as national and international standards. This guarantees a very high degree of safety for this device. The legislator expects us inform the user expressively about the safety aspects in dealing with the device. The correct handling of this equipment is imperative for its safe operation. Therefore, please read carefully all instructions before switching on this device. For more detailed information, please contact our Customer Service Department or one of our authorized representatives.
1. This equipment must not be used (a) in an area that is in danger of explosions and (b) in the presence of flammable, explosive, or volatile solvent such as alcohol, benzene or similar chemicals.
2. Do not put or use this device in humid rooms. Humidity should be maintained between 30 and 75% for normal operation. Do not expose the device to water splashes, dripping water, or sprayed water. Do not place containers containing fluids, liquids, or gases on top of any electrical equipment or devices.
3. The equipment must be operated only by, or under direct supervision of a properly trained and qualified person.
4. Modifications of this equipment may only be carried out by Huvitz’s service technicians or other authorized persons.
5. Customer maintenance of this equipment may only be performed as stated in the Operator’s Manual and Service Manual. Any additional maintenance may only be performed by Huvitz’s service technicians or other authorized persons.
6. The manufacturer is only responsible for effects on safety, reliability, and performance of this equipment when the following requirements are fulfilled: (1) The electrical installation in the respective room corresponds to the specifications stated in this manual and (2) This equipment is used, operated, and maintained according to this manual and Service Manual.
7. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by unauthorized tampering
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with the device(s). Such tampering will forfeit any right to claim under warranty.
8. This equipment may only be used together with accessories supplied by Huvitz. If the customer makes use of other accessories, use them only if their safe usability under technical aspect has been proved and confirmed by Huvitz or the manufacturer of the accessory.
9. Only the person who has undergone proper training and instructions is authorized to install, use, operate, and maintain this equipment.
10. Keep the Operator’s Manual and Service Manual in a place easily accessible at all times for persons operating and maintaining the equipment.
11. Do not force cable connections. If a cable does not connect easily, be sure that the connector (plug) is appropriate for the receptacle (socket). If you cause any damage to a cable connector(s) or receptacle(s), let the damage(s) be repaired by an authorized service technician.
12. Please do not pull on any cable. Always hold on to the plug when disconnect cables.
13. This equipment may be used for the international application related to Visual Acuity Test, Astigmatism Test, Phoria Test, Stereo Vision Test according to this manual.
14. Before every operation, visually check the equipment for exterior mechanical damage(s) and for proper function.
15. Do not cover any ventilation grids or slits.
16. Immediately turn off and unplug any equipment that gives off smoke, sparks, strange noises, or odors.
17. Battery Serving: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
18. "Use only with Huvitz Co., Ltd. Model Digital Refractor HDR-7000(JB) Power supply" when Operating the HDR-7000 and HDR-7000(OP).
19. For Instruments with 115 or 230 input Voltage Switch, be sure to set the input­voltage switch to the voltage of the area where the instruments is being used. Otherwise, it may result in fire or electric shock.
20. Be sure to disconnect power cord before connecting or disconnecting the cables (especially cables from HDR-7000(JB) to refractor body). Otherwise, the cable may be damaged, which may result in fire or electric shock on the circuitry.
21. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to other devices in the vicinity. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to other devices, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving device
- Increase the separation between the equipment
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the other device(s) are connected
- Consult the manufacturer or field service technician for help
22. "External equipment intended for connection to signal input, signal output or other connectors, shall comply with relevant IEC standard (e.g., IEC 60950 for IT equipment and IEC 60601 series for medical electrical equipment). In addition, all such combinations - systems - shall comply with the standard IEC 60601-1-1, Safety requirements for medical electrical systems. Any person who connects external equipment to signal input, signal output or other connectors has formed at system and is therefore responsible for the system to comply with the requirements of IEC60601-1-1. If, in doubt, contact qualified technician or your local representative." (Or some cases, for example LCD Monitor, "This device is intended to connect to the medical device only, which complies with standards of IEC 60601 series.")
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
23. Do not touch signal input/signal output and patient simultaneously (example, Ref. Body and OP connectors of DIGITAL REFRACTOR HDR-7000, RS-232C of DIGITAL REFRACTOR HDR-7000(OP) and connectors of Converter Box).
Digital Refractor is heavy, so please fix it on the unit table not to be moved. Otherwise, heavy equipment crash to fall examinee. As a result, examinee may be hurt.
To perform automatic POST (Power on Self Test), Digital Refractor moves left and right side, To avoid injury of examinee, please keep examinee from Digital Refractor at least 20cm or more during POST initialization.
Do not place your hand or finger between the left and the right side of Digital Refractor. Also ensure that the examinee does not place his/her hand or fingers there either. Otherwise, hand or fingers may be hurt.
Digital Refractor HDR-7000(JB) does NOT support rack installation nor wall­mount installation. Any other device for Digital Refractor HDR-7000(JB) installation should be compliant with relevant IEC standard.
Do NOT use 200-240 Vac power input for HDR-7000(JB) in the region of North America under the authority of UL.
3. Features
1. Using standard protocol CAN, all appliances are connected by daisy-chain line. As a result, HDR-7000 system makes office environment more clean and modest.
2. Because 1 or more(up to 8) HDR-7000 system and 1 or more(up to 4 each) LM/RK are connected without any additional equipment, high utilization and low cost can be achieved.
3. Compatibility between Huvitz products enables to manage patients’ data more easily. For example, not only S/C/A value but also KER, PD data are gathered automatically from RK. Also S/C/A value, prism, additional power data are gathered automatically from LM. All of these data are presetting to the HDR­7000 system without manual control.
4. HDR-7000 system supports near PD (48~80mm) and near working distance (50~74cm), so you can execute perfect near vision tests.
5. Separated Dual Cross Cylinder lens and automatic occlusion during lens change makes more accurate test result.
6. For accurate Phoria and Strabismus test, HDR-7000 system support prism measurement by 0.1D unit up to 20D unit. Also automatic occlusion during prism change minimizes the examinee’s eye adaptation.
7. On-line guide assist examiners to finish test fast and convenient.
8. To analyze result at a glance, HDR-7000 system supports table and graphic result display facilities.
9. Built-in high-speed printer saves additional space to install printer equipments and prints test results extremely fast.
10. PRESET faculty defers physical lens change until all the necessary lenses are
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
properly set at any states.
11. HDR-7000 system supports wide visual acuity up to 40’
12. Touch Screen supports various functions of the Operation Panel by using touch-pen with ease.
13. Dialog-driven menu and simple function keys make it easy to access complicated faculties. In addition, using [SHIFT] or [ALT] key combinations, various options and faculties are easily accessed and executed.
14. To escape from the previous dialog as fast and convenient as possible, [ESC] key is supported.
15. For professional examiners, 18 visual acuity tests, 24 monocular/binocular balance tests, 35 user defined unit tests are supported. Also a Standard and 10 user-definable pre-programmed sequences are supported.
16. The CDR-MATE program running on a PC which supports PC-connectivity and PC-style printer interface is optional.
17. Various binocular balance tests and phoria tests are supported. Advanced graphical guide systems for such complicated tests are also available.
4. Notes for Using the Instrument
1. Do not hit or drop the instrument. The instrument may be damaged if it receives a strong impact. The impact can damage the function of this instrument. So handle with care.
2. Install this instrument on a level, stabilized table with no vibration to keep it normal state.
3. Exposure to direct sunlight or very bright indoor lights can influence the results of measurements.
4. If you want to connect this with other equipments, consult the dealer.
5. Sudden heating of the room in cold areas will cause condensation of vapor on the protective glass in the measurement window and on optical parts inside the instrument. In this case, wait until condensation disappears before performing measurements.
6. Keep clean the objective glass of the examinee side. If it is stained with other substance, it may cause an error or inaccurate measurements.
7. Don't use organic solution such as thinner, benzene, etc. to clean the surface of this instrument. It may damage the instrument.
8. Disconnect the power supply and consult the dealer in case of smoke, strange odors, or noise during operation.
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5. Configurations
The three basic components of the HDR-7000 system are Digital Refractor, Junction Box, and Operation Panel. In this chapter, component lists and functions are explained one by one. Also various accessories are summarized in the later part.
5.1. Digital Refractor
Digital Refractor is most important part of the HDR-7000 system, and it is installed on a unit table like the Huvitz’s CRT or CST series models.
5.1.1. Detail Explanation
PD & Convergence Controller Part: the part which controls a pupil distance (PD)
and the near point convergence.
Disk Controller Part: the parts which control the disks and the disk lenses.
VD(Vertex Distance) Check Windows: Used to check the patient’s VD(the
distance from the corneal vertex point to the lens).
Near Point Illuminator: Provides an illumination to the near chart
------------------------------------------------------------------ HDR-7000 Operator’s Manual
Forehead Rest Adjustment Knob: Used to move the Forehead Rest forward and
backward in order to adjust the vertex distance (VD).
Near Point Rod Fixation Point: the place which affix the near point rod.
Horizontal Knob: Used to adjust horizontal balance using the (11) Level.
VD confirmation light: When patient’s forehead isn’t docking condition during
measurement, informs to examiner by lamp.
Unit table arm connector: connect to Digital Refractor and Unit table arm.
Cable Connector Part: the parts which connect to interface cable.
Level: Used to verify that the refractor head is level.
Measuring Windows: patients look at the chart through these windows.
Face Shields: Patient’s face touches the shields during measurement. Clean
them before measurement.
Forehead Rest: Patient’s forehead should touch the rest during measurement.
5.2. Junction Box (JB)
Junction box plays an important role in the connection among various devices (Operation Panel, Converter Box, and Chart Projector). This component supplies not only communication channel but also power channel.
5.2.1. Detail Explanation
Connector for Digital Refractor
Port to connect the Junction Box to the Digital Refractor.
Connector for Operation Panel
Port to connect the Junction Box to the Operation Panel.
Connector for Local System CAN-based instrument or terminator.
Port to connect the Junction Box to a chart Presenting device, for example,
CCP or CDC by Huvitz.
Port to connect the Junction Box to PC.
Connector for Local System Serial-based instrument
Port to directly connect the Junction Box for auto-ref/keratometer, auto-
lensmeter, or external computer(PC).
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Connector for Global System network CAN-based instrument
Port to connect the Local system to Global system network.  Port to connect a terminator for termination.
Switch for Input Power Voltage
Switch for Power On/Off
Power Adapter Cable Inlet
5.3. Operation Panel (OP)
Operation Panel plays an important role as a brain that controls all the devices centrally. It is able to control Digital Refractor, the communication from RK(auto ref/keratometer), LM(auto lensmeter), and(or) PC.
5.3.1. Detail Explanation: Front side
LCD display & Touch Panel: This screen is for information about the optometry
data and procedures. Touch screen provides that it will be able to select the buttons at the screen.
LCD Hinge: LCD s creen be ab le to tile with f ront and rear, and be able
to rotate with right an d left by 9 0 degree di rection.
Buttons Panel: Th es e buttons are fo r the e xamination execution.
Printer: Print the e xamination result.
Cabl e Connect or: Th e pa rt to c on nect interf ace cable.
Dial: This dial changes the value (S/C/A/ADD/PRISM). The direction is
left for the +, right for the -. Also this dial is used to chang e the val ues in the system configur at ion m en u.
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5.3.2. Detail Explanation: Rear side
Connector for the Junction Box: Port to connect the Operation Panel to the
Junction Box.
Connector for S/W upgrade: This port is used for downloading and upgrading the
Operation Panel firmware.
Screw Bolt (2EA)
5.4. Various Accessories
This section introduces the various accessories included for HDR-7000 system.
5.4.1. Accessories for Digital Refractor
Forehead re st (1EA ) Face shiel d (4EA) : 2EA attached, 2 EA as spare Near Point Card (1EA ) Interface cable (1EA ) : Digital Refractor JB, 24-pin DVI Near point Rod (1EA) Dust Co ve r (1EA) Bolt Cover (2EA)
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