Hussmann TY3, TY4 Installation & Operation Manual

& Operation
TY3, TY4
Table of Contents
Warning 3 General Information 4 Entyce Hot Cold Lifting Instructions 5 Close-Off Removal 7 TY3 4X4E-S Cold Section 8 Installation 10 Electrical 11 Wiring Diagram Index 11 Wiring Diagram 12 Controller Programmed Parameters 14 TY Cold Maintenance 16 Service Tips 18 Controller Manual 19 TY 4X5E-H Hot Section 43 Start up 44 Standard Hot Case Settings 46 Operation 47 Electrical 48 Wiring Diagram Index 48 Wiring Diagram 49 Cleaning and Maintenance 53 TY Hot Maintenance 56
General Information
Case Descrip on:
This Booklet specifi cally covers the
Following models: Entyce TY3
Descrip on: The ENTYCE-HOT/COLD model series are Mul -deck island merchandisers designed for medium temperature applica ons such as: Deli/Dairy/Beverage. The case is a combina on of a remote type models, which require separate condensing unit connec ons as well as a self-contained model. Each self-contained
model will have it’s own condensing unit, factory installed beneath the display area of the case ready for
opera on when electrical service is connected.
Shipping Damage: All equipment should be thoroughly examined for shipping damage before and during unloading. This equipment has been carefully inspected at our factory and the carrier has assumed responsibility for safe arrival. If damaged, either apparent or concealed, claim must be made to the carrier.
Apparent Loss or Damage: If there is an obvious loss or damage, it must be noted on the freight bill or express receipt and signed by the carrier’s agent; otherwise, carrier may refuse claim. The carrier will supply necessary claim forms.
Concealed Loss or Damage: When loss or damage is not apparent un l a er all equipment is uncrated, a claim for concealed damage is made. Make request in wri ng to carrier for inspec on within 15 days, and retain all packaging. The carrier will supply inspec on report and required claim forms.
Loca on/Store Condi ons: The refrigerated merchandisers have been designed for use only in air condi oned
stores where temperature and humidity are maintained either75°F ambient and 55% RH. DO NOT allow
air condi oning, electric fans, ovens, open doors or windows (etc.) to create air currents around the merchandiser, as this will impair its correct opera on.
Shortages: Check your shipment for any possible shortages of material. If a shortage should exist and is found
to be the responsibility of Hussmann Chino, no fy Hussmann Chino. If such a shortage involves the carrier, no fy the carrier immediately, and request an inspec on. Hussmann Chino will acknowledge shortages within
ten days from receipt of equipment.
Hussmann Chino Product Control: The serial number and shipping date of all equipment has been recorded
in Hussmann’s fi les for warranty and replacement part purposes. All correspondence pertaining to warranty
or parts ordering must include the serial number of each piece of equipment involved, in order to provide the customer with the correct parts.
Keep this booklet with the case at all times for future reference.
A publication of HUSSMANN®Chino 13770 Ramona Avenue • Chino, California 91710 (909) 628-8942 FAX (909) 590-4910 (800) 395-9229
Entyce Hot Cold Lifting Instructions
J-Bar lift points typical for Cold and Hot section of case.
Close-Off Removal
Close-off removal for Entyce case Typical Step 1
Slide bottom of close-off in upward motion to remove from tabs.
Step 2 Pull Close-off in outward then downward motion to completely remove side panel close-off
Cold Case Condensate Access Vent.
Self Contained case has 2 vented panels on each side of the case for proper circulation through condensing unit area.
See illustrations below for access to panels.
Step 3 Once side panel close-off has been removed from case four screws will be visible which fasten the round close-off to the case. Remove the four screws 2 on each end to remove the end close-off.
Hot Case Heating Control Panels
Hot case section has an access panels on the side of the case for access to heating controls for shelves and overhead heating.
See illustrations below for access to panel.
TY3 4X4E-S Cold Section
Cold Sec on Start up
1. Apply power to the merchandiser.
2. Wait for the self check to complete.
During the self check, each LED fl ashes for one second, then all LEDs turn on for two seconds.
If the LEDs do not fl ash, make sure the adjustment knob is
not in the Off posi on.
3. The compressor will start for 30 seconds a er the self check
is complete.
The merchandiser temperature displays at startup
An ini al defrost occurs two hours a er startup
The compressor runs un l it reaches its setpoint tempera-
ture un l defrost.
4. Refrigera on: The compressor will con nue to cycle on-and-
off normal un l defrost occurs.
5. Defrost: Defrost is scheduled to occur every 8 hours, or ear-
lier if triggered by a demand defrost.
Defrost con nues for a set  me period, or un l the defrost
termina on temperature is reached.
During defrost the display shows the ini al defrost tem- perature (temperature at start of defrost)
This ini al defrost temperature is displayed for the set  me
period (even if refrigera on mode resumes before the end
of this period).
6. If power is interrupted, the process will start over at step 1.
Opera on
1. DO NOT LOAD PRODUCT un l case reaches desired opera ng
temperature (approx. 4 hrs).
2. Food Product temperature must be below 38°F when loading
a case. Case is not designed to chill food.
3. Check shelf loading. Overstock will reduce case performance
and opera on.
4. DO NOT block discharge or return air. DO NOT display pack-
ages over the air inlet located at the front of the lowest deck.
This restricts airfl ow, and will result in warmer temperature in
the case.
5. DO NOT display more than 150 pounds of product per shelf.
Addi onal weight will damage the shelves.
Alarms and codes
See Controller Manual for details
Installa on Store Condi ons
Case is designed to operate at temperatures 80°F and or
below 55% rela ve humidity. Case must be kept in that
environment to ensure case performance and product safety.
Temperature Adjustment
See Controller Manual for details
For prompt service when contac ng the factory regarding
problems, be sure to have the Case Model and Serial Number
handy. This informa on is on a plate located on itself. (909) 590-4910 (800) 395-9229
Store Conditions
Do Not Install the Vented Panels of the self-contained model against a wall or
other storage fi xture.
Located in the lower front and rear of the self-contained models are vented panels. These panels allow air circulation to the condensing unit. Blocking or restricting air circulation through these panels can cause poor performance and damage the refrigeration system.
Exterior Loading
Thesemodelshavenot beenstructurallydesignedto support excessive external loading. Do not walk on their tops; This could cause serious personal injury and damage to
the fi xture.
Uncrating the Stand
Place the fixture as close to its permanent position as possible. Remove the top of the crate. Detach the walls from each other and remove from the skid. Unbolt the case from
the skid. The fi xture can now be lifted off the crate skid. Lift only at base of stand!
Note: To avoid removing concrete fl ooring, begin lineup
leveling from the highest point of the store fl oor.
Condensate Pan Setup
There is one condensate evaporator pan on this unit. The drain pipe from the case feed into the condensate pan, once
water levels are high enough in the condensate pan the fl oat switch level is triggered which will then trigger the heater to
raise temperature therefore evaporating the water into the case airstream.
NOTE: Refer to label affi xed to case to determine the
actual confi guration as checked in the “TYPE
Field Wiring and Serial Plate Amperage
Field Wiring must be sized for component amperes printed on the serial plate.Actual ampere draw may be less
than specifi ed. Field wiring from the refrigeration control
panel to the merchandisers is required for refrigeration thermostats. Case amperes are listed on the wiring diagram, but always check the serial plate.
Standard lighting forall refrigerated modelswillbefulllength LED Lights located within the case at the top.
Wiring Diagram Index
Model Tier Description Size Diagram #
Entyce TY4 TY4-4X4E-S 4’ 3042639
Wiring Diagram
Controller Programmed Parameters
TY Cold Maintenance
Case Cleaning
To insure long life, proper sanitation and minimum maintenance costs, the refrigerator should be thoroughly cleaned frequently. SHUT OFF FAN BEFORE CLEANING: It can be unplugged within the case, or shut off entire case at the source. The interior bottom may be wiped with any domestic soap or detergent based cleaners. Sanitizing solutions will not harm the interior bottom,
WARNING! DO NOT USE WATER HOSES! A self contained case empties into an evaporator pan that WILL OVERFLOW IF TOO MUCH WATER IS INTRODUCED during cleaning
Tips and Troubleshooting
Before calling for service:
TY Cold Maintenance
Stainless Steel Cleaning and Care
There are three basic things, which can break down your stainless steel’s passivity layer and allow corrosion.
Don’t Despair! Here are a few steps that can help prevent stainless steel rust.
Service Tips
Fan Blade Replacement
The evaporator fan is located directly under the deck pan. Shouldthefanbladeever needservicing.ALWAYS REPLACE THE FAN BLADE WITH THE RAISED EMBOSSING SIDE OF THE BLADE INSTALLED TOWARD THE MOTOR.
Honeycomb Removal & Cleaning
1) Remove the honeycomb assembly as follows:
Insert asmall Phillipsscrewdriver behind therearedge ofthe honeycomb on the right hand end and gently pull down. The bottom of the honeycomb will drop down. Continuedown the length of the case, lifting the honeycomb out.
2) To clean honeycomb:
Mix powdereddetergent, in warm water.(5 to 7 Tablespoons per gallon)
Immerse or spot clean the honeycomb. Use care not to damage the cell structure of the honeycomb.
Rinse thoroughly in clean water. Shake excess water from the honeycomb and dry.(If heat isused, do not exceed 140° F dry heat)
3) Install honeycomb by inserting the notched side up
against the defl ector and press upwards inserting the bottom
of the honeycomb into the back ledge. Slide along the honeycomb, pressing the front edge upward into the ledge. Becareful no todamage the cellsor cut yourselfon the edges of the honeycomb.
Ballast/LED Driver Replacement
The power supply for the LED fi xtures is located under the
case in a dedicated electrical box.
For access to the ballast:
Improper temperature and lighting will cause serious product loss. Discoloration, dehydration and spoilage can be controlled with proper use of the equipment and handling of product. Product temperature should always be maintained at a constant and proper temperature. This means that from thetimethe product is received,through storage, preparation anddisplay, thetemperatureof theproductmustbe controlled to maximize life of the product. Hussmann cases were not designed to “heat up” or “cool down” product - but rather to maintain an item’s proper temperature for maximum shelf life. To achieve the protection required always:
1. Minimize processing time to avoid damaging tem­perature rise to theproduct. Product should be at proper temperature.
2. Keep the air in and around the case area free of foreign gassesand fumes or food will rapidly deteriorate.
3. Maintain the display merchandisers temperature controls as outlined in the refrigerator section of this manual.
4. Do not place anyproduct into these refrigerators until all controls havebeen adjusted and they are operating at the propertemperature.Allow mer­chandiser to operate a minimum of three (3) hours before stocking with any product.
5. Whenstocking, never allow the product to extend beyond the recommended load limit.Air dis-
charge and return air fl ue must be unobstructed at
all times to provide proper refrigeration.
6. Avoid the use of supplemental fl ood or spot light-
ing.Displaylightintensityhasbeendesignedfor maximum visibility and product lifeat the factory.
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