Hussmann SHM-4, SHM-5, SHM, SHM-3, SHM-6 Installation And Service Instructions Manual

January 2006
Specialty Horizontal Merchandisers
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Inspection 3 Location 3 Skid, Leveling, Drains, Legs 3 & 4
Cleaning Exterior, Interior 4 Cleaning Stainless Steel Surfaces 4
Serial Plate 5 Power Requirements 5 Electrical Box 5 Power Switch 5 Defrost Time Clock 6
Temperature Control 7 Condensing Unit 8 Shelves 8 Thermometer 8
Refrigeration 9 Evaporator Fan Motors 9
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The Hussmann Models SHM have been carefully designed to offer versatility in the display of food items such as pre­made sandwiches, fresh fruit, and vegeta­bles, cheeses, and deli items.
So that you can realize maximum benefit from this fine piece of equipment we urge both you and your installer to carefully read and follow this brief set of instructions prior to installation of the equipment.
The equipment has been skidded and crated prior to shipment from the fac­tory. It is the carrier’s responsibility to de­liver it to you in good condition until such time as you sign for it. Upon receipt of the cabinet, examine the packaging for dam­age. If the packing is damaged, make spe­cific notation on the delivery ticket as to the location and extent of damage prior to sign­ing for the piece.
Carefully remove packaging and examine the cabinet for damage. If dam­age is found, contact the delivering carrier immediately and request that his agent pre­pare an inspection report for the purpose of filing a claim. THIS IS YOUR RE­SPONSIBILITY NOT THE FACTORY’S. Save all packaging materials and move the cabinet as little as possible prior to inspec­tion.
Avoid locating the cabinet where di­rect sunlight would shine into the fixture or where drafts from air conditioning grills, fans, and open doors could affect its opera­tion. A minimum distance of two feet should be allowed in the front of the case to allow proper free air movement to and from the condenser for maximum operating effi­ciency.
The skid should be left on the cabinet until it is near its final location. The skid provides protection for both case and floor. The skid is removed by raising one end of the case approx. 6”, block securely and re­move the 2 skid bolts on the raised end and screw back into the holes 2 leg levelers.
The procedure is repeated on the op­posite end. When the leg levelers are in place, the case may be slid off the skid and placed in its final location.
The cabinet must be leveled properly to insure full drainage of condensate water from the evaporator coil. Level the case from front to rear and end to end. Optional legs can be provided for this purpose.
Remote draining is not required in self-contained models. The condensate wa­ter from the evaporator drains out
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through the bottom of the cabinet into the condensing unit compartment to a heated condensate pan.
The pan uses a thermistor to sense the presence of water in the pan and ad­justs the amount of heat required to evapo­rate the water. Care should be taken to insure the drain hose is properly trapped and in the pan.
LEGS – (optional)
If required by Health Inspectors the levelers can be removed and replaced with NSF Approved legs to raise the case 6 inches for cleaning purposes. An optional skirt kit can be provided to snap on the legs.
When cleaning the exterior of the cabinet, use a soft cloth or sponges with wa­ter and a mild detergent. Rinse and wipe dry. Do not use an abrasive cleanser on the painted surfaces as this will mar the finish.
For plexiglass surfaces, use an ap­proved plexiglass cleaner such as Craftics 20/20 Plasti-Cleaner
To check the interior drain – SHUT OFF POWER TO THE CABINET! This may be accomplished by turning off the cabinet power switch or by turning off the breaker located in the store electrical panel. Remove the product from the cabi­net. Lift up and remove the stainless steel shelves. The drain is located in the center of the interior bottom directly behind the evaporator coil. Remove any pricing
Labels, product wrappers, etc., that may be found over the drain opening. When fin­ished checking, assemble cabinet in reverse order, turn back on the power and allow cabinet to pull down to proper operating temperatures before restocking.
For cleaning the interior of the prod­uct compartment, remove the product, dis­connect the electrical power, and allow cabi­net to warm to room temperature.
Use a soft cloth or sponge with a mild detergent to wash the interior. The drain­age area and drain should be checked to in­sure that they have not become clogged.
If the condensate drain hose is re­moved from the electric condensate pan for cleaning, it must be reinstalled prior to op­erating the case. Do not use an abrasive cleanser on the painted surfaces as this will mar the surface.
Wipe dry before restarting the cabi­net. The time clock (see Electrical section) should be reset to the correct time of day. Allow the cabinet to cool down to proper temperature before reloading product.
Generally soap and water will be suf­ficient for most cleanings when done often and regularly.
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When necessary several cleaning agents can be used. Some of them are Comet, Bab-O, Liquid NuSteel, Cooper’s Stainless Steel Cleaner, Allen’s Stainless Steel Cleaner, etc.
The serial plate is located on the inte­rior left wall of the cabinet. It contains all per­tinent information such as model, cabinet se­rial number, amperage rating, refrigerant type and charge. This information will be needed to install, service, or order parts for this piece of equipment.
The SHM –3, 4, 5 & 6 use a 115/60/1 power source, with the SHM-3 and –4 models using a 15 amp cord and the SHM-5 and –6 using a 20 amp cord. The SHM-8 requires 208/230-60/1 power and uses a 20 amp plug. It is very important for the safety of you and your customers to have each circuit grounded properly.
A qualified electrician should perform all wiring in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or all local codes
Separate circuits are recommended for each case in order to prevent product loss due to overloading or malfunction of other equip­ment on the same circuit. Fuses or circuit breakers should be supplied for each circuit.
For proper operation of equipment, voltage as measured at the compressor must not vary more than 5% from the cabinet serial plate rating.
If either a high or low voltage condition ex­ists, contact your electrician, local power company, or equipment manufacturer.
The electrical box is located behind the louvered access panel. The box contains the items described below. On remote units the box is used to bring the field supply to. There is a grounding lug provided on these models for grounding purposes.
The main power switch is located be­hind the louvered access panel covering the condensing unit compartment on the cus­tomer side of the case.
This switch controls all power to the case.
Temprature Control
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Power Switch
+ 9 hidden pages