Hussmann PCS User Manual

Protocol Control System (PCS) Users Manual
Document No 0709304 Date: 5/17/2005
1. Table of Contents
2. TABLE OF FIGURES..........................................4
3. DISCLAIMER.......................................................6
4. INTRODUCTION.................................................7
4.1 ORGANIZATION ................................................7
5. PCS HARDWARE................................................8
5.1 PCS CONTROLLER ...........................................8
5.1.1 Input Power.............................................8
5.1.2 Display Contrast Adjust ..........................8
5.1.3 Status LEDs.............................................8
5.1.4 DIP Switches ...........................................8
5.1.5 Mounting .................................................9
5.1.6 Fuse.........................................................9
5.1.7 Controller Wiring....................................9
5.2 PCS EXPANSION BOARD..................................9
5.2.1 Input Power...........................................10
5.2.2 Mounting ...............................................10
5.2.3 Fuse.......................................................10
5.2.4 Expansion Board Wiring.......................10
5.3 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER ................................10
5.4 TEMPERATURE SENSOR..................................11
5.5 FIELD WIRING.................................................11
6. PCS FEATURES.................................................12
6.1 OVERVIEW .....................................................12
6.1.1 Circuit Control......................................12
6.1.2 Suction Pressure Control.......................12
6.1.3 Lighting Control....................................12
6.1.4 Discharge Pressure Control..................12
6.1.5 Alarms ...................................................12
6.1.6 Maintenance/Diagnostics......................13
7. QUICK START...................................................14
7.1.1 Display and Keypad ..............................14
7.1.2 Login......................................................14
7.1.3 Main Status Screen................................15
7.1.4 Configuration Screens...........................15
7.1.5 Viewing/Changing Suction Pressure Setpoint 15
7.1.6 Viewing Circuit Temperatures...............16
7.1.7 Viewing/Changing Circuit Temperature Setpoint 16
7.1.8 Determining if a Circuit is in Defrost....16
7.1.9 Forcing a Defrost..................................17
7.1.10 Alarms ...................................................17
8. CONTROLLER OPERATION......................... 19
8.1 CIRCUIT CONTROL......................................... 19
8.1.1 Defrost.................................................. 19
8.2 PRESSURE CONTROL...................................... 19
8.2.1 Switchback............................................ 19
8.2.2 Pressure Control Algorithm.................. 19
8.3 CONDENSER CONTROL .................................. 20
8.4 MENU STRUCTURE ........................................ 20
8.4.1 Status Screens....................................... 20
8.4.2 Configuration Screens .......................... 20
8.4.3 Maintenance Screens............................ 20
8.4.4 Alarm Screen ........................................ 21
8.4.5 Screen Navigation................................. 21
8.5 SCREENS........................................................ 21
8.5.1 Status Screens....................................... 21
8.5.2 Configuration Screens .......................... 22
8.5.3 Alarms................................................... 32
8.5.4 Maintenance ......................................... 32
9. PUMP STATION................................................ 33
9.1 OVERVIEW..................................................... 33
9.2 HARDWARE ................................................... 33
9.3 OPERATION ................................................... 33
9.3.1 Pump Motor.......................................... 33
9.3.2 Fluid Cooler.......................................... 33
9.4 SCREENS........................................................ 34
9.4.1 Status Screens....................................... 34
9.4.2 Configuration Screens .......................... 34
9.5 ALARMS ........................................................ 37
9.5.1 Controller Reboot................................. 37
9.5.2 Spray Pump Fail................................... 37
9.5.3 Low Speed Fan ..................................... 37
9.5.4 High Speed Fan .................................... 37
9.5.5 Pump 1.................................................. 37
9.5.6 Pump 2.................................................. 37
9.5.7 High Discharge Pressure...................... 37
9.5.8 Low Discharge Pressure....................... 37
9.5.9 Pressure Sensor Fail............................. 37
9.5.10 Inlet Temp probe Fail........................... 37
9.5.11 Outlet Temp probe Fail......................... 37
9.5.12 Ambient Temp Fail ............................... 38
9.5.13 Alarm Winter Override......................... 38
10. SUPERVISORY SYSTEM............................ 39
10.1 OVERVIEW..................................................... 39
10.3 REQUIREMENTS............................................. 39
10.4 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ............................ 39
10.5 HARDWARE INSTALLATION........................... 40
10.5.1 RS485 Adapter...................................... 40
10.5.2 PlantVisor Software Key....................... 40
10.6 REMOTE ACCESS ........................................... 41
10.7 OPERATION ................................................... 41
10.7.1 Running the PCS Supervisor................. 41
10.7.2 Navigation ............................................ 42
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Configuration ........................................42
10.8 RUNNING THE SYSTEM...................................46
10.8.1 Troubleshooting.....................................46
10.9.1 General Information..............................46
10.9.2 PlantVisor Engine Screens....................46
10.9.3 Supervisory Main Screen.......................47
10.9.4 Unit Main Screen...................................47
10.9.5 System Setup..........................................48
10.9.6 Suction Group/Compressor Setup.........49
10.9.7 Aux Control and Temperature Monitor.49
10.9.8 Light Ckt................................................49
10.9.9 Info ........................................................50
10.9.10 Circuits..............................................50
10.9.11 Alarms ...............................................51
12.1 PCS TROUBLESHOOTING ...............................54
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Figure 53- Suction Configuration Screen 2.................. 29
2. Table of Figures
Figure 1- PCS Controller.................................................8
Figure 2- Controller Wiring ............................................9
Figure 3 - PCS Expansion Board...................................10
Figure 4- Expansion Board Wiring............................... 10
Figure 5- PCS Pressure Probe.......................................11
Figure 6- PCS Temperature Probe ................................11
Figure 7- Controller Display .........................................14
Figure 8- Password Screen............................................15
Figure 9- Main Status Screen........................................15
Figure 10- Suction Group Configuration Screen...........15
Figure 11- Circuit Configuration Screen.......................16
Figure 12- Temp Setpoint Configuration Screen...........16
Figure 13- Circuit Maintenance Screen.........................17
Figure 14- Alarm Log Screen........................................17
Figure 15- Alarm Maintenance Screen..........................17
Figure 16- Alarm Confirmation Screen.........................18
Figure 17-Equal Horsepower Example.........................19
Figure 18 - PCS Menu Tree ..........................................20
Figure 19- Main Status Screen......................................21
Figure 20- Lighting Status Screen.................................22
Figure 21- Lighting Status Fields..................................22
Figure 22- Aux Processing Status Screen......................22
Figure 23- System Status Screen...................................22
Figure 24- System Configuration Screen 1...................22
Figure 25- System Configuration Screen 2...................23
Figure 26- System Configuration Screen 3...................23
Figure 27- System Configuration Screen 4...................23
Figure 28- System Configuration Screen 5...................23
Figure 29- System Configuration Screen 6...................24
Figure 30- System Configuration Screen 7...................24
Figure 31- System Configuration Screen 8...................24
Figure 32- System Configuration Screen 9...................24
Figure 33- System Configuration Screen 10.................24
Figure 34- System Configuration Screen 11.................25
Figure 35 - System Configuration Screen 12................25
Figure 36- System Configuration Screen 13.................25
Figure 37- Circuit Configuration Screen 1....................25
Figure 38- Circuit Configuration Screen 2....................25
Figure 39- Circuit Configuration Screen 3....................26
Figure 40- Circuit Configuration Screen 5....................26
Figure 41- Circuit Configuration Screen 6....................26
Figure 42- Circuit Configuration Screen 7....................26
Figure 43- Circuit Configuration Screen 8....................27
Figure 44- Circuit Configuration Screen 9....................27
Figure 45- Circuit Configuration Screen 10..................27
Figure 46- Circuit Configuration Screen 11..................27
Figure 47- Circuit Configuration Screen 12..................27
Figure 48- Circuit Configuration Screen 13..................28
Figure 49- Circuit Configuration Screen 14..................28
Figure 50- Circuit Configuration Screen 15..................28
Figure 51- Copy Circuit Configuration Screen .............28
Figure 52- Suction Configuration Screen 1...................29
Figure 54- Suction Configuration Screen 3.................. 29
Figure 55- Suction Configuration Screen 5.................. 29
Figure 56- Suction Configuration Screen 6.................. 29
Figure 57- Suction Configuration Screen 7.................. 30
Figure 58- Discharge Configuration Screen................. 30
Figure 59- Lighting Configuration Screen 1................. 30
Figure 60- Lighting Configuration Screen 2................. 30
Figure 61- Lighting Configuration Screen 2A.............. 30
Figure 62- Lighting Configuration Screen 3................. 30
Figure 63- Lighting Configuration Screen 4................. 31
Figure 64- Aux Configuration Screen 1 ....................... 31
Figure 65- Aux Configuration Screen 2 ....................... 31
Figure 66- Aux Configuration Screen 3 ....................... 31
Figure 67- Aux Configuration Screen 4 ....................... 32
Figure 68- Release Configuration Screen..................... 32
Figure 69- Suction Group Maintenance Screen 1......... 32
Figure 70- Suction Group Maintenance Screen 2......... 32
Figure 71- PSC Main Status Screen ............................. 34
Figure 72- PSC Pump Status Screen.............................34
Figure 73- PSC Pump Date/Time Screen..................... 34
Figure 74- PSC Release Screen.................................... 34
Figure 75- PSC Password Screen................................. 35
Figure 76- PSC Configuration Screen 1....................... 35
Figure 77- PSC Configuration Screen 2....................... 35
Figure 78- PSC Configuration Screen 3....................... 35
Figure 79- PSC Configuration Screen 4....................... 35
Figure 80- PSC Configuration Screen 5....................... 35
Figure 81- PSC Configuration Screen 6....................... 36
Figure 82- PSC Configuration Screen 7....................... 36
Figure 83- PSC Configuration Screen 8....................... 36
Figure 84- PSC Configuration Screen 9....................... 36
Figure 85- PSC Configuration Screen 10..................... 37
Figure 86- PSC Configuration Screen 11..................... 37
Figure 87- PSC Alarm Screen ...................................... 38
Figure 88- Installation Screen....................................... 39
Figure 89- RS485 Adapter............................................ 40
Figure 90- PlantVisor Software Key ............................ 40
Figure 91- PlantVisor Engine Demo Mode.................. 41
Figure 92- Plantvisor Engine Screen............................ 41
Figure 93- Logon Screen.............................................. 41
Figure 94- Main Screen................................................ 42
Figure 95- Navigation Examples.................................. 42
Figure 96- Network Management Screen.....................42
Figure 97- Site Configuration Screen........................... 43
Figure 98- Serial Line Configuration Screen................ 43
Figure 99- Modem Setup Screen.................................. 43
Figure 100- User Configuration Screen........................ 44
Figure 101- Add New User Screen............................... 45
Figure 102- Scheduler Configuration Screen ............... 45
Figure 103- Alarm Priorities Screen............................. 45
Figure 104- Device Alarm Settings.............................. 46
Figure 105- PlantVisor Engine Screen ......................... 47
Figure 106- PlantVisor Engine Detail Screen............... 47
Figure 107- PlantVisor Engine Close Screen............... 47
Figure 108- Supervisory Main Screen.......................... 47
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Figure 109- Unit Main Screen- No Alarms...................48
Figure 110- Main Screen With Alarms.........................48
Figure 111- System Setup Screen..................................49
Figure 112- Suction Group/Compressor Setup Screen..49
Figure 113- Pressure Graph...........................................49
Figure 114- Supervisory Temperature Monitor and Aux
Control Screen.......................................................49
Figure 115- Lighting Circuit Screen..............................50
Figure 116- Information Screen....................................50
Figure 117- Circuit Setup Screen..................................50
Figure 118- Defrost Setup Screen .................................51
Figure 119- Circuit Temperature Graph........................51
Figure 120- Case Size Screen........................................51
Figure 121- Case Type Screen ......................................51
Figure 122- Supervisory Alarms Screen .......................52
Figure 123 - Supervisory Wiring...................................53
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3. Disclaimer
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The information contained in this manual has been carefully checked and it believed to be accurate. However, Computer Process Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained herein. In no event will Computer Process Controls, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In the interested of continued product development, Computer Process Controls, Inc. Reserves the right to make improvements to this manual, and the products described herein, at any time without notice or obligation.
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4. Introduction
This document describes the Protocol Control System (PCS). The PCS is an electronic control system designed specifically to control all functions of the Protocol Refrigeration System.
4.1 Organization
This document is organized into a number of sections. The first section is an overview of the hardware. A “quick start” section is included next to enable users to quickly get a minimum amount of information needed to start using the controller. A detailed section follows. The last section describes the PCS supervisory system.
It is recommended that the user familiarize himself with the PCS system by reading all sections of this manual before operation.
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Figure 1- PCS Controller
5. PCS Hardware
The following are components of the PCS system.
1) PCS Controller
2) PCS Expansion Board
3) PCS Pressure Transducer
4) PCS Temperature Probes
This document describes the elements of the PCS components. The schematics included with each Protocol Refrigeration System detail the connections that are made to the components. Refer to the schematics for connection details.
WARNING: The Controller and Expansion board use low voltage (24 VAC) power. However, both units have high voltage loads connected to them. Extreme caution should be used when servicing these units. Failure to observe caution could lead to injury or death.
5.1.1 Input Power
The Controller uses 24 VAC (+/-15%, 50/60 Hz) (Class II) power at 50 VA.
5.1 PCS Controller
The PCS Controller is a microprocessor based system that contains a built in display, keypad and I/O (relays termperature inputs, pressure inputs and digital inputs). It serves as the user interface and runs the algorithms that control the protocol refrigeration system. Additional I/O (relays, digital inputs and temperature inputs) can be added using the PCS Expansion Board. The controller contains all the I/O for all compressors in the Protocol refrigeration system.
The temperature inputs must use the PCS temperature sensors (described below) and the pressure inputs must use the PCS pressure probes (described below).
Figure 1 shows a picture of the PCS Controller and identifies the different parts of the Controller.
5.1.2 Display Contrast Adjust
The contrast of the display can be adjusted by pressing and holding the ENTER and ESC keys together and pressing the UP ARROW key to increase the contrast or the DOWN ARROW key to decrease the contrast. Refer to paragraph 7.1.1 for an explanation of how to identify the keys.
5.1.3 Status LEDs
There are two LED’s on the Controller that indicate power status. If the Yellow LED is ON this indicates that the unit is getting power. If it is OFF, there is either no power to the unit or the fuse is blown. The Red LED indicates the status of the Pressure probe power output (Connector J2 , terminals GND and +VDC). If the Red LED is ON, there is a fault in the probe supply. Most likely, the pressure probe is bad or there is a short in the cable.
5.1.4 DIP Switches
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The DIP Switches on the controller should always be in the down (OFF) position.
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5.1.5 Mounting
The Controller is mounted via Din rail mount. The Controller can be removed from the mounting by carefully pulling on the 3 small tabs on the bottom of the controller and rotating the Controller up. All connectors should be removed from the unit before removing the Controller from the mounting.
5.1.6 Fuse
The Controller has an internal fuse. If the Controller will not power up and you have verified that the controller is getting input power, you should replace the fuse. Always replace with the same type of fuse.
5.1.7 Controller Wiring
The field wiring for the expansion board is shown in Figure 2. Field wiring for the controller consists of temperature probes on inputs 4 through 8.
Figure 2- Controller Wiring
5.2 PCS Expansion Board
The PCS Expansion board is used to provide additional I/O (relays, digital termination inputs and temperature inputs) to the PCS Controller. Typically, the expansion board will contain the I/O for circuits (refrigeration valve relays, temperature inputs and defrost termination inputs). The Expansion board contains 8 relay outputs (Normally Open/Normally Closed outputs), 8 Temperature inputs and 8 Digital inputs. The temperature inputs must use the PCS temperature sensors (described below). The Expansion board is connected to the PCS Controller by a communications cable (Beldon 8641 or equivalent).
The PCS system supports up to 4 expansion boards. The address of the expansion board is determined by the wiring of inputs AD0 and AD1. Table 1 lists the expansion board address.
Table 1- Expansion Board Addressing
Expansion Board
Board 2
Board 3 OPEN Board 4 24 VAC OPEN
Board 5 24 VAC 24 VAC
Figure 3 shows a picture of the PCS Expansion board and identifies the different parts of the board.
24 VAC
The first expansion board is referred to as board 2. The main
controller is referred to as board 1.
InTable 1, 24 VAC means tied to “G” terminal.
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Figure 3 - PCS Expansion Board
5.2.1 Input Power
The Controller uses 24 VAC (+10%/-15%, 50/60 Hz) (Class II) power at 15 VA. Note that if using the same transformer to power the controller and expansion board, care must be taken to connect the G terminals on both boards to the same side of the transformer and the G0 terminals on both boards to the same side of the transformer.
5.2.2 Mounting
The Expansion board is mounted via standoffs.
5.2.3 Fuse
The Expansion board has an internal fuse. If the Expansion board will not power up and you have verified that the controller is getting input power, you should replace the fuse. Always replace with the same type of fuse.
Figure 4- Expansion Board Wiring
5.3 Pressure Transducer
The PCS system uses a 4/20 milliamp pressure transducer. Inputs are provided for reading suction pressure (optionally a second suction group pressure) and discharge pressure. The same type of pressure transducer is used for reading suction and discharge pressure. The transducer is a 2 wire connection and is polarity sensitive (refer to the Protocol schematics for details). The system reads 0 to 362 PSI.
The wiring for the pressure transducer should not be routed near cables carrying high voltage.
Figure 5 shows a picture of the pressure transducer.
5.2.4 Expansion Board Wiring
The field wiring for the expansion board consists of the temperature probes and defrost termination sensors. Refrigeration valve relays are factory wired to terminal blocks. Figure 4 shows the connection points for the field wiring.
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Figure 5- PCS Pressure Probe
5.4 Temperature Sensor
The PCS system uses an NTC type temperature sensor to read the temperature. The temperature sensor is not polarity sensitive. Note that the wiring for the temperature sensor should be routed in such a way that it is not in close proximity to any power line cables. This will prevent invalid readings from occurring.
The temperature sensor should be placed in the discharge air stream to give a true indication of case temperature.
Figure 6 shows a picture of the temperature sensor.
allowing complete control of the units from the PC. For this system each of the Controller must have a communications card installed. The controllers must be connected in a daisy chain fashion using Belden 8641, 24AWG, 2 conductor twisted shielded pair. This wiring should be carefully routed away from power lines or other high electrical noise environments
Field valve wiring should use 16/18 AWG cable appropriate for the valve current requirements. This wiring should not be run in close proximity to the temperature, termination or communication wiring.
Figure 6- PCS Temperature Probe
5.5 Field wiring
All wire connections to the PCS system should be in accordance with all applicable local and national codes.
Temperature sensors and defrost termination sensors should be wired to the controller and expansion board using Belden 8761, 22AWG, 2 conductor twisted shielded pair or equivalent. This wiring should be carefully routed away from power lines or other high electrical noise environments.
The PCS system offers the option of using a supervisory system where all units in the store are connected to a PC
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controller uses a PI algorithm to maintain
6. PCS Features
The PCS system has a number of features as defined in the following paragraphs.
6.1 Overview
The PCS system has the following features:
smooth discharge pressure. If the Protocol system uses a fluid cooler instead of an air cooled condenser, a separate controller will be used to control the Pump Station (refer to the section on Pump Station Control).
The PCS controller will provide alarming on the discharge pressure input, but will not provide direct control in this case.
6.1.1 Circuit Control
The PCS system can control up to 10 circuits. Control consists of controlling the defrost schedule, controlling the circuit temperature (by using a solenoid valve), and alarming.
The controller can schedule up to 6 defrosts per day. The defrost can be either off cycle, electric or hot gas. Defrost can be terminated by either time, circuit temperature or digital (Klixon) input.
6.1.2 Suction Pressure Control
The PCS system can control up to 6 compressors. Up to two suction groups are supported.
Control of the pressure is by PI type algorithm for precise pressure control. The reading from the pressure transducer is compared to the setpoint and the appropriate action (turning compressors on and off) is taken to maintain the suction pressure near the setpoint. Note that minimum on and off times and startup delays for the compressors can be programmed.
6.1.3 Lighting Control
Two circuits are provided for lighting control. The lighting circuits can be turned on and off by a 7 day schedule with one on and one off time per day.
6.1.4 Discharge Pressure Control
The PCS system can be used to control condensor fans. The fans are cycled in response to the discharge pressure setpoint and the current discharge pressure reading. The
6.1.5 Alarms
The PCS system keeps an alarm log with 16 entries. The alarm log displays the date and time that the alarm occurred, the type of alarm and whether the alarm is ACTIVE or has been ACKNOWLEDGED. When an alarm occurs, the alarm relay will activate, the ALARM key will turn RED and the Alarm menu will automatically be displayed. The alarm relay will remain activated and the ALARM key will remain RED until the alarm is ACKNOWLEDGED.
Alarms are provided for the following conditions: High/Low Circuit Temperature
An alarm is signaled if the circuit temperature is too high or too low (as determined by the alarm setpoints). Defrost Termination
An alarm is signaled if a defrost is set up to terminate by temperature or digital termination, but terminates by the maximum time instead. This can indicate that there may be some type of problem with the case (ice build up) or the termination sensor. High/Low Suction Pressure
If the suction pressure is above or below the limits (as defined by the alarm setpoints) this alarm will be signaled. High Discharge Pressure
If the discharge pressure is above the limit (as defined by the alarm setpoint) this alarm will be signaled. Note that the discharge pressure alarm will automatically clear (but will remain in the
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alarm log) if the discharge pressure falls below the alarm limits. Sensor Failures
If a temperature or pressure probe failure occurs, this alarm will be signaled. The alarm will provide details as to what sensor has failed. Compressor Proof Failures
This alarm will be signaled if a compressor proof fails. Note that proofing is optional in the Protocol refrigeration system. Refer to the Protocol schematics for details. Compressor General Alarms
This alarm will be signaled if a general alarm occurs for a compressor. A general alarm occurs when the digital input associated with the compressor is active. There is one digital input for each compressor. The digital input will be activated when the oil level sensor trips, there is a high pressure cutout or the discharge temperature is to high. See the Protocol schematic for details.
will return to normal when the controller logoff timeout occurs. Compressor Run Time
The run time (in hours) for each compressor is stored. The run time can be cleared if a compressor is replaced. Phase Loss
This alarm will be signaled if the controller detects a phase loss. Controller Reset
If the controller resets due to an interruption of power, this alarm will be signaled when power is restored
6.1.6 Maintenance/Diagnostics
The controller provides the following capabilities for maintenance: Force Defrost
A circuit can be forced to perform a defrost or to cancel a defrost in progress. Note that if a defrost is forced, the defrost will terminate normally as defined by the circuit setpoints. Force Compressors
A compressor can be forced on or off. Note that the user must be logged in to force the compressor on or off and the compressor state
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2) On other
7. Quick Start
This section of the manual provides a quick overview of the operation of selected features of the controller. It is intended to provide an overview of the most used features. Refer to the Controller operation section for more details.
7.1.1 Display and Keypad
The controller’s user interface consist of a 4x20 LCD display with a 6 button keypad. The display/keypad are used to see status information on the controller and also to change setpoints. Figure 7 shows the display and keypad of the controller.
Figure 7- Controller Display
ENTER 1) On Main status Cursor
Each screen can have one or more fields. The active field will have a cursor on the first character of the field. The cursor will alternate between a block and the normal character for the field.
screens- Used to enter a value
screen- Enters the configuration menus for a given field
2) On other screens- Used to move between fields and to accept a value.
Table 2- Controller Key Functions
Key Name Function
ALARM Enters the alarm
PROGRAM Enters maintenance
ESCAPE Return to Main
menu or returns to original menu from alarm menu
menu (depends on current screen)
status screen (from any screen) or move to other status screens (from Main status screen)
1) On Main status screen- Moves between status fields
2) On other screens- Used to enter a value
1) On Main status screen- Moves between status fields
7.1.2 Login
Certain actions (changing setpoints, forcing defrosts, etc.) require the user to log on to the controller. This requires the user to enter a password. When you must log in to perform the action, a logon screen will pop up and you will be prompted to enter the password. When this happens, enter the numeric password (using the UP or DOWN ARROW keys) then press the ENTER key. If the password is correct the login screen will disappear and you will be able to perform the action. If the password is not correct, you will not be allowed to perform the action and the logon screen will appear again after you press the ENTER key. Once you have logged in, you will not have to enter the password again unless the controller times out and logs out. The time out will occur if you do not press any of the keys for 5 minutes. At that point, the controller will log you out and return to the main status screen.
The factory default password is “0000” and it can be changed by an authorized user.
Figure 8 shows the password screen.
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Figure 8- Password Screen
7.1.3 Main Status Screen
Figure 9 shows the main status screen. This screen is displayed when the controller is first powered on. This screen will also be displayed if there are no keys pressed for a period of 5 minutes.
Figure 9- Main Status Screen
The first row on this screen shows the current pressure reading for suction group 1 and (if configured for two suction groups) suction group 2. The second row shows the current reading for the discharge pressure. The bottom two rows show the circuit status. The numbers 1 to 10 on the third row represent circuit numbers 1 to 10. On the last row there will be either a “-“, “R”, “D” or “S” under each circuit number. If a “-“ is present, this means that the circuit has not been configured. If a “R” is present, this means that the circuit is currently in refrigeration mode. If a “D” if present, this means that the circuit is in defrost. If an “S” is present, it means that the circuit has temperature control enabled and the circuit temperature is currently satisfied.
To return to the main status screen from a configuration or maintenance screen, press the ESCAPE key once. To return to the main status screen from another status screen, press the ESCAPE key until the Main status screen is displayed. Depending on which status screen you are currently in, you might have to press the ESCAPE key several times.
7.1.4 Configuration Screens
There are several configuration screens. In general, these screens provide more detailed status information and also contain setpoints. Typically, there are several configuration Active Fields
screens for a given function (circuit configuration, for example). When a configuration screen is first entered, the cursor rests in the upper left hand corner of the screen. If you press the UP or DOWN ARROW keys with the cursor in the resting position, the next or previous configuration screen will be displayed.
Each configuration screen typically consists of a number of fields. A field can be a setpoint or any other area where a value can be changed. Pressing the ENTER key with the cursor in the resting position will advance the active field to the first field on the screen. At this point, the value of the field can be changed (using the ARROW keys) or pressing the ENTER key again will advance to the next field. If the value of the field is changed, the ENTER key must be pressed to accept the value and move to the next field. Continue pressing the ENTER key until the cursor returns to the upper left corner of the screen.
7.1.5 Viewing/Changing Suction Pressure Setpoint
To view or change the suction pressure setpoint, you must enter the suction configuration screen. To do this from the Main status screen, use the ARROW keys to move the active field to either Suction Group 1 or Suction Group 2. Now press the ENTER key. The Suction Group configuration menu will now be displayed.
Figure 10- Suction Group Configuration Screen
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The first row has the group number that you are viewing. The name of the suction group is also displayed on the top row. The next row has the suction pressure reading (in PSI). The next row has the suction setpoint (in PSI). The last row is an indication of how many compressors (that are assigned to this suction group) are currently on. In this example, there are 3 compressors assigned to the group and 1 is on.
If there are two suction groups, you can look at the second suction group by pressing the ENTER key to put the cursor on the group number, then pressing the UP ARROW key to change the value of the field to 2, then press the ENTER key. The other active field on the suction configuration screen is the suction setpoint. Press the ENTER key to advance from the suction group field to the setpoint field. The value can now be changed by pressing the UP/DOWN ARROW keys. After the new value has been entered, press the ENTER key to accept. Press the ENTER key once more to return the cursor to the resting position. The setpoint has now been changed.
Note that there can be up to three temperature probes defined for a circuit and the number displayed on this screen is the combination of the three. By pressing the ENTER key on this screen, you will move the cursor to the first field which is the circuit number. You can change the circuit number you are currently viewing by using the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to change the circuit number. The temperature for the selected circuit will automatically be displayed (without the need to press the ENTER) key. There may be a slight delay (up to 2 seconds) for the display to update with the temperature for the new circuit.
7.1.7 Viewing/Changing Circuit Temperature Setpoint
To view or change the circuit temperature setpoint you must enter the circuit configuration screen. With the cursor in the resting position (upper left hand corner), press the DOWN ARROW key two times and a screen will be displayed with the temperature setpoint.
7.1.6 Viewing Circuit Temperatures
In order to view circuit temperatures, you must enter the circuit configuration screen. To do this from the Main status screen, press the DOWN ARROW key until the cursor is on the circuit number you would like to view. Then press the ENTER key. The Circuit configuration screen will now be displayed.
Figure 11- Circuit Configuration Screen
The first row displays the circuit number (similar to the suction group number in the suction group configuration screen) and the name of the circuit. The next row displays the current state of the circuit. “REFR” indicates refrigeration. “DEFR” indicates defrost. “SATISFIED” indicates that the circuit has temperature control enabled and the circuit temperature is currently satisfied. The third row shows the current temperature for the circuit.
Figure 12- Temp Setpoint Configuration Screen
To change the circuit temperature, press the ENTER key twice to make the Temp Setpt the active field. Use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to change the value. Press the ENTER key to accept the new value. Note that the active field will automatically go to the Temp Ctrl field. Press the ENTER key again to return the cursor to the upper left corner (resting position).
7.1.8 Determining if a Circuit is in Defrost
To determine if a circuit is in defrost you can look at the circuit’s status in the Main status screen (“D”) or in the circuit configuration screen (“DEFR”).
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Protocol Control System Users Manual 2/12/01
7.1.9 Forcing a Defrost
To force a circuit into defrost, you must be in any of the circuit configuration screens. From a Circuit configuration screen, press the PROGRAM key. The Circuit maintenance screen will be displayed.
Figure 13- Circuit Maintenance Screen
The Circuit maintenance screen displays the circuit number and name on the top row. The current circuit state is displayed on the second row. The third row contains a field called “Force Defr. On:”. By moving the cursor to this field (using the ENTER key) and pressing the UP ARROW key the “NO” will be changed to a “YES”. Press the ENTER key to accept the change and a forced defrost will be started. Note that the defrost will terminate in the normal way (according to the circuit setpoints). Likewise, you can cancel a defrost by moving the cursor to the field that says “Force Defr. Off:” and changing the “NO” to “YES” with the ARROW key and pressing ENTER.
7.1.10 Alarms
If an alarm occurs, the controller will automatically display the alarm log screen and the ALARM key will turn RED. The alarm screen can also be enter from any other screen by pressing the ALARM key.
Figure 14- Alarm Log Screen
The Alarm screen displays the date and time when the alarm occurred on the top row. The next row shows the alarm number (1 to 16) and the Status (either active (ACT) or acknowledged (AKN). The last row gives a description of the alarm.
To view other alarms use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to display other alarms that are in the alarm log. Acknowledging Alarms
To acknowledge an alarm you must be in the Alarm maintenance screen. To enter the Alarm maintenance screen, first enter the alarm screen, then press the PROGRAM key. The Alarm maintenance screen will be displayed.
Figure 15- Alarm Maintenance Screen
The alarm maintenance screen has two fields. Press the ENTER key to move to the first field that says “Reset current alarm”. Press the UP ARROW key and the “NO” will change to “YES”. Press the ENTER key to accept the entry and the alarm current active alarm will be acknowledged. The controller will automatically return to the alarm screen.
Note that there may be more than one active alarm. If you have cleared the alarm and the ALARM key is still RED, use the ARROW keys to determine if there are other alarms in the alarm log that are active. If so, use the ARROW keys to display the active alarm then acknowledge the alarm as described in the preceding paragraph. Clearing the Alarm Log
To clear the alarm log, enter the alarm maintenance screen as described in paragraph Press ENTER twice to move the cursor to the “Reset alarm log:” field. Use the ARROW keys to change the “NO” to “YES”. Immediately a confirmation screen will pop up asking you to confirm that you would like to clear the alarms. Pressing the ESCAPE key will cancel the operation and return you to the alarm screen. Pressing the ENTER key will result in the alarm log being cleared.
Note: Use caution when clearing the alarm log. Once cleared, alarm entries cannot be retrieved.
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