Electrical Data
8 ft 12 ft
Number of Fans—12W 4 6
Amperes Watts
8 ft 12 ft 8 ft 12 ft
Evaporator Fan
120V 60Hz Standard 2.60 3.90 200 300
120V 50Hz Standard 3.00 4.50 228 342
230V 60Hz Export 1.32 1.98 200 300
230V 50Hz Export 1.52 2.28 228 342
120V 60Hz Energy Efficient 1.20 1.80 72 108
230V 60Hz Energy Efficient 0.60 0.90 72 108
Minimum Circuit Ampacity
120V 60Hz Standard 2.80 4.10
120V 50Hz Standard 3.20 4.70
230V 60Hz Export 1.52 2.18
230V 50Hz Export 1.72 2.48
120V 60Hz Energy Efficient 1.40 2.00
230V 60Hz Energy Efficient 0.80 1.10
Maximum Over Current Protection 120V 20 20
Maximum Over Current Protection 230V 15 15
Standard Lighting (T-8 fluorescent)
1 Row Canopy 0.51 0.77 59 85
Optional Lighting (T-8 fluorescent)
Additional 1 Row Canopy 0.51 0.77 59 85
Additional 2 Row Canopy 1.02 1.54 118 170
Additional 3 Row Canopy 1.53 2.31 177 255
1 Row Rail Light 0.51 0.77 59 85
4 Rows of Shelves 2.04 3.08 236 340
EcoShine Multi-deck — Normal CRI—120VAC, 50/60Hz
2 Row Canopy (Front & Rear) 0.55 0.82 66 98
4 Rows of Shelves 0.78 1.17 93 140
EcoShine Multi-deck — High CRI —120VAC, 50/60Hz
2 Row Canopy (Front & Rear) 0.63 0.93 75 112
4 Rows of Shelves 0.93 1.40 112 168
Optional Always*Bright LED Canopy Lighting
2 Row Canopy 0.71 1.08 85 130
4 Rows of Shelves 0.93 1.40 112 168
120V Lighting Circuit Total = Standard Lighting + Total Optional Lighting + Optional Shelf Lighting
230V Lighting Circuit Total = Multiply 120V Lighting Circuit Total by 0.52
4 of 11 D5X-RE Technical Data Sheet
U.S. & CANADA 1-800-922-1919 • MEXICO 1-800-522-1900
Dairy & Delicatessen
Rear Load Dairy & Delicatessen model is not offered in 4-ft or 6-ft length.