Husqvarna 952715640 User Manual

Note the following before starting 2....
Symbols 3.........................
Personal protective equipment 4......
Machine’s safety equipment 4........
Cutting equipment 5.................
Checking, maintaining and servicing
the machine’s safety equipment 5.....
General safety precautions 7.........
Starting 8.........................
Fuel safety 8.......................
Transporting and storage 8...........
General working instructions 8........
Basic safety rules 8.................
Basic working techniques 9..........
Know your trimmer 11................
Fitting the loop handle 12.............
Fitting the trimmer guard and
trimmer head 12.....................
Fuel 13............................
Fueling 13..........................
Check before starting 14..............
Starting and stopping 14..............
Carburetor 15.......................
Muffler 16..........................
Spark plug 16.......................
Air filter 17..........................
Bevel gear 17.......................
Maintenance schedule 17.............
Trimmer head line loading instructions 18..
Technical data 19....................
Note the following before starting:
Husqvarna AB has a policy of continuous product development and therefore reserves the right to modify the design and appearance of products without prior notice. Long--term exposure to noise can result in permanent hearing impairment. Always use approved hearing protection. Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devicesandsystem may be performed by any nonroad engine re­pair establishment or individual.
The Emissions Compliance Period referred to on the Emissions Compliance label indi­cates the number of operating hours for which the engine has been shown to meet Federal emissions requirements.
Category C = 50 hours, B= 125 hours, and A = 300 hours.
For reference, please fill out the following information that will be needed for future servicing of your trimmer:
Model Number: Serial Number: Purchase Date: Purchased From:
WARNING: A clearing saw,
brushcutter or trimmer can be dangerous if used incorrectly or carelessly, and can cause serious or fatal injury to the operator or others. It is extremely important that you read and understand the contents of this operator’s manual.
WARNING: Under no circum-
stances may the design of the machine be modified without the permission of the manufacturer. Always use genuine accessories. Non--authorized modifications and/or accessories can result in serious personal injury or the death of the operator or others. Your warranty may not cover damage or liability caused by the use of non--authorized accesso­ries or replacement parts.
For customer assistance,call:
Contact us at our website:
115374527 Rev. 1 4/15/10
WARNING: Clearing saws, brush-
cutters and trimmers can be dan­gerous! Careless or incorrect use can result in serious or fatal injury to the operator or others.
WARNING: Read the operator’s manual before use. Failure to follow instructions could result in serious injury to the operator and/or bystanders. Save operator’s manual.
Always wear:
S Hearing protection S Approved eye protection
Watch out for thrown objects and ricochets.
The operator of the machine must ensure, while working, that no persons or animals come closer than 50 feet (15 meters).
Arrows which show limits for handle positioning.
Only intended for trimmer heads.
Use unleaded or quality leaded gasoline and two--stroke oil mixed at a ratio of 2% (1:50).
Other symbols/decals on the machine refer to special certification requirements for certain markets.
Stop the engine by pushing and holding the stop switch in the STOP position until the engine stops before carrying out any checks or maintenance.
Regular cleaning is required.
Visual check.
Approved eye protection must always be used.
Always wear approved protective gloves.
Wear sturdy, non--slip boots.
Only use non--metallic, flexible cutting attachments, i.e. trimmer heads with trimmer line.
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Personal protective equipment
IMPORTANT!Whenever you use a clear-
ing saw, brushcutter or trimmer you must wear personal protective equipment that is approved by the authorities. Personal protective equipment does not eliminate the risk of accidents, but it can reduce the effects of an injury in the event of an acci­dent. Ask your dealer for help when choosing protective equipment.
WARNING: Listen out for warn-
ing signals or shouts when you are wearing hearing protection. Always remove your hearing protection as soon as the engine stops.
Gloves should be worn when necessary, e.g., when fitting cutting attachments.
Wear hearing protection that provides adequate noise reduction.
Always wear approved eye protection. If you use a visor then you must also wear approved protective goggles. Approved protective goggles must comply with standard ANSI Z87.1.
Always have a first aid kit nearby.
Machine’s safety equipment
This section describes the machine’s safe­ty equipment, its purpose, and how checks and maintenance should be carried out to ensure that it operates correctly. See the “Know your trimmer ” section to locate where this equipment is positioned on your machine. The life span of the machine can be reduced and the risk of accidents can increase if machine maintenance is not carried out correctly and if service and/or repairs are not carried out professionally. If you need further information please contact your nearest ser­vicing dealer.
WARNING: Never use a machine
that has faulty safety equipment! Carry out the inspection, mainte­nance and service routines listed in this section.
Stop switch
Make sure the engine stops when you push and hold the stop switch.
This guard is intended to prevent loose ob­jects from being thrown towards the opera­tor. The guard also protects the operator from accidental contact with the cutting at­tachment.
Wear sturdy, non--slip boots.
Wear clothes made of a strong fabric and avoid loose clothing that can catch on twigs and branches. Always wear heavy, long pants. Do not wear jewelry, shorts sandals or go barefoot. Secure hair so it is above shoulder level.
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WARNING: Never use a cutting
attachment without an approved guard. See the section on “Technical data”. If an incorrect or faulty guard is fitted this can cause serious personal injury.
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Use ofincorrectly wound trimmer line or an incorrect cutting attachment increases the level of vibration.
WARNING: Overexposure to
vibration can lead to circulatory damage or nerve damage in people whohaveimpairedcirculation. Contact your doctor if you experi­ence symptoms of overexposure to vibration. Such symptoms include numbness, loss of feeling, tingling, pricking, pain, loss of strength, changes in skin color or condition. These symptoms normally appear in the fingers, hands or wrists. The risk increases at low temperatures.
The muffler is designed to reduce the noise level and to direct the exhaust gases away from the operator.
CAUTION! Muffler is fitted with a catalytic converter designed to reduce harmful ex­haust gases.
For mufflers, it is very important that you fol­low the instructions on checking, maintain­ing, and servicing your machine. See Checking, maintaining and servicing the machine’s safety equipment section.
WARNING: Mufflers fitted with
catalytic converters get very hot during use and remain so for some time after stopping. This also ap­plies at idle speed. Contact can re­sult in burns to the skin. Remember the risk of fire!
WARNING: The inside of the
muffler contain chemicals that may be carcinogenic. Avoid contact with these elements in the event of a damaged muffler.
WARNING: Bear in mind that:
Engine exhaust fumes contain car­bon monoxide, which can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. For this reason you should not start or run the machine indoors, or any­where that is poorly ventilated. The exhaust fumes from the engine are hot and may contain sparks which can start a fire. Never start the machine indoors or near com­bustible material!
Cutting equipment
A trimmer head is intended for trimming grass.
Checking, maintaining and servicing the machine’s safety equipment
All servicing and repair work on the machine requires special training. This is especially true of the machine’s safety equipment. If your machine fails any of the checks de­scribed below you must contact your service agent. When you buy any of our products we guarantee the availability of professional re­pairs and service. If the retailer who sells your machine is not a servicing dealer, ask him for the address of your nearest service agent.
Stop switch
S Start the engine and make sure the engine
stops when you push and hold the stop switch.
S Ensure that the guard is undamaged and
is not cracked.
S Replace the guard if it has been exposed
to impact or is cracked.
S Always use the recommended guard for
the cutting attachment you are using. See section on “Technical data”.
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S Never use a machine that has a faulty
S Regularly check that the muffler is securely
attached to the machine.
S The muffler on this unit is equipped with a
special spark arrestor mesh. The mesh should be checked and, if necessary. cleaned by a servicing dealer. A blocked mesh will cause the machine to overheat, which can lead to serious damage. Never use a mufflerwith adefective spark arres­tor mesh. See the Maintenance section.
Cutting equipment
This section describes how to choose and maintain your cutting equipment in order to:
S Obtain maximum cutting performance. S Extend the life of cutting equipment.
General rules
1. Only use cutting attachments with the guards we recommend! See the section on “Technical Data”.
2. Check the cutting attachment for damage or cracks. A damaged cutting attachment should always be replaced.
WARNING: Never use a machine
with faulty safety equipment. The machine’s safety equipment must be checked and maintained as described in this section. If your machine fails any of these checks contact your service agent to getitrepaired.
This section describes how to choose and maintain your cutting equipment in order to: Obtain maximum cutting performance. Extend the life of cutting equipment. Only use cutting attachments with the guards we recommend! See the section on “T echnical data”. Refer to the instructions for the cutting attach­ment to check the correct way to load the trimmer line and the correct line diameter.
S Only use the recommended cutting at-
tachments. See the section on “Technical data”.
S Smaller machines generally require small
trimmer heads and vice versa. This is be­cause when clearing using trimmer line the engine must throw out the trimmer line radially from the trimmer head and overcome the resistance of the grass being cleared.
S The length of the trimmer line is also im-
portant. A longer trimmer line requires greater engine power than a shorter trimmer line of the same diameter.
S Make sure that the cutter on the trimmer
guard is intact. This is used to cut the trimmer line to the correct length.
S Toincrease the life of the trimmer line it
can be soaked in water for a couple of days. This will make the line tougher so that it lasts longer.
Always ensure the trimmer line is wound tightly and evenly around the drum, other­wise the machine will generate harmful vibration.
WARNING: Always stop the en-
gine before doing any work on the cutting attachment. This continues to rotate even after the throttle has been released. Ensure that the cutting attachment has stopped completely and disconnect the lead from the spark plug before you start to work on it.
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General safety precautions
S The machine is only designed for trimming
S The only accessories you can operate
with this engine unit are the cutting at­tachments we recommend in the “Tech­nical data” section.
S Never use wire, rope, string, etc. S Never use the machine if you are tired, if
you have drunk alcohol, or if you are tak­ing medication that could affect your vi­sion, your judgment or your coordination.
S Never use the machine in extreme weath-
er condi tion ssuch as severe cold ,very hot and/or humid climates.
S Never use a machine that has been modi-
fied in any way from its original specifica­tion.
S Wear personal protective equipment. See
instructions in the “Personal protective equipment” section.
S Never use a machine that is faulty. Carry
out the checks, maintenance and service instructions described in this manual. Some maintenance and service measures must be carried out by trained and quali­fied specialists. See instructions in the “Maintenance” section.
S All covers and guards must be fitted before
starting. Make sure the spark plug cap and lead are not damaged. Otherwise you could get an electric shock.
S The machine operator must ensure that
no people or animals come closer than 50 feet (15 meters) while working.
S Stay clear of spinning line. S Secure or remove loose clothing or cloth-
ing with loosely hanging ties, straps, tas­sels, etc. They can be caught in moving parts.
S Being fully covered also helps protect you
from debris and pieces of toxic plants thrown by spinning line.
S Keep handles free of oil and fuel. S Always keep the engine on the right hand
side of your body.
S Hold the unit firmly with both hands. S Keep trimmer head below waist level and
away from all parts of your body. Do not raise engine above your waist.
S Keep all parts of your body away from
muffler and spinning line. Keep engine be­low waist level. A hot muffler can cause serious burns.
S Keep firm footing and balance. Do not
overreach or use from unstable surfaces such as ladders, trees, steep slopes, roof­tops, etc.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light. S Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
WARNING: A faulty cutting at-
tachment may increase the risk of accidents.
Personal protection
S Always wear boots and
other equipment described in the “Personal protective equipment” section.
S Always wear working
clothes and heavy--duty long pants.
S Never wear loose fitting
clothes or jewelry.
S Persons with long hair
should (for personal safety) put their hair up.
Safety instructions regarding the surroundings
S Never allow children to use the machine. S Ensure no one comes closer than 50 feet
(15 meters) when working.
S Never allow anyone else to use the
machine without first ensuring that they have understood the contents of the operator’s manual.
Safety instructionsbefore starting work
S Inspect the working area. Remove any
objects such as stones, broken glass, nails, steel wire, string, etc. that can be thrown or can wrap around the cutting head or shaft.
S Keep others at a safe distance. Children,
animals, onlookers and helpers should stand outside of the safety zone of 50 feet (15 meters). Bystanders should be encouraged to wear safety glasses. Stop the machine immediately if anyone should approach.
S Check the entire machine before starting
work. Replace damaged parts. Check for fuel leakage and that all safety guards and covers are complete and fastened securely. Check all nuts and bolts.
S Check the cutting head
for cracks or any other damage.
S Ensure the trimmer guard
is mounted and not damaged.
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S Check that the trimmer head and guard
are correctly secured.
S When adjusting the carburetor, make sure
the lower end is supported and that no one is in the immediate vicinity.
S Make sure the cutting head does not rotate
when idling.
S Make sure the handle and safety features
are in order. Never use a machine that has parts missing or has been changed in relation to the specification.
S Only use the machine for the purpose for
which it was intended.
WARNING: When the engine is
started with the choke in either the choke or start throttle positionsthe cutting attachment will start to rotate immediately.
S Ensure that all of the engine covers and
housings are properly fitted before the unit is started.
S Never start or attempt to run the unit with
the clutch, clutch drum, clutch cover, or driveshaft removed.
S Never start the machine indoors. Exhaust
fumes can be dangerous if inhaled.
S Observe your surroundings and make sure
that there is no risk of people or animals coming into contact with the cutting equip­ment.
S See the “Starting and Stopping” section for
complete instructions.
Fuel safety
S Always use a fuel container with an anti--
spill valve.
S Never refuel the machine while the engine
is running.
S Always stop the engine and let it cool for a
few minutes before refueling.
S Make sure there is plenty of ventilation
when refueling or mixing fuel (gasoline and 2--stroke oil).
S Move the machine at least 10 feet (3 me-
ters) from the refueling point before start­ing it.
Min. 10 ft.
(3 m)
S Never start the machine:
S If you have spilled fuel on it. Wipe off
the spillage and allow remaining fuel to evaporate.
S If you have spilled fuel on yourself or
your clothes, change your clothes. Was any part of your body that has come in contact with fuel. Use soap and water.
S If the machine is leaking fuel. Check
regularly for leaks from the fuel cap and fuel lines.
S Avoid all skin contact with fuel. Fuel is
a skin irritant and may even cause skin changes.
Transporting and storage
S Store and transport the machine and fuel
so that there is no risk of any leakage or fumes coming into contact with sparks or naked flames, for example, from electri­cal machinery, electric motors, electrical relays/switches or boilers.
S When storing and transporting fuel al-
ways use approved containers intended for this purpose.
S When storing the machine for long peri-
ods the fuel tank must be emptied. Con­tact your local gas station to find out where to dispose of excess fuel.
S Ensure the machine is cleaned and that
a complete service is carried out before long--term storage.
WARNING: Take care when han-
dling fuel. Bear in mind the risk of fire, explosion and inhaling fumes.
General working instructions
This section describes the basic safety pre­cautions for working with trimmers. If you encounter a situation where you are uncer­tain how to proceed you should ask an ex­pert. Contact your servicing dealer. Avoid all usage which you consider to be beyond your capability. You must understand the difference between forestry clearing, grass clearing and grass trimming before use.
Basic safety rules
1. Look around you: S Toensure that people, animals or other
things cannot affect your control of the machine.
S Toensure that people, animals, etc.,
do not come into contact with the cut­ting attachment or loose objects that are thrown out by the cutting attach­ment.
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S CAUTION! Do not use the machine
unless you are able to call for help in the event of an accident.
2. Do not use the machine in bad weather, such as dense fog, heavy rain, strong wind, intense cold, etc. Working in bad weather is tiring and often brings added risks, such as icy ground, unpredictable felling direction, etc.
3. Make sure you can move and standsafel y. Check the area around you for possible ob­stacles (roots, rocks, branches, ditches, etc.) in case you have to move suddenly. Take great care when working on sloping ground.
4. Switch off the engine before moving to another area.
5. Never put the machine down with the engine running or while the cutting attachment is rotating.
Basic working techniques
S Always slow the engine to idle speed after
each working operation. Long periods at full throttle without any load on the engine can lead to serious engine damage.
S It is recommended that the engine not
be operated for longer than 1 minute at full throttle.
WARNING: Sometimes branches
or grass get caught between the guard and cutting attachment. Always stop the engine before cleaning.
Grass trimming using a trimmer head
S Reduce the risk ofdamaging plants by
shortening the trimmer line to 4- -4 1/2 inches (10- -12 cm) and reducing the engine speed.
S When trimming you should use less than
full throttle so that the trimmer line lasts longer and to reduce the wear on the trimmer head.
S The clearing technique removes all un-
wanted vegetation. Keep the trimmer head just above the ground and tilt it. Let the end of the trimmer line strike the ground around trees, posts, statues and the like. CAUTION! This technique increases the wear on the trimmer line.
S The trimmer line wears quicker and must
be fed forward more often when working against stones, brick, concrete, metal fences, etc., than when coming into con­tact with trees and wooden fences.
S The trimmer is ideal for cutting grass that
is difficult to reach using a normal lawn mower. Keep the trimmer line parallel to the ground when cutting. Avoid pressing the trimmer head against the ground as this can ruin the lawn and damage the tool.
S Hold the trimmer head just above the
ground at an angle. It is the end of the trim­mer line that does the work. Let the trim­mer line work at its own pace. Never press the trimmer line into the area to be cut.
S The trimmer line can easily remove grass
and weeds up against walls, fences, trees and borders, however it can also damage sensitive bark on trees and bushes, and damage fence posts.
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S Do not allow the trimmer head to con--
stantly come into contact with the ground during normal cutting. Constant contact of this type can cause damage and wear to the trimmer head.
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S The fan effect of the rotating line can be
used for quick and easy clearing up. Hold the trimmer line parallel to and above the area to be swept and move the tool to and fro.
S When cutting and sweeping you should
use full throttle to obtain the best results.
WARNING: Neither the operator
of the machine nor anyone else may attempt to remove the cut material while the engine is running or the trimmer line is rotating, as this can result in serious injury. Stop the engine and trimmer head before you remove material that has wound around the drive shaft as otherwise there is a risk of injury. The bevel gear can get hot during use and may remain so for a while afterwards. You could get burned if you touch it.
WARNING: Watch out for thrown
objects. Always wear eye protection. Never lean over the cutting attach­ment guard. Stones, rubbish, etc. canbethrownupintotheeyes
causing blindness or serious injury. Keep unauthorized persons at a dis­tance. Children, animals, onlookers and helpers should be kept outside the safety zone of 50 feet (15 meters). Stop the machine immediately if anyone approaches.
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Know your trimmer
1. Trimmer head 10. Starter handle
2. Grease filler cap 11. Fuel tank
3. Bevel gear 12. Choke control
4. Cutting attachment guard 13. Primer bulb
5. Shaft 14. Air filter cover
6. Loop handle 15. Handle adjustment
7. Throttle control 16. 2--stroke engine oil
8. Stop switch 17. Operator’s manual
9. Cylinder cover
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NOTE: Make sure unit is assembled cor-
rectly as shown in this manual.
Fitting the l oop handle
S Position the handle on the shaft. Note
that the handle must be mounted be­tween the two arrows on the shaft.
S Fit the screw, securing plate and wing
nut as shown in the diagram.
S Tighten the wing nut.
Fitting the trimmer guard and
trimmer head
S Fit the correct trimmer guard (A) for use
with the trimmer head. Hook the trimmer guard/combination guard onto the fitting on the shaft and secure with the wing nut (B).
S Turn the shaft until one of the holes in the
dust cup aligns with the corresponding hole in the gear housing.
S Insert a small screwdriver (C) into the
aligned holes to lock the shaft.
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S Screw on the trimmer head (D) in the op-
posite direction to the direction of rota­tion.
S Todismantle, follow the instructions in
the reverse order.
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Fuel mixture
CAUTION! The machine is equipped with
a two--stroke engine and must always be run using a mixture of gasoline and two-­stroke engine oil. It is important to accu­rately measure the amount of oil to be mixed to ensure that the correct mixture is obtained. When mixing small amounts of fuel, even small inaccuracies can drastical­ly affect the ratio of the mixture.
WARNING: Always ensure
there is adequate ventilation when handling fuel.
CAUTION! Always use high quality
unleaded gasoline.
S This engine is certified to operate on
unleaded gasoline.
S The lowest recommended octane rating
is 87. If you run the engine on lower oc­tane rating than 87, “knocking” can oc­cur. This leads to an increased engine temperature, which can result in a seri­ous engine breakdown.
S When working at continuous high revs a
higher octane rating is recommended.
Two - -stroke oil
S For great results and performance use
HUSQVARNA two--stroke oil, which is specially formulated for our two--stroke engines. Mixture 1:50 (2%).
S Tomaximize the life of your trimmer, you
may choose to use a high quality syn­thetic oil formulated for two--stroke engines. Mixture 1:50 (2%).
S Never use two--stroke oil intended for
water--cooled outboard engines, sometimes referred to as outboard oil.
S Never use oil intended for four--stroke
U.S. gallon U.S.fl. oz.
121/2 2 1/2 6 1/2 5127/8
S Always mix the gasoline and oil in a
clean container intended for fuel.
Two --stroke oil
2% (1:50)
S Mix (shake) the fuel mixture thoroughly
S Do not mix more than one month’s sup- S If the machine is not used for some time,
S Clean the area around the fuel cap.
S Ensure that the fuel is well mixed by shak-
lways start byflling halfthe amount ofthe gasoline to be used. Then add the entire amount of oil. Mix (shake) the fuel mixture. Add the remaining amount of gasoline.
before filling the machine’s fuel tank.
ply of fuel at a time. the fuel tank should be emptied and
WARNING: The catalytic con-
verter muffler gets very hot during and after use. This also applies during idling. Be aware of the fire hazard, especially when working near flammable substances and/or vapors.
WARNING: Taking the following
precautions, will lessen the risk of fire: Do not smoke or place hot objects near fuel. Always shut off the engine before refueling. Always stop the engine and let it cool for a few minutes before refu­elling. When refueling, open the fuel cap slowly so that any excess pressure is released gently. Tighten the fuel cap carefully after refueling. Always move the machine away from the refueling area before starting.
Min. 10 ft.
(3 m)
Contamination in the tank can cause operating problems.
ing the container before filling the tank.
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Check before starting
S Inspect the unit before each use. Re-
place damaged parts. Check for fuel leaks. Make sure all fasteners are in place and secure. Make sure the cutting attachment is properly installed and se­curely fastened. Use only flexible, non­metallic line recommended by the manufacturer. Never use, for example, wire or wire rope, which can break off and become a dangerous projectile.
S Check that the trimmer head and trimmer
guard are not damaged or cracked. Replace the trimmer head or trimmer guard if they have been exposed to impact or are cracked.
S Never use the machine without a guard
nor with a defective guard.
Starting and stopping
Cold engine
Primer bulb: Press the primer bulb 10
times until fuel begins to fill the bulb. The primer bulb need not be completely filled.
Choke: Move the blue engine choke lever to the closed position.
Hold the body of the machine on the ground using your left hand (CAUTION! Not with your foot!). Firmly grip the starter rope handle with your right hand. DO NOT squeeze throttle trigger. Slowly pull out the cord until you feel some resistance (the starter pawls grip); then quickly and powerfully pull the cord.
Never wrap the starter cord around your hand.
Repeat pulling the cord until the engine attempts to start. Move the blue engine choke lever to the ½ position. Pull starter rope until engine runs. Move the blue en­gine choke lever to the opened position.
WARNING: The complete clutch,
clutch cover, and shaft must be fitted before the machine is started, otherwise parts could come loose and cause personal injury. Always move the machine away from the refueling area before starting. Place the machine on a flat surface. Ensure the cutting at­tachment cannot come into contact with any object. Make sure no unauthorized persons are in the working area, otherwise there is a risk of serious personal injury. The safety distance is 50 feet (15 meters).
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NOTE: If engine dies, return blue engine
choke lever to the closed position and
repeat starting steps. CAUTION! Do not pull the starter cord all the way out and do not let go of the starter handle when the cord is fully extended. This can damage the machine.
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With a warm engine, move the blue engine choke lever to the ½ position. Pull starter rope until engine runs. Move the blue engine choke lever to the opened position..
Stop the engine by pushing and holding the stop switch in the STOP position until the engine stops.
WARNING: When the engine is
started with the choke in the closed position the cutting attachment will start to rotate immediately.
The owner is responsible mance of all required maintenance as defined in the operator’s manual.
WARNING: Improper mainte-
nance could result in serious engine damage or in serious injury.
YourHusqvarna product has been designed and manufactured to specifications that re­duce harmful emissions. After the engine has used 8--10 tanks of fuel, the engine will be run--in. To ensure that it continues to run at peak performance and to minimize harm­ful exhaust emissions after the run--in peri­od, ask your servicing dealer to adjust your carburetor.
WARNING: The complete clutch,
clutch cover, and shaft must be fitted before the machine is started, otherwise parts could come loose and cause personal injury.
or the perfor-
S The carburetor governs the engine’s
speed via the throttle control. Air and fuel are mixed in the carburetor.
S The T--screw regulates the throttle setting
at idle speed. If the T--screw is turned clockwise this gives a higher idle speed; turning it counterclockwise gives a lower idle speed.
Basic setting
S The basic carburetor settings are ad-
justed during testing at the factory. Fine adjustment should be carried out by a skilled technician.
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WARNING: The cutting attach-
ment may be spinning during carbu­retor adjustments. Wear your protec­tive equipment and observe all safe­ty instructions. Be sure the cutting attachment stops turning when the engine idles. When the unit is turned off, make sure the cutting attach­ments has stopped before the unit is set down.
CAUTION! If the cutting attachment rotates
when the engine is idling the idle adjustment screw T should be turned counterclockwise until the cutting attachment stops.
Rec. idle speed:
See “Technical data” section.
Recommended max. speed:
See “Technical data” section.
Fine adjustment of the idle speed--T
Adjust the idle speed using the idle adjust-
ment screw--T if it is necessary to readjust.
First, turn the idle adjustment screw--T
clockwise until the cutting attachment starts
to rotate. Then, turn the screw counterc-
lockwise until the cutting attachment stops.
The idle speed is correctly adjusted when
the engine will run smoothly in every posi-
tion. The idle speed should also be well
below the speed at which the cutting at-
tachment starts to rotate.
Idle Speed Screw--T
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WARNING: If the idle speed can-
not be adjusted so that the cutting attachment stops, contact your ser­vicing dealer. Do not use the ma­chine until it has been correctly ad­justed or repaired.
Unit/Maintenance Safety
Disconnect the spark plug before perform­ing maintenance, except carburetor adjust­ments.
CAUTION! Muffler is fitted with a catalytic
converter designed to reduce harmful ex­haust gases.
The muffler is designed to reduce the noise level and to direct the exhaust gases away from the operator. The exhaust gases are hot and can contain sparks, which may cause fire if directed against dry and com­bustible material.
Mufflers are equipped with a special spark arrestor mesh. The mesh should be checked and, if necessary. cleaned by a servicing dealer. If the mesh is damaged, it should be replaced. Ifthemeshisfre­quently blocked, this can be a sign that the performance of the catalytic converter is impaired. Contact your servicing dealer to inspect the muffler. A blocked mesh will cause the machine to overheat and result in damage to the cylinder and piston.
WARNING: Mufflers fitted with
catalytic converters get very hot duringuseandremainsoforsome time after stopping. This also ap­plies at idle speed. Contact can re­sult in burns to the skin. Remember theriskoffire!
WARNING: Theinsideofthe
muffler contain chemicals that may be carcinogenic. Avoid contact with these elements in the event of a damaged muffler.
WARNING: Bear in mind that:
Engine exhaust fumes contain car­bon monoxide, which can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. For this reason you should not start or run the machine indoors, or any­where that is poorly ventilated. The exhaust fumes from the engine are hot and may contain sparks which can start a fire. Never start the machine indoors or near com­bustible material!
Spark plug
The spark plug condition is influenced by:
S Incorrect carburetor adjustment. S An incorrect fuel mixture (too much or in-
correct type of oil). S A dirty air filter. These factors cause deposits on the spark plug electrodes, which may result in operat­ing problems and starting difficulties. If the machine is low on power, difficult to start or runs poorly at idle speed: always check the spark plug first before taking any further action. If the spark plug is dirty, clean it and check that the electrode gap is
0.024(0.6 mm). The spark plug should be replaced after about a month in operation or earlier if necessary.
Muffler bolts
Spark arrestor mesh
CAUTION! Never use a machine that has a faulty or loose muffler. Ensure the muffler bolts are tight.
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CAUTION! Always use the recommended spark plug type! Use of the wrong spark plug can damage the piston/cylinder.
0.024(0.6 mm)
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Air filter
The air filter must be regularly cleaned to remove dust and dirt in order to avoid:
S Carburetor malfunctions S Starting problems S Loss of engine power S Unnecessary wear to engine parts S Excessive fuel consumption
Clean the filter every 25 hours, or more regularly if conditions are exceptionally dusty.
Cleaning the air filter
Remove the air filter cover and take out the filter. Wash it clean in warm, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly. Ensure that the filter is dry before refitting it. An air filter that has been in use for a long time cannot be cleaned completely. The filter must therefore be replaced with a new one at regular intervals. A damaged air
filter must always be replaced.
Bevel gear
The bevel gear is filled with the right quan­tity of grease at the factory. However, be­fore using the machine you should check that the bevel gear is filled three--quarters full with grease. Use HUSQVARNA special grease.
Maintenance schedule
Below you will find some general mainte­nance instructions.
Daily maintenance
S Check throttle trigger function. S Check that the stop switch works
S Check that there are no fuel leaks from
the engine, tank or fuel lines.
S Check that the cutter does not rotate
when the engine is idling.
S Clean the outside of the machine. S Check that the harness is not damaged. S Check that the blade guard is not dam-
aged or cracked.
S Replace the blade guard if it is exposed to
impact or is cracked.
S A non--balanced trimmer head induces
heavy vibrations that may damage the machine.
S Check that nuts and screws are tight. S Check that the screws that hold the bevel
gear are tight.
S Check that the trimmer head is tight.
Weekly maintenance
S Check the starter and starter cord. S Clean the carburetor area. S Clean the outside of the spark plug. Re-
move it and check the electrode gap. Ad­just the gap to 0.024(0.6 mm), or replace the spark plug. Use resistor spark plug Champion RCJ--8Y or equivalent.
S Clean the cooling fins on the cylinder and
check that the air intake near the starter is not blocked.
S Check that the bevel gear is filled with
grease up to 3/4 full. Use special grease.
S Clean the air filter.
Monthly maintenance
S Clean the fuel tank. S Clean the outside of the carburetor and
the space around it.
S Clean the fan and the area around it. S Check fuel lines for cracks or other dam-
age. Change if necessary.
S Change the fuel filter in fuel tank. S Check the clutch, clutch springs and the
clutch drum for wear. Replace if neces­sary.
S Check electrical wires and connections. S Replace the spark plug. Use resistor
spark plug Champion RCJ--8Y or equiva­lent.
S Change the air filter.
The grease in the bevel gear does not nor­mally need to be changed except if repairs are carried out.
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Trimmer Head Line Loading Instructions
3m 10i
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Technical data
Cylinder volume, Cylinder bore, inch/mm 1.4/35 Stroke, inch/mm 1.130/28.7 Idle speed, rpm 2,800--3,200 Recommended max. speed, rpm 11,000 Speed of output shaft, rpm 8,000 Max. engine output, acc. to ISO 8893, hp/kW 1.1/0.8 Catalytic converter muffler Yes Speed--regulated ignition system No
Ignition system
Manufacturer/type of ignition system Walbro/CD Spark plug Champion RCJ--6Y Electrode gap, inch/mm 0.024/0.6
Fuel and lubrication system
Manufacturer/type of carburetor Zama Fuel tank capacity, US pint/liter 0.85/0.4
Weight without fuel, cutting attachment and guard, lbs/kg 11/4.8
Sound levels
(see note 1) Equivalent sound pressure level at the user’s ear, measured according to ANSI B175.3--1997, dB(A), min/max: 94/97
Vibration levels
Vibration levels at handles, measured according to ANSIB175.3--1997, m/s At idle, left/right handles: 3/5 At max. speed, left/right handles: 9/8
NOTE! This spark ignition system complies with the Canadian standard ICES--002. Note 1: Equivalent noise pressure level is calculated as the time--weighted energy total for
noise pressure levels under various working conditions with the following time distribution: 1/2 idle and 1/2 max. speed.
NOTE! Noise pressure at the user’s ear and vibration on the handles are measured with all the machine’s approved cutting equipment fitted. The table indicates the highest and lowest values.
Model 124L (3/8 LH arbor shaft thread) Approved accessories Type Cutting attachment guard, part. no.
Trimmer head T25 537 33 83--04
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board, Environment Canada and HUSQVARNA are pleased to explain the emissions control system warranty on your year 2010 and later small off--road engine. In California, all small off--road en­gines must be designed, built, and equipped to meet the State’s stringent anti--smog stan­dards. HUSQVARNA must warrant the emis­sion control system on your small off- -road engine for the periods of time listed below pro­vided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of your small off--road engine. Y our emission control system includes parts such as the carburetor, the ignition sys­tem and the fuel tank. Where a warrantable cond ition exists, HUSQVARNA will repairyour small off--road engine at no cost to you. Ex­penses covered under warranty include diag­nosis, parts and labor.
If any emissions related part on your engine (as listed under Emissions Control Warran­ty Parts List) is defective or a defect in the materials or workmanship of the engine causes the failure of such an emission re­lated part, the part will be repaired or re­placed by HUSQVARNA.
As the small off--road engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the re­quired maintenance listed in your operator’s manual. HUSQVARNA recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your small off--road engine, but HUSQ­VARNA cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled mainte­nance. As the small off--road engine owner, you should be aware that HUSQVARNA may deny you warranty coverage if your small off--road engine or a part of it has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper main­tenance, unapproved modifications, or the use of parts not made or approved by the original equipment manufacturer. You are responsible for presenting your small off-­road engine to a HUSQVARNA authorized repair center as soon as a problem exists. Warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you have any questions regard­ing your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center, call HUSQVARNA at 1--800- -487- -5951, or visit
The warranty period begins on the date the small off--road engine is purchased.
This warranty shall be for a period of two years from the initial date of purchase, or until the end of the product warranty (which­ever is longer).
Repair or replacement of any warranted part will be performed at no charge to the owner at an approved HUSQVARNA servicing center. If you have any questions regarding your war­ranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service cen­ter, call HUSQVARNA at 1--800--487- -5951, or visit
Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance, or which is scheduled only for regular inspection to the effect of “repair or replace as neces­sary” shall be warranted for 2 years. Any warranted part which is scheduled for replace­ment as required maintenance shall be warranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled replacement point for that part.
The owner shall not be charged for diag­nostic labor which leads to the determina­tion that a warranted part is defective if the diagnostic work is performed at an ap­proved HUSQVARNA servicing center.
HUSQVARNA may be liable for damages to other engine components caused by the fail­ure of a warranted part still under warranty.
All failures caused by abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance are not covered.
The use of add--on or modified parts can be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim. HUSQVARNA is not liable to cover failures of warranted parts caused by the use of add--on or modified parts.
If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized ser­vice center, call HUSQVARNA at 1--800- -487- -5951, or visit
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Warranty services or repairs shall be pro­vided at all HUSQVARNA service centers. Call 1--800--487--5951 or visit
Any HUSQVARNA approved replacement part used in the performance of any warran­ty maintenance or repair on emission re­lated parts will be provided without charge to the owner if the part is under warranty.
This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:
Moderate (50 hours) Intermediate (125 hours) Extended (300 hours)
Carburetor, Air Filter (covered up to mainte­nance schedule), Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered up to maintenance sched­ule), Ignition Module, Muffler including Cata­lyst (if equipped), Fuel Tank.
The owner is responsible for the perfor­mance of all required maintenance as de­fined in the operator’s manual.
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