Husqvarna 850 User Manual

Rider 850/970
Operator´s manual
Please read these instructions carefully and make sure you understand them before using the machine.
101 89 35-26


Operator’ s Manual for
Rider 850 Rider 970
Safety instructions ............................................. 2
Safety rules, USA nomenclature ....................... 2
Explanation of symbols ..................................... 4
Safety instructions ............................................. 5
General use........................................................5
Driving on slopes................................................6
Location of the controls ..................................... 9
Throttle/Choke lever ........................................ 10
Clutch pedal .....................................................10
Brake pedal ......................................................10
Parking brake ...................................................11
Gear shift..........................................................11
Cutting unit .......................................................11
Lift lever for cutting unit.................................... 12
Lever for adjustment of cutting height.............. 12
Before starting ..................................................14
Starting the engine .......................................... 14
Driving the machine......................................... 16
Cutting tips .......................................................17
Starting on slopes ............................................18
Stopping the engine ........................................ 18
Maintenance schedule .................................... 19
Dismantling of the machine hoods .................. 20
Checking the engine’s oil level......................... 21
Checking the engine’s cooling air intake.......... 21
Checking the fuel pump’s air filter.................... 21
Checking and adjustment of steering wires ..... 22
Checking the brake.......................................... 23
Adjusting the brake.......................................... 23
Checking the battery acid level........................ 23
Checking the safety system............................. 23
Replacement of air filter .................................. 24
Checking and adjustment of cutting unit’s
ground pressure Rider 970.............................. 25
Checking the parallelism of the cutting unit ..... 25
Adjusting the parallelism of the cutting unit ..... 26
Dismantling the cutting unit ............................. 27
Checking the blades ........................................ 28
Checking the tyre pressure.............................. 28
Changing the oil ...............................................29
Lubrication of front wheel bearings.............. 29
Checking and adjustment of throttle wire......... 30
Replacement of fuel filter................................. 30
Trouble shooting schedule.............................. 31
Storage ...............................................................32
Winter storage ..................................................32
Service .............................................................32
Technical data....................................................33
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Read through these instructions carefully
so that you know how to use and maintain the machine before using it.
For servicing other than described in this manual contact an authorised dealer for parts and service.
English – 1


1. Safety rules, USA nomenclature
Safe operation practices for ride-on mowers
IMPORTANT! This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to ob­serve the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.
I. General operation
1. Read, understand and follow all instructions in the manual and on the machine before start­ing.
2. Only allow responsible adults, who are familiar with the instructions, to operate the machine.
3. Clear the area of objects such as stones, toys, wire, etc., which could be picked up and thrown by the blades.
4. Be sure the working area is clear of other people before mowing. Stop the machine if anyone enters the area.
5. Never carry passengers.
6. Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary. Always look down and behind before and while backing.
7. Be aware of the mower discharge direction and do not point it at anyone. Do not operate the mower without either the entire grass catcher or the guard in place.
8. Slow down before turning.
9. Never leave a running machine unattended. Always turn off blades, set parking brake, stop engine and remove keys before dismounting.
10. Turn off blades when not mowing.
11. Stop engine before removing grass catcher or unclogging chute.
12. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
13. Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
14. Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways.
15. Use extra care when loading or unloading the machine into a trailer or truck.
II. Slope operation
Slopes are a major factor related to loss-of-control and tip-over accidents, which can result in severe
injury or death. you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it.
Mow up and down slopes, not across. Remove obstacles such as rocks, tree limbs, etc. Watch for holes, ruts or bumps. Uneven terrain could overturn the machine.
slopes require extra caution. If
Tall grass can hide
Use slow speed. Choose a low gear so that you will not have to stop or shift while on the slope. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for wheel weights or counterweights to improve stability . Use extra care with grass catchers or other attachments. These can change the stability of the machine. Keep all movement on the slopes
speed or direction. Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction, disengage the blades and pro­ceed slowly
Do not turn on slopes unless necessary and
then, turn slowly and gradually downhill, if possible. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or embandments. The mower could suddenly turn over if a wheel is over the edge of a cliff or ditch, or if an edge caves in. Do not mow on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding. Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground. Do not use grass catcher on steep slopes.
Do not make sudden changes in
down the slope.
III. Children
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and the mowing activity .
assume that children will remain where you
last saw them.
1. Keep children out of the mowing area and under the watchful care of another responsible adult.
2. Be alert and turn machine off if children enter the area.
3. Before and when backing, look behind and
for small children.
4. Never carry children. They may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere with safe machine operation.
5. Never allow children to operate the machine.
6. Use extra care when approaching blind cor­ners, shrubs, trees or other objects that may obscure vision.
2 – English
IV. Service
1. Use extra care in handling gasoline and other fuels. They are flammable and vapours are explosive.
a) Use only an approved container. b) Never remove gas cap or add fuel with the
engine running. Allow engine to cool before
refuelling. Do not smoke. c) Never refuel the machine indoors. d) Never store the machine or fuel container
inside where there is an open flame, such as
in a water heater.
2. Never run a machine inside a closed area.
3. Keep nuts and bolts, especially blade attach­ment bolts, tight and keep equipment in good condition.
4. Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly .
5. Keep machine free of grass, leaves or other debris build-up. Clean up oil or fuel spillage. Allow machine to cool before storing.
6. Stop and inspect the equipment if you strike an object. Repair, if necessary, before restarting.
7. Never make adjustments or repairs with the engine running.
8. Grass catcher components are subject to wear, damage and deterioration, which could expose moving parts or allow objects to be thrown. Frequently check components and replace with manufacturer’s recommended parts, when necessary .
9. Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the blade(s) or wear gloves and use extra caution when servicing them.
Wheel assembly (USA)
To remove tractor from carton:
Remove cardboard outer container from pallet.
- check for any additional loose parts.
- lift seat from unit
- remove parts bag and steering wheel
- check contents of bag and with inventory list
- remove tire and wheel assemblies from pallet
- remove covers from retaining blocks on axles
- install steering wheel
- loosen set screw
- place column over shaft and seat against washer
- center the wheel
- tighten the set screw – seat in slot on shaft
- secure set screw with jam nut
- fasten hitch plate to rear bumper with 2 bolts
- raise and support the rear of the unit
- install drive wheels and parts
- large washer
- spacer
- wheel and key
- small washer
- “E” clip – seat in groove in axles
- lower the unit
- raise and support the front of the unit
- install front wheels
- small washer
- snap ring – seat in groove in axles
- lower the unit
- remove the unit from the shipping pallet by rolling forward to avoid damage to the under­carriage
- install the chute deflector
- remove front cowling – 3 screws
- insert pin into bracket and shoulder bolt in
hole – nut towards rear
- install spring – hole on chute to bolt near
- check belts and pulleys
- install cowling
10. Check brake operation frequently. Adjust and service as required.
Danger, keep hands and feet away
Part Package
4 hubcaps 1 chute deflector 1 B & S manual 6 battery caps 2 ignition keys 2 square keys – drive wheels 2 “E” clips – drive wheels 2 spacers 2 large washers – drive wheels 2 small washers – drive wheels 1 spring – deflector 1 shoulder bolt and nut – deflector 1 hitch bracket 2 bolts 2 washers – front wheels 2 outside snap rings – front wheels 1 pkg battery bolts and nuts
English – 3


These symbols are on the machine and in the operator´s manual.
Study them carefully so that you know what they mean.
Read the operator´s manual.
Reverse Neutral Fast Slow Engine off Battery Choke Fuel
Oil pressure Cutting height Backwards Forwards Ignition Clutch
Use eye and hearing protection Clutch in Clutch out Parking brake Brake Warning
Sound level Warning! Rotating blades Warning! Risk that the machine can tip over Never drive across a slope
European standard for
machine safety
Never use the machine if persons, especially
children, or animals, are in the vicinity
Starting instructions Read the instructions Check the engine’s oil level Lift up the cutting unit Put the gear shift/hydrostat pedal in neutral Brake If the engine is cold use the choke Start the engine Release the parking brake before driving
4 – English
Never carry passengers on the
machine or equipment
Keep hands and feet away from under the hood when
the engine is running
Drive very slowly
without the cutting unit
Switch off the engine and take off the ignition cable before repairs or maintenance


These instructions are for your safety . Read them carefully.
This symbol implies that important safety rules are applicable.
General use:
Make yourself familiar with the controls and how
to stop quickly .
Read all the instructions in Operator’s Manual
and on the machine before starting it. Make sure you understand them, and then follow them.
Only allow adults who are familiar with the
machine to use it.
Wear approved protective glasses or a visor
during assembly and driving.
Never use the machine barefoot. Always wear
heavy-duty shoes, preferably toe-capped.
Never wear loose fitting clothes which can fasten
in moving parts.
This is for your safety and the operating reliability of the machine.
Read the instructions before starting the machine.
Clear the area of objects such as stones, toys,
and wires, etc. which can be caught up by the blades and thrown out.
Check that there are no other persons in the
area before starting to cut.
Stop the machine if anyone comes into the work
Never carry passengers.
Do not cut backwards unless absolutely neces-
Always look down and behind before and during
Keep an eye on the ejected grass and do not
direct it towards anyone.
Slow down before turning.
Never leave the machine unattended when the
engine is running. Always switch of f the blades, pull on the parking brake, stop the engine and take out the keys before leaving the machine.
Switch off the blades when you are not cutting.
Clear the area from stones etc. before cutting.
Only cut in daylight or good artificial lighting.
Never use the machine when you have con-
sumed alcohol, drugs, or certain medicines.
This machine can cut off hands and feet, and eject objects. Failure to follow the safety instructions can lead to severe injury.
Never carry passengers.
English – 5
Watch out for traffic when working close to a
road, or crossing one.
Be careful when rounding a fixed object so that
the blades do not hit it. Never drive intentionally over a foreign object.
The machine is heavy and can cause very
severe crush injuries. Be extra careful when loading it on a trailer or truck.
Be careful when pulling a load or using heavy
equipment. a. Only use approved tow hooks. b. Limit the load to what you can manage safely . c. Do not make sharp turns. Be careful when
reversing. d. Use counterweights or wheel weights when
indicated in the instructions.
Driving on slopes
Driving on slopes is one of the situations where there is the most serious risk that the driver can loose control or that the machine tips over, which can cause severe injuries or be fatal. All slopes require extra care. If you cannot reverse up the slope or if you feel uncertain avoid cutting it.
Do as follows:
Remove obstacles such as stones and branches
Cut upwards and downwards, not sideways.
Look out for and avoid driving over furrows,
holes or mounds. On uneven surfaces it is easier for the machine to tip over. High grass can conceal obstacles.
Drive slowly . Select a low gear to avoid having to
stop and changing gear. It is also easier to use the gear to brake in a low gear.
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on
wheelweights or counterweights to increase stability .
Be extra careful with the grass collector or other
equipment which can alter the stability of the machine.
Always drive smoothly and slowly on slopes.
Avoid sudden changes of speed or direction.
Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If the tyres
begin to skid switch of the blades and drive slowly down the slope.
do the following:
Avoid unnecessary turns on slopes, and if
turning is necessary turn slowly and gradually, downwards if possible.
Be extra careful when driving on slopes.
Cut slopes upwards and downwards, not sideways.
6 – English
Do not cut close to edges, ditches or banks. The
machine can suddenly tip over if a wheel goes over the edge of a drop or a ditch, or if a bank gives way .
Do not cut wet grass. It is slippery and the tyres
can loose their grip so that the machine slides.
Do not try to stabilise the machine by placing one
foot on the ground.
Tragic accidents can occur if the driver does not pay attention to children in the vicinity. Children are often attracted to the machine and the work of mowing. Never assume that children stay where you last saw them.
Keep children away from the mowing area and
under the supervision of another adult.
Be on your guard and switch off the machine if
children come into the work area.
Before and during reversing look behind and
down for small children.
Never allow children to ride on the machine.
They can fall off and become seriously injured or obstruct a risky manoeuvre of the machine.
Never allow children to drive the machine.
Be extra careful close to corners, bushes, trees
or other objects which obstruct your view.
Petrol/gasoline and petrol/gasoline fumes are
toxic and highly inflammable. Be extra careful when handling petrol/gasoline.
a. Store the fuel in containers approved for this purpose.
b. Never fill up the machine with fuel when the engine is running. Let the engine cool before filling up with fuel. Do not smoke, or fill up with fuel in the vicinity of naked flames or sparks.
Keep children away from the mowing area.
Never allow children to drive the machine.
c. Never fill up with fuel indoors. d. If leakage has occurred in the fuel system the
engine must not be started until this is rectified. e. Never store the machine or fuel containers
indoors if there are naked flames, such as in a boiler room or where there is electrical equipment which can emit sparks.
Check the fuel level each time before using the
machine, and leave space for the fuel to expand since the heat from the engine and hot sun can cause the fuel to run over.
Never fill up with fuel indoors.
English – 7
Avoid overfilling. If fuel has been spilt on the
machine wipe it up and wait until it has evapor­ated before starting the engine. If fuel is spilt on clothes, change them.
Be extra careful when handling battery acid.
Spilling acid on the skin can cause severe burn injuries. Rinse immediately with water. If acid gets into the eyes this can cause blindness. Contact a doctor.
Be careful with the maintenance of the battery.
Explosive gas is formed in the battery . Never handle the battery when smoking or in the vicinity of naked flames or sparks. Otherwise the battery can explode and cause severe injuries.
Never drive the machine in an enclosed space.
The exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide, an odourless, non coloured, toxic and fatal gas.
Make sure that bolts and nuts, especially attach-
ment bolts for the blade units are properly tightened and that the equipment is in good order.
Never smoke in the vicinity of the battery or the fuel.
Never alter the safety devices. Check regularly
that they function. The machine must not be driven with defective or unmounted safety devices.
Do not alter the setting of the governor and do
not race the engine.
Reduce the fire risk. Keep the machine clean
from grass, leaves and other refuse which fastens in it. Allow the machine to cool before placing it in the storage area.
Stop and inspect the equipment if you drive over
an object. If necessary repair the machine before starting.
Never make adjustments with the engine run-
The parts on the grass collector can become
worn, damaged and aged, so that moving parts are exposed or so that an object can be thrown out. Check the parts regularly and if necessary replace them with spare parts recommended by the manufacturer.
The machine is tested for safety and approved
only for equipment supplied or recommended by the manufacturer.
The blades are sharp and can cause cutting
injuries. Wrap over the blades or use protective gloves when handling them.
Never drive the machine in an enclosed space.
Clean the machine regularly from grass, leaves and other waste.
Check the functioning of the brakes regularly .
Adjust and maintain them as necessary.
8 – English


These instructions describe two machine models, Rider 850 and Rider 970.
Both models are fitted with engines from Briggs & Stratton of 10.5, 12.5 and 15.5 hp.
Rider 850 has a cutting unit which throws out the grass at the rear and a cutting width of 850 mm.
The machines have gearboxes of the in-line type, with 5 forward gears and one reverse gear, which enables selection of the best speed for mowing and transport.
Rider 970 is available with three different cutting units: unit with rear ejection or side ejection with a cutting width of 965 mm, and a Bioclip unit with a cutting width of 1030 mm.
8 9 10 11
Location of the controls
1. Ignition lock
2. Throttle/Choke lever
7. Lock button for parking brake
8. Clutch pedal
3. Adjustment of cutting height
4. Lifting lever, cutting unit
5. Gear shift
6. Brake pedal
9. Adjustment of seat
10. Fuel tank cap
11. Main lock (under seat)
English – 9
+ 25 hidden pages