Husqvarna 210 C 2010 User Manual

husqvarna auTOMOWEr
210 C
OpEraTOr’s Manual
1. Introduction and safety
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Symbols on Automower
1.3 Symbols in the Operator’s Manual
1.4 Safety instructions
2. Presentation
2.1 Automower
2.2 Function of Automower
2.3 One Automower
3. Installation
3.1 Preparations
, what’s what?
in several gardens
3.2 Installation of the loop generator/charger
3.3 Charging the battery
3.4 Installation of the boundary wire
3.5 Connecting the boundary wire
3.6 Checking the installation
3.7 Linking the Automower
4. Use
4.1 Starting Automower
4.2 Stopping Automower
4.3 Restart
4.4 Switching off Automower
4.5 Using the Timer
4.6 Adjusting the cutting height
4.7 Changing the PIN code
to the loop generator/charger
4.8 Charging and storage between mowing
4.9 Sounds
5. Control panel
5.1 Select
5.2 Numbers
5.3 Main switch
5.4 Indicator lamps
6. Garden example - Proposed installation
7. Maintenance
7.1 Battery
7.2 Winter storage
7.3 Service
7.4 Cleaning
7.5 Replacing the blades
7.6 Transport and moving
8. Trouble shooting
8.1 Fault messages
8.2 Fault symptom
9. Technical data
10. Environmental information
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Husqvarna AB has a policy of continuous product development and therefore reserves the right to modify the design and appearance and function of products without prior notice. This Operator's Manual deals with version 2.7x of the mower’s control program.
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1. Introduction and safety
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on your choice of an exceptionally high quality product. To get the best results from your Husqvarna Automower function. This Operator's manual contains important information about the mower, how you install it and how you use it.
The following system is used in the Operator's manual to make this easier:
Text written in italics is a reference to another part of the Operator's Manual.
requires knowledge of its
Words written in bold are one of the buttons on the mower's keypad.
Words written in UPPERCASE and italics refer to the position of the main switch and the different operating modes on the mower.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Read through the Operator’s Manual carefully
and understand the content before using your Automower
Automower incorrectly used.
can be dangerous if
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1.2 Symbols on Automower
These symbols can be found on the lawn mover. Study them carefully so you understand their significance.
Read through the Operator’s Manual carefully and understand the content before using your Automower
The warnings and safety instructions in this Operator’s Manual must be carefully followed if the mower is to be used safely and efficiently.
can only start when the main switch is moved to the ON position and the correct PIN code has been entered. Inspection and/or maintenance must be carried out with the main switch set to OFF .
Keep your hands and feet away from the rotating blades. Never place your hands or feet close to or under the body when Automower
is in
Do not ride on Automower
Noise emission to surroundings. The machine's emission is specified in chapter Technical data and on label.
This product must be left at an appropriate recycling station.
Other symbols/decals on the machine refer to special certification requirements for certain markets.
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1.3 Symbols in the Operator’s Manual
These symbols can be found in the Operator’s Manual. Study them carefully so you understand their significance.
Inspection and/or maintenance must be carried out with the main switch set to OFF .
Always wear protective gloves when working with the mower’s underframe.
Never use a high-pressure washer or even running water to clean Automower
A warning box indicates a risk of personal injury exist, especially when the stated instructions are not followed.
An information box indicates a risk of material damage exist, especially when the stated instructions are not followed. The box is also used where there is a risk of user error.
Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx.
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1.4 Safety instructions
Please read the Operator's Manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using Automower
It is not permitted to modify the original design of Automower
. All modifications are made at your
own risk.
Check that there are no stones, branches, tools, toys or other objects on the lawn that can damage the blades and cause the mower to stop.
Start Automower
according to the instructions.
When the main switch is in the ON position; make sure you keep your hands and feet away from the rotating blades. Never put your hands and feet under the mower.
Never lift up Automower
or carry it around when
the main switch is in the ON position.
Do not let persons who do not know how Automower
Never use Automower
works and behaves use the mower.
if persons, especially
children, or pets, are in the immediate vicinity.
Do not place objects on top of Automower
Do not allow Automower
to be used with a
defective blade disc or body. Neither should it be used with defective blades, screws, nuts or cables.
Do not use Automower
if the main switch does
not work.
Always switch off Automower
using the main
switch when you do not intend to use the mower.
can only start when the main switch is moved to the ON position and the correct PIN code has been entered.
must never be used at the same time as a sprinkler.
Husqvarna AB does not guarantee full compatibility between Automower types of wireless systems such as remote controls, radio transmitters, buried electric animal fencing or similar.
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and other
The original packaging should be used when transporting Automower
To safely move from or within the working area:
1. Press the STOP button to stop the mower.
2. Move the main switch to the OFF position if you intend to carry the mower.
3. Carry the mower by the handle at the rear of the mower. Carry the mower with the blade disc away from the body.
over long distances.
When the mower is turned upside down the main switch must always be set to the OFF position.
The main switch should be set to the
OFF position during all work on the
mower’s underframe, such as cleaning or replacing the blades.
Inspect Automower damaged or worn parts.
Check especially that the blades and blade disc are not damaged. Replace all blades and screws at the same time if necessary so that the rotating parts are balanced, see 7. Maintenance on page 36.
each week and replace any
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2. Presentation
This chapter contains information you should be aware of when planning the installation.
An installation of Husqvarna Automower three main components:
, an automatic lawn mower that mows the lawn by moving in an irregular pattern. The mower is powered by a maintenance-free battery.
Loop generator/charger. The loop generator/charger has two functions:
To send control signals along the boundary wire.
To charge the battery in Automower
The loop generator/charger is connected to a 230V (120V) wall socket via an integrated power cord and to the mower via a 2 m (6 ft) long low voltage cable
. Wire, laid in a loop around Automower
working area. The boundary wire is laid around the edges of the lawn and around objects and plants that the mower must not run into.
The wire supplied with the installation is 150 m (500 ft) long. If this is not sufficient more wire can be purchased, with a connector, and spliced onto the existing wire.
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2.1 Automower
, what’s what?
The numbers in the picture correspond to:
1. Cutting height adjustment cover
2. Catch button to open the cutting height adjustment cover
3. Front wheel
4. Drive wheel
5. Body
6. Stop button
7. Indicator lamps
8. Keypad
9. Main switch
10. Handle
11. Charger contact
12. Chassis box with electronics, battery and motors
13. Skid plate
14. Blade disc
15. Loop wire for boundary wire
16. Connection to boundary wire
17. LED for operation check of the boundary wire
18. Loop generator/charger
19. Staples
20. Connector for the loop wire
21. Measurement gauge for help when installing the boundary wire
22. Solderless coupler for the loop wire
23. Operator’s Manual
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2.2 Function of Automower
is recommended for lawns up to 500 m (0.15 acre). The size of the working area the mower can handle depends on how much it is used. The larger the lawn the more occasions per week Automower
can work. How large an area is mown per hour depends primarily
on the condition of the blades and the type of grass, growth rate and humidity. The shape of the garden is also significant. If the garden mainly consists of open lawns, Automower
can mow more per hour than if the garden consists of several small lawns separated by trees, flower beds and passages.
must work several times a week for the lawn to be mown properly. If the grass is too tall when the mower starts to work the result will be poor. Neither is it advisable to allow Automower
to mow too often. If the mower works too much, the lawn will appear trampled down. How many times, and how long, the mower should work per week, is determined among others by the shape of the lawn, the length of the grass and the condition of the blades. If the lawn is 300 m (0.07 acre) it is recommended to let Automower three times a week. Match the use of Automower your garden.
How long Automower
mows and recharges can vary depending on, among others, the ambient temperature. Up to about 25°C (77 °F) a fully charged Automower
mows for approximately 2 - 3 hours, depending on the age of the battery and the thickness of the grass. It takes around 4 - 5 hours to fully charge the battery in the mower. The mowing time drops successively above 25°C (77 °F).
If required, the mowing time can be increased by installing an additional battery. The mowing time then increases to approx. 4 - 6 hours. This also means that the charging time increases to approx. 5 - 7 hours. Please contact your dealer for more information.
Mowing technique
The mowing system used by Automower an effective and energy efficient principle. Unlike normal lawn mowers, Automower
instead of striking it off. We recommend you allow Automower
in dry weather to obtain the best possible result. Automower
can even mow in the rain, however, wet grass easily collects on the mower and the risk of slipping on steep slopes is greater. To keep the drive wheels clean and thus increase traction, use Automower
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wheel brushes (505 13 27-01).
is based on
cuts the grass
to mainly mow
When there is a risk of a thunder storm, the 120V(230V) plug should be removed from the mains socket and the boundary wire disconnected from the charging station.
The blades must be in good condition to obtain the best mowing result. In order to keep the blades sharp for as long as possible it is important to keep the lawn free from branches, small stones and other objects.
Working method
Automower Automower battery is discharged the mower stops on the lawn, and you need to carry it to the loop generator/charger for charging.
When Automower reverses and selects a new direction.
Two sensors, at the front and back on Automower sense when the mower approaches the boundary wire. Automower 27 centimeters (11") before it turns.
The STOP button on the top of Automower used to stop the mower when it’s running. When the
STOP button is pressed a cover opens, behind which
there is a control panel. The STOP button remains depressed until the cover is closed again. This acts as start inhibitor.
automatically mows the lawn.
automatically mows the lawn. When the
body hits an obstacle, the mower
overruns the wire by up to
is mainly
You start the mower via the control panel on top of Automower
. Open the control panel cover by
pressing down the STOP button.
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A four digit PIN code must be chosen and entered when the main switch is set in the ON position for the first time. (see page 30).
The chosen PIN code must then be entered each time the mower is started. If the mower does not start within 20 seconds the PIN code must be re-entered until the mower starts. Slide shut the cover to start the mower after the PIN code has been entered.
Automower The indicator lamps on the control panel are then turned off completely.
The sleep mode is activated 25 minutes after the
STOP button has been pressed and then not reset to
the operating mode. Automower switching the main switch off and on.
The sleep mode can also be activated in the event of a fault occurring during mowing or charging and which is not rectified within 25 minutes. Automower activated by pressing the STOP button.
can, to save energy, enter sleep mode.
is then activated by
is then
Movement pattern
The mower’s movement pattern is irregular and is determined by Automower® itself. A movement pattern is never repeated. This mowing system means the lawn is mown equally without any mowing lines.
2.3 One Automower® in several gardens
One Automower® can easily be used for more than one garden, where each garden has its own loop generator/charger and boundary wire.
Contact your dealer for further information.
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3. Installation
This chapter describes how you install Husqvarna
Automower previous chapter 2. Presentation.
Read the whole of this chapter too before starting the installation. How the installation is made also affects
how well Automower important to plan the installation carefully.
Planning is simplified if you make a sketch of the working area, including all obstacles. This makes it easier to see how the boundary wire should ideally be placed. Draw how the boundary wire is to be routed on the sketch.
Carry out the installation in the following steps:
3.1 Preparations.
3.2 Installation of the loop generator/charger.
3.3 Charging the battery.
. Before starting the installation read the
will work. It is therefore
3.4 Installation of the boundary wire.
3.5 Connecting the boundary wire.
3.6 Checking the installation.
3.7 Linking the Automower® to the loop generator/charger.
In order to carry out a complete start-up of Automower wire must be connected and the mower linked to the loop generator/charger. If you would like to start the mower without having completed the full boundary installation, you can connect a temporary short loop around the mower.
the loop generator/charger and boundary
3.1 Preparations
1. If the lawn in the proposed working area is taller than 10 cm (4"), mow it using a normal lawn mower. Then collect the clippings.
2. Read carefully through all the steps before the installation.
3. Check that all parts for the installation are included:
The numbers in brackets refer to the detail diagram 2.1 Automower®, what’s what? on page 11.
• Operator’s Manual (23)
• Automower
• Loop generator/charger (18)
• Loop wire for the boundary wire (15)
• Staples (19)
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+ 31 hidden pages