Husky FL-RRR03A User Manual

Rotating Ratchet Ring
Advanced Unscrewing Technology
Our Rotating Ratchet Ring (RRR) design offers a unique solution for unscrewing closures. In conventional unscrewing molds, the core rotates as the stripper plate moves forward, releasing the closure thread for ejection. With RRR technology, a rotating ratchet ring unscrews the closure from a stationary core. This design offers several important benefits.
Since the closure is unscrewed from a stationary core, a small diameter drive gear is not necessary on the core. This permits larger cooling channels and the use of more thermally conductive core materials. Also, the ratchet ring gear incor­porates a unidirectional clutch to prevent the ratchet rings turning in the reset direction. In addition the reverse cam permits rack reset after mold close to further reduce cycle time.
Rotary seals, a common source of leakage and corrosion damage, are not required with RRR technology; the stationary core utilizes conventional o-rings. Together with built-in spring bumpers, this design also ensures that the core and ratchet ring tapers are never in contact with each other while rotating, virtually eliminating taper wear.
We provide a fully engineered complete mold base-including hydraulic cylinders, air pistons, racks, cams, a hot runner, and the drive system for the ratchet rings. This allows the moldmaker to concentrate on the molding surfaces.
Stripper plate
Compressed air
Rotating ratchet ring
Unidirectional clutch
Air piston
1. As the mold opens, air pistons move the stripper plate forward, taking up a small space between the cam and cam follower. This provides initial clearance between the core tapers and the rotating ratchet rings.
2. A hydraulic cylinder (not shown) pulls the cams and rack(s), driving a series of pinions. Each pinion drives a cluster of rotating ratchet rings that turn the closures by means of small teeth embedded in the skirt of the closure. The forward movement of the stripper plate maintains this grip as the part is unscrewed. The rate at which the stripper plate moves is controlled by the cam and cam follower design.
3. At the end of the stripper plate movement, compressed air aids in part ejection.
Americas & Asia
288 North Road Milton, Vermont, USA 05468 Toll Free (800) 516 9590 Tel. (802) 859 8000 Fax (802) 859 8321
Hot Runner Mold Building B.P. 231, L-3403 Dudelange, Luxembourg Tel. (352) 52 11 51 Fax (352) 52 11 5 4458
1. Prior to mold close, the air pistons return the stripper plate to close position before the rack/cam mechanism is repositioned.
2. The unidirectional clutch in the pinion’s gear allows the rack and cam structure to be reset after the mold closes.
All major components are accessible from the front for easy maintenance.
Rec ycled pape r, contai ning a mi nimum of 2 0% po st co nsume r fib er.
®/©2 003 H usky Inje ction Mold ing S ystem s Ltd. Printe d in Canad a. May 2003
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