Adequate facilities must be available for loading, unloading and site handling.
Fire Cement
Some types of fire cement are caustic and should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin. In case of
contact, wash immediately with plenty of water.
This stove contains no asbestos. If there is a possibility of disturbing any asbestos in the course of installation then
please seek specialist guidance and use appropriate protective equipment.
Metal Parts
When installing or servicing this stove, care should be taken to avoid the possibility of personal injury.
Air Supply
The room or space containing this appliance should have purpose provided ventilation (where necessary) in
accordance with Building Regulations. Due consideration should be given to air requirements for any other appliance
in the same room or space. Any air opening must be kept clear from blockage or obstruction.
No unauthorised modification of this appliance should be carried out.
WARNING – This appliance will be hot when in operation and due care should be taken. The supplied operating tool
or gloves may be used to open the door and operate the air controls.
Do not use an aerosol spray on or near the stove when it is alight.
Fires Can Be Dangerous
Always use a fireguard in the presence of children, the elderly or the infirm. The fireguard should be manufactured in
accordance with BS8423 – Fireguards for use with solid fuel appliances.
Do Not Over-Fire
It is possible to fire the stove beyond its design capacity. This could damage the stove so watch for signs of overfiring. If any part of the stove starts to glow red, the stove is in an over-fire situation and the controls should be
adjusted accordingly. Never leave the stove unattended for lengthy periods without first adjusting the controls to a
safe setting. Careful air supply control should be exercised at all times.
Fume Emission
Properly installed and operated, this appliance will not emit fumes. Occasional fumes from de-ashing and refueling
may occur. Persistent fume emission must not be tolerated.
This appliance should not be operated with the door open.
If fume emission does persist then the following action should be taken immediately –
• Open Doors and windows to ventilate room.
• Let the fire out or eject and safely dispose of fuel from the appliance.
• Check for flue/chimney blockage and clean if required.
• Do not attempt to relight the fire until the cause has been identified and corrected.
• If necessary, seek professional advice.
Adverse Weather
In a small number of installations, occasional local weather conditions (e.g. wind from a particular direction) may
cause downdraught in the flue and the stove to emit fumes. In these circumstances, the stove should not be used. A
professional flue installer will be able to advise on solutions to this problem (e.g. anti-downdraught cowl).