Hunter Fan 27180 User Manual

Quiet Fan Control Ratings: 120 VA C,1.6 A,60 Hz 3-Speed Rotary Control – Model 27180
Read and save these instructions.
Caution: Risk of Electrical Shock!
All wiring must be performed in accordance with national and local electrical codes. Use only to control a single paddle-blade ceiling fan.
1.For use only with electrically reversible ceiling fans rated at 1.6 A or less.Not for use with any other lighting fixtures or electrical appliances.
2.Not for use with shaded-pole or non-reversible motors.Not recommended for use with the Hunter Original.®For Hunter Original®series fans,use Hunter control model numbers 22691,26591, or 22798.
3.Separate wiring is recommended for ceiling fan light kits.If the fan motor and light kit are connected together,this fan speed control may be used only when the light kit is OFF.To use the fan motor and light kit together,this control must be set to HIGH speed only.
4.MEDIUM and LOW speeds may vary from the ceiling fan’s factory-set speeds because of motor variations.
Wiring Diagram
Installation Instructions:
1.Set the ceiling fan’s speed to the HIGH position before installation.Do not change the ceiling fan‘s speed setting after your speed control is installed,as damage to your ceiling fan or All-Fan™ control may result.
2.Verify proper operation of the ceiling fan wall switch before installation.Improper wiring can damage the control,and will void the warranty.
3.Disconnect power to ceiling fan at the main electric panel.Remove fuse or switch circuit breaker to OFF position.
4.Refer to the Installation Figure for your All-Fan™ speed control.Remove wallplate to expose the wiring, and disconnect the existing switch.Install in a metal or plastic wallbox.
5.If 4 wall wires are visible,connect each black wire lead to the All-Fan™ speed control’s black wire.If 2 wires are visible,connect each to an All-Fan™ speed
control lead.Use the wire nuts supplied to make
the connections.Refer to the Wiring
Diagram,which shows the proper connec-
If a ground wire is provided in your elec-
trical box,attach it to the ground screw
near the bottom of the mounting plate.
6.Gently push wires and speed control
into switch box.Attach the All-Fan™
speed control to switch box with the two
screws supplied.
7.Remove the knob from the control shaft. Mount wallplate over control with existing screws.
8.Replace knob onto control shaft.Turn knob to the OFF position.
9.Restore power at main electrical panel.
10.Operate ceiling fan by turning dial to the desired speed.
For best operation:select HIGH speed until motor starts,then select desired speed.
FORM 41306 (6/98)
conexiones incorrectas pueden dañar el control y anularán la
Control rotatorio para ventilador de 3 velocidades
Lea y guarde estas instrucciones
! Riesgo de choque eléctrico
Todo el cableado y conexiones se deben hacer de acuerdo con los códigos elÈctricos nacionales y locales.
1.Para uso solamente con ventiladores de cielo raso que sean eléctricamente reversibles y con capacidades de 1,6 A o menores.No se debe usar con ninguna otra lámpara ni aparato eléctrico.
2.Se recomienda el uso de un circuito separado para los con­juntos de luces de los ventiladores de cielo raso.Si el motor del ventilador y el conjunto de luces se conectan juntos,el control de velocidad del motor solamente se podrá usar cuando las luces estén apagadas.Para usar el motor del ven­tilador y el conjunto de luces juntos,este control se debe ajustar a alta velocidad solamente.
Instrucciones de instalación:
1.Coloque el control de velocidad del ventilador de cielo raso en la posición de Alta Velocidad antes de instalar este control.No cambie el ajuste de velocidad de su ventilador de cielo luego de tener instalado el control de velocidad, puesto que podría dañar su ventilador de cielo o el control All-Fan.™
2.Verifique que el interruptor de pared del venti­lador trabaja correctamente antes de la instalación.Las
3.Desconecte la energía eléctrica del ventilador de cielo raso en el panel elÈctrico principal.Retire el fusible o coloque el disyuntor en la posición “OFF”(apagado).
4.Vea la ilustración que muestra la instalación de su control de velocidad All-Fan.™ Retire la placa de la pared para exponer los cables y desconecte el interruptor existente.
5.Si hay 4 alambres visibles,conecte cada alambre del con­trol de velocidad All-Fan a un alambre negro.Si hay 2 alam­bres visibles,conecte cada uno a un alambre del control de velocidad All-Fan.Use las tuercas de alambres suministradas con el control para hacer las conexiones.Consulte el Diagrama de Conexiones,que muestra la forma correcta de conectar los alambres. Si su caja eléctrica contiene un alam­bre de tierra,conéctelo al tornillo di tierra ubicado cerca de la placa de montaje inferior.
6.Empuje los alambres y el control de velocidad, con mucho cuidado,dentro de la caja del interruptor.Asegure el control de velocidad All-Fan a la caja del interruptor con los dos tornillos suministrados.
7.Retire la perilla del eje de control. Monte la placa de la pared sobre el control con los tornillos existentes.
8.Coloque nuevamente la perilla sobre el eje de con­trol y gírelo a la posición “OFF”(apagado).
9.Vuelva a conectar la energÌa eléctrica en el panel elÈctrico principal.
10.Haga funcionar el ventilador de cielo raso haciendo girar la perilla del control a la veloci-
dad deseada.
Para la mejor operación:seleccione Alta
Velocidad hasta que el motor arranque y
entonces seleccione la velocidad deseada.
The Hunter Fan Company makes the following limited warranty to the original purchaser of the ALL-FAN™ Control (“Control”): Your Control is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of sale. If the Control malfunctions or fails within the warranty period due to a defect in material or workmanship we will replace it free of charge. IF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER CEASES TO OWN THE CONTROL, THIS WARRANTY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE VOIDED. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES. THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED W ARRANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MECHANT­ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IN RESPECT TO ANY CONTROL, IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE FOR SUCH CONTROL. This warranty excludes malfunctions or failures which were caused by repairs by persons not authorized by us, mishandling, improper installation, modifications, or damage to the Control while in your possession, or unreasonable use. This warranty does not apply to batteries or to deterioration or damage to the product caused by the use of faulty bat­teries. To obtain a replacement, return your Control postage prepaid along with proof of purchase to Hunter Fan Company Service Department at 2500 Frisco Avenue, Memphis, T ennessee 38114. IN NO EVENT SHALL HUNTER FAN COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCI­DENTAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.