HunterDouglas PowerView M25T User Manual

PowerView® Roller Blind 18VDC
The PowerView® M25T tubular motor is suited to be used with EOS® 500 Roller Blinds from HunterDouglas.
1. Delivery condition
As standard, no remote control or hub is connected to the motor. No limits are set. Motor is default set to ro
ller blind motor type. If the motor condition is unknown, perform the following steps.
The motor type (default Roller blind ), can be changed with the the PowerView® Programmer
software tool or PowerView® remote.
1.1. Check motor type
The motor can be programmed as a
Roller blind (default)
Roller blind, slow scene speed disabled
Twist® shade
Twist® shade, slow scene speed disabled
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By reading out the LED sequence after power up, the motor type can be seen.
1.2. End limits reset (factory default)
This procedure will erase all limits stored in the volatile motor memory. It will not clear the Network ID and
Group assignments.
1.1.1 Power up the motor by connecting the power cable to
the battery wand or power supply.
1.1.2 Immediately Check the motor button LED sequence
after start up.
1.1.3 LED sequence of motor set to Roller
blind type:
LED sequence of motor set to Roller
blind, slow scene speed disabled
LED sequence of motor set to Twist®
shade type:
LED sequence of motor set to Twist®
shade, slow scene speed disabled
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This procedure can be skipped for a fresh out of the box motor.
The motor will jog 2x when receiving any PowerView® command (e.g. Pressing the manual control
button on the motor), to conrm no limits are set.
1.2.1 Remove power from the motor by disconnecting the
power cable from the battery wand or power supply
and wait for 20 seconds.
1.2.2 Press and hold the manual control button on
the motor.
1.2.3 Reconnect power to the motor while press and hold
the manual control button .
1.2.4 Press and hold the manual control button
until the motor jogs 1x.
The motor LED ashes red-orange after the motor jogs
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1.3. Network reset
This procedure will erase all network data stored in the motor, including Network ID and Group assignments.
It will not clear the end limits. Completing a Network reset will prevent a PowerView® remote or App from
operating the window covering until it is reprogrammed.
2. Pairing a remote
A PowerView® remote can control up to 6 individual groups of blinds (buttons 1 to 6 at the top of the remote).
The instructions below assign a blind to group 1.
Release the manual control button .
The end limits have been cleared.
1.3.1 Press and hold the manual control button on
the motor for 12 seconds .
The blind will jog 1x at 6 seconds and a second time at
12 seconds.
1.3.2 Release the manual control button after the
second jog.
The Network ID and Group assignments have
been cleared.
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Watch out to perform steps 2.4 and 2.5 within 3 seconds!
2.1 Locate the manual control button on your
2.2 Press and hold the stop button for 6 seconds.
Keep pressing until the remote lights start blinking.
2.3 Press the group1 button.
2.4 Press and hold the manual control button .
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3. Checking motor direction
Reversing motor direction is only possible with a fresh out of the box motor (no limits set) or when the
end limits are reset. Before any limits are programmed, the motor direction has to be checked and
reversed if needed.
If the top or bottom Limit is already set, and the motor direction has to be reversed, perform a reset
before continuing.
2.5 Press the open button.
The blind will jog 1x.
2.6 Release the manual control button .
2.7 Press and hold the stop button for 6 seconds.
Keep pressing until the remote lights stop blinking.
The remote will exit programming mode
automatically after 20 seconds.
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