Intelligent Keyboard Instruction Manual
LOCK key: After pressing this key; input the password 6688, the keyboard is under locked status.
Open the keyboard by inputting 6688
SHIFT key: Such as <SHIFT> + <AUTO> stands for pressing the SHIFT key and AUTO key.
SHIFT+AUTO key: Start up 360°scanning. SHIFT+ Scan key: Set preset position.
Other key such as GRP, SEQ, NEXT, AREA, DVR, MPX is designed for other VPROTECT terminal device.
Camera Lens control
Zoom in: Press <ZOOM in> key/ joystick make a veer rotation
Zoom out: Press <ZOOM out> key/ joystick make a retrorse rotation
Focusing Far: Press <FOCUS far> key
Focusing Near Press <FOCUS near> key
IRIS open: Press <IRIS open> key
IRIS close: press<iris close> key
V. Keyboard Parameters Setting
! The keyboard intelligent keyboard baud rate and communication protocol should
Be consistent with that of the dome camera.
5.1 Keyboard Parameters Set
Press the FUN key two times until LCD displays:
Press the ENTER key into keyboard set up menu. Press the FUN key to enter the submenu. Press the
EXIT key to exit to the main menu.
5.1.1 Keyboard ID No Set
Press the ENTER key on keyboard screen “Keyboard setup” until LCD displays:
Input the number (0-16), press ENTER for confirmation. New ID will be in effect immediately. ID:00
Main Control Keyboard6, ID: 1-16 Vice Control Keyboard7.
! The default keyboard ID number is No. 00. This is also the ID number for the
Dome camera. Verify the keyboard ID, if the ID No, is not set correctly you will
Not be able to control the dome camera.
5. Keyboard ID is used to set multi controlling keyboards when a series of Cameras are required to be controlled. A group of speed
domes can be supported by one main control keyboard and 16 vice control keyboards.
6. Main control keyboard: Its ID is 00. It enjoys priority when several keyboards are in control. Only one of several keyboards can
be set as main control keyboard. ID must be sole, not repeated.
7. Vice control keyboard: ID is to be 01-16 keyboard
Current keyboard ID No.
Input New ID No.