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Step 1
① Spin-Basket Exterior Damage Check
- Check the friction phenomenon at the top.
- Check the opening of Wrapper bottom.
※ If exterior damage or friction phenomenon occurs
as in the photo, replace the Spin-Basket & TubCover.
Step 2
① Spin Mode Check
- Turn knob and select SPN to start.
- Check if the max RPM is reached. (800rpm ±10%)
② Unbalance Test Check
- Run Spin Test with Unbalance 400g placed on one
※ 400g – about 3 towels OR Jig for this purpose
- Check for abnormal noise & Set moving.
③ If noise or operation does not seem normal, check
Step #3.
Step 3
① Spin-Basket Concentricity Check
- Turn the Spin-Basket based on 9 o’ clock direction
and measure the deviation.
- If it shakes more than 5mm, it is defect.
② Spin–Nut Loosening Check
- When Shaken, the Spin-Basket shakes.
- If the spot of Spin-Nut fastening is inclined to one
side, it is defect.
=> Spin-Basket concentricity defect & Spin-Nut
connection defect
- Replace the Spin-Basket & Spin-Nut.
- Check the customer usage condition and explain to
the customer how to.
※ Explain to the customer after SVC.
① Check the customer usage condition.
- Check if moisture-proof cloth is used and explain
not to use it.
: Water–Proof Sheet, Mats, clothing
Check Point
Check the condition of Spin-Basket / usage environment.
Tip 1-1. Spin-Basket Abnormality
※ Press and hold Spin+Soil
and push the power button
=> Test Mode