ISO 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 8
Master Specification: Model HX / TX Tankless
Provide a quantity of packaged type instantaneous electric tankless water heater(s) Model No.
TX as manufactured by HUBBELL Electric Heater Co., Stratford, CT. The entire unit is
packaged ready for plumbing and electrical service connections and shall bear the cULUs listing mark certifying the
entire unit to UL499, UL EPH Sanitation listed to ANSI/NSF Standard 5 and CSA C22.2 No. 64-M91
(single phase units) and CSA C22.2 No. 88 (three phase units).
The heating chamber shall be all Sil-brazed copper and bronze construction. (
316L Stainless Steel
). A plastic heating chamber shall not be acceptable. Water heater heating chamber shall be
rated for a maximum allowable working pressure of 150psi. The heating chamber and all electrical controls shall be
completely enclosed in a heavy gauge Type 304 stainless steel case.
The tankless heater shall be rated at KW which will heat GPM of water at °F rise
( ° to °F ). Heaters that restrict hot water ow in any way shall not be acceptable.
Optional Specication: Type
The tankless heater shall be designed to operate at volts, phase, 50/60Hz balanced power
and shall draw equal amperage across all phases at all times. For 3 phase heaters, power shall be a 3 wire (3 live,
1 ground) or a 4 wire (3 live, 1 neutral, 1 ground) system that does not require a neutral leg. The heater will draw
amps only when operating at full power. The immersion heating elements shall be high quality incoloy
sheathed and sized to obtain the rated capacity. Each element is to be operated using zero cross over solid state
controls. The heating elements shall be fully modulated from 0-100% to provide precise temperature control through
the full range of ows. A Hi-Limit thermostat with automatic reset shall be factory installed to disconnect each heating
element in the event of an over-temperature condition. An electronic digital display temperature controller shall be
user adjustable in 1° increments in either °F or °C and shall display ow rate, outlet temperature, inlet temperature
and provide error indication. A turbine-type ow meter shall be factory installed to provide precise temperature
control for water ows as low as 0.2 GPM up to a maximum ow of 8 GPM. Heaters that require greater than 0.2
GPM ow for actuation or restrict ow shall not be acceptable. ( Optional Specication: High Flow Model HX,
provides up to 40 GPM ow with minimum actuation at 0.5 GPM ).
Hubbell shall warranty all electrical components against defects in workmanship and material for a period of one (1)
year from date of start-up, and the heating chamber for a full ve (5) years from date of start-up, provided that the
unit is started within three (3) months of date of shipment and installed and operated within the scope of the heater's
design and operating capability. Labor is not covered under warranty. Each heater shall be shipped with a complete
set of installation and operating instructions including spare parts list and approved drawings. All fabrication and
assembly shall be performed in the U.S.A.
In addition, the tankless electric water heater shall be supplied with the following options:
The Electric Heater Company
Committed to continuous improvement...
Continuing research results in product improvement; therefore specications are subject to
change without notice. For the most updated information, consult the factory directly.
■ P.O. Box 288 ■ Stratford, CT 06615-0288 ■ Phone: 203-378-2659 ■ Fax: 203-378-3593
■ www.hubbellheaters.com
Rev A.