Job Name
The Electric Heater Company
■ P.O. Box 288 ■ Stratford, CT 06615-0288 ■ Phone: 203-378-2659 ■ Fax: 203-378-3593
■ www.hubbellheaters.com
Committed to continuous improvement...
Continuing research results in product improvement; therefore specications are subject to
change without notice. For the most updated information, consult the factory directly.
Master Specication: Model F
Provide a quantity of instantaneous steam red water heater(s) Model no.
as manufactured by HUBBELL, Stratford, CT. The water heater(s) shall be factory assembled, packaged and ready for service
connections. The entire unit shall be factory supplied with the necessary structural support stand to raise the heater the proper
distance off the ground to allow for immediate installation in the eld. The unit must be designed and fabricated in strict
conformance with the ASME code Section VIII UM, Division I and stamped, certied, and registered with the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The heating coil and all other water carrying components shall be rated for 150 psi (225
psi TP) working pressure. The unit shall not contain any storage capacity nor require the use of thermostatic control devices or a
temperature/ pressure relief valve. The heater(s) shall be capable of maintaining the set temperature within ±4
F over a ow range
of a few percent to 100% rated capacity.
The water heater shall be rated to heat GPM of water from oF to oF when supplied with
Wall ) copper tubes (
wound and brazed/welded into the manifold. No bafes or other supports shall be used in the shell. The coil must be capable of
being removed for inspection and service without breaking any threaded steam or water connections or removing the unit from its
installed position.
psig of steam to the heater. The heating coil shall be constructed of single wall (
OptionalSpecications: Admiralty, 90/10 Copper-Nickel, Stainless Steel [Type 304 or 316] ) spirally
OptionalSpecication: Double
The heat exchanger shall be Ductile Iron
Steel (Type 304 or 316) construction and shall be factory insulated to improve efficiency and reduce heat loss. The heat
exchanger shall also be encased in a heavy gauge galvanized steel shroud to protect personnel from accidental contact with the
exterior of the heat exchanger.
( OptionalSpeci ication: Cast Steel, Cast Bronze, 90/10 Copper-Nickel, Stainless
The water heater shall be supplied with all steam condensate controls factory assembled, piped and tested, including a drip trap,
main condensate trap, and strainers. The heater(s) shall incorporate an integral safety system which automatically suppresses
over-temperature conditions without the use of electrically operated devices. A steam pressure gauge (30" Hg - 30 psig) and a
combination water temperature/pressure gauge (70- 270
F, 0-200 psi) are supplied and shipped loose for in-the-eld installation.
A steam pressure reducing valve (shall, shall not) be provided by the factory to limit the steam supply pressure in the heat
exchanger shell to a maximum of 15 psi (
Iron (
OptionalSpecication: Cast Steel ) construction and shipped loose for in-the-eld installation.
psi ). The pressure reducing valve shall be Cast
In addition, the water heater may be supplied with the following optional features:
Option Recirculation package including one (1) 1" 3-way diverting valve, one (1) 1" globe valve, and two (2) 1" check
valves. Please specify: Diverting valve is (xed or adjustable) temperature range type. Recirculation package
components (shall or shall not) be factory piped and assembled on the water heater.
Option Single solenoid safety system factory assembled to open the sensing line to the blending valve and thereby closing
the blending valve in the event water temperature exceeds the hi-limit set point. Please specify automatic or
manual reset type. Requires 120 volt, 5 amp electrical service.
Option Double solenoid safety system closes the steam supply to the heat exchanger in addition to closing the blending
Option Heat exchanger coil supplied with a factory packaged Klean-Koil
valve. Requires manual resetting. Requires 120 volt, 5 amp electric service.
System for quick in the eld removal of
mineral deposits in the coil. System includes factory installed coil connections for acid cleaning, acid pump with
connections, acid holding container and 1 gallon of acid cleaner.
Option A steam pressure relief valve rated at
The water heater shall be guaranteed for a period of ve (5) years Non-Pro Rated from date of shipment.(
ten (10) year Non-Pro Rated Warranty ). Specically, the coil assembly shall carry an unconditional, Non-Pro Rated ve (5) year
guarantee from failure due to thermal shock, mechanical failure, or erosion. Additionally, the heat exchanger shell shall be warranted
against all failures for the same ve (5) year period. All other components including the blending valve and components shall be
warranted for a period of one (1) year against failure due to defects in materials or workmanship.