Commercial Electric
Commercial Electric
Water Heater
Water Heater
Provides Tepid Water For Emergency Fixtures
Heavy Duty Construction
� Hydrastone cement lining provides tank longevity
� Copper-silicon alloy tappings cannot rust or
� High impact composite jacket cannot rust or
corrode and eliminates potential damage during
installation and transit
� 3" thick polyurethane foam insulation reduces
standby heat loss by over 24% compared to
industry standard 2" insulated tanks
Packaged System
� Factory packaged and piped mixing valve
simplies installation and ensures the safe and
reliable supply of tepid water
� All electrical operating controls are factory
selected and wired to ensure reliable operation
� Dial gauge provides visual indication of water
temperature and pressure
� Mixing valve designed specically for emergency
drench systems ensures a constant ow of tepid
� Mixing valve prohibits delivery of overheated water
to prevent scalding
� Provides tepid water even when an accident
causes a loss of electric power
� Reduces the risk of Legionella because water is
stored at an elevated temperature
� Full ve (5) year non pro-rated tank warranty
� Each valve is performance tested
at the factory to ensure proper
Model EMV
The model EMV is designed specically for tepid water
delivery to an emergency drench system
A Heavy Duty, Reliable Source For Tepid Water Delivery
The Hubbell model EMV water heater is a packaged
system designed to meet the requirements of ANSI
Z358.1-2014 for tepid water delivery to an emergency
drench system. This heavy-duty water heater is constructed
of a carbon steel tank and internally lined with
Hydrastone cement to ensure tank longevity when operating
at elevated temperatures, and is fully insulated with 3"
thick polyurethane foam to minimize stand-by heat loss.
The water heater is packaged with a mixing valve specically
/2" thick
Packaged Heater Provides High Volume Tepid Water
designed, tested and proven for use in emergency safety
shower/face/eyewash applications. The entire package
including the mixing valve is factory piped and mounted
to the water heater to provide single source responsibility.
When you specify and install a Hubbell Model EMV, you
will have the condence in knowing that the owner will be
provided with a long lasting, safe and dependable source of
tepid water for their emergency drench system needs.

Safety StandardS
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151 states the following:
When the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive, toxic, or ammable
materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or
ushing of the eyes and body shall be provided
within the work area for immediate emergency
ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 Standard states the
following: Delivered flushing fluid temperature
shall be tepid. This standard also establishes
minimum performance and use requirements for
eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person who
has been exposed to injurious materials.
The shower must have a minimum of
20 GPM at 30 psi for 15 minutes of controlled
low [Para 4.1.3]
The eyewash must have a minimum of
0.4 GPM at 30 psi for 15 minutes of controlled
low [Para 5.1.6]
The eye/face wash must have a minimum of
3.0 GPM at 30 psi for 15 minutes of controlled
low [Para 6.1.6]
Units must meet all individual performance
requirements when all components are
operated simultaneously [Para 7.1]
In circumstances where chemical reaction
is accelerated by ushing uid temperature,
a facilities safety/health advisor should be
consulted for the optimum temperature.
[Para 6.4.6]
How Does THe Hubbell uniT
AcHieve THese RequiRemenTs?
The Hubbell EMV water heater system
provides high volume tepid water for safety
drench systems by integrating a specially designed mixing valve with a high quality cement
lined electric storage water heater. The model
EMV is designed to maintain 120 gallons of
water at 170°F. The volume of water at this
temperature is necessary to achieve the final
flow rate of 23 GPM for 15 minutes of tepid
water. When an emergency drench apparatus
is used, the integrated mixing valve blends
170°F water from the tank with incoming cold
water to achieve a continuous flow of app oximately 85°F tepid water to operate simultaneously a safety shower and an eye/face wash
Note: For 30 GPM shower heads the Hubbell
EMV will provide 75
F water for 15 minutes.
The Hubbell model EMV satisfies the tepid
water requirements for a safety drench
The Hubbell EMV package is specifically designed
to meet your emergency drench system needs by
incorporating the following critical features:
The carbon steel tank is internally lined with
specially formulated hydrastone cement and
does not require anodic protection. This lining is
critical to the longevity of the tank when storing
hot water at elevated temperatures.
The mixing valve is specifically designed for
emergency safety drench systems and is factory
piped and packaged with the water heater tank
to simplify installation and ensure a safe and
dependable system.
The Hubbell EMV Model has 3" foam insulation
which reduces stand-by heat losses by over 24%
compared to 2" insulated tanks. This provides
the owner with a highly efficient and economical
solution for emergency drench systems.
Unlike instantaneous heaters, the Hubbell model
EMV is unaffected by the loss of electric power
in its ability to provide tepid water. Furthermore,
the dial temperature gauge provides the operator
with positive visual verification that the unit is at

Mixing ValVe
OperatiOnal featureS
Packaged with the Hubbell model EMV is a triple
redundant, thermostatic pressure balanced
valve designed specifically for emergency safety
shower/face/eyewash applications. The valve is
factory mounted and piped to the water heater.
After water flow is activated at the emergency
station, the outlet water temperature from the
model EMV package will be maintained at 85°F
tepid temperature. The Hubbell EMV is able to
achieve the high volume demand required for a
safety drench system by mixing the 170°F water
in the tank with incoming cold water. The mixing
valve meets OSHA and ANSI requirements and
is capable of providing constant 85°F output
regardless of inlet pressure and temperature
variations, and the temperature setting is tamper
proof and cannot be inadvertently adjusted in the
field. The water temperature is not warm enough
to open skin pores and not cold enough
to deter usage. The valve is capable of providing
a full range of flows from the smallest flow of 0.4
GPM for an eyewash to the combined 23 GPM
flow for a simultaneous demand of shower,
eyewash, and face wash system.
Safety featureS
The mixing valve incorporates a pressure sensing
controller with a valve actuator that senses the
water pressure on both the hot and cold water
inlet connections. If hot water pressure is not
present then the actuator overrides the mixing
valve and a flow of cold water is allowed. If no
cold-water pressure is available at the mixing
valve inlet then the hot water port will close
to prevent overheated water from exiting the
mixing valve. The valve also includes a safety
override feature that continuously senses the
final mixed water temperature. If the final water
temperature is overheated, the valve
automatically closes the hot water port and
fully opens the cold water port. In any of these
fault conditions, the Hubbell EMV valve will
continue to provide a full flow of water as per
the ANSI standard with no additional pressure
Hubbell EMV Package
T&P Relief Valve
Cold Water
(If Required)
Y Strainer
Pressure Relief
Device or Thermal
Expansion Tank
Vacuum Breaker
Air Vent Valve
& Pressure
NOTE: For systems requiring recirculation see Hubbell IOM for typical pipping schematic.
To D r a i n
Heat Trace
for Freeze
(If Required)
Solar Gain
To D r a i n
Safety Shower
Freeze Protection
(To Atmosphere)
Floor Drain