Level Wind Reels
Best Management of Long Cables
Level Winding Reels have demonstrated through years of use to be the safest and most reliable way to handle long
lengths of large cable. By winding a single layer of cable horizontally on a generous drum diameter, the cable experiences minimum flexing and is exposed to maximum cooling, should that be a concern. Equipment speeds can be
slow, moderate or high with equally good performance. Cable guide is included. Reels can be shipped complete with
cable installed, or site mounted by others.
Typical Level Winding Reel
Level Winding reels provide the maximum in cable handling reliability. Due to size of the drum and other components required to
achieve this reliability, proper location of the reel is very important. Minimum cable bending is the goal at both the reel and the
anchor point. Gleason will be happy to provide assistance on your
request for specific application details.
Typical Level Winding Reel
and Turnover Anchor
Roller Guide Assemblies
Cable rollers guide assemblies are critical for
the proper management of cable being paid out
and retrieved in today’s demanding applications. Special attention has been given to
Gleason’s roller guide designs to insure the
optimum in efficiency and reliability at each
installation. Assemblies are matched to the
specific cable diameter and weight and
installed to suit the most demanding machine
speed and travel limits.
Typical Roller Guide Assembly