Hubbell CableTrak Kit Catalog Page

End Mounting: T
CableTrak® Hose and Cable Carrier System
CableTrak® Kit With and Without Brackets
rack travel length = Machine travel length.
CableTrak® Kit with Brackets
Catalog Number
HC T10114K* * HCT10219K** HC T16119K HCT16134K HCT16219K HCT16234K HCT16334K HCT16434K HCT25134K HCT25234K HCT25247K HCT25347K
4.0' 0.59" 0.75" 0.286" 0.531" 1.0 3" 1.0 0 " 1.4 4" 3.86" 2.00" 5.68" 1.3 3" 1.250" 1.000'
4.0' 1. 0 0" 0.75" 0.382" 0.900" 1.44" 1. 0 0" 1.91" 4.82" 2.00" 5.41" 1. 33" 1.250" 1.000'
4.0' 1. 50" 1.0 0" 0.382" 1.35 0" 2 .12" 1.62" 1. 91" 5.44" 3.00" 5.72" 1.19 " 1.812" 1.000'
4.5' 1.5 0" 1.0 0" 0.688" 1.35 0" 2.12" 1.62" 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 7. 8 5" 1.19" 1.812" 1.50 0'
4.0' 2.28" 1. 0 0" 0.328" 2.052" 2. 91" 1.6 2" 1.91" 5.44" 3.00" 5.72" 1.19 " 1.812" 1.000'
4.5' 2.28" 1. 0 0" 0.688" 2.052" 2.91" 1.62" 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 7. 8 5" 1.19" 1.812" 1.50 0 '
4.5' 3.08" 1.0 0" 0.688" 2.772" 3.70" 1.62" 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 7. 8 5" 1.19" 1.812" 1.50 0 '
4.5' 4.06" 1.0 0 " 0.688" 3.654" 4.69" 1.62 " 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 7. 8 5" 1.19" 1.812" 1.50 0 '
4.5' 2.60" 1.75" 0.680" 2.340" 3.70" 2.50" 3.40" 9.30" 3.00" 8.31" 1.75" 2.500" 1.50 0 '
4.5' 4.25" 1.75" 0.680" 3.825" 5.36" 2.50" 3.40" 9.30" 3.00" 8.31" 1.75" 2.500" 1.50 0'
5.0' 4.25" 1.75" 0.956" 3.825" 5.36" 2.50" 4.78" 12.06 " 3.00" 10.52" 1.75" 2.500" 2.000'
5.0' 6.60" 1.75" 0.956" 5.940" 7.7 0 " 2.50" 4.78" 12.06" 3.00" 10.52" 1.75" 2.500" 2.000'
H Inner Height
A Max Hose/Cab O.D.
B Max Component Width
V Outer Width
O Outer Height
R Bend Radius
B Bend HeightC Clearance
K Min Brkt to Bend
M Brkt to PivotP Pitch
L* Curve Length (ft)
CableTrak® Kit without Brackets
Catalog Number
HC T101141* * HCT102191** HC T161191 HCT161341 HCT162191 HCT162341 HCT163341 HCT164341 HCT251341 HCT252341 HCT252471 HCT253471
Note: *L = Minimum length in feet to form CableTrak curve.
**These models do not have a f lip top design and do not accept separators due to the ir small size.
Dimensions in Inches (mm)
1.0' 0.59" 0.75" 0.286" 0.531" 1.0 3" 1.0 0" 1.4 4" 3.86" 2.00" 1.25 0 " 1.000'
1.0' 1.0 0" 0.75" 0.382" 0.900" 1.4 4" 1.0 0" 1.91" 4.82" 2.00" 1.25 0" 1.000'
1.0' 1.5 0" 1.0 0" 0.382" 1.35 0" 2.12" 1.62" 1.91" 5.44" 3.00" 1.812" 1.000'
1.0' 1.5 0" 1.0 0" 0.688" 1.35 0" 2.12" 1.62" 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 1.812" 1.5 0 0'
1.0' 2.28" 1. 0 0" 0.328" 2.052" 2.91" 1.6 2" 1.91" 5.44" 3.00" 1.812" 1.000'
1.0' 2.28" 1. 0 0" 0.688" 2.052" 2.91" 1.62" 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 1.812" 1.500'
1.0' 3.08" 1.0 0" 0.688" 2.772" 3.70" 1.62" 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 1.812" 1.5 0 0'
1.0' 4.06" 1.0 0 " 0.688" 3.654" 4.69" 1.62 " 3.44" 8.50" 3.00" 1.812" 1.50 0 '
1.0' 2.60" 1.75" 0.680" 2.340" 3.70" 2.50" 3.40" 9.30" 3.00" 2.500" 1.500'
1.0' 4.25" 1.75" 0.680" 3.825" 5.36" 2.50" 3.40" 9.30" 3.00" 2.500" 1.500'
1.0' 4.25" 1.75" 0.956" 3.825" 5.36" 2.50" 4.78" 12.06" 3.00" 2.500" 2.000'
1.0' 6.60" 1.75" 0.956" 5.940" 7.70" 2.50" 4.78" 12.06" 3.00" 2.500" 2.000'
H Inner Height
A Max Hose/Cab O.D.
B Max Component Width
V Outer Width
O Outer Height
Wiring Device-Kellems
R Bend Radius
B Bend HeightC ClearanceP Pitch
L* Curve Length (ft)