Huawei UPS5000-E-400 kVA, UPS5000-E-480 kVA, UPS5000-E-360 kVA, UPS5000-E-440 kVA User Manual

Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020 . All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)

About This Document

Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
This document describes the UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) in terms of its features, performance, working principles, appearance as well as instructions for installation, and operation and maintenance (O&M).
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
About This Document
Sales engineers
Technical support engineers
System engineers
Hardware installation engineers
Commissioning engineers
Data configuration engineers
Maintenance engineers
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
About This Document
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Supplements the important information in the main text. NOTE is used to address information not related to
personal injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.
Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the changes made in earlier issues.
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Added SNMP descriptions to the sections about site configuration. Added the SNMP V1 and V2 protocol description. Updated the safety information.
Issue 06 (2017-11-17)
Updated the section "Battery Electrical specifications".
Issue 05 (2017-10-09)
Updated the recommended cable data.
Issue 04 (2017-02-22)
Updated the voltage data of the monitoring interface card and the content of routine maintenance.
Issue 03 (2016-01-20)
Updated the maximum voltage and current which the monitoring interface card can support, optimized the dual bus scenario, and updated the routine maintenance.
Issue 02 (2015-08-20)
Deleted V100R001 from the version information.
Issue 01 (2015-04-02)
This is the first release.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)


Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document ............................................................................................................... ii
1 Safety Information ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Personnel Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Electrical Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Installation Environment Requirements .................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Mechanical Safety ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Device Running Safety .........................................................................................................................................10
1.7 Battery Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.8 Others ..................................................................................................................................................................14
2 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 Model Description ................................................................................................................................................15
2.2 Working Principle ................................ ................................................................................................ .................15
2.2.1 Conceptual Diagram ..........................................................................................................................................15
2.2.2 Working Modes .................................................................................................................................................16 Normal Mode .................................................................................................................................................16 Bypass Mode ..................................................................................................................................................17 Battery Mode ..................................................................................................................................................18 Maintenance Bypass Mode .............................................................................................................................19 ECO Mode .....................................................................................................................................................20
2.3 Product Description ................................ .............................................................................................................. 22
2.3.1 Appearance ........................................................................................................................................................22
2.3.2 Product Structure ............................................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 Control Module ....................................................................................................................................................24
2.4.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................................24
2.4.2 ECM .................................................................................................................................................................25
2.4.3 Dry contact card ................................................................................................................................................27
2.4.4 (Optional) Backfeed Protection Card ..................................................................................................................29
2.4.5 (Optional) Dry Contact Extended Card ...............................................................................................................29
2.4.6 Monitoring Interface Card ..................................................................................................................................29
2.5 MDU....................................................................................................................................................................34
2.6 Typical configurations ..........................................................................................................................................36
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2.6.1 Single UPS ........................................................................................................................................................36
2.6.2 Parallel System ..................................................................................................................................................36
2.6.3 Dual-Bus System ............................................................................................................................................... 37
2.7 Optional Components ...........................................................................................................................................38
3 Installation .............................................................................................................................. 40
3.1 Installation Preparations .......................................................................................................................................40
3.1.1 Site ....................................................................................................................................................................40
3.1.2 Tools and Instruments ................................................................ ........................................................................42
3.1.3 Power Cables .....................................................................................................................................................44
3.1.4 Unpacking and Checking ................................................................................................ ...................................47
3.1.5 (Optional) Splitting the Power Cabinet and Bypass Cabinet ................................................................................50
3.1.6 Optional) Combining the Power Cabinet and Bypass Cabinet .............................................................................59
3.2 Single UPS Installation .........................................................................................................................................60
3.2.1 Installing a UPS .................................................................................................................................................60
3.2.2 Installing Antiseismic Kits .................................................................................................................................65
3.2.3 Installing an IP21 Component ............................................................................................................................67
3.2.4 (Optional) Installing an Ambient Temperature and Humidity Sensor ...................................................................68
3.2.5 Installing Batteries .............................................................................................................................................68
3.2.6 (Optional) Installing Fuses .................................................................................................................................70
3.2.7 Routing Cables ..................................................................................................................................................73 Top Cable Routing ................................................................ ..........................................................................73 Bottom Cable Routing ....................................................................................................................................75
3.2.8 Connecting Ground Cables ................................................................................................................................79
3.2.9 Connecting AC Input Power Cables ...................................................................................................................80 Single Mains ...................................................................................................................................................80 Dual Mains ................................................................ .....................................................................................81
3.2.10 Connecting AC Output Power Cables ...............................................................................................................85
3.2.11 Connecting Battery Cables ...............................................................................................................................85
3.2.12 Remote EPO ....................................................................................................................................................87
3.2.13 Connecting Communications Cables ................................................................................................................88
3.3 Parallel System Installation ................................................................ ...................................................................88
3.3.1 Connecting Power Cables ..................................................................................................................................88
3.3.2 Connecting Signal Cables ..................................................................................................................................92
3.4 Installation Verification .........................................................................................................................................94
4 User Interface .......................................................................................................................... 97
4.1 LCD Interface ......................................................................................................................................................97
4.1.1 LCD ..................................................................................................................................................................97
4.1.2 LCD Menu ........................................................................................................................................................98 Menu Hierarchy ..............................................................................................................................................98 Initial Startup ..................................................................................................................................................99 Main Menu ................................................................ .....................................................................................99
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
4.1.3 System Info Screen .......................................................................................................................................... 101 Module Data Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 101 Runn Info Screen ................................................................ .......................................................................... 102 Alarms Screen............................................................................................................................................... 107 Settings Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 109 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................. 132 About Screen ................................................................................................................................................ 136
4.1.4 System Status Screen ....................................................................................................................................... 137
4.1.5 Common Functions Screen .............................................................................................................................. 137
4.2 WebUI ................................................................................................................................................................ 138
4.2.1 Login............................................................................................................................................................... 138
4.2.2 Monitoring Page .............................................................................................................................................. 140 Active Alarms Page ....................................................................................................................................... 141 Real-time Data Page ..................................................................................................................................... 142 Param. Settings Page ..................................................................................................................................... 142 Comm. Config. Page ..................................................................................................................................... 143 Control Page ................................................................................................................................................. 143
4.2.3 Query Page ...................................................................................................................................................... 144 Historical Alarms Page ................................................................................................................................ .. 144 Logs Page ..................................................................................................................................................... 144
4.2.4 Config. Page .................................................................................................................................................... 145
4.2.5 Maint. Page ................................................................ ..................................................................................... 147
5 Operations ............................................................................................................................. 150
5.1 Single UPS Operations ....................................................................................................................................... 150
5.1.1 Powering On and Starting the UPS ................................................................................................................... 150
5.1.2 Shutting Down and Powering Off the UPS ....................................................................................................... 161
5.1.3 Starting the UPS in Battery Mode .................................................................................................................... 164
5.1.4 Transferring to Bypass Mode ........................................................................................................................... 165
5.1.5 Setting ECO Mode........................................................................................................................................... 166
5.1.6 Testing Batteries .............................................................................................................................................. 168 Forced Equalized Charging Test .................................................................................................................... 168 Shallow Discharge Test ................................................................................................................................. 168 Capacity Test ................................................................................................................................................ 170 Test Data Download ...................................................................................................................................... 171
5.1.7 Transferring to Maintenance Bypass Mode ....................................................................................................... 172
5.1.8 Transferring from Maintenance Bypass Mode to Normal Mode ........................................................................ 173
5.1.9 Performing EPO .............................................................................................................................................. 174
5.1.10 Clearing the EPO State .................................................................................................................................. 175
5.2 Setting Hibernation Mode ................................................................................................................................... 175
5.2.1 LCD ................................................................................................................................................................ 176
5.2.2 WebUI ............................................................................................................................................................. 177
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.3 Setting Intelligent Power Mode ........................................................................................................................... 178
5.3.1 LCD ................................................................................................................................................................ 178
5.3.2 WebUI ............................................................................................................................................................. 183
5.3.3 Reused Scenario .............................................................................................................................................. 187
5.3.4 ATS Scenario ................................................................................................................................................... 188
5.4 Parallel System Operations ................................................................................................................................. 189
6 Routine Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 190
6.1 UPS Maintenance ................................................................................................ ............................................... 190
6.1.1 Monthly Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 190
6.1.2 Quarterly Maintenance..................................................................................................................................... 191
6.1.3 Annual Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 191
6.2 Battery Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 192
6.2.1 Precautions for Battery Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 193
6.2.2 Monthly Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 193
6.2.3 Quarterly Maintenance..................................................................................................................................... 194
6.2.4 Annual Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 195
7 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 196
8 Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... 198
8.1 hysical Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................ 198
8.2 Environment Features ......................................................................................................................................... 198
8.3 Safety Regulations and EMC ................................ .............................................................................................. 199
8.4 Mains Input Electrical Specifications .................................................................................................................. 199
8.5 Bypass Input Electrical Specifications ................................................................................................................. 200
8.6 Battery Electrical specifications .......................................................................................................................... 200
8.7 Output Electrical Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 201
8.8 System Electrical Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 201
A Menu Hierarchy .................................................................................................................. 202
A.1 Menus on the LCD ............................................................................................................................................ 202
A.2 Menus on the WebUI ......................................................................................................................................... 204
B Alarm List ............................................................................................................................. 220
C Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 229
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)

1 Safety Information

Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

1.1 General Safety

Before installing, operating, and maintaining the equipment, read this document and observe all the safety instructions on the equipment and in this document.
1 Safety Information
The "NOTICE", "CAUTION", "WARNING", and "DANGER" statements in this document do not cover all the safety instructions. They are only supplements to the safety instructions. Huawei will not be liable for any consequence caused by the violation of general safety requirements or design, production, and usage safety standards.
Ensure that the equipment is used in environments that meet its design specifications. Otherwise, the equipment may become faulty, and the resulting equipment malfunction, component damage, personal injuries, or property damage are not covered under the warranty.
Follow local laws and regulations when installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment. The safety instructions in this document are only supplements to local laws and regulations.
Huawei will not be liable for any consequences of the following circumstances:
Operation beyond the conditions specified in this document
Installation or use in environments which are not specified in relevant international or national standards
Unauthorized modifications to the product or software code or removal of the product
Failure to follow the operation instructions and safety precautions on the product and in this document
Equipment damage due to force majeure, such as earthquakes, fire, and storms
Damage caused during transportation by the customer
Storage conditions that do not meet the requirements specified in this document
General Requirements
Do not install, use, or operate outdoor equipment and cables (including but not limited to moving equipment, operating equipment and cables, inserting connectors to or removing connectors from signal ports connected to outdoor facilities, working at heights, and performing outdoor installation) in harsh weather conditions such as lightning, rain, snow, and level 6 or stronger wind.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Before installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment, remove any conductive objects such as watches or metal jewelry like bracelets, bangles, and rings to avoid electric shock.
When installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment, wear dedicated protective gears such as insulation gloves, goggles, and safety clothing, helmet, and shoes, as shown in the following figure.
Follow the specified procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance.
Before handling a conductor surface or terminal, measure the contact point voltage and ensure that there is no risk of electric shock.
After installing the equipment, remove idle packing materials such as cartons, foam, plastics, and cable ties from the equipment area.
In the case of a fire, immediately leave the building or the equipment area, and turn on the fire alarm bell or make an emergency call. Do not enter the building on fire in any case.
Do not stop using protective devices. Pay attention to the warnings, cautions, and related precautionary measures in this document and on the equipment. Promptly replace warning labels that have worn out.
Keep irrelevant people away from the equipment. Only operators are allowed to access the equipment.
Use insulated tools or tools with insulated handles, as shown in the following figure.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All cable holes should be sealed. Seal the used cable holes with firestop putty. Seal the unused cable holes with the caps delivered with the cabinet. The following figure shows the criteria for correct sealing with firestop putty.
  
Personal Safety
Do not scrawl, damage, or block any warning label on the equipment. Tighten the screws using tools when installing the equipment. Do not work with power on during installation. Repaint any paint scratches caused during equipment transportation or installation in a
timely manner. Equipment with scratches cannot be exposed to an outdoor environment for a long period of time.
Before operations, ensure that the equipment is firmly secured to the floor or other solid objects, such as a wall or an installation rack.
Do not use water to clean electrical components inside or outside of a cabinet. Do not change the structure or installation sequence of equipment without permission. Do not touch a running fan with your fingers, components, screws, tools, or boards
before the fan is powered off or stops running.
If there is a probability of personal injury or equipment damage during operations on the equipment, immediately stop the operations, report the case to the supervisor, and take feasible protective measures.
To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to telecommunication network voltage (TNV) circuits.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Do not power on the equipment before it is installed or confirmed by professionals.

1.2 Personnel Requirements

Personnel who plan to install or maintain Huawei equipment must receive thorough training, understand all necessary safety precautions, and be able to correctly perform all operations.
Only qualified professionals or trained personnel are allowed to install, operate, and maintain the equipment.
Only qualified professionals are allowed to remove safety facilities and inspect the equipment.
Personnel who will operate the equipment, including operators, trained personnel, and professionals, should possess the local national required qualifications in special operations such as high-voltage operations, working at heights, and operations of special equipment.
Professionals: personnel who are trained or experienced in equipment operations and are clear of the sources and degree of various potential hazards in equipment installation, operation, maintenance
Trained personnel: personnel who are technically trained, have required experience, are aware of possible hazards on themselves in certain operations, and are able to take protective measures to minimize the hazards on themselves and other people
Operators: operation personnel who may come in contact with the equipment, except trained personnel and professionals
Only professionals or authorized personnel are allowed to replace the equipment or components (including software).

1.3 Electrical Safety

For the equipment that needs to be grounded, install the ground cable first when installing the equipment and remove the ground cable last when removing the equipment.
Do not damage the ground conductor.
Do not operate the equipment in the absence of a properly installed ground conductor.
Ensure that the equipment is connected permanently to the protective ground. Before operating the equipment, check its electrical connection to ensure that it is securely grounded.
General Requirements
Use dedicated insulated tools when performing high-voltage operations.
AC and DC Power
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Do not connect or disconnect power cables with power on. Transient contact between the core of the power cable and the conductor will generate electric arcs or sparks, which may cause fire or personal injury.
If a "high electricity leakage" tag is attached on the equipment, ground the protective ground terminal on the equipment enclosure before connecting the AC power supply; otherwise, electric shock as a result of electricity leakage may occur.
Before installing or removing a power cable, turn off the power switch.
Before connecting a power cable, check that the label on the power cable is correct.
If the equipment has multiple inputs, disconnect all the inputs before operating the equipment.
A circuit breaker equipped with a residual current device (RCD) is not recommended.
A damaged power cable must be replaced by the manufacturer, service agent, or professionals to avoid risks.
High voltage operations and installation of AC-powered facilities must be performed by qualified personnel.
When routing cables, ensure that a distance of at least 30 mm exists between the cables and heat-generating components or areas. This prevents damage to the insulation layer of the cables.
Do not route cables behind the air intake and exhaust vents of the equipment.
Ensure that cables meet the VW-1 flame spread rating requirements.
Bind cables of the same type together. When routing cables of different types, ensure that they are at least 30 mm away from each other.
If an AC input power cable is connected to the cabinet from the top, bend the cable in a U shape outside the cabinet and then route it into the cabinet.
When the temperature is low, violent impact or vibration may damage the plastic cable sheathing. To ensure safety, comply with the following requirements:
Cables can be laid or installed only when the temperature is higher than 0°C. Handle cables with caution, especially at a low temperature.
Cables stored at subzero temperatures must be stored at room temperature for at least 24 hours before they are laid out.
Do not perform any improper operations, for example, dropping cables directly from a vehicle.
When selecting, connecting, and routing cables, follow local safety regulations and rules.
The static electricity generated by human bodies may damage the electrostatic-sensitive components on boards, for example, the large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Wear ESD gloves or a well-grounded ESD wrist strap when touching the device or handling boards or application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
When holding a board, hold its edge without touching any components. Do not touch the components with your bare hands.
Package boards with ESD packaging materials before storing or transporting them.
Figure 1-1 Wearing an ESD wrist strap
Neutral-Ground Voltage
It is recommended that the three-phase loads be equalized and the neutral-ground voltage be kept at less than 2 V to meet power distribution requirements.

1.4 Installation Environment Requirements

To prevent fire due to high temperature, ensure that the ventilation vents or heat dissipation system are not blocked when the equipment is running.
Install the equipment in an area far away from liquids. Do not install it under areas prone to condensation, such as under water pipes and air exhaust vents, or areas prone to water leakage, such as air conditioner vents, ventilation vents, or feeder windows of the equipment room. Ensure that no liquid enters the equipment to prevent faults or short circuits.
If any liquid is detected inside the equipment, immediately disconnect the power supply and contact the administrator.
Do not expose the equipment to flammable or explosive gas or smoke. Do not perform any operation on the equipment in such environments.
Ensure that the equipment room provides good heat insulation, and the walls and floor are dampproof.
Install a rat guard at the door of the equipment room.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Installation at Heights
Working at heights refers to operations that are performed at least 2 meters above the ground.
Do not work at heights if the steel pipes are wet or other potential danger exists. After the preceding conditions no longer exist, the safety director and relevant technical personnel need to check the involved equipment. Operators can begin working only after obtaining consent.
When working at heights, comply with local relevant laws and regulations.
Only trained and qualified personnel are allowed to work at heights.
Before working at heights, check the climbing tools and safety gears such as safety helmets, safety belts, ladders, springboards, scaffolding, and lifting equipment. If they do not meet the requirements, take corrective measures or disallow working at heights.
Wear personal protective equipment such as the safety helmet and safety belt or waist rope and fasten it to a solid structure. Do not mount it on an insecure moveable object or metal object with sharp edges. Make sure that the hooks will not slide off.
Set a restricted area and eye-catching signs for working at heights to warn away irrelevant personnel.
Carry the operation machinery and tools properly to prevent them from falling off and causing injuries.
Personnel involving working at heights are not allowed to throw objects from the height to the ground, or vice versa. Objects should be transported by tough slings, hanging baskets, highline trolleys, or cranes.
Ensure that guard rails and warning signs are set at the edges and openings of the area involving working at heights to prevent falls.
Do not pile up scaffolding, springboards, or other sundries on the ground under the area involving working at heights. Do not allow people to stay or pass under the area involving working at heights.
Inspect the scaffolding, springboards, and workbenches used for working at heights in advance to ensure that their structures are solid and not overloaded.
Any violations must be promptly pointed out by the site manager or safety supervisor and the involved personnel should be prompted for correction. Personnel who fail to stop violations will be forbidden from working.

1.5 Mechanical Safety

Hoisting Devices
Do not walk under hoisted objects.
Only trained and qualified personnel should perform hoisting operations.
Check that hoisting tools are available and in good condition.
Before hoisting objects, ensure that hoisting tools are firmly secured onto a load-bearing object or wall.
Ensure that the angle formed by two hoisting cables is no more than 90 degrees, as shown in the following figure.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Do not drag steel ropes and hoisting tools or bump hoisted objects against hard objects during hoisting.
Using Ladders
Use wooden or fiberglass ladders when you need to perform live working at heights.
When a step ladder is used, ensure that the pull ropes are secured and the ladder is held firm.
Before using a ladder, check that it is intact and confirm its load bearing capacity. Do not overload it.
Ensure that the ladder is securely positioned. The recommended angle for a ladder against the floor is 75 degrees, as shown in the following figure. An angle rule can be used to measure the angle. Ensure that the wider end of the ladder is at the bottom, or protective measures have been taken at the bottom to prevent the ladder from sliding.
When climbing a ladder, take the following precautions to reduce risks and ensure safety:
Keep your body steady.
Do not climb higher than the fourth rung of the ladder from the top.
Ensure that your body's center of gravity does not shift outside the legs of the ladder.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Drilling Holes
When drilling holes into a wall or floor, observe the following safety precautions:
Do not drill holes into the equipment. Doing so may affect the electromagnetic shielding of the equipment and damage components or cables inside. Metal shavings from drilling may short-circuit boards inside the equipment.
Obtain the consent from the customer, subcontractor, and Huawei before drilling.
Wear goggles and protective gloves when drilling holes.
When drilling holes, protect the equipment from shavings. After drilling, clean up any shavings that have accumulated inside or outside the equipment.
Moving Heavy Objects
When removing a heavy or unstable component from a cabinet, be aware of unstable or heavy objects on the cabinet.
Be cautious to avoid injury when moving heavy objects.
When moving the equipment by hand, wear protective gloves to prevent injuries.
Move or lift the equipment by holding its handles or lower edges. Do not hold the handles of modules (such as power supply units, fans, and boards) that are installed in the equipment because they cannot support the weight of the equipment.
Avoid scratching the cabinet surface or damaging cabinet components and cables during equipment transportation.
When transporting the equipment using a forklift truck, ensure that the forks are properly positioned to ensure that the equipment does not topple. Before moving the equipment, secure it to the forklift truck using ropes. When moving the equipment, assign dedicated personnel to take care of it.
Choose railways, sea, or a road with good condition for transportation to ensure equipment safety. Avoid tilt or jolt during transportation.
Move a cabinet with caution. Any bumping or falling may damage the equipment.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

1.6 Device Running Safety

The UPS is used for commercial and industrial purposes only. It cannot be used as a power supply for life support devices.
For power supply systems that are critical to significant economic interests or public order, such as the national computing center, military command system, emergency command center, railway signal system and control center, civil aviation and air traffic control center, airport command center, financial clearing center, and transaction center, the Tier 4 or 3 power architecture specified in TIA-942 must be used. That is, two power supplies must be used to supply power to loads.
Ensure that the equipment is used in an environment that meets the product design specifications (including power grid, temperature, and humidity). Otherwise, the equipment may become faulty, and the resulting equipment malfunction and component damage are not covered under the warranty.
The UPS operating environment must meet the requirements for the climate indicator, mechanically active substance indicator, and chemically active substance indicator in ETSI EN 300 019-1 class 3.6.
After unpacking the UPS, you are advised to power on the UPS as soon as possible. If you temporarily do not use the UPS, take appropriate measures to prevent moisture, dust, and foreign matter from entering the UPS.
After unpacking batteries, you are advised to connect the battery supply as soon as possible. If you temporarily do not use the batteries, store them in a dry and clean environment. If batteries are stored for more than 90 days, charge them in time. Otherwise, the battery lifespan may be affected.
Install the UPS in an area far away from liquids. Do not install it under areas prone to water leakage, such as air conditioner vents, ventilation vents, or feeder windows of the equipment room. Ensure that no liquid enters the UPS to prevent short circuits. Ensure that there is no condensation inside the equipment or equipment room.
If any liquid is detected inside the equipment, immediately disconnect the power supply and contact the administrator.
Do not expose the equipment to flammable or explosive gas or smoke. Do not perform any operation on the equipment in such environments.
During installation and maintenance, ensure that sundries do not enter the UPS. Otherwise, equipment damage, load power derating, power failure, and personal injury may occur.
If the valid mains voltage exceeds 320 V AC, the UPS may be damaged. A UPS can be used to serve resistive-capacitive loads, resistive loads, and micro-inductive
loads. It is recommended that a UPS not be used for pure capacitive loads, pure inductive loads, and half-wave rectification loads. A UPS does not apply to regeneration loads.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Any operation on any electrical device in an environment that has inflammable air can cause extreme danger. Strictly obey the operating environmental requirements specified in related user manuals when using or storing the device.
The UPS can be configured with a backfeed protection dry contact to work with an external automatic circuit breaker, preventing the voltage from flowing back to input terminals over static bypass circuits. If the installation and maintenance personnel do not need backfeed protection, paste labels on external mains and bypass input switches, informing that the UPS is connected to a backfeed protection card. Disconnect the backfeed protection card from the UPS before operating the UPS.
Do not use the UPS in the following places:
Environments that are close to flammable or explosive materials, dust, corrosive gases or dust, conductive or magnetic dust, abnormal vibration, or collision
Rooms or outdoor environments where temperature and humidity are not controlled (with high temperature, low temperature, moisture, direct sunlight, or heat sources)
Non-confined environments near the ocean (0–3.7 km) and indoor or semi-indoor environments where the temperature and humidity are not controllable, such as simple equipment rooms, civil houses, garages, corridors, and direct ventilation cabinets near the sea; or houses with only roofs, railway station platforms, gymnasiums, and aquariums
Environments that are conducive for the growth of microorganisms such as fungus or mildew
Environments where rodents (such as mice) and insects exist

1.7 Battery Safety

Basic Requirements
Before operating batteries, carefully read the safety precautions for battery handling and master the correct battery connection methods.
Do not expose batteries at high temperatures or around heat-generating devices, such as sunlight, fire sources, transformers, and heaters. Excessive heat exposure may cause the batteries to explode.
Do not burn batteries. Otherwise, the batteries may explode.
To avoid leakage, overheating, fire, or explosions, do not disassemble, alter, or damage batteries, for example, insert sundries into batteries or immerse batteries in water or other liquids.
Wear goggles, rubber gloves, and protective clothing to prevent skin contact with electrolyte in the case of electrolyte overflow. If a battery leaks, protect the skin or eyes from the leaking liquid. If the skin or eyes come in contact with the leaking liquid, wash it immediately with clean water and go to the hospital for medical treatment.
Use dedicated insulated tools.
Move batteries in the required direction. Do not place a battery upside down or tilt it.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Keep the battery loop disconnected during installation and maintenance.
Use batteries of specified models. Using batteries of other models may damage the batteries.
Dispose of waste batteries in accordance with local laws and regulations. Do not dispose of batteries as household waste. If a battery is disposed of improperly, it may explode.
The site must be equipped with qualified fire extinguishing facilities, such as firefighting sands and powder fire extinguishers.
To ensure battery safety and battery management accuracy, use batteries provided with the UPS by Huawei. Huawei is not responsible for any battery faults caused by batteries not provided by Huawei.
Battery Installation
Before installing batteries, observe the following safety precautions:
Install batteries in a well-ventilated, dry, and cool environment that is far away from heat sources, flammable materials, moistures, extensive infrared radiation, organic solvents, and corrosive gases. Take fire prevention measures.
Place and secure batteries horizontally.
Note the polarities when installing batteries. Do not short-circuit the positive and negative poles of the same battery or battery string. Otherwise, the battery may be short­circuited.
Check battery connections periodically, ensuring that all bolts are securely tightened.
When installing batteries, do not place installation tools on the batteries.
Battery Short Circuit
Battery short circuits can generate high instantaneous current and release a great amount of energy, which may cause equipment damage or personal injury.
To avoid battery short-circuit, do not maintain batteries with power on.
Flammable Gas
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
 
Lead-acid batteries emit flammable gas when used. Ensure that batteries are kept in a well­ventilated area and take preventive measures against fire.
Battery Leakage
Battery overheating causes deformation, damage, and electrolyte spillage.
When the electrolyte overflows, absorb and neutralize the electrolyte immediately. When moving or handling a battery whose electrolyte leaks, note that the leaking electrolyte may hurt human bodies.
Do not use unsealed lead-acid batteries. To prevent fire or corrosion, ensure that flammable gas (such as hydrogen) is properly
exhausted for lead-acid batteries.
 
Lithium Battery
The safety precautions for lithium batteries are similar to those for lead-acid batteries except that you also need to note the precautions described in this section.
There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced with an incorrect model.
 
If the battery temperature exceeds 60°C, check for and promptly handle any leakage. Electrolyte overflow may damage the equipment. It will corrode metal parts and boards,
and ultimately damage the boards. If the electrolyte overflows, follow the instructions of the battery manufacturer or
neutralize the electrolyte by using sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).
A battery can be replaced only with a battery of the same or similar model recommended by the manufacturer.
When handling a lithium battery, do not place it upside down, tilt it, or bump it with other objects.
Keep the lithium battery loop disconnected during installation and maintenance. Do not charge a battery when the ambient temperature is below the lower limit of the
operating temperature (charging is forbidden at 0°C). Low-temperature charging may cause crystallization, which will result in a short circuit inside the battery.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
1 Safety Information
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

1.8 Others

Use batteries within the allowed temperature range; otherwise, the battery performance and safety will be compromised.
Do not throw a lithium battery in fire.
When maintenance is complete, return the waste lithium battery to the maintenance office.
Exercise caution when manually shutting down the UPS inverter for transferring to bypass mode, or when adjusting the UPS output voltage level or frequency. Doing so may affect the power supply to equipment.
Exercise caution when setting battery parameters. Incorrect settings will affect the power supply and battery lifespan.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)

2 Overview

Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

2.1 Model Description

The structural drawings and graphical user interface (GUI) appeared in this document are those of UPS5000-E-480 kVA.
Figure 2-1 Model number
2 Overview

2.2 Working Principle

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2.2.1 Conceptual Diagram

The UPS5000 is an online product. It uses a modular design, which facilitates maintenance and capacity expansion. The UPS5000 adopts intelligent control. Its power module consists of a rectifier, inverter, and DC/DC converter. The UPS5000 converts inputs into pure high­quality sine wave outputs by using the high-frequency switching technology.
indicates an input mode.
indicates the energy flow direction.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-2 UPS conceptual diagram

2.2.2 Working Modes Normal Mode
In normal mode, the rectifier converts AC power into DC power, then the inverter converts DC power into high-precision AC outputs. The conversions protect loads from interference such as input harmonics, glitches, and voltage transients.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-3 UPS conceptual diagram in normal mode Bypass Mode
The UPS automatically transfers to bypass mode upon detecting power module overtemperature, overload, or other faults that may cause the inverter to shut down. The bypass power supply is not protected by the UPS which means it may be affected by mains outage, and incorrect AC voltage or frequency.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-4 UPS conceptual diagram in bypass mode Battery Mode
If the mains input is abnormal or the rectifier becomes abnormal, the UPS transfers to battery mode. The power module obtains DC power from batteries, and the power is converted into AC output by the inverter.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-5 UPS conceptual diagram in battery mode Maintenance Bypass Mode
When the UPS works in maintenance bypass mode, the current flows through the maintenance bypass instead of the power module. You can maintain the circuit inside the cabinet.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-6 UPS conceptual diagram in maintenance bypass mode ECO Mode
The economic control operation (ECO) mode is an economical working mode, which can be configured on the LCD or web user interface (WebUI). In ECO mode, when the bypass input is within the ECO voltage and frequency ranges and other ECO power supply conditions are met, the UPS works in bypass mode and the inverter is in standby state. When the bypass voltage is outside the ECO voltage range, the UPS transfers from bypass mode to normal mode. In bypass mode or normal mode, the rectifier keeps working and charges batteries using a charger. The ECO mode delivers a high efficiency.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-7 UPS conceptual diagram in ECO mode
Manual startup is required to ensure that the inverter is in standby state and the power flow has reached the inverter.
UPS5000-E-(360 kVA-480 kVA) User Manual (40 kVA Power Modules)
2 Overview
Issue 07 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

2.3 Product Description

(1) Power cabinet
(2) Anchor baffle plates
(3) Monitor display unit (MDU)
(4) Bypass cabinet

2.3.1 Appearance

Figure 2-8 UPS
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