Huawei RT-1CPOS, RT-FIC-POS+MM, RT-FIC-POS+SM, RT-POS+MM-2Km, RT-POS+SM-15Km Specifications

Quidway® AR 28 Router POS/CPOS Interface Module
Copyright ©2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 1
Quidway® AR 28 Router POS/CPOS Interface Module
The AR28 router can provide 1-port PO S module and 1-port CPOS module respectively. 1CPOS is the abbreviation of 1-port channelized SDH/SONET interface card. Where, C indicates
Channelized and POS indicates Packet Over SDH/SONET. 1CPOS supports one STM-1/OC3 multi-channel interface card and the 155.52 Mbps communication rate.
The 1CPOS interface card falls into RT-1CPOS (E) and RT-1CPOS (T). Where, RT-1CPOS (E) interface card supports the E1 mode and RT-1CPOS (T) interface card supports T1 mode.
1POS is the abbreviation of 1-port SDH/SONET. Where, POS indicates Packet Over SDH/Sonet and 1POS interface transmission rate is STM-1/OC-3 (155.52Mbit/s).
1POS data link layer can use PPP, frame relay and HDLC protocol. On the network layer the IP protocol is used. The 1POS interface is to transfer data packet on SONET/SDH dire ctly.
The specifications of POS/CPOS interface module of the AR28 router are shown in the following table.
Product Number Connector Type Description
1-port 155M POS module – multi-mode 2Km
1-port 155M POS module – single-mode 15Km
1-port 155M POS module – single-mode 40Km
1-port 155M cPOS E1 standard optical interface〔SFP〕module
1-port 155M cPOS T1 standard optical interface〔SFP〕module
Interface property
The interface properties of POS/CPOS interface module of the AR28 router are shown in the following table.
RT-1CPOS (E)/ RT -1CPOS (T) interface property
Attribute Description
Interface standard SONET OC-3/SDH STM-1 Interface quantity 1 Connector type SFP(LC)
Quidway® AR 28 Router POS/CPOS Interface Module
Copyright ©2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2
Attribute Description
Interface rate 155.52 Mbps
Short-haul multi-mode
Middle-haul single-mode
Long-haul single-mode
Ultra long haul single-mode
Min. -19.0 dBm -15.0 dBm -5.0 dBm -5.0 dBm
Transmitting optical power
Max. -14.0 dBm -8.0 dBm 0. dBm 0. dBm
Receiver sensitivity -30.0 dBm -28.0 dBm -34.0 dBm -34.0 dBm Overload optical
-14.0 dBm -7.0 dBm -9.0 dBm -10.0 dBm
Central wavelength 1310nm 1310nm 1310nm 1550nm Maximum
transmission distance
2km 15km 40km 80km
Cable type
62.5/125μm multi-mode fiber
9/125μm single-mode fiber
9/125μm single-mode fiber
9/125μm single-mode fiber
RT -1POS interface property
Attribute Description
Interface standard SONET OC-3/SDH STM-1 Interface quantity 1 Connector type SC Interface rate 155.52 Mbps
Type Short-haul multi-mode
Middle-haul single-mode
Long-haul single-mode
Min. -19.0 dBm -15.0 dBm -5.0 dBm
Transmitting optical power
Max. -14.0 dBm -8.0 dBm 0. dBm
Receiver sensitivity -30.0 dBm -28.0 dBm -34.0 dBm Overload optical
-14.0 dBm -7.0 dBm -9.0 dBm
Central wavelength 1310nm 1310nm 1310nm Maximum
transmission distance
2km 15km 40km
Cable type
62.5/125μm multi-mode fiber
9/125μm single-mode fiber
9/125μm single-mode fiber