Huawei Quidway S5600 Operation Manual

Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual
Manual Version Product Version BOM
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Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this manual do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
About This Manual
Release Notes
The product version that corresponds to the manual is Release 1510.
Related Manuals
The related manuals are listed in the following table.
Manual Content
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual consists of the following parts:
z 0 Product Overview
z 1 CLI
z 2 Login
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Installation Manual
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual
It provides information for the system installation.
It is used for assisting the users in using various commands.
Introduces the characteristics and implementation s of the Ethernet switch.
Introduces the command hierarchy, command view and CLI features of the Ethernet switch.
Introduces the ways to log into an Ethernet switch.
z 3 Configuration File Management
Introduces the ways to manage configuration files.
z 4 VLAN
Introduces VLAN fundamental and the related configuration.
z 5 IP Address and Performance Configuration
Introduces IP address and IP performance fundamental and the related configuration.
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z 6 Management VLAN
Introduces the management VLAN configuration and DHCP/BOOTP client configuration.
z 7 Voice VLAN
Introduces voice VLAN fundamental and the related configuration.
z 8 GVRP
Introduces GVRP and the related configuration.
z 9 Port Basic Configuration
Introduces basic port configuration.
z 10 Link Aggregation
Introduces link aggregation and the related configuration.
z 11 Port Isolation
Introduces port isolation and the related configuration.
z 12 Port Security&Port Binding
Introduces port security, port binding, and the related configuration.
z 13 DLDP
Introduces DLDP and the related configuration.
z 14 MAC Address Table
Introduces MAC address forwarding table and the related configuration.
z 15 Auto Detect
Introduces auto detect and the related configuration.
z 16 MSTP
Introduces STP and the related configuration.
z 17 Routing Protocol
Introduces the routing protocol-related configurations, including static route configuration, RIP configuration, OSPF configuration, IS-IS configuration, BGP configuration, and routing policy configuration.
z 18 Multicast
Introduces the configuration of GMRP, IGMP Snooping, IGMP, PIM-DM, PIM-SM, and MSDP.
z 19 802.1x
Introduces 802.1x and the related configuration.
Introduces AAA, RADIUS, HWTACACS, EAD, and the related configurations.
z 21 VRRP
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Introduces VRRP and the related configuration.
z 22 Centralized MAC Address Authentication
Introduces centralized MAC address authentication and the related configuration.
z 23 ARP
Introduces ARP and the related configuration.
z 24 DHCP
Introduces DHCP server, DHCP relay, DHCP-Snooping, and the related configurations.
z 25 ACL
Introduces ACL and the related configuration.
z 26 QoS&QoS Profile
Introduces QoS, QoS profile and the related configuration.
z 27 Mirroring
Introduces port mirroring and the related configuration.
z 28 IRF Fabric
Introduces IRF fabric-related configuration.
z 29 Cluster
Introduces the configuration to form clusters using HGMP V2.
z 30 PoE&PoE Profile
Introduces PoE, PoE profile and the related configuration.
z 31 UDP Helper
Introduces UDP Helper and the related configuration.
Introduces the configuration to manage network devices through SNMP and RMON.
z 33 NTP
Introduces NTP and the related configuration.
z 34 SSH Terminal Service
Introduces SSH2.0 and the related configuration.
z 35 File System Management
Introduces basic configuration for file system management.
z 36 FTP and TFTP
Introduces basic configuration for FTP and TFTP, and the applications.
z 37 Information Center
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Introduces the configuration to analyze and diagnose networks using the information center.
z 38 System Maintenance and Debugging
Introduces daily system maintenance and debugging.
Introduces VLAN VPN and the related configuration.
z 40 HWPing
Introduces HWPing and the related configuration.
z 41 DNS
Introduces DNS and the related configuration.
z 42 Appendix A Acronyms
Lists the acronyms used in this manual.
Intended Audience
The manual is intended for the following readers:
z Network engineers z Network administrators z Customers who are familiar with network fundamentals
The manual uses the following conventions:

I. General conventions

II. Command conventions

Convention Description
Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.
Courier New
Headings are in Boldface. Terminal Display is in Courier New.
Convention Description
The keywords of a command line are in Boldface. Command arguments are in italic.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Convention Description
[ ]
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
{ x | y | ... } *
[ x | y | ... ] *
# A line starting with the # sign is comments.

III. GUI conventions

Convention Description
Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected.
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. Many or none can be selected.
Button names and menu items are in Boldface. For example, click OK.

IV. Keyboard operation

Format Description
<Key1, Key2>

V. Mouse operation

Action Description
Multi-level menus are in bold and separated by forward slashes. For example, select the File/Create/Folder menu.
Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A >.
Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A> means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the two keys should be pressed in turn.
Press and hold the primary mouse button (left mouse button by default).
Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.
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Action Description
Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.
Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.

VI. Symbols

Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:
Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the
operation.  Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Obtaining the Documentation .................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 CD-ROM............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Huawei-3Com Website......................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Software Release Notes.................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 Documentation and Software Version....................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Software Version for the Manual .......................................................................................2-1
2.2 Document List.................................................................................................................... 2-2
Chapter 3 Product Overview........................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Preface...............................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Switch Models.................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Software Features .............................................................................................................3-2
Chapter 4 Networking Applications.............................................................................................4-1
4.1 Application in Small/Middle-Scaled Enterprise Networks.................................................. 4-1
4.2 Application in Large-Scaled/Campus Networks ................................................................4-1
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Obtaining the Documentation

Chapter 1 Obtaining the Documentation

Huawei-3Com Technologies Co., Ltd. provides various ways for you to obtain documentation, through which you can obtain the product documentations and those concerning newly added new features. The document ations are av ailable in one of the following ways:
z CD-ROMs shipped with the devices z Huawei-3Com website z Software release notes

1.1 CD-ROM

Huawei-3Com delivers a CD-ROM together with each device. The CD-ROM contains a complete product document set, including the operation manual, command manual, installation manual, and compatibility manual. After installing the reader program provided by the CD-ROM, you can search for the desired contents in a co nvenient way through the reader interface.
The contents in the manual are subject to update on an irregular basis due to product version upgrade or some other reasons. Therefore, the contents in the CD-ROM may not be the latest version. This manual serves the purpose of user guide only. Unless otherwise noted, all the information in the document set does not claim or imply any warranty. For the latest software documentation, go to the Huawei-3Com website.

1.2 Huawei-3Com Website

Perform the following steps to query and download th e product documentation from the Huawei-3Com website.
Table 1-1 Acquire product documentation from the Huawei-3Co m website
Log into http:// Click
Acquire product documentation
[Login/Register] in the home page. Enter your username and password and click Register.
Click Documentation Center on the home page to query the documentation by product category.
Select a product to display a detailed description of the product.
Specify a device type and select a manual for that product.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Obtaining the Documentation

1.3 Software Release Notes

With software upgrade, new software features may be added. You can acquire the information about the newly added software features through software release notes.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 2 Documentation and Software Version

Chapter 2 Documentation and Software Version

2.1 Software Version for the Manual
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual Release1510 and Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual Release1510
correspond to the following three software versions of the S5600 series switches: Release0035, ESS1508, and Release1510. The three software versions have dif ferent features:
z Compared with Release0035, Release1510 and ESS1508 have six new
features, as shown in
z Compared with ESS1508 and Release0035, Release1510 has seven new
features additionally, as shown in
Table 2-1 Newly added features in Release1510 and ESS1508
Table 2-1.
Table 2-2.
New features supported in both
Release1510 and ESS1508
Configuring the interval to generate port statistics
Newly added port security mode: autolearn Standard MSTP (STP Compliance) Unknown Multicast Drop HUAWEI Terminal Access Controller Access
Control System (HWTACACS) Domain Name System (DNS)
Table 2-2 Features unique to Release1510
Giant packet statistics (you can enable/disable the feature)
Active/standby switchover supported by DLDP
New features unique to Release1510 Related part
09 Port Basic Configuration
12 Port Security&Port Binding 16 MSTP 18 Multicast 20
09 Basic Configuration
Related part
BPDU drop 16 MSTP RPT-to-SPT switch inhibition 18 Multicast BPDU Tunnel 39-VLAN VPN
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 2 Documentation and Software Version
New features unique to Release1510 Related part
Opening/ closing a TCP/UD P port
Opening/closing Telnet TCP port 23 and SSH TCP port 22
Opening/closing HTTP TCP port 80
Opening/closing RAW socket for multicast routing
02 Login Operation
02 Login Operation
18 Multicast
Opening/closing UDP port 1812 for RADIUS authentication and UDP port 1813 for RADIUS
accounting Opening/closing UDP port 1645
for LOCALSERVER authentication and UDP port 1646 for LOCALSERVER
accounting Opening/closing DHCP TCP port
67 and 68 for DHCP server/
client/ relay Opening/closing cluster UDP port
30 Cluster
Opening/closing UDP port 161 for SNMP-agent and UDP port 1024
for SNMP-trap Client Opening/closing UDP port 123 for
2.2 Document List
Table 2-3 Document list
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Installation Manual
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual – Release1510
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual – Release1510
33 NTP
Name Version
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 3 Product Overview

Chapter 3 Product Overview

3.1 Preface
Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches (hereinafter referred to as the S5600 se ries) provide multi-layer switching capabilities, and support rich Layer 3 features and enhanced growth capability. They are intelligent network-manageable switches designed for network environments that require high performance, high port density and easy-to-install characteristics.
3.2 Switch Models
Table 3-1 lists the available models in the S5600 series.
Table 3-1 Models in the S5600 series
Quidway S5624P
Quidway S5624P-PWR
Quidway S5624F
Quidway S5648P
AC and DC dual input power supply (PSL130-AD)
AC/DC input external PoE power supply (PSL480-AD2 4P)
AC and DC dual input power supply (PSL130-AD)
AC and DC dual input power supply (PSL180-AD)
24 x 10/100/100 0Base-T electrical ports
24 x 10/100/100 0Base-T electrical ports
24 x 1000 Mbps SFP optical ports
48 x 10/100/100 0Base-T electrical ports
4 x 1000 Mbps SFP Combo ports
4 x 1000 Mbps SFP Combo ports
4 x 1000 Mbps RJ45 Combo ports
4 x 1000 Mbps SFP Combo ports
Quidway S5648P-PWR
AC/DC input external PoE power supply (PSL480-AD4 8P)
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48 x 10/100/100 0Base-T electrical ports
4 x 1000 Mbps SFP Combo ports
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 3 Product Overview
An S5600 series switch provides one 2-port Fabric interface and one expansion module slot on its rear panel. The available exp ansion module s you can select includ e: 8-port 1000 Mbps SFP module, 1-port 10G XENPAK module and 2-port 10G XFP module.
3.3 Software Features
The S5600 series have abundant software features and can meet the requirements of different applications.
Table 3-2 Service features of the S5600 series
Part Features
2 Login
Table 3-2 summarizes the features provided by each module.
z CLI z Hierarchically grouped commands z CLI online help
z Logging into a switch through the Console port z Logging into a switch through an Ethernet port by using
Telnet or SSH
z Logging into a switch through the Console port by using
z Logging into a switch through Web or NMS
3 Configuration File Management
5 IP Address and Performance Configuration
6 Management VLAN
7 Voice VLAN 8 GVRP
9 Port Basic Configuration
10 Link Aggregation
11 Port Isolation
z Saving, restoring, and deleting the configuration file z IEEE 802.1Q-compliant VLAN
z Port-based VLAN z Protocol-based VLAN
z Configuring an IP address for a switch z Configuring the TCP attributes for a switch
z Management VLAN configuration z Management VLAN interface configuration
z Voice VLAN z GARP VLAN registration protocol (GVRP)
z Three port states supported: Access, Trunk, and Hybrid z Setting broadcast storm suppression globally z Loopback detection supported z Cable test
z Link aggregation control protocol (LACP) z Port isolation group
12 Port Security&Port Binding
z Multiple security modes z MAC address-to-port binding
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 3 Product Overview
Part Features
14 MAC Address Table
15 Auto Detect
z Device link detection protocol (DLDP) z Manually configuring dynamic, static, and black hole
MAC addresses
z Configuring the aging time for MAC addresses z MAC address learning limit
z Auto detect z Auto detect applications in static routing, VRRP, and
VLAN interface backup
17 Routing Protocols.
z QinQ BPDU tunnel z Huawei-3Com-proprietary MSTP path cost standard
z Static route z Routing information protocol (RIP) v1/v2 z Open shortest path first (OSPF) z Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) z Routing policy
z Internet group management protocol snooping (IGMP
18 Multicast
19 802.1x
z Internet group management protocol (IGMP) z Protocol-independent multicast-dense mode (PIM-DM) z Protocol-independent multicast-sparse mode (PIM-SM)
z 802.1X authentication z Guest VLAN z Huawei authentication bypass protocol (HABP)
z Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) z Remote authentication dial-In user service (RADIUS) z Huawei terminal access controller access control system
z Endpoint admission defense (EAD)
z Virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP)
22 Centralized MAC Address Authentication
23 ARP
z Centralized MAC address authentication
z Gratuitous ARP z Manually configuring ARP entries
z DHCP server z DHCP relay z DHCP Snooping z DHCP accounting z Using Option184 in DHCP server z Using Option82 in DHCP relay
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 3 Product Overview
Part Features
z Basic ACLs
25 ACL
26 QoS&QoS Profile
27 Mirroring
28 IRF Fabric
29 Cluster
30 PoE&PoE Profile
z Advanced ACLs z Layer 2 ACLs z User-defined ACLs
z Quality of Service (QoS) z QoS profile
z Traffic mirroring z Port mirroring z Remote port mirroring
z IRF Fabric z Stack port optional z Peer end detection for stack ports
z Huawei group management protocol (HGMP) v2 z Neighbor discovery protocol (NDP) z Neighbor topology discovery protocol (NTDP)
z Power over Ethernet (PoE) z PoE profile
31 UDP Helper
33 NTP 34 SSH Terminal
35 File System Management
36 FTP and TFTP
37 Information Center
38 System Maintenance and Debugging
z Forwarding UDP broadcast packets by using UDP Helper z Simple network management protocol (SNMP) v3,
compatible with SNMP v1/v2
z Remote monitoring (RMON) z Network time protocol (NTP) z Secure shell (SSH)
z Secure FTP (SFTP) z File system management
z Configuration file backup and restoration z FTP/TFTP lighting
z Operating as an FTP server/FTP client z Operating as a TFTP client
z System logs z Hierarchical alarms z Debugging information output
z Configuring system time z Language (Chinese/English) selecting z Displaying and configuring system device state
z VLAN VPN (QinQ) z Configuring VLAN VPN interior-layer priority replication z Configuring TPID value z Configuring BPDU Tunnel
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 3 Product Overview
Part Features
40 HWPing 41 DNS
z HWPing z Domain Name System (DNS)
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 4 Networking Applications

Chapter 4 Networking Applications

The S5600 series support flexible networking. They can be used as broadband access devices, as well as networking devices in enterprise networks. The following describes several typical networking methods for the S5600 series.
4.1 Application in Small/Middle-Scaled Enterprise Networks
The S5600 series can be used as backbone switches in the branches of small/middle-scaled enterprises, where they can be connected (by routers) to the networks of other branches or the headquarters. When the branches or enterprises grow in scale, the S5600 series also provide seamless growth through IRF.
Core/Aggreg ation
Figure 4-1 Application in small/middle-scaled enterprise branches
4.2 Application in Large-Scaled/Campus Networks
The S5600 series can also be used as aggregation devices in large-scaled enterprise networks and campus networks, where each of them can be connect with multiple Layer 2/3 downstream Ethernet switches (for example, S3900 series switches), and connected to Layer 3 core upstream switches through the GE expansion module slot, to provide a full solution for building enterprise networks in various size (from Gigabit backbone network, 100 Mbps network to desktop netwo rk).
Operation Manual – Overview Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 4 Networking Applications
Figure 4-2 Application in large-scaled/campus networks
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 CLI Overview................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction to the CLI .......................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Command Level/Command View......................................................................................1-1
1.2.1 Switching between User Levels.............................................................................. 1-2
1.2.2 Configuring the Level of a Specific Command in a Specific View..........................1-3
1.2.3 CLI Views................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.3 CLI Features...................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.3.1 Online Help..............................................................................................................1-9
1.3.2 Terminal Display....................................................................................................1-10
1.3.3 Command History..................................................................................................1-11
1.3.4 Error Messages..................................................................................................... 1-12
1.3.5 Command Edit.......................................................................................................1-12
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1

Chapter 1 CLI Overview

1.1 Introduction to the CLI

A Quidway series Ethernet switch provides a command line interface (CLI) and commands for you to configure and manage the Ethernet switch. The CLI is featured by the following:
z Commands are grouped by levels. This prevents unauthorized users from
operating the switch with relevant commands.
z Users can gain online help at any time by entering the question mark "?". z Commonly used diagnosing utilities (such as Tracert and Ping) are available. z Debugging information of various kinds is available. z The command history is available. You can recall and execute a history command
z You can execute a command by only entering part of the command in the CLI, as
long as the keywords you input uniquely identify the corresponding ones.
CLI Overview

1.2 Command Level/Command View

To prevent unauthorized accesses, commands are grouped by command levels. Commands fall into four levels: visit, monitor , system, and manage:
z Visit level: Commands at this level are mainly used to diagnose network and
change the language mode of user interface, and cannot be saved i n configuration files. For example, the ping, tracert, and language-mode commands are at this level.
z Monitor level: Commands at this level are mainly used to maintain the system and
diagnose service problems, and cannot be saved to configuration files. For example, the display and debugging commands are at this level.
z System level: Commands at this level are mainly used to configure services.
Commands concerning routing and network layers are at this level. Y ou can utilize network services by using these commands.
z Manage level: Commands at this level are associated with the basic operation of
the system, and the system supporting modules. These commands provide supports to services. Commands concerning file system, FTP/TFTP/XModem downloading, user management, and level setting are at this level.
Users logging into a switch also fall into four levels, each of which corresponding to one of the above command levels. Users at a specific level can only use the commands of the same level and those of the lower levels.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
1.2.1 Switching between User Levels
A user can switch the user level from one to another by executing a related command after logging into a switch. The administrator can also set user level switching passwords as required.
I. Setting a user level switching password
Table 1-1 lists the operations to set a user level switching password.
Table 1-1 Set a user level switching password
Operation Command Description
CLI Overview
Enter system view Set a password for
switching from a lower user level to the user level identified by the level argument
super password
[ level level ] { simple | cipher }
II. Switching to another user level
Table 1-2 lists operations to switch to another user level.
Table 1-2 Switch to another user level
Operation Command Description
Required Execute this command in user view.
Switch to the user level identified by the level argument
super [ level ]
If a password for switching to the user level identified by the level argument is set and you want to switch to a lower user level, you will remain at the lower user level unless you provide the correct password after executing this command.
A password is necessary only when a user switch es from a lower user level to a higher user level.
z If the user level is not specified when user level switching and the switching
password are set, the user level is 3 by default.
z For security purpose, the password a user enters when switching to a higher user
level is not displayed. A user will remain at the original user level if the user has tried three times to enter the correct password but fails to do this.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
CLI Overview
1.2.2 Configuring the Level of a Specific Command in a Specific View
You can configure the level of a specific command in a specific view. Commands fall into four command levels: visit, monitor , system, and manage, which are i dentified as 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The administrator can change the command level a command belongs to.
Table 1-3 lists the operations to configure the level of a specific command.
Table 1-3 Configure the level of a specific command in a specific view
Operation Command Description
Enter system view Configure the level
of a specific command in a specific view
1.2.3 CLI Views
CLI views are designed for different configuration tasks. They are interrelated. You will enter user view once you log into a switch successfully, where you can perform operations such as displaying operation status and statistical information. And by executing the system-view command, you can enter system view, where you can enter other views by executing the corresponding commands.
The following CLI views are provided:
z User view z System view z Ethernet port view z VLAN view z VLAN interface view z Loopback interface view z Cascade interface view z Local user view z User interface view z FTP client view z SFTP client view z MST region view z Cluster view z Public key view z Public key editing view z DHCP address pool view z PIM view
command-privilege level level view view
Use this command with caution to prevent inconvenience on maintenance and operation.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
z RIP view z OSPF view z OSPF area view z Routing policy view z Basic ACL view z Advanced ACL view z Layer 2 ACL view z User-defined ACL view z QoS profile view z RADIUS scheme view z ISP domain view z HWPING view z HWTACACS view z MSDP view z PoE profile view
Table 1-4 lists information about CLI views (including the operations you can performed in these views, how to enter these views, and so on).
CLI Overview
Table 1-4 CLI views
Display operation
User view
status and statistical information
System view
Configure system parameters
Configure Ethernet port view
VLAN view
[Quidway-Gi gabitEtherne t1/1/1]
[Quidway-vla n1]
Enter method Quit method
Enter user view once logging into the switch.
Execute the system-view command in user view.
Execute the
interface gigabitetherne t 1/1/1
command in system view.
Execute the quit command in user view to log out of the switch.
Execute the quit or return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit
Execute the vlan 1 command in system view.
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
Enter method Quit method
CLI Overview
VLAN interface view
Loopback interface view
Cascade interface view
Local user view
Configure IP
for VLANs
local user
[Quidway-Vl an-interface1 ]
[Quidway-Lo opBack0]
[Quidway-Ca scade1/2/1]
[Quidway-lus er-user1]
Execute the
interface vlan-interface
1 command in system view.
Execute the
interface loopback 0
command in system view
Execute the
interface cascade 1/2/1
command in system view
Execute the local-user user1 command in system view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
User interface view
FTP client view
SFTP client view
MST region view
FTP client
SFTP client
MST region
[Quidway-ui0 ]
[Quidway-ms t-region]
Execute the quit
Execute the user-interface 0 command in system view.
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the ftp command in user view.
Execute the sftp command in system view.
Execute the
stp region-config uration
command in system view.
Execute the quit command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
Enter method Quit method
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return
Cluster view
[Quidway-clu ster]
Execute the cluster command in system view.
to user view.
CLI Overview
Public key view
DHCP address pool view
PIM view
RSA public
keys for
SSH users
[Quidway-dh cp-pool-a123 ]
[Quidway-pi m]
Execute the
rsa peer-public-ke y a003
command in system view.
Execute the
dhcp server ip-pool a123
command in system view
Execute the
peer-public-key end command to
return to system view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the pim command in system view
If multicast routing is not enabled, you should use the
multicast routing-enabl
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
e command first.
RIP view
OSPF view
OSPF area view
OSPF area
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
[Quidway-os pf-1]
[Quidway-os pf-1-area-0.0 .0.1]
Execute the quit
Execute the rip command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit
Execute the ospf command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit
Execute the area 1 command in OSPF view
command to return to OSPF view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
Enter method Quit method
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return
BGP view
[Quidway-bg p]
Execute the bgp 100 command in system view
to user view.
CLI Overview
BGP IPv4 address multicast view
Routing policy view
Public key editing view
Basic ACL view
[Quidway-bg p-af-mul]
[Quidway-ro ute-policy]
Edit RSA
public keys
of SSH
Define rules
for a basic
with their
IDs ranging
- basic-2000] from 2000 to 2999 are basic ACLs.)
Execute the
ipv4-family multicast
command in BGP view
Execute the route-policy policy1 permit node 10 command in system view
Execute the
public-key-co de begin
command in public key view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the
public-key-code end command to
return to public key view.
Execute the quit
Execute the acl number 2000 command in system view.
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Define rules for an advanced
Advance d ACL view
ACL (ACLs with their IDs ranging from 3000 to 3999 are advanced ACLs.)
Define the sub-rules of
Layer 2 ACL view
Layer 2 ACLs, which is numbered from 4000 to
Execute the acl
- adv-3000]
number 3000 command in system view.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Execute the acl number 4000 command in system view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Operation Manual - CLI Quidway S5600 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1
Enter method Quit method
CLI Overview
User-defi ned ACL view
QoS profile view
RADIUS scheme view
ISP domain view
Define the sub-rules of user-defined ACLs, which are in the
-user-5000] range of 5000 to 5999
Define QoS profile
Configure RADIUS parameters
Configure parameters for an ISP domain
[Quidway-qo s-profile-a12 3]
[Quidway-ra dius-1]
Execute the quit
Execute the acl number 5000 command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit
Execute the qos-profile a123 command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the
radius scheme 1
command in system view.
Execute the domain command in system view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
MSDP view
Configure HWPing parameters
Configure HWTACACS parameters
Configure MSDP parameters
[Quidway-hw ping-a123-a1 23]
[Quidway-hw tacacs-a123]
[Quidway-ms dp]
Execute the quit
Execute the hwping a123 a123 command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit
Execute the hwtacacs a123 command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Execute the quit
Execute the msdp command in system view
command to return to system view.
Execute the return command to return to user view.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
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