Huawei Quidway S3900 Command Manual

Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual
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About This Manual
Release Notes
The product version that corresponds to the manual is VRP 3.10.
Related Manuals
The related manuals are listed in the following table.
Manual Content
Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual consists of the following parts:
z 1 CLI
z 2 Login
z 3 Configuration File Management
Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches Installation Manual
Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual
It provides information for the system installation.
It is used for assisting the users in data configurations and typical applications.
Introduces the commands used for switching between the command levels and command level setting.
Introduces the commands used for logging into the Ethernet switch.
Introduces the commands used for configuration file management.
z 4 VLAN
Introduces the commands used for configuring VLAN.
z 5 IP Address and Performance Configuration
Introduces the commands used for IP address configuration and IP performance configuration.
z 6 Management VLAN
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Introduces the commands used for configuring the management VLAN and DHCP/BOOTP client configuration.
z 7 Voice VLAN
Introduces the commands used for voice VLAN configuration.
z 8 GVRP
Introduces the commands used for GVRP configuration.
z 9 Port Basic Configuration
Introduces the commands used for basic port config uration.
z 10 Link Aggregation
Introduces the commands used for link aggregation.
z 11 Port Isolation
Introduces the commands used for port isolation.
z 12 Port Security&Port Binding
Introduces the commands used for port security confi guration and port binding.
z 13 DLDP
Introduces the commands used for DLDP configuration.
z 14 MAC Address Table
Introduces the commands used for MAC address forwarding table management.
z 15 Auto Detect
Introduces the commands used for auto detect configuration.
z 16 MSTP
Introduces the STP-related commands.
z 17 Routing Protocol
Introduces the commands used for routing protocol configuration.
z 18 Multicast
Introduces the commands used for multicast configuration.
z 19 802.1x
Introduces the commands used for 802.1x configuration.
Introduces the commands used for AAA, RADIUS, HWTACACS, and EAD configuration.
z 21 VRRP
Introduces the commands used for VRRP configuration.
z 22 Centralized MAC Address Authentication
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Introduces the commands used for centralized MAC address authentication configuration.
z 23 ARP
Introduces the ARP-related commands.
z 24 DHCP
Introduces the commands used for DHCP server, DHCP relay, and DHCP-snooping configuration.
z 25 ACL
Introduces the ACL-related commands.
z 26 QoS&QoS Profile
Introduces the commands used for QoS and QoS profile configu ration.
z 27 Web Cache Redirection
Introduces the commands used for Web cache redirection configuration.
z 28 Mirroring
Introduces the commands used for port mirroring.
z 29 IRF Fabric
Introduces the commands used for IRF fabric configuration.
z 30 Cluster
Introduces the commands used for cluster management.
z 31 PoE&PoE Profile
Introduces the commands used for PoE and PoE profile configuration.
z 32 UDP Helper
Introduces the commands used for UDP Helper configuration.
Introduces the commands used for SNMP and RMON configuration.
z 34 NTP
Introduces the NTP-related commands.
z 35 SSH Terminal Service
Introduces the commands used for SSH configuration.
z 36 File System Management
Introduces the commands used for file system management.
z 37 FTP and TFTP
Introduces the FTP-/TFTP-related commands.
z 38 Information Center
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Introduces the commands used for information center configuration.
z 39 System Maintenance and Debugging
Introduces the commands used for system maintenance and debugging.
Introduces the commands used for VLAN VPN configuratio n.
z 41 HWPing
Introduces the commands used for HWPing configuration.
z 42 DNS
Introduces the commands used for DNS configuration .
z 43 Appendix A Command Index
Lists all the commands described in this command m anual in an al phabetic orde r. The parts and pages where the commands are described are also given.
Intended Audience
The manual is intended for the following readers:
z Network engineers z Network administrators z Customers who are familiar with network fundamentals
The manual uses the following conventions:

I. General conventions

II. Command conventions

Convention Description
Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.
Courier New
Headings are in Boldface. Terminal Display is in Courier New.
Convention Description
italic [ ]
The keywords of a command line are in Boldface. Command arguments are in italic.
Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are
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Convention Description
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
{ x | y | ... } *
[ x | y | ... ] *
# A line starting with the # sign is comments.

III. GUI conventions

Convention Description
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected.
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. Many or none can be selected.
Button names and menu items are in Boldface. For example, click OK.
Multi-level menus are in bold and separated by forward slashes. For example, select the File/Create/Folder menu.

IV. Keyboard operation

Format Description
<Key1, Key2>
Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A >.
Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A> means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the two keys should be pressed in turn.
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V. Mouse operation

Action Description
Press and hold the primary mouse button (left mouse button by default).
Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.
Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.
Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.

VI. Symbols

Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:
Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the
operation.  Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual - CLI Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 CLI Configuration Commands.................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 CLI Configuration Commands ...........................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 command-privilege level .........................................................................................1-1
1.1.2 display history-command ........................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 super .......................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.4 super password....................................................................................................... 1-3
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual - CLI Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 CLI Configuration Commands

Chapter 1 CLI Configuration Commands

1.1 CLI Configuration Commands

1.1.1 command-privilege level
command-privilege level level view view command undo command-privilege view view command
System view
level: Command Level. This argument ranges from 0 to 3. view: Command view . This argument can be any command view the switch supports. command: Command to be specified.
Use the command-privilege level command to set the level of the specified command in a specified view.
Use the undo command-privilege view command to restore the level of the specified command in the specified view to the default.
Commands fall into four command levels: visit, monitor, system, and manage, which are identified as 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The administrator can cha nge the level of a command to enable users of specific level to utilize the command.
By default, the ping, tracert, and telnet commands are at the visit level (level 0); the display and debugging commands are at the monitor level (level 1); all configuration commands are at the system level (level 2); and FTP/TFTP/XModem and file system related commands are at the manage level (level 3).
# Specify the interface command in system view to be of level 0.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] command-privilege level 0 view system interface
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual - CLI Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 CLI Configuration Commands
1.1.2 display history-command
display history-command
Any view
Use the display history-command command to display history commands. All the history commands are saved in the history command cache. When the history command cache is full, the old information in it will be overlaid.
Related command: history-command max-size.
# Display history commands.
<Quidway> display history-command system-view quit display history-command
1.1.3 super
super [ level ]
User view
level: User level. This argument ranges from 0 to 3 and defaults to 3. If you execute this command with the level argument not provided, this command switches the current user level to level 3.
Use the super command to switch the current user level to the one identified by the
level argument. If a password is previously set by using the super password [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password command, you need to provide the password as
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual - CLI Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 CLI Configuration Commands
well to switch to the higher user level. You will remain in the original user level if you fail to provide the correct password.
Note that:
z Users logging into a switch also fall into four levels, each of which corresponding
to one of the command levels. Users at a specific level can only use the commands at the same level and the commands at the lower levels.
z You can specify an AUX user to provide a password when he switches from a
lower user level to a higher user level and specify the password by using the super password [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password command. With a password configured, an AUX user remains in the original user level if the password provided is incorrect when the AUX user attempts to switch to a higher user level. If the password is not configured, an AUX user can switch to a higher user level directly.
z A password is necessary for a VTY user to switch to a higher user level. You can
use the super password [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password command to set the password. With the password not configured, a VTY user is prompted the message reading “Password is not set” and remains in the previou s level.
z An AUX user or a VTY user can switch to a lower user level directly regardless of
the password.
Related command: super password.
# Switch to user level 3.
<Quidway> super 3 Password:
1.1.4 super password
super password [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password undo super password [ level level ]
System view
level: User level. This argument ranges from 1 to 3 and defaults to 3. If you execute this command with the level argument not provided, this command sets the password to switch to level 3.
simple: Specifies to provide the pa ssword in plain text. cipher: Specifies to provide the password in encrypted text.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual - CLI Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 CLI Configuration Commands
password: Password to be set. If you specify the simple keyword, provide this argument in plain text. If you specify the cipher keyword, you can provide this argument in either encrypted text or plain text. In this case, a password containing no more than 16 characters (such as 123) is regarded to be in plain text and is converted to the corresponding 24-character encrypted form ( such as !TP<\*EMUHL,408`W7TH!Q!!) automatically. You can also provide a 24-character encrypted password directly if you are aware of the actual p assword.
Use the super password command to set the password for use rs to switch to a higher user level. To prevent unauthorized accesses, you can use this command to require users to provide the password when they switch to a higher user level. For security purpose, the password a user enters when switching to a higher user level is not displayed. A user will remain at the original user level if the user has tried three times to enter the correct password but fails to do this.
Use the undo super password command to cancel the co nfiguration.
Note that no matter what form of the password (plain text or encrypted text) is in, the password entered for verification must be in plain text.
# Set the password to switch from the current user level to user level 3 to “zbr”.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] super password level 3 simple zbr
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Login Commands ........................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Login Commands............................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 authentication-mode................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.2 auto-execute command........................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.3 databits....................................................................................................................1-3
1.1.4 display telnet-server source-ip................................................................................1-4
1.1.5 display telnet source-ip ........................................................................................... 1-4
1.1.6 display user-interface..............................................................................................1-5
1.1.7 display users ...........................................................................................................1-6
1.1.8 free user-interface................................................................................................... 1-8
1.1.9 header..................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.1.10 history-command max-size................................................................................. 1-11
1.1.11 idle-timeout.......................................................................................................... 1-11
1.1.12 ip http shutdown.................................................................................................. 1-12
1.1.13 lock......................................................................................................................1-13
1.1.14 parity....................................................................................................................1-14
1.1.15 protocol inbound.................................................................................................. 1-15
1.1.16 screen-length.......................................................................................................1-16
1.1.17 send.....................................................................................................................1-16
1.1.18 service-type......................................................................................................... 1-17
1.1.19 set authentication password................................................................................1-19
1.1.20 shell.....................................................................................................................1-20
1.1.21 speed...................................................................................................................1-20
1.1.22 stopbits................................................................................................................ 1-21
1.1.23 sysname.............................................................................................................. 1-22
1.1.24 telnet....................................................................................................................1-23
1.1.25 telnet-server source-interface .............................................................................1-23
1.1.26 telnet-server source-ip ........................................................................................ 1-24
1.1.27 telnet source-interface......................................................................................... 1-25
1.1.28 telnet source-ip....................................................................................................1-25
1.1.29 user-interface ......................................................................................................1-26
1.1.30 user privilege level .............................................................................................. 1-27
Chapter 2 Commands for User Control.......................................................................................2-1
2.1 Commands for Controlling Logging in Users.....................................................................2-1
2.1.1 acl............................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 free web-users.........................................................................................................2-1
2.1.3 ip http acl................................................................................................................. 2-2
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Table of Contents
2.1.4 snmp-agent community...........................................................................................2-3
2.1.5 snmp-agent group...................................................................................................2-3
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands

Chapter 1 Login Commands

1.1 Login Commands

1.1.1 authentication-mode
authentication-mode { p assword | scheme [ command-authorization ] | none }
User interface view
password: Authenticates users using the local password.
scheme: Authenticates us ers locally or remotely using usernames and passwords. command-authorization: Performs command authorization on TACACS
authentication server . none: Does not authenticate users.
Use the authentication-mode command to specify the authentication mode.
z If you specify the password keyword to authenticate users using the local
password, remember to set the local password using the set authentication password { cipher | simple } password command.
z If you specify the scheme keyword to authenticate users locally or remotely using
usernames and passwords, the actual authentication mode, that is, local or remote, depends on other related configuration.
z If this command is executed with the command-authorization keywords
specified, authorization is performed on the TACACS server whenever you attempt to execute a command, and the command can be executed only when you pass the authorization. Normally, a TACACS server contains a list of the commands available to different users.
If you specify to perform local authentication when a user logs in through the Console port, a user can log into the switch with the password not configured. But for a VTY user interface, a password is needed for a user to log into the switch through it under the same circumstance.
By default, users logging in through the Console port are not authenticated, whereas modem users and Telnet users are authenticated.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
To improve security and avoid malicious attack to the unused SOCKETs, TCP 23 and TCP 22 ports for Telnet and SSH services respectively will be enabl ed or disabled after corresponding configurations.
z If the authentication mode is none, TCP 23 will be enabled, and TCP 22 will be
z If the authentication mode is password, and the corresponding password has been
set, TCP 23 will be enabled, and TCP 22 will be disabled.
z If the authentication mode is scheme, there are three scenarios: when the
supported protocol is specified as telnet, TCP 23 will be enabled; when the supported protocol is specified as ssh, TCP 22 will be enabled; when the supported protocol is specified as all, both the TCP 23 and TCP 22 port will be enabled.
# Configure to authenticate users using the local password on the AUX interface.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] user-interface aux 0 [Quidway-ui-aux0] authentication-mode password
1.1.2 auto-execute command
auto-execute command text undo auto-execute command
User interface view
text: Command to be executed automatically.
Use the auto-execute command command to set the command that is executed automatically after a user logs in.
Use the undo auto-execute command command to disable the specified command from being automatically executed.
Normally, the telnet command is specified to be executed automatically to enable the user to Telnet to a specific network device automatically.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
By default, no command is automatically executed.
z The auto-ex ecute command command may cause you unable to perform common
configuration in the user interface, so use it with caution.
z Before executing the auto-execute command command and save your
configuration, make sure you can log into the switch in other modes and cancel the configuration.
# Configure the telnet 10.1 10.100.1 command to be executed automatically af ter users log into VTY 0.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] user-interface vty 0 [Quidway-ui-vty0] auto-execute command telnet % This action will lead to configuration failure through ui-vty0. Are you sure?[ Y/N]y
1.1.3 databits
databits { 7 | 8 } undo databits
User interface view
7: Sets the data bits to 7. 8: Sets the data bits to 8.
Use the databits command to set the databits for the user interface. Use the undo databits command to revert to the default data bits. Execute these two commands in AUX user interface view only. The default data bits is 8.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
# Set the data bits to 7.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] user-interface aux 0 [Quidway-ui-aux0] databits 7
1.1.4 display telnet-server source-ip
display telnet-server source-ip
Any view
Use the display telnet-server source-ip command to display the source IP address configured for the switch operating as the Telnet server. If the source interface is also configured for the switch, this command displays the IP address of the source interface. If no source IP address is specified, is displayed.
# Display the source IP address configured for the switch operating as the Telnet server.
<Quidway> display telnet-server source-ip The source IP you specified is
1.1.5 display telnet source-ip
display telnet source-ip
Any view
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
Use the display telnet source-ip command to display the source IP address configured for the switch operating as the Telnet client. If the source interface is also configured for the switch, this command displays the IP address of the source interface. If no source address is configured, is displayed.
# Display the source IP address configured for the swit ch operating as the Telnet client.
<Quidway> display telnet source-ip The source IP you specified is
1.1.6 display user-interface
display user-interface [ type number | number ] [ summary ]
Any view
type: User interface type. number: User interface number.
summary: Displays the summary information about a user interface.
Use the display user-interface command to display the information about a specified user interface or all user interfaces. If the summary keyword is not specified, this command displays user interface type, absolute/relative user interface number, transmission speed, available command level, authentication mode, and physical position. If the summary keyword is specified, this command displays the number and type of the user interfaces, including those that are in use and those that are not in use.
# Display the information about user interface 0.
<Quidway> display user-interface 0 Idx Type Tx/Rx Modem Privi Auth Int F 0 AUX 0 9600 - 3 N -
+ : Current user-interface is active. F : Current user-interface is active and work in async mode. Idx : Absolute index of user-interface.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
Type : Type and relative index of user-interface. Privi: The privilege of user-interface. Auth : The authentication mode of user-interface. Int : The physical location of UIs. A : Authenticate use AAA. N : Current UI need not authentication. P : Authenticate use current UI's password.
Table 1-1 Descriptions on the fields of the display user-interface command
Filed Description
+ The user interface is in use. F The user interface operates in asynchronous mode. Idx The absolute index of the user interface Type User interface type and the relative index Tx/Rx Transmission speed of the user interface Modem Indicates whether or not a modem is used. Privi Available command level Auth Authentication mode Int Physical position of the user interface A The current user is authenticated by AAA. N Users are not authenticated. P Users need to provide passwords to pass the authentication.
# Display the summary information about the user interface.
<Quidway>display user-interface summary User interface type : [AUX] 0:UXXX XXXX User interface type : [VTY] 8:UUUU X
5 character mode users. (U) 8 UI never used. (X) 5 total UI in use
1.1.7 display users
display users [ all ]
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
Any view
all: Displays the information about all user interfaces.
Use the display users command to display the information about user interfaces. If you do not specify the all keyword, only the information about the current user interface is displayed.
# Display the information about the current user interface.
<Quidway> display users UI Delay Type Ipaddress Username Userlevel F 0 AUX 0 00:00:00 3
1 VTY 0 00:06:08 TEL
+ : Current operation user. F : Current operation user work in async mode.F 0 AUX 0 00:00:00
Table 1-2 Descriptions on the fields of the display users command
Field Description
The information is about the current user interface, and the current user interface operates in asynchronous mode.
The numbers in the left sub-column are the absolute user
interface indexes, and those in the right sub-column are the
relative user interface indexes. Delay The period (in seconds) the user interface idles for. Type User type IPaddress The IP address form which the user logs in. Username The login name of the user that logs into the user interface.
The level of the commands available to the users logging into
the user interface + The user interface is in use.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
1.1.8 free user-interface
free user-interface [ type ] number
User view
type: User interface type. number: Index of the user interface. This argument can be an absolute user interface
index (if you do not provide the type argument) or a relative user interface index (if you provide the type argument).
Use the free user-interface command to release a specified user interface. If you execute this command, the corresponding user interface will be disconnected.
Note that the current user interface cannot be released.
# Release user interface VTY 0.
<Quidway> free user-interface vty 0
Are you sure you want to free user-interface vty0 [Y/N]? y
After you execute this command, user interface VTY 0 will be disconnected. The user in it must log in again to connect to the switch.
1.1.9 header
header [ incoming | login | shell ] text undo header [ incoming | login | shell ]
System view
Incoming: Sets the login banner for users that log in through modems. If you specify to
authenticate login users, the banner appears after a user passes the authentication. (The session does not appear in this case.)
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
login: Sets the login banner. The banner set by this keyword is valid only when users are authenticated before they log into the switch and appears while the switch prompt s for user name and password.
shell: Sets the session banner, which appears after a session is established. If you specify to authenticate login users, the banner appears after a user passes the authentication.
text: Banner to be displayed. If no keyword is specified, this argument is the login banner. You can provide this argument in two ways. One is to enter the banner in the same line as the command (A command line can accept up to 254 characters.) The other is to enter the banner in multiple lines (you can start a new line by pressing <Enter>,) where you can enter a banner that can contain up to 2000 characters (including the invisible characters). Note that the first character is the beginning character and the end character of the banner. After entering the end character, you can press <Enter> to exit the interaction.
Use the header command to set the banners that are displayed when a u ser logs into a switch. The login banner is displayed on the terminal when the connection is established. And the session banner is display ed on the terminal if a user successfully logs in.
Use the undo header command to disable displaying a specific banner or all banne rs. Note that if you specify any one of the three keywords without providing the text
argument, the specified keyword will be regarded as the login information. You can specify the banner in the following three ways, each of which requires that the
first character and the last character of the banner be the same.
z Enter the banner in multiple lines. If you only type one character in the first line of a
banner, the character and the last character do not act as part of the banner. The following gives an example of this way.
[Quidway] header shell 0 Input banner text, and quit with the character '0'. Welcome!0
When you log in the next time, “Welcome!” is displayed as the banner. The beginning character and the end character (character 0) do not appear.
z Enter the banner in multiple lines. If you type multiple characters in the first line of
a banner and the beginning and the end characters of the banner in this line are not the same, the beginning character is part of the banner. The following is an example.
[Quidway] header shell hello Input banner text, and quit with the character 'h'. my friend !
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
When you log in the next time, “hello” and “my friend !“ is displayed respectively in two lines as the banner . The beginning character “h” appears in the banner.
z Enter the banner in a single line. Y ou can also specify the banner in a single line. In
this case, the banner does contain the beginning and the end character. The following is an example.
[Quidway] header shell 0welcome,my friend!0
When you log in the next time, “welcome, my friend!” is displayed as the banner.
# Set the session banner. Option 1: Enter the banner in the same line as the command.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] header shell %SHELL: Hello! Welcome%
(Make sure the beginning and end characters of the banner are the same.) When you log in the next time, the session banner appears on the terminal as the
[Quidway] quit <Quidway> quit Please press ENTER SHELL: Hello! Welcome
(The beginning and end characters of the banner are not displayed.)
Option 2: Enter the banner in multiple lines.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] header shell %SHELL:
(Following appears after you press <Enter>:)
Input banner text, and quit with the character '%'.
Continue entering the banner and end the banner with the character identical with the beginning character of the banner.
Hello! Welcome %
(Press <Enter>.)
When you log in the next time, the session banner appears on the terminal as the following:
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
[Quidway] quit <Quidway> quit Please press ENTER %SHELL:
(Note that the beginning character of the banner appears.)
Hello! Welcome <Quidway>
1.1.10 history-command max-size
history-command max-size value undo history-command max-size
User interface view
value: Size of the history command buffer. This argument ranges from 0 to 256 and defaults to 10. That is, the history command buffer can store 10 commands by default.
Use the history-command max-size command to set the size of the history command buffer.
Use the undo history-command max-size command to revert to the default history command buffer size.
# Set the size of the history command buffer of AUX 0 to 20 to enable it to store up to 20 commands.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] user-interface aux 0 [Quidway-ui-aux0] history-command max-size 20
1.1.11 idle-timeout
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] undo idle-timeout
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
User interface view
minutes: Number of minutes. This argument ranges from 0 to 35,791. seconds: Number of seconds. This argument ranges from 0 to 59.
Use the idle-timeout command to set the timeout time. The connection to a user interface is terminated if no operation is performed in the user interface within the timeout time.
Use the undo idle-timeout command to revert to the default timeout time. You can use the idle-timeout 0 command to disable the timeout function. The default timeout time is 10 minutes.
# Set the timeout time of AUX 0 to 1 minute.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] user-interface aux 0 [Quidway-ui-aux0] idle-timeout 1 0
1.1.12 ip http shutdown
ip http shutdown undo ip http shutdown
System view
Use the ip http shutdown command to shut down the Web server . Use the undo ip http shutdown command to launch the W eb server. By default, the Web server is launched.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
To improve security and avoid malicious attack to the unused SOCKETs, TCP 80 port for HTTP service will be enabled or disabled after corresponding configurations. If you use the undo ip http shutdown command to enable the Web Server, TCP 80 will be enabled; if you use the ip http shutdown command to disabled the Web Server, TCP 80 will be disabled.
After the Web file is upgraded, you need to reboot and then specify the new Web file in the Boot menu. Otherwise, you cannot use the Web Server normally.
# Shut down the Web server.
<Quidway> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[Quidway] ip http shutdown %Apr 4 01:30:12:080 2000 Quidway HTTPD/5/Log:- 1 -Stopped HTTP server.
# Launch the Web server.
[Quidway] undo ip http shutdown %Apr 4 01:33:16:212 2000 Quidway HTTPD/5/Log:- 1 -Starting HTTP server.
1.1.13 lock
User view
Use the lock command to lock the current user interface to prevent unauthorized operations in the user interface.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Command Manual – Login Quidway S3900 Series Ethernet Switches-Release 1510 Chapter 1 Login Commands
After the command is executed, you are prompted to enter a password of 1 to 16 characters and make a confirmation. Then the current user interface is locked.
Enter the right password and press <Enter>, and then the user interfa ce is unlocked. If you have set a password longer than 16 characters, the system only matches the first 16 characters during unlocking. That is, once the first 16 characters are correct, the user interface will be unlocked.
# Lock the current user interface.
<Quidway> lock Password: Again: locked !
1.1.14 parity
parity { even | none | odd | } undo parity
User interface view
even: Performs even checks. none: Does not check. odd: Performs odd checks.
Use the parity command to set the check mode of the user interface. Use the undo parity command to revert to the default check mo de. Use these two commands in AUX user interface view only. No check is performed by default.
# Set to perform even checks.
<Quidway> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway] user-interface aux 0 [Quidway-ui-aux0] parity even
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