Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Operation Manual
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Operation Manual
Manual Version
Product Version
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About This Manual
Release Notes
The product version that corresponds to the manual is VRP3.10.
Related Manuals
The following manuals provide more information about the Quidway S3100 Series
Ethernet Switches.
Manual Content
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual consists of the following
z Product Overvi ew
z Login
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet
Switches Installation Manual
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet
Switches Command Manual
It provides information for the system
It is used for assisting the users in using
various commands.
Introduces the technical specifications, service features, and network design of
the Ethernet Switch.
Introduces the command hierarchy, command view and CLI features of the
Ethernet Switch.
Introduces several ways to log onto an Ethernet Switch.
Introduces VLAN and Voice VLAN related configuration.
zManagement VLAN
Introduces the management VLAN configuration and DHCP/BOOTP client
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Introduces GVRP and the related configuration.
Introduces basic port configuration.
zLink Aggregation
Introduces link aggregation and the related configuration.
zPort Isolation
Introduces port isolation and the related configuration.
zMAC Address Forwarding Table
Introduces MAC address forwarding management.
Introduces STP and the related configuration.
Introduces 802.1x and the related configuration.
Introduces AAA, RADIUS and their related configurations.
zCentralized MAC Address Authen tication
Introduces centralized MAC address authentication and the related configuration.
Introduces ARP and the related configuration.
Introduces DHCP snooping and the related configuration.
Introduces ACL and the related configuration.
Introduces QoS and the related configuration.
zIGMP Snooping
Introduces IGMP snooping and the related configuration.
Introduces the related configuration for cluster management by using HGMP V2.
Introduces the configuration for network management through SNMP.
Introduces the configuration for remote network management through RMON.
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Introduces NTP and the related configuration.
Introduces SSH2.0 and the related configuration.
zFile System Management
Introduces basic configuration for file system management.
Introduces basic configuration for FTP and TFTP, and the applications.
zInformation Center
Introduces information center configuration.
zSystem Maintenance and Debugging
Introduces daily maintenance and debugging to the system.
Lists the acronyms in this manual
Intended Audience
The manual is intended for the following readers:
z Network engineers
z Network administrators
z Customers who are familiar with network fundamentals
The manual uses the following conventions:
I. General conventions
Convention Description
Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.
Courier New
Headings are in Boldface.
Terminal Display is in Courier New.
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II. Command conventions
Convention Description
[ ]
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
{ x | y | ... } *
[ x | y | ... ] *
# A line starting with the # sign is comments.
III. GUI conventions
The keywords of a command line are in Boldface.
Command arguments are in italic.
Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. One is selected.
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets
and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets
and separated by vertical bars. Many or none can be
Convention Description
< >
[ ]
IV. Keyboard operation
Format Description
<Key1, Key2>
Button names are inside angle brackets. For example, click
the <OK> button.
Window names, menu items, data table and field names
are inside square brackets. For example, pop up the [New
User] window.
Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes. For
example, [File/Create/Folder].
Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For
example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A >.
Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A>
means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the
two keys should be pressed in turn.
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V. Mouse operation
Action Description
Press and hold the primary mouse button (left mouse
button by default).
Select and release the primary mouse button without
moving the pointer.
Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and
quickly without moving the pointer.
Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.
VI. Symbols
Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of
special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:
Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the
Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Operation Manual
Product Overview
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Operation Manual – Product Overview
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Table of Contents
Table 1-3 Service features for S3126T/S3116T/S3108T Ethernet switches
Item S3126T S3116T S3108T
Product Overview
d Layer 2
All ports support
8.8 Gbps
6.55 Mpps 3.87 Mpps 2.68 Mpps
All ports support
5.2 Gbps
Switching mode Store and forward
Up to 4K IEEE 802.1Q-compliant VLANs (virtual local
area networks)
GVRP (GARP VLAN registration protocol)
VLAN interface One VLAN virtual interface
Broadcast storm
Spanning tree protocol
Port bandwidth percentage-based suppression
IGMP Snooping (Internet group management protocol
STP, RSTP (rapid STP), MSTP (multiple STP)
Up to 16 spanning tree instances
Manual link aggregation through command line
FE/GE (Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet) link aggregation
Port aggregation
Up to three link aggregation groups; up to eight ports for
one FE aggregation group, and up to two ports for one
GE aggregation group (the ports in the same group must
be of the same type)
All ports support
3.6 Gbps
Many-to-one port mirroring (that is, multiple mirroring
Hierarchical user management and password protection
Guest VLAN
IEEE 802.1x authentication
MAC address-based authentication
Centralized MAC address authentication
Product Overview
DHCP (dynamical host
configuration protocol)
NTP Supported
HGMP V2 Supported Not supported Not supported
1.3.2 S3126C/S3116C/S3108C
Table 1-4 Service features for S3126C/S3116C/S3108C Ethernet switches
Item S3126C S3116C S3108C
Layer 2
Switching mode Store and forward
DHCP Client
DHCP snooping
All ports support
8.8 Gbps
All ports support
7.2 Gbps
All ports support
3.6 Gbps
6.55 Mpps 5.36 Mpps 2.68 Mpps
Up to 4 K IEEE 802.1Q-compliant VLAN
VLAN interface One VLAN virtual interface
Broadcast storm
Port bandwidth percentage-based suppression
Multicast IGMP Snooping
Spanning tree protocol STP/RSTP/MSTP, up to 16 spanning tree instances
Manual link aggregation through command line
FE/GE link aggregation
Port aggregation
Up to three link aggregation groups; up to eight ports for
one FE aggregation group, and up to two ports for one
GE aggregation group (the ports in the same group must
be of the same type)
A Quidway series Ethernet switch provides a command line interface (CLI) and
commands for you to configure and manage the Ethernet switch. The CLI is featured by
the following:
zCommands are grouped by levels. This prevents unauthorized users from
operating the switch with relevant commands.
z Users can gain online help at any time by entering the question mark "?".
z Commonly used diagnosing utilities (such as Tracert and Ping) are available.
z Debugging information of various kinds is available.
z The command history is available. Y ou can recall a nd execute a hist ory command
zYou can execute a command by only entering part of the command in the CLI, as
long as the keywords you input uniquely identify the corresponding ones.
1.2 Command Protection/Command View
To prevent unauthorized accesses, commands are protected at different levels.
Commands fall into four protection levels: visit, monitor, system, and manage:
zVisit level: Commands at this level are mainly used to diagnose network and
change the language mode of user interface, and cannot be saved i n configuration
files. For example, the ping, tracert, and language-mode commands are at this
zMonitor level: Commands at this level are mainly used to maintain the system and
diagnose service problems, and cannot be saved to configuration files. For
example, the display and debugging commands are at this level.
zSystem level: Commands at this level are mainly used to configure services.
Commands concerning routing and network layers are at this level. Y ou can utilize
network services by using these commands.
zManage level: Commands at this level are associated with the basic operation of
the system, and the system supporting modules. These commands provide
supports to services. Commands concerning file system, FTP/TFTP/XModem
downloading, user management, and level setting are at this level.
Users logging into a switch also fall into four levels, each of which corresponding to one
of the above command levels. Users at a specific level can only use the commands of
the same level and those of the lower levels.
A user can switch the user level from one to another by executing a related command
after logging into a switch. The administrator can also set user level switching
passwords so that users can switch their levels from lower ones to higher ones only
when they input the correct passwords.
I. Setting a user level switching password
Table 1-1 lists the operations to set a user level switching password.
Table 1-1 Set a user level switching password
Operation Command Description
Enter system view
Set a password for
switching from a lower
user level to the user
level identified by the
Table 1-2 lists operations to switch to another user level.
Table 1-2 Switch to another user level
Operation Command Description
If a password for switching to the user
Switch to the user
level identified by
the level argument
super [ level ]
level identified by the level argument is
set and you want to switch to a lower
user level, you will remain at the lower
user level unless you provide the correct
password after executing this command.
A password is necessary only
when a user switch es from a
lower user level to a higher
user level.
For security purpose, the password a user enters when switching to a higher user level
is not displayed. A user will remain at the original user level if the user has tried three
times to enter the correct password but fails to do this.
1.2.2 Configuring the Level of a Specific Command in a Specific View
You can configure the level of a specific command in a specific view. Commands fall
into four command levels: visit, monitor , system, and manage, which are i dentified as 0,
1, 2, and 3 respectively. The administrator can change the command level a command
belongs to.
Table 1-3 lists the operations to configure the level of a specific command.
Table 1-3 Configure the level of a specific command in a specific view
Operation Command Description
Enter system view
Configure the level of
a specific command
in a specific view
1.2.3 CLI Views
CLI views are designed for different configuration tasks. They are interrelated. You will
enter user view once you log into a switch successfully, where you can perform
operations such as displaying operation status and statistical information. And by
executing the system-view command, you can enter system view, where you can
enter other views by executing the corresponding commands.
The following CLI views are provided:
z User view
z System view
z Ethernet port view
z VLAN view
z VLAN interface view
z LoopBack interface view
z Local user view
z User interface view
z FTP client view
z SFTP client view
z MST region view
z Cluster view
z Public key view
z Public key editing view
z Basic ACL view
z Advanced ACL view
z RADIUS scheme view
level level view view
Use this command with caution to
prevent inconvenience on
maintenance and operation.
Execute the
quit command
to return to
system view.
Execute the
command to
parameters for
an ISP domain
Execute the
command in
system view.
return to user
1.3 CLI Features
1.3.1 Online Help
CLI provides two types of online help: complete online help and partial online help.
They assist you with your configuration.
I. Complete online help
Enter a "?" character in any view on your terminal to display all the commands available
in the view and their brief descriptions. The following t ake s user view as an example.
<Quidway> ?
User view commands:
boot Set boot option
cd Change the current path
clock Specify the system clock
cluster Run cluster command
copy Copy the file
debugging Enable system debugging functions
delete Delete the file
dir Display the file list in system
display Display current system information
Enter a command, a space, and a "?" character (instead of a keyword available in this
position of the command) on your terminal to display all the available keywords and
their brief descriptions. The following takes the clock command as an example.
<Quidway> clock ?
datetime Specify the time and date
summer-time Configure summer time
timezone Configure time zone
Enter a command, a space, and a "?" character (instead of an argument available in
this position of the command) on your terminal to display all the available arguments
and their brief descriptions. The following takes the interface vlan command as an
The string <cr> means no argument is available in the position occupied by the "?"
character. You can execute the command without providing any other information.
II. Partial online help
Enter a string followed directly by a "?" character on your terminal to display all the
commands beginning with the string. For example:
<Quidway> pi?
Enter a command, a space, and a string followed by a "?" character on your terminal to
display all the keywords that belong to the command and begin with the string (if
available). For example:
<Quidway> display ver?
Enter a command, the first several characters of an available keyword which uniquely
identifies the keyword, and press <Tab>, to complete the keyword will be automatically
1.3.2 Terminal Display
CLI provides the following display feature:
zDisplay suspending. That is, the displaying of output information can be paused
when the screen is full and you can then perform the three operations listed in
Table 1-5 as needed.
Table 1-5 Displaying-related operations
Operation Function
Press <Ctrl+C> Suspend displaying and executing.
Press the space key Scroll the output information up by one page.
Press <Enter> Scroll the output information up by one line.
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