Huawei Quidway S2700 Configuration Manual

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Network Management
Issue 01
Date 2011-07-15
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management About This Document

About This Document

Intended Audience
This document provides the basic concepts, configuration procedures, and configuration examples in different application scenarios of the Network Management feature supported by the S2700.
This document describes how to configure the Network Management feature.
This document is intended for:
l Data configuration engineers
l Commissioning engineers
l Network monitoring engineers
l System maintenance engineers
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance degradation, or unexpected results.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management About This Document
Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.
Italic Command arguments are in italics.
[ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.
{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected.
[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
&<1-n> The parameter before the & sign can be repeated 1 to n times.
# A line starting with the # sign is comments.
Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains all updates made in previous issues.
Changes in Issue 01 (2011-07-15)
Initial commercial release.
Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all items can be selected.
Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii
1 SNMP Configuration....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction to SNMP........................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 SNMP Overview........................................................................................................................................2
1.1.2 SNMP Features Supported by the S2700..................................................................................................4
1.2 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv1..........................................7
1.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.........................................................................................................7
1.2.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv1 Functions.....................................................................................................8
1.2.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device...............................................................11
1.2.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function.............................................................12
1.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function..............................................................................................13
1.2.6 (Optional) Configuring the Constant Interface Index Feature.................................................................14
1.2.7 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................15
1.3 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv2c......................................15
1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................16
1.3.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv2c Functions.................................................................................................17
1.3.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device...............................................................19
1.3.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function.............................................................21
1.3.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function..............................................................................................21
1.3.6 (Optional) Configuring the Constant Interface Index Feature.................................................................24
1.3.7 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................25
1.4 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv3........................................25
1.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................26
1.4.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv3 Functions...................................................................................................27
1.4.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device...............................................................29
1.4.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function.............................................................31
1.4.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function..............................................................................................32
1.4.6 (Optional) Configuring the Constant Interface Index Feature.................................................................33
1.4.7 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................34
1.5 SNMP Configuration Examples.......................................................................................................................34
1.5.1 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Using SNMPv1..............35
1.5.2 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Using SNMPv2c............38
1.5.3 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Using SNMPv3..............42
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management Contents
2 LLDP Configuration...................................................................................................................46
2.1 Introduction to LLDP.......................................................................................................................................47
2.2 LLDP Feature Supported by the S2700............................................................................................................50
2.3 Configuring LLDP............................................................................................................................................53
2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................53
2.3.2 Enabling Global LLDP............................................................................................................................54
2.3.3 (Optional) Disabling LLDP on an Interface............................................................................................54
2.3.4 (Optional) Configuring an LLDP Management Address........................................................................55
2.3.5 (Optional) Configuring the TLV in the LLDPDU...................................................................................56
2.3.6 (Optional) Configuring LLDP Timers.....................................................................................................57
2.3.7 (Optional) Enabling the LLDP Trap Function........................................................................................60
2.3.8 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................61
2.4 Maintaining LLDP............................................................................................................................................61
2.4.1 Clearing LLDP Statistics.........................................................................................................................62
2.4.2 Monitoring LLDP Status.........................................................................................................................62
2.5 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................62
2.5.1 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Device That Has a Single Neighbor.........................................62
2.5.2 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Device That Has Multiple Neighbors.......................................67
2.5.3 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Network Where Link Aggregation Is Configured....................72
3 HGMP Configuration.................................................................................................................79
3.1 Introduction to HGMP......................................................................................................................................80
3.2 HGMP Features Supported by the S2700.........................................................................................................82
3.3 Configuring Basic HGMP Functions...............................................................................................................86
3.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................86
3.3.2 Configuring NDP.....................................................................................................................................86
3.3.3 Configuring NTDP..................................................................................................................................88
3.3.4 Creating a Cluster....................................................................................................................................89
3.3.5 Adding a Member Switch........................................................................................................................92
3.3.6 (Optional) Deleting or Quitting a Cluster................................................................................................93
3.3.7 (Optional) Deleting a Member Switch....................................................................................................94
3.3.8 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................95
3.4 Configuring Advanced HGMP Functions........................................................................................................97
3.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................97
3.4.2 Adjusting Parameters of the Cluster........................................................................................................98
3.4.3 Managing Switches in a Cluster Through HGMP.................................................................................101
3.4.4 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................105
3.5 Maintaining HGMP........................................................................................................................................108
3.5.1 Clearing the NDP Statistics...................................................................................................................108
3.5.2 Monitoring the Operation Status of the HGMP Cluster........................................................................108
3.5.3 Debugging HGMP.................................................................................................................................109
3.6 HGMP Configuration Examples....................................................................................................................109
3.6.1 Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster...........................................................109
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management Contents
3.6.2 Example for Configuring the Interconnection of FTP Servers and Devices in and out of the HGMP Cluster
(in NAT Mode)...............................................................................................................................................119
3.6.3 Example for Configuring the Interconnection of FTP Servers and Devices in and out of the HGMP Cluster
(in Non-NAT Mode).......................................................................................................................................129
3.6.4 Example for Configuring Devices in the HGMP Cluster to Access the Outside SNMP Host (in NAT
3.6.5 Example for Configuring Devices in the HGMP Cluster to Access the Outside SNMP Host (in non-NAT
3.6.6 Example for Configuring the Batch Distribution Function for an HGMP Cluster...............................159
3.6.7 Example for Configuring the Batch Restart Function for an HGMP Cluster.......................................169
3.6.8 Example for Configuring the Incremental Configuration Function for an HGMP Cluster...................178
3.6.9 Example for Configuring the Configuration Synchronization Function for an HGMP Cluster............188
3.6.10 Example for Configuring Security Features for an HGMP Cluster....................................................198
4 NTP Configuration....................................................................................................................209
4.1 Introduction to NTP........................................................................................................................................210
4.2 NTP Supported by the S2700.........................................................................................................................212
4.3 Configuring Basic NTP Functions.................................................................................................................213
4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................213
4.3.2 Configuring the NTP Primary Clock.....................................................................................................214
4.3.3 Configuring the Unicast Server/Client Mode........................................................................................215
4.3.4 Configuring the Peer Mode...................................................................................................................216
4.3.5 Configuring the Broadcast Mode..........................................................................................................217
4.3.6 Configuring the Multicast Mode...........................................................................................................218
4.3.7 Disabling the Interface From Receiving NTP Packets..........................................................................219
4.3.8 (Optional) Setting the Maximum Number of Dynamic NTP Sessions.................................................220
4.3.9 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................220
4.4 Configuring NTP Security Mechanisms.........................................................................................................221
4.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................221
4.4.2 Setting NTP Access Authorities............................................................................................................223
4.4.3 Enabling NTP Authentication...............................................................................................................224
4.4.4 Configuring NTP Authentication in Unicast Server/Client Mode........................................................225
4.4.5 Configuring NTP Authentication in Peer Mode....................................................................................225
4.4.6 Configuring NTP Authentication in Broadcast Mode...........................................................................226
4.4.7 Configuring NTP Authentication in Multicast Mode............................................................................226
4.4.8 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................227
4.5 Maintaining NTP............................................................................................................................................227
4.6 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................228
4.6.1 Example for Configuring NTP Authentication in Unicast Client/Server Mode....................................228
4.6.2 Example for Configuring the Common NTP Peer Mode......................................................................233
4.6.3 Example for Configuring NTP Authentication in Broadcast Mode......................................................236
4.6.4 Example for Configuring the Common NTP Multicast Mode..............................................................240
5 Ping and Tracert.........................................................................................................................245
5.1 Ping.................................................................................................................................................................246
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management Contents
5.2 Tracert.............................................................................................................................................................246
5.3 Performing Ping and Tracert Operations........................................................................................................247
5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................248
5.3.2 Checking Network Connectivity Through the Ping Operation.............................................................248
5.3.3 Locating Faults on the Network Through the Tracert Operation..........................................................249
5.4 Debugging Ping and Tracert...........................................................................................................................250
5.5 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................250
5.5.1 Example for Performing Ping and Tracert Operations..........................................................................250
6 NQA Configuration..................................................................................................................253
6.1 Introduction to NQA.......................................................................................................................................255
6.2 Comparisons Between NQA and Ping...........................................................................................................255
6.3 NQA Server and NQA Clients.......................................................................................................................256
6.4 NQA Supported by the S2700........................................................................................................................257
6.5 Configuring the ICMP Test............................................................................................................................258
6.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................258
6.5.2 Configuring ICMP Test Parameters......................................................................................................259
6.5.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................260
6.6 Configuring the FTP Download Test.............................................................................................................261
6.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................261
6.6.2 Configuring the FTP Download Test Parameters..................................................................................262
6.6.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................263
6.7 Configuring the FTP Upload Test..................................................................................................................264
6.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................264
6.7.2 Configuring the FTP Upload Test Parameters......................................................................................265
6.7.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................267
6.8 Configuring the HTTP Test............................................................................................................................268
6.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................268
6.8.2 Configuring HTTP Test Parameters......................................................................................................269
6.8.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................270
6.9 Configuring the DNS Test..............................................................................................................................271
6.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................271
6.9.2 Configuring the DNS Test Parameters..................................................................................................271
6.9.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................273
6.10 Configuring the Traceroute Test...................................................................................................................273
6.10.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................273
6.10.2 Configuring Parameters for a Traceroute Test....................................................................................274
6.10.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................275
6.11 Configuring the SNMP Query Test..............................................................................................................276
6.11.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................276
6.11.2 Configuring the SNMP Query Test Parameters..................................................................................277
6.11.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................278
6.12 Configuring the TCP Test.............................................................................................................................279
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6.12.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................279
6.12.2 Configuring the TCP Server................................................................................................................279
6.12.3 Configuring the TCP Client.................................................................................................................280
6.12.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................281
6.13 Configuring the UDP Test............................................................................................................................282
6.13.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................282
6.13.2 Configuring the UDP Server...............................................................................................................283
6.13.3 Configuring the UDP Client................................................................................................................283
6.13.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................285
6.14 Configuring the Jitter Test............................................................................................................................285
6.14.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................286
6.14.2 Configuring the Jitter Server...............................................................................................................287
6.14.3 Configuring the Jitter Client................................................................................................................287
6.14.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................289
6.15 Configuring Universal NQA Test Parameters..............................................................................................290
6.15.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................290
6.15.2 Configuring Universal Parameters for the NQA Test Instance...........................................................290
6.15.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................294
6.16 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds.................................................................................................295
6.16.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................295
6.16.2 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds........................................................................................296
6.16.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................297
6.17 Configuring the Trap Function.....................................................................................................................297
6.17.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................297
6.17.2 Sending Trap Messages When Test Failed..........................................................................................298
6.17.3 Sending Trap Messages When Probes Failed......................................................................................299
6.17.4 Sending Trap Messages When Probes Are Complete.........................................................................300
6.17.5 Sending Trap Messages When the Transmission Delay Exceeds Thresholds....................................301
6.17.6 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................301
6.18 Maintaining NQA.........................................................................................................................................302
6.18.1 Restarting NQA Test Instances...........................................................................................................302
6.18.2 Clearing NQA Statistics......................................................................................................................303
6.18.3 Debugging NQA..................................................................................................................................303
6.19 Configuration Examples...............................................................................................................................304
6.19.1 Example for Configuring the ICMP Test............................................................................................304
6.19.2 Example for Configuring the FTP Download Test.............................................................................306
6.19.3 Example for Configuring the FTP Upload Test..................................................................................308
6.19.4 Example for Configuring the HTTP Test............................................................................................311
6.19.5 Example for Configuring the DNS Test..............................................................................................312
6.19.6 Example for Configuring the Traceroute Test.....................................................................................314
6.19.7 Example for Configuring the SNMP Query Test................................................................................317
6.19.8 Example for Configuring the TCP Test...............................................................................................319
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6.19.9 Example for Configuring the UDP Test..............................................................................................321
6.19.10 Example for Configuring the Jitter Test............................................................................................323
6.19.11 Example for Configuring the Test of Sending NQA Threshold Traps to the NMS..........................326
7 RMON Configuration...............................................................................................................330
7.1 Introduction to RMON...................................................................................................................................331
7.2 RMON Suported by the S2700.......................................................................................................................331
7.3 Configuring RMON........................................................................................................................................333
7.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................333
7.3.2 Enabling the RMON Statistics Function on the Interface.....................................................................334
7.3.3 Configuring the ethernetStatsTable.......................................................................................................335
7.3.4 Configuring the HistoryControlTable...................................................................................................335
7.3.5 Configuring the EventTable..................................................................................................................336
7.3.6 Configuring the AlarmTable.................................................................................................................337
7.3.7 Configuring the PrialarmTable..............................................................................................................337
7.3.8 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................338
7.4 Maintaining RMON........................................................................................................................................340
7.5 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................340
7.5.1 Examples for Configuring RMON........................................................................................................340
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration

1 SNMP Configuration

About This Chapter
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard network management protocol widely used on TCP/IP networks. It uses a central computer (a network management station) that runs network management software to manage network elements. There are three SNMP versions, SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. Users can choose to configure one or more versions if needed.
1.1 Introduction to SNMP
SNMP provides a set of standard protocols for the communication between the network management station (NM station) and devices, allowing the NM station to normally manage devices and receive alarms reported by the devices.
1.2 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv1
After SNMPv1 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv1 to communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
1.3 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv2c
After SNMPv2c is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv2c to communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
1.4 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv3
After SNMPv3 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv3 to communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
1.5 SNMP Configuration Examples
This section provides several configuration examples of SNMP. The configuration roadmap in the examples will help you understand the configuration procedures. Each configuration example provides information about the networking requirements, configuration notes, and configuration roadmap.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration

1.1 Introduction to SNMP

SNMP provides a set of standard protocols for the communication between the network management station (NM station) and devices, allowing the NM station to normally manage devices and receive alarms reported by the devices.

1.1.1 SNMP Overview

Get and Set operations can be performed on a managed device that runs the SNMP agent to manage device objects by NM stations These objects are uniquely identified in the Management Information Base (MIB).
As network services develop, more and more devices are deployed on existing networks. It is some distance from the devices to the central equipment room where a network administrator works. Once faults occur on the remote devices, it is impossible for the network administrator to detect, locate and rectify faults immediately because the faults will not be reported by the devices. This affects maintenance efficiency and greatly increases maintenance workload.
To solve this problem, equipment vendors have provided network management functions in some products. The NM station then can query the status of remote devices, and devices can send alarms to the NM station in the case of particular events.
SNMP operates at the application layer of the IP suite and defines how to transmit management information between the NM station and devices. SNMP defines several device management operations that can be performed by the NM station and allows devices to notify the NM station of device faults by sending alarms.
An SNMP-managed network consists of three components: NM station, agent, and managed device. The NM station uses the MIB to identify and manage device objects. The operations used for device management include GetRequest, GetNextRequest, GetResponse, GetBulk, SetRequest, and notification from the agent to the NM station. The following sections give details on the components, MIB, and operations.
SNMP Components
Three components are used in SNMP device management:
l NM station: sends various query packets to query managed devices and receives alarms
from these devices.
l Agent: is a network-management process on a managed device. An agent has the following
Receives and parses query packets sent from the NM station.
Reads or writes management variables based on the query type, and generates and sends
Sends an alarm to the NM station when triggering conditions defined on each protocol
response packets to the NM station.
module corresponding to the alarm are met. For example, the system view is displayed or closed, or the device is restarted.
l Managed device: is managed by an NM station and generates and reports alarms to the NM
Figure 1-1 shows the relationship between the NM station and agent.
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UDP Port161
NM Station
NM Station
UDP Port162
Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
Figure 1-1 SNMP structure
SNMP uses a hierarchical naming convention to identify managed objects and to distinguish between managed objects. This hierarchical structure is similar to a tree with the nodes representing managed objects, Figure 1-2 shows a managed object that can be identified by the path from the root to the node representing it.
Figure 1-2 Structure of a MIB tree
As shown in Figure 1-2, object B is uniquely identified by a string of numbers, {}. Such a number string is called an Object Identifier (OID). A MIB tree is used to describe the hierarchy of data in a MIB that collects the definitions of variables on the managed devices.
A user can use a standard MIB or define a MIB based on certain standards. Using a standard MIB can reduce the costs on proxy deployment and therefore reduce the costs on the entire network management system.
SNMP Operations
SNMP uses Get and Set operations to replace a complex command set. The operations described
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in Figure 1-3 can implement all functions.
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UDP Port161
NM Station
UDP Port162
Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
Figure 1-3 Schematic diagram of SNMP operations
Table 1-1 gives details on the SNMP operations.
Table 1-1 SNMP operations
Operation Function
GetRequest Retrieves the value of a variable. The NM station sends the
request to a managed device to obtain the value of an object on the device.
GetNextRequest Retrieves the value of the next variable. The NM station
sends the request to a managed device to obtain the status of the next object on the device.
GetResponse Responds to GetRequest, GetNextRequest, and
SetRequest operations. It is sent from the managed device to the NM station.
GetBulk Is an NMS-to-agent request, equaling continuous GetNext
SetRequest Sets the value of a variable. The NM station sends the
request to a managed device to adjust the status of an object on the device.
Trap Reports an event to the NM station.

1.1.2 SNMP Features Supported by the S2700

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This section compares SNMP versions in terms of their support for features and usage scenarios to provide a reference for your SNMP version selection during network deployment.
The S2700 supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. Table 1-2 lists the features supported by SNMP, and Table 1-3 shows the support of different SNMP versions for the features. Table
1-4 describes the usage scenarios of SNMP versions, which will help you choose a proper version
for the communication between an NM station and managed devices based on the network operation conditions.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
When multiple NM stations using different SNMP versions manage the same device in a network, SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 can all be configured on the device for its communication with all the NM stations.
Table 1-2 Description of features supported by SNMP
Feature Description
Access control This function is used to restrict a user's device
administration rights. It gives specific users the rights to manage specified objects on devices and therefore provides fine management.
Authentication and encryption Packets transmitted between the NM station
and managed devices are authenticated and encrypted. This prevents data packets from being intercepted or modified, improving data sending security.
Error code Error codes are used to identify particular
faults. They help an administrator quickly locate and rectify faults. The larger the variety of error codes, the more greatly they help an administrator in device management.
Trap Traps are sent from managed devices to the
NM station. These traps allow an administrator to discover device faults immediately.
The managed devices do not require the acknowledgement from the NM station after sending traps.
Informs are sent from managed devices to the NM station.
The managed devices require the acknowledgement from the NM station after sending informs. If a managed device does not receive an acknowledgement after sending an inform, it will resend the inform to the NM station and generate alarm logs. Even if the NM station restarts, it can still synchronize the informs sent during the restart process.
If the device does not receive an acknowledgement from the NM station after sending an inform, it will store the inform in its memory. In this regard, using informs may consume lots of system resources.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
Feature Description
GetBulk GetBulk allows an administrator to perform
Get-next operation in batches. In a large-scale network, GetBulk reduces the administrator's workload and improves management efficiency.
Table 1-3 Different SNMP versions' support for the features
Feature SNMPv1 SNMPv2c SNMPv3
Access control Community-name-
based access control supported
Authentication and
Not supported Not supported Supported, and the
Community-name­based access control supported
User or user-group­based access control supported
supported authentication and encryption modes are as follows:
Authentication mode:
l MD5
Encryption mode: DES56
Error code
6 error codes supported
16 error codes supported
16 error codes supported
Trap Supported Supported Supported
Inform Not supported Supported Not supported
GetBulk Not supported Supported Supported
Table 1-4 Usage scenarios of different SNMP versions
Usage Scenario
SNMPv1 This version is applicable to small-scale
networks whose networking is simple and security requirements are low or whose security and stability are good, such as campus networks and small enterprise networks.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
Version Usage Scenario
SNMPv2c This version is applicable to medium and
large-scale networks whose security requirements are not strict or whose security is good (for example, VPNs) but whose services are so busy that traffic congestion may occur.
Using informs can ensure that the messages sent from managed devices are received by the NM station.
If you plan to build a new network, choose an SNMP version based on your usage scenario. If you plan to expand or upgrade an existing network, choose an SNMP version to match the SNMP version running on the NM station to ensure the normal communication between managed devices and the NM station.
This version is applicable to networks of various scales, especially the networks that have strict requirements on security and can be managed only by authorized administrators, such as the scenario where data between the NM station and managed devices needs to be transmitted over a public network.

1.2 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv1

After SNMPv1 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv1 to communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
The NM station manages a device in the following manners:
l Sends requests to the managed device to perform the GetRequest, GetNextRequest,
GetResponse, GetBulk, or SetRequest operation, obtaining data and setting values.
l Receives alarms from the managed device and locates and rectify device faults based on
the alarm information.
In the following configuration, after basic SNMP functions are configured, the NM station can manage the device in these manners. For details on how to configure finer management such as accurate access control or alarm module specification, see the following configuration procedures.

1.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv1, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
obtain the data required for the configuration. This will help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.
Applicable Environment
SNMP needs to be deployed in a network to allow the NM station to manage network devices.
If the network has a few devices and its security is good, such as a campus network or a small enterprise network, SNMPv1 can be deployed to ensure the normal communication between the NM station and managed devices.
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv1, complete the following task:
l Configuring a routing protocol to ensure that the switch and NM station are routable
Data Preparation
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv1, you need the following data.
1 SNMP version, SNMP community name, destination address of alarm messages,
2 (Optional) ACL number, IP address of the NM station, and MIB object
3 (Optional) Name of the alarm-sending module, source address of trap messages,
4 (Optional) Number of interfaces indexed by fixed numbers
administrator's contact information and location, and SNMP packet size
queue length for trap messages, and lifetime of trap messages

1.2.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv1 Functions

After basic SNMP functions are configured, an NM station can perform basic operations such as Get and Set operations on a managed device, and the managed device can send alarms to the NM station.
Steps 3, 4, and 5 are mandatory for the configuration of basic SNMP functions. After the configurations are complete, basic SNMP communication can be conducted between the NM station and managed device.
Step 1 Run:
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The system view is displayed.
Step 2 (Optional) Run:
The SNMP agent function is enabled.
By default, the SNMP agent function is disabled. Running any command with the parameter snmp-agent can enable the SNMP agent function, so this step is optional.
Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent sys-info version v1
The SNMP version is set.
By default, SNMPv3 is enabled.
After SNMPv1 is enabled on the managed device, the device supports both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3. This means that the device can be monitored and managed by NM stations running SNMPv1 or SNMPv3.
Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } community-name
The community name is set.
After the community name is set, if no MIB view is configured, the NM station that uses the community name has rights to access objects in the Viewdefault view (
l read needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
permission in a specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator needs to read certain data.
l write needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
and write permissions in a specified view in some cases. For example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
Step 5 Choose either of the following commands as needed to configure a destination IP address for
the alarms and error codes sent from the device.
l To configure a destination IPv4 address for the alarms and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain ip-address [ udp-port port­number ] [ public-net | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string [ v1 ] [ private-netmanager ]
The descriptions of the command parameters are as follows:
l The default destination UDP port number is 162. In some special cases (for example, port
mirroring is configured to prevent a well-known port from being attacked), the parameter udp-port can be used to specify a non-well-known UDP port number. This ensures normal communication between the NM station and managed device.
l If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a
public network, the parameter public-net needs to be configured. If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a private network, the parameter vpn-instance vpn-instance-name needs to be used to specify a VPN that will take over the sending task.
l The parameter securityname identifies the alarm sender, which will help you learn the alarm
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, the parameter private-
netmanager can be configured to add more information to alarms, such as the alarm type,
alarm sequence number, and alarm sending time. The information will help you locate and rectify faults more quickly.
Step 6 (Optional) Run:
snmp-agent sys-info { contact contact | location location }
The equipment administrator's contact information or location is configured.
This step is needed if the NM station administrator needs to know equipment administrators' contact information and locations when the NM station manages many devices. This will allow the NM station administrator to quickly contact the equipment administrators for fault location and rectification.
To configure both the equipment administrator's contact information and location, you need to run the command twice to configure them separately.
Step 7 (Optional) Run:
snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count
The maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is set.
By default, the maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is 12000 bytes.
After the maximum size is set, the device will discard any SNMP packet that is larger than the set size. The allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet for a device depends on the size of a packet that the NM station can process; otherwise, the NM station cannot process the SNMP packets sent from the device.
Follow-up Procedure
After the configurations are complete, basic communication can be conducted between the NM station and managed device.
l Access control allows any NM station that uses the community name to monitor and manage
all the objects on the managed device.
l The managed device sends alarms generated by the modules that are enabled by default to
the NM station.
If finer device management is required, follow directions below to configure a managed device:
l To allow a specified NM station that uses the community name to manage specified objects
on the device, follow the procedure described in Controlling the NM Station's Access to
the Device.
l To allow a specified module on the managed device to report alarms to the NM station,
follow the procedure described in Configuring the Trap Function.
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, follow the procedure
described in Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function to allow the device to send more types of error codes. This allows more specific error identification and facilitates your fault location and rectification.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
l If the functions such as accounting and fault location need to be bound to specified
interfaces to prevent changes in interface indexes during device or interface restart, follow the procedure described in Configuring the Constant Interface Index Feature.

1.2.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device

This section describes how to specify an NM station and manageable MIB objects for SNMP­based communication between the NM station and managed device to improve communication security.
If a device is managed by multiple NM stations that use the same community name, note the following points:
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the objects
in the Viewdefault view (, skip the following steps.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, skip Step 5.
l If all the NM stations need to manage specified objects on the device, skip Steps 2, 3, and
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, perform all the following steps.
Step 1 Run:
Step 2 Run:
Step 3 Run:
Step 4 Run:
Step 5 Run:
The system view is displayed.
acl acl-number
A basic ACL is created to filter the NM station users that can manage the device.
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } source { source-ip-address source-wildcard | any }
A rule is added to the ACL.
Return to the system view.
snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree
A MIB view is created, and manageable MIB objects are specified.
By default, an NM station has rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view (
l If a few MIB objects on a device or some objects in the current MIB view do not or no longer
need to be managed by the NM station, excluded needs to be specified in the related command to exclude these MIB objects.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
l If a few MIB objects on the device or some objects in the current MIB view need to be
managed by the NM station, included needs to be specified in the related command to include these MIB objects.
Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } { community-name | cipher community-name } [ mib-view view-name | acl acl-number ]
The NM station's access rights are specified.
l read needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
permission in the specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator needs to read certain data. write needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read and write permissions in the specified view in some cases. For example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
l cipher is used to display the community name in cipher text. It can be configured in the
command to improve security. If the parameter is configured, the administrator needs to remember the community name. If the community name is forgotten, it cannot be obtained by querying the device.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, mib-view view-name does not need to be configured in the command.
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects on the
device, acl acl-number does not need to be configured in the command.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, both mib-view and acl need to be configured in the command.
Follow-up Procedure
After the access rights are configured, especially after the IP address of the NM station is specified, if the IP address changes (for example, the NM station changes its location, or IP addresses are reallocated due to network adjustment), you need to change the IP address of the NM station in the ACL. Otherwise, the NM station cannot access the device.

1.2.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function

This section describes how to enable the extended SNMP error code function when both the NM station and managed device are Huawei products. After this function is enabled, more types of error codes are provided to help you locate and rectify faults more quickly and accurately.
Step 1 Run:
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent extend error-code enable
The SNMP extended error code function is enabled.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
By default, SNMP standard error codes are used. After the extended error code function is enabled, extended error codes can be sent to the NM station.

1.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function

This section describes how to specify the alarms to be sent to the NM station, which will help you to locate important problems. After relevant parameters are set, the security of alarm sending can be improved.
Step 1 Run:
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable
Alarm sending is enabled.
Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name feature-name trap-name trap-name
A trap function of a feature module is enabled. This means that an alarm of a specified feature can be sent to the NM station.
The undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-name command can be used to disable a trap function of a module.
Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent trap source interface-type interface-number
The source interface for trap messages is specified.
If the snmp-agent trap enable command is run to enable the trap functions of all modules, or the snmp­agent trap enable feature-name command is run to enable three or more trap functions of a module, note
the following points:
l To disable the trap functions of all modules, you need to run the snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To restore the trap functions of all modules to the default status, you need to run the undo snmp-agent
trap enable or undo snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To disable one trap function of a module, you need to run the undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-
name command.
After the source interface is specified, its IP address becomes the source IP address of trap messages. Configuring the IP address of the local loopback interface as the source interface is recommended, which can ensure device security.
The source interface specified on the switch for trap messages must be consistent with that specified on the NM station; otherwise, the NM station will not accept the trap messages sent from the switch.
Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent trap queue-size size
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The length of the queue storing trap messages to be sent to the destination host is set.
The queue length depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the switch frequently generates trap messages, a longer queue length can be set to prevent trap messages from being lost.
Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent trap life seconds
The lifetime of every trap message is set.
The lifetime of every trap message depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the switch frequently generates trap messages, a longer lifetime can be set for every trap message to prevent trap messages from being lost.

1.2.6 (Optional) Configuring the Constant Interface Index Feature

This section describes how to configure the constant interface index feature. This feature allows some interface indexes remain unchanged in the case of interface deletion or addition, system restart, or hardware or software configuration change to meet the need of some functions such as accounting and fault diagnosis that require fixed interfaces.
Step 1 Run:
Step 2 Run:
Step 3 Run:
The system view is displayed.
ifindex constant
The constant interface index feature is enabled.
After the feature is enabled, the indexes for all the existing interfaces and newly created interfaces are fixed. If the system needs to restart, the save command must be run to save interface configurations; otherwise, the interface indexes will change after the system is restarted.
set constant-ifindex max-number number
The maximum number of interfaces indexed by fixed numbers is set.
If interfaces are frequently added or deleted during system operation, the interface index file stored in the device may have a great size and consume too many system resources. Setting the maximum number of interfaces indexed by fixed numbers can prevent the interface index file from exceeding an expected size.
After the maximum number of interfaces indexed by fixed numbers is set, the system will allocate fixed indexes to interfaces within the specified value range. If the specified value is smaller than the number of interfaces configured on the device, the system allocates fixed interface indexes to the interfaces enabled earlier. The interfaces enabled later are not indexed by fixed numbers.
By default, a maximum of 131070 interfaces can be indexed by fixed numbers. If the value is set to 0, no interfaces will be indexed by fixed numbers.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
Step 4 Run:
set constant-ifindex subinterface { dense-mode | sparse-mode }
The memory distribution mode for the sub-interface index is set.
When a sub-interface is created, the system generates an index image file for the sub-interface in the memory in a specified mode. You may use various sub-interface numbering modes, such as the continuous mode or the discontinuous mode. In real-world situations, one of the following distribution modes can be used as needed:
l Sparse mode: applies to discontinuous sub-interface numbering.
l Dense mode: applies to continuous sub-interface numbering.

1.2.7 Checking the Configuration

After SNMPv1 functions are configured, you can view the SNMPv1 configurations.
The configurations of basic SNMPv1 functions are complete.
l Run the display snmp-agent community command to check the configured community
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command to check the enabled SNMP
l Run the display acl acl-number command to check the rules in the specified ACL.
l Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command to check the MIB view.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command to check the equipment
administrator's contact information.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command to check the location of the
l Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command to check whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.
l Run the display constant-ifindex configuration command to check the constant interface
index function and relevant configuration information.

1.3 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv2c

After SNMPv2c is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv2c to communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
The NM station manages a device in the following manners:
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
l Sends requests to the managed device to perform the GetRequest, GetNextRequest,
GetResponse, GetBulk, or SetRequest operation, obtaining data and setting values.
l Receives alarms from the managed device and locates and rectify device faults based on
the alarm information.
In the following configuration, after basic SNMP functions are configured, the NM station can manage the device in these manners. For details on how to configure finer management such as accurate access control or alarm module specification, see the following configuration procedures.

1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv2c, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the data required for the configuration. This will help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.
Applicable Environment
SNMP needs to be deployed in a network to allow the NM station to manage network devices.
If your network is a large scale with many devices and its security requirements are not strict or its security is good (for example, a VPN network) but services on the network are so busy that traffic congestion may occur, SNMPv2c can be deployed to ensure communication between the NM station and managed devices.
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv2c, complete the following task:
l Configuring a routing protocol to ensure that the switch and NM station are routable
Data Preparation
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv2c, you need the following data.
1 SNMP version, SNMP community name, address of the alarm destination host,
2 (Optional) ACL number, IP address of the NM station, MIB object
administrator's contact information and location, and SNMP packet size
3 (Optional) Name of the alarm-sending module, source address of trap messages,
queue length for trap messages, lifetime of trap messages, expiry time of informs, allowable number of inform retransmissions, allowable maximum number of informs to be acknowledged, aging time of log messages, and allowable maximum number of log messages about the trap and inform events in the log buffer
4 (Optional) Number of interfaces indexed by fixed numbers
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration

1.3.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv2c Functions

After basic SNMP functions are configured, an NM station can perform basic operations such as Get and Set operations on a managed device, and the managed device can send alarms to the NM station.
Steps 3, 4, and 5 are mandatory for the configuration of basic SNMP functions. After the configurations, basic SNMP communication can be conducted between the NM station and managed device.
Step 1 Run:
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 (Optional) Run:
The SNMP agent function is enabled.
By default, the SNMP agent function is disabled. Running any command with the parameter snmp-agent can enable the SNMP agent function, so this step is optional.
Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
The SNMP version is set.
By default, SNMPv3 is enabled.
After SNMPv2c is enabled on the managed device, the device supports both SNMPv2c and SNMPv3. This means that the device can be monitored and managed by NM stations running SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.
Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } community-name
The community name is set.
After the community name is set, if no MIB view is configured, the NM station that uses the community name has rights to access objects in the Viewdefault view (
l read needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
l write needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
permission in a specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator needs to read certain data.
and write permissions in a specified view in some cases. For example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
Step 5 Choose one of the following commands as needed to configure the destination IP address for
the alarms and error codes sent from the device.
l If the network is an IPv4 network, configure the device to send either traps or informs to the
NM station.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
The differences between traps and informs are as follows:
l The traps sent by the managed device do not need to be acknowledged by the NM station.
l The informs sent by the managed device need to be acknowledged by the NM station. If no
acknowledgement message from the NM station is received within a specified time period, the managed device will resend the inform until the number of retransmissions reaches the maximum.
When the managed device sends an inform, it records the inform in the log. If the NM station and link between the NM station and managed device recovers from a fault, the NM station can still learn the inform sent during the fault occurrence and rectification.
In this regard, informs are more reliable than traps, but the device may need to buffer a lot of informs because of the inform retransmission mechanism and this may consume many memory resources.
If the network is stable, using traps is recommended. If the network is unstable and the device's memory capacity is sufficient, using informs is recommended.
– To configure a destination IP address for the traps and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain ip-address [ udp-port port­number ] [ public-net | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string [ v2c ] [ private-netmanager ]
– To configure a destination IP address for the informs and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain ip-address [ udp-port port­number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security­string v2c
The descriptions of the command parameters are as follows:
l The default destination UDP port number is 162. In some special cases (for example, port
mirroring is configured to prevent a well-known port from being attacked), the parameter udp-port can be used to specify a non-well-known UDP port number. This ensures normal communication between the NM station and managed device.
l If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a
public network, the parameter public-net needs to be configured. If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a private network, the parameter vpn-instance vpn-instance-name needs to be used to specify a VPN that will take over the sending task.
l The parameter securityname identifies the alarm sender, which will help you learn the alarm
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, the parameter private-
netmanager can be configured to add more information to alarms, such as the alarm type,
alarm sequence number, and alarm sending time. The information will help you locate and rectify faults more quickly.
An IPv6 network supports only traps, not informs.
Step 6 (Optional) Run:
snmp-agent sys-info { contact contact | location location }
The equipment administrator's contact information or location is configured.
This step is needed if the NM station administrator needs to know equipment administrators' contact information and locations when the NM station manages many devices. This will allow the NM station administrator to quickly contact the equipment administrators for fault location and rectification.
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
To configure both the equipment administrator's contact information and location, you need to run the command twice to configure them separately.
Step 7 (Optional) Run:
snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count
The maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is set.
By default, the maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is 12000 bytes.
After the maximum size is set, the device will discard any SNMP packet that is larger than the set size. The allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet for a device depends on the size of a packet that the NM station can process; otherwise, the NM station cannot process the SNMP packets sent from the device.
Follow-up Procedure
After the configurations are complete, basic communication can be conducted between the NM station and managed device.
l Access control allows any NM station that uses the community name to monitor and manage
all the objects on the managed device.
l The managed device sends alarms generated by the modules that are open by default to the
NM station.
If finer device management is required, follow directions below to configure the managed device:
l To allow a specified NM station that uses the community name to manage specified objects
of the device, follow the procedure described in Controlling the NM Station's Access to
the Device.
l To allow a specified module on the managed device to report alarms to the NM station,
follow the procedure described in Configuring the Trap FunctionConfiguring the Trap
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, follow the procedure
described in Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function to allow the device to send more types of error codes. This allows more specific error identification and facilitates your fault location and rectification.
l If the functions such as accounting and fault location need to be bound to specified
interfaces to prevent changes in interface indexes during device or interface restart, follow the procedure described in Configuring the Constant Interface Index Feature.

1.3.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device

This section describes how to specify an NM station and manageable MIB objects for SNMP­based communication between the NM station and managed device to improve communication security.
If a device is managed by multiple NM stations that use the same community name, note the following points:
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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - Network Management 1 SNMP Configuration
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the objects
in the Viewdefault view (, skip the following steps.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, skip Step 5.
l If all the NM stations need to manage specified objects on the device, skip Steps 2, 3, and
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, perform all the following steps.
Step 1 Run:
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Run:
acl acl-number
A basic ACL is created to filter the NM station users that can manage the device.
Step 3 Run:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } source { source-ip-address source-wildcard | any }
A rule is added to the ACL.
Step 4 Run:
Return to the system view.
Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree
A MIB view is created, and manageable MIB objects are specified.
By default, an NM station has rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view (
l If a few MIB objects on a device or some objects in the current MIB view do not or no longer
l If a few MIB objects on the device or some objects in the current MIB view need to be
Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } { community-name | cipher community-name } [ mib-view view-name | acl acl-number ]
need to be managed by the NM station, excluded needs to be specified in the related command to exclude these MIB objects.
managed by the NM station, included needs to be specified in the related command to include these MIB objects.
The NM station's access rights are specified.
l read needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
permission in the specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator needs to read certain data. write needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read and write permissions in the specified view in some cases. For example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
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