Huawei Quidway S2000 Command Manual

1. Getting Started
2. Port
5. QoS/ACL
6. Integrated Management
7. STP
8. Security
9. Network Protocol
10. System Management
11. Appendix
Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual
Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual
Manual Version
Product Version
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Copyright © 2004 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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No part of this manual m ay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
, HUAWEI, C&C08, EAST8000, HONET, , ViewPoint, INtess, ETS, DMC,
TELLIN, InfoLink, Netkey, Quidway, SYNLOCK, Radium,
M900/M1800, TELESIGHT, Quidview, Musa, Airbridge, Tellwin, Inmedia, VRP, DOPRA, iTELLIN, HUAWEI OptiX, C&C08
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The information in this manual is subj ec t to cha nge without not ic e. Ev er y eff or t has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, inf orm ation, and r ecom m endations in t his m anual do not c onstitut e the warranty of any kind, express or implied.
About This Manual
Release Notes
The product version that corresponds to the manual is VRP3.10.
Related Manuals
The following manuals provide more information about the Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches.
Manual Content
Quidway S2403H Ethernet Switch Installation Manual
It provides information for the system installation.
Quidway S2008/S2016 Ethernet Switch Installation Manual
It provides information for the system installation.
Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual
It is used for assisting the users in data configurations and typical applications.
Quidway S2000 Series Et her net Switc hes Co mmand Manual c onsis ts of the following parts:
Getting Started
This module introduces the commands used for accessing the Ethernet Switch.
This module introduces the commands used for configuring Ethernet port, link aggregation and port mirroring.
This module introduces the commands used for configuring VLAN.
This module introduces the commands used for configuring multicast protocols.
This module introduces the commands used for configuring QoS/ACL.
Integrated Management
This module introduces the commands used for integrated management.
This module introduces the commands used for configuring STP.
This module introduces the commands used for configuring 802.1X, AAA & RADIUS, and HABP.
Network Protocol
This module introduces the commands used for configuring network protocols.
System Management
This module introduces the commands used for system management and maintenance.
This module includes all the commands in this command manual, which are arranged alphabetically.
Intended Audience
The manual is intended for the following readers:
Network engineers
Network administrators
Customers who are familiar with network fundamentals
The manual uses the following conventions:
I. General conventions
Convention Description
Normal paragraphs are in Arial. Arial Narrow Warnings, Cautions, Notes and Tips are in Arial Narrow. Boldface Headings are in Boldface.
Courier New
Terminal Display is in Courier New.
II. Command conventions
Convention Description
Boldface The keywords of a command line are in Boldface.
italic Command arguments are in italic. [ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.
{ x | y | ... }
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars.
One is selected.
[ x | y | ... ]
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated
by vertical bars. One or none is selected.
{ x | y | ... } *
Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A
minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.
[ x | y | ... ] *
Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated
by vertical bars. Many or none can be selected.
III. GUI conventions
Convention Description
< >
Button names are inside angle brackets. For example, click the <OK>
[ ]
Window names, menu items, data table and field names are inside
square brackets. For example, pop up the [New User] window.
Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes. For example,
IV. Keyboard oper at i on
Format Description
Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For example,
<Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A>.
Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A> means the three
keys should be pressed concurrently.
<Key1, Key2>
Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the two keys should
be pressed in turn.
V. Mouse operation
Action Description
Click Press the left button or right button quickly (left button by default).
Action Description
Double Click Press the left button twice continuously and quickly. Drag Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain position.
VI. Symbols
Eye-catching s ymbols are also used in the manual t o highlight the points wort hy of special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:
Caution, Warning: Means reader be extremely careful during the operation.
Note: Means a complementary description.
Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Command Manual
1. Getting Started
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands ................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands ............................................................................ 1-1
1.1.1 authentication-mode................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.2 auto-execute command........................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.3 command-privilege level ......................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 databits.................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.5 display history-command ........................................................................................ 1-4
1.1.6 display user-interface..............................................................................................1-5
1.1.7 display users ........................................................................................................... 1-6
1.1.8 flow-control..............................................................................................................1-7
1.1.9 free user-interface................................................................................................... 1-7
1.1.10 header ...................................................................................................................1-8
1.1.11 history-command max-size................................................................................... 1-9
1.1.12 idle-timeout............................................................................................................ 1-9
1.1.13 language-mode ................................................................................................... 1-10
1.1.14 lock......................................................................................................................1-11
1.1.15 parity.................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.1.16 quit....................................................................................................................... 1-12
1.1.17 return...................................................................................................................1-12
1.1.18 screen-length ...................................................................................................... 1-13
1.1.19 send.....................................................................................................................1-14
1.1.20 service-type telnet............................................................................................... 1-14
1.1.21 set authentication password................................................................................ 1-15
1.1.22 shell.....................................................................................................................1-16
1.1.23 speed................................................................................................................... 1-17
1.1.24 stopbits................................................................................................................ 1-18
1.1.25 super ................................................................................................................... 1-18
1.1.26 super password................................................................................................... 1-19
1.1.27 sysname.............................................................................................................. 1-20
1.1.28 system-view......................................................................................................... 1-20
1.1.29 telnet.................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.1.30 user-interface ...................................................................................................... 1-22
1.1.31 user privilege level .............................................................................................. 1-22
Chapter 2 System IP Configuration Commands ........................................................................ 2-1
2.1 System IP Configuration Commands ................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 description...............................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 display interface vlan-interfac e ............................................................................... 2-1
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Table of Contents
2.1.3 display ip host ......................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.4 display ip interface vlan-interfac e............................................................................ 2-3
2.1.5 display ip routing-table............................................................................................ 2-4
2.1.6 display ip routing-table ip_address ......................................................................... 2-5
2.1.7 display ip routing-table ip_address1 ip_address2................................................... 2-8
2.1.8 display ip routing-table verbose .............................................................................. 2-9
2.1.9 interface vlan-interface.......................................................................................... 2-10
2.1.10 ip address............................................................................................................ 2-11
2.1.11 ip host..................................................................................................................2-12
2.1.12 ip route-static....................................................................................................... 2-12
2.1.13 shutdown............................................................................................................. 2-13
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1.1 authentication-mode
authentication-mode { password
scheme }
authentication-mode none
User interface view
password: Perform local password authentication. scheme: Perform local or remote authentication of username and password.
Using authentication-mode com mand, you can configure t he authentic ation m ethod for login user. Using authentication-mode none command, you can configure no authentication.
This command with the password parameter indicates to perform local password authentication, that is, you need to configure a login password using the set authentication password { cipher | simple }
This command with the scheme parameter indicates to perform authentication of local or remote usernam e and password. The type of the authentication depe nds on your configuration. For detailed information, see “Security” section.
By default, users lo gging in via the Console port do not need to pass any terminal authentication, where as the password is required for authenticating the Telnet users when they log in.
# Configure local password authentication. [Quidway-ui-aux0] authentication-mode password
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1.2 auto-execute command
auto-execute command text undo auto-execute command
User interface view
text: Specifies the command to be run automatically.
Using auto- execute command comm and, you can configure to automaticall y run a specified command. W hen a user logs in, the command configured will be execute d automatically. The user will be disconnected after that. Using undo auto-execute command command, you can configure not to run the command automatically.
This command is usually used to configure the telnet command on the terminal, which will connect the user to a designated device automatically.
By default, auto run is disabled.
1) If you execute this command, the user-interface can no longer be used to perform routine configurations on the local system. Therefore use caution when using this command.
2) Ensure that you will be able to log into the system in some o ther way to cancel the configuration, before you configure the auto-execute command command and save the configuration.
# Configure to automatically telnet after the user logs in via VTY 0. [Quidway-ui-vty0] auto-execute command telnet
1.1.3 command-privilege level
command-privilege level
view command
undo command-privilege view
view command
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
System view
level: Specifies the command level, ranging from 0 to 3. view: Specifies the comm and view, which can be an y of the views sup ported by the
switch. command: Specifies the command to be configured.
Using command-privilege level command, you can configure the priority of the specifically comm and of the specific ally view. Using undo command-privilege view command, you can restore the default command priority.
The command leve ls inclu de visit, monitor ing, conf iguratio n, and m anagem ent, which are identified as 0 through 3 res pectively. An administrator assigns auth orities as per user requirements and a llows them to operate in corr esponding views. W hen a user logs in the switch, the command level that it can access depends on two points. One is the command level that the user its elf can ac cess , the other is the s et c omm and level of this user interface. If the two levels are different, the former will be taken. For example, the comm and le vel of VT Y 0 user i nterf ace i s 1, h owever, user Tom has the right to access com m ands of lev el 3; if Tom logs in from VTY 0 us er i nterf ace, h e can access commands of level 3 and lower.
By default, ping, tracert, and telnet are at vis it le vel (0 ); display and debugging are at monitoring level (1); all the config uration commands are at configuration l evel (2); and FTP, XMODEM, TFTP and commands for file system operations are at management level (3).
# Configure the precedence of the command "interface" as 0. [Quidway] command-privilege level 0 view system interface
1.1.4 databits
databits { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 } undo databits
User interface view
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
5: The data bits are 5. 6: The data bits are 6. 7: The data bits are 7. 8: The data bits are 8.
Using databits command, you can configure the data bits for AUX ( Console) port. Using undo databits command, you can restore the default bits of the AUX (Console).
This command can only be performed in AUX user interface view. By default, the value is 8.
# Configure the data bits of AUX (Console) port to 7 bits. [Quidway-ui-aux0] databits 7
1.1.5 display history-command
display history-command
Any view
Using display history-command command, you can view the saved history commands.
For the related command, see history-command max-size.
# Display history commands. <Quidway> display history-command
sys quit display his
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1.6 display user-interface
display user-interface [ type number ] [ number ]
Any view
type: Specifies the type of a user interface. number: Specifies the number of a user interface.
Using display user-interface command, you can view the relational information of the user interface. The displayed information includes user interface type, absolute/relative index, transmission speed, priority, and authentication methods.
# Display the relational information of user interface 0. <Quidway> display user-interface 0
Idx Type Tx/Rx Modem Privi Auth F 0 A UX 0 9600 3 N
+ : Current user-interface is active. F : Current user-interface is active and work in async mode. Idx : Absolute index of user-interface. Type : Type and relative index of user-interface. P rivi: The privile ge of user-interface. Auth : The authentication mode of user-interface. A: Authenticate use AAA. L: Authenticate use local users table. N: Current user-interface need not authentication. P: Authenticate use current UI's password.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Table 1-1 Output description of the display user-interface command
Field Description
+ Current user interface is in use. F Current user interface is in use and work in asynchronous mode. Idx Absolute index of user interface Type Type and relative index of user interface Tx/Rx User interface speed Modem Modem operation mode Privi Which levels of commands can be used after logging in from the user interface. Auth User interface authentication method
1.1.7 display users
display users
[ all ]
Any view
all: Display the information of all user inter f ac es.
Using display users command, you can view the information of the user interface.
# Display the information of the current user interface. [Quidway] display users
UI Delay IPaddress Username F 0 AUX 0 00:00:00
Table 1-2 Output description of the display users command
Field Description
F Current user interface is in use and work in asynchronous mode. UI
Number of the first list is the absolute number of user interface. Number of the second list is the
relative number of user interface. Delay Indicates the interval from the latest input till now in seconds. IPaddress Displays initial connection location, namely the host IP address of the incoming connection. Username Display the name of the user using this user interface, namely the login username of the user.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1.8 flow-control
flow-control { hardware | none | software } undo flow-control
User interface view
hardware: Configures to perform hardware flow control. none: Configures no flow control. software: Configures to perform software flow control.
Using flow-control command, you can configure the flow control mode on AUX (Console) port. Using undo flow-control command, you can r estore the default flo w control mode.
This command can only be performed in AUX user interface view. By default, the value is none. That is, no flow control will be performed.
# Configure software flow control on AUX (Console) port. [Quidway-ui-aux0] flow-control software
1.1.9 free user-interface
free user-interface [ type ] number
User view
: Specifies the user interface type.
: Specifies the absolute/relative number of the user interface. Configured
together with the
, it will specify the us er interface number of the corresponding type. If the type is not specified, number will specify an absolute user interface number.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Using free user-interface command, you can reset a specified user interface. The user interface will be disconnected after the command is executed.
Note that the current user interface cannot be cleared.
# Reset user interface 1 after logged in to the Ethernet switch via user interface 0. <Quidway> free user-interface 1 After the command is executed, user interface 1 will be disconnected. It will not be
connected to the Ether net switch until you l og in via the user i nterface 1 for the next time.
1.1.10 header
header [ shell | incoming | login ] text undo header [ shell | incoming | login ]
System view
login: Configures to display login infor mation. shell: Configures to display the header of setting up a session for the user. incoming: Configures to display the login header.
: Specifies the header content.
Using header command, you can configur e to d isplay hea der when user log in. Us ing undo header command, you can configure not to display the header.
When the users log in the Ethernet switch, if a connection is activated, the login header will be displayed. After the user successfully logs in the switch, the shell header will be displayed.
The first English character in the text is reg arded as the start and stop char acters. After the stop character is input, the system will exit interactive process automatically.
If you do not want to enter the interact ive process, input the text with same En glish characters at the beginning and end of the text and press <Enter> directly.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
# Configure the header of setting up a session. [Quidway] header shell %
Enter TEXT messag e. End with the characte r '%'. SHELL : Hello! Welcome %
The header of setting up a session displays on terminal when a user logs on again. [Quidway] quit <Quidway> quit
Press ENTER to get started SHELL : Hello! Welcome
1.1.11 history-command max-size
history-command max-size value undo history-command max-size
User interface view
: Defines the size of the history buffer, ranging from 0 to 256. By default, the size
is 10, that is, 10 history commands can be saved.
Using history-command max-size command, you can configure the size of the history command buffer. Using undo history -command max-si ze command, you can restore default size of the history command buffer.
# Set the history buffer to 20, namely saving 20 history commands. [Quidway-ui-aux0] history-command max-size 20
1.1.12 idle-timeout
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] undo idle-timeout
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
User interface view
minutes: Specifies the minute, ranging from 0 to 35791. seconds: Specifies the second, ranging from 0 to 59.
Using idle-timeout comm and, you can configure the tim eout function. If there is no user operation performed before idle-timeout expires, the user interface will be disconnected. Using undo idle-timeout command, you can restore the default idle-timeout.
idle-timeout 0 means disabling idle-timeout. By default, idle-timeout is set to 10 minutes.
# Configure the timeout value to 1 minute on the AUX user interface. [Quidway-ui-aux0] idle-timeout 1 0
1.1.13 language-mode
language-mode { chinese | english }
User view
chinese: Configures the language environment of command line interface as Chinese. english: Configures the language environment of command line interface as English.
Using language-mode command, you can switch between different language environments of command line interface for convenience of different users.
By default, the value is English.
# Switch from English mode to Chinese mode. <Quidway> language-mode chinese
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1.14 lock
User view
Using lock command, you can lock the user interface to prevent unauthorized user from operating it.
# Lock the current user interface. <Quidway> lock
Password: xxxx Again: xxxx
1.1.15 parity
parity { even | mark | none | odd | space } undo parity
User interface view
even: Configures to perform even parity. mark: Configures to perform mark parity. none: Configures not to perform parity. odd: Configures to perform odd parit y. space: Configures to perform space parity.
Using parity com mand, you can configure the parity mode on AUX (Console) port. Using undo parity command, you can restore the default parity mode.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
This command can only be performed in AUX user interface view. By default, the mode is set to none.
# Set mark parity on the AUX (Console) port. [Quidway-ui-aux0] parity mark
1.1.16 quit
Any view
Using quit comm and, you can retur n to the lo wer level view from the c urrent vie w. If the current view is user view, you can quit the system.
There are three levels of views, which are listed from low to high as follows:
User view
System view
VLAN view, Ethernet port view, and so on.
For the related commands, see return, system-view.
# Return to user view from system view. [Quidway] quit <Quidway>
1.1.17 return
System view
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Using return command, you can return to user view from a view other than user view. Combination key <Ctrl+Z> performs the same function with the return command. For the related command, see quit.
# Return to user view from system view. [Quidway] return <Quidway>
1.1.18 screen-length
screen-length screen-length undo screen-length
User interface view
screen-length: Specifies how many lines can be displayed on a screen, ranging from 0 to 512. The default value is 24.
Using screen-length command, you can configure how many lines that can be displayed on a screen of the term inal. Usin g undo screen-length command, you can restore the default number of terminal information lines displayed on the terminal screen.
The screen-length 0 command is used to disable this function.
# Configure the lines that can be displayed on a screen as 20 lines. [Quidway-ui-aux0] screen-length 20
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
1.1.19 send
send { all | number | type number }
User view
all: Configures to send message to all user interfaces.
type: Specifies the user interface type, which can be aux or vty. number: Specifies the absolute/relative number of the user interface.
Using send command, you can send messages between different user interfaces.
# Send message to all the user interfaces. <Quidway> send all
1.1.20 service-type telnet
service-type telnet [ level level ] undo service-type telnet [ level ]
Local-user view
level: Specifies which level of command a user can use after logon, ranging from 0 to 3 and defaults to level 1.
Using service-type telnet command, you can conf igure which level of comm and a user can use after logon. U sing undo service-type telnet command, you can res tor e the default level of command a user can use after logon.
Commands are classified into four levels, namely visit level, monitoring level, configuration level and management level. They are introduced as follows:
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Visit level: Comm ands of this level involve c ommand of network diagnos is tool (such as ping and tracert), command of switch between different language environments of user interfac e (language-mode), and telnet command etc. T he operation of saving configuration file is not allowed on this level of commands.
Monitoring level: Commands of this level, including the display command and the debugging command, are used for system maintenance, service f ault d iag nos is , etc. The operation of savi ng the configuration file is not allowed on this level of commands.
Configuration level: Service configuration commands, including routing command and commands on each network layer, are used to provide direct network service to the user.
Management level: These are commands that influence the basic operation of the system and system s upport module, which plays a supporting role on service. Commands of this le vel involve file system commands, FTP comm ands, TFTP commands, XModem downloading commands, user management commands, and level setting commands.
# Configure the user zbr to use commands at level 0 after logon. [Quidway] local-user zbr [Quidway-luser- zbr] serv ic e - t ype telnet le ve l 0 # Quit the system and logs on with us ernam e “zbr” again. No w onl y the comm ands at
level 0 are listed on the terminal. [Quidway] quit <Quidway> ?
User view command s: language-mode Specify the language environment ping Ping function q uit Exit from current command view super Privilege specified user priority level telnet Establish one TELNET connection tracert Trace route function
1.1.21 set authentication password
set authentication password { cipher | simple } password undo set authentication password
User interface view
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
cipher: Configure encrypted text password. simple: Configure plain text password.
password: If the authen tication is i n the simple mode, the password m ust be in plai n text. If the authentication is in the cipher mode, the password can be either in encrypted text or in plain text. The result is determined by the input. A plain text password is a sequential character string of no more than 16 digits, for example, huawei918. The length of an encrypted password m ust be 24 dig its and in enc rypted text, for example, _(TT8F]Y\5SQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!.
Using set authenticatio n password command, you c an configure the pass word for local authentication. Usin g undo set authentication password command, you can cancel local authenticat io n pass wor d.
The password in plain text is required when performing authentication, regardless whether the configuration is plain text or encrypted text.
By default, password is required to be set for authenticating the users connecting via Telnet. If no password has been set, the following prompt will be displayed “password required, but none set.”
# Configure the local authentication password on VTY 0 to huawei. [Quidway-ui-vty0] set authentication password simple huawei
1.1.22 shell
shell undo shell
User interface view
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Using shell command, you can enable terminal service of a user interface. Using undo shell command, you can disable the terminal service of a user interface.
By default, terminal service is enabled. When using the undo shell command, note the following points.
For the sake of security, the undo shell command can only be used on the user interfaces other than the AUX user interface.
You cannot use this command on the user interface via which you log in.
You will be asked to confir m before executing this comm and on any legal user interface.
# Disable terminal service on the vty user interface 0 to 4 after logging in to the Ethernet switch via user interface 0.
[Quidway] user-interface vty 0 4 [Quidway-ui-vty0-4] undo shell # The following message will be displayed on the Telnet terminal after logon.
Connection to hos t lo st.
1.1.23 speed
speed speed-value undo speed
User interface view
speed-value: Specifies the transmission rate on the AU X (Cons ole) port i n bit/s , whic h can be 300, 600, 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 5760 0 115200 or 4096000. The default rate is 9600bit/s.
Using speed command, you can configure the transmission rate on the AUX (Console) port. Using undo speed command, you can restore the default rate.
This command can only be performed in AUX user interface view.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
# Configure the transmission speed on the AUX (Console) port as 9600bit/s. [Quidway-ui-aux0] speed 9600
1.1.24 stopbits
stopbits { 1 | 1.5 | 2 } undo stopbits
User interface view
1: Sets 1 stop bit.
1.5: Sets 1.5 stop bits. 2: Sets 2 stop bits.
Using stopbits command, you can c o nf igur e the s top bits o n t he AUX ( Co ns ole) por t. Using undo stopbits command, you can restore the default stop bits.
This command can only be performed in AUX user interface view. By default, the value is 1.
# Configure 2 stop bits on the AUX (Console) port. [Quidway-ui-aux0] stopbits 2
1.1.25 super
super [ level ]
User view
: User level, ranging 0 to 3. The default value is 3.
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
Using super command, you can enable the user to change to user level from the current user level. If the user has set the super p assword [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password, t hen user password of the higher level is needed, or the form er user level will not change.
Login users are class ified into f our lev els that cor respond t o the four comm and levels respectively. After users of different levels log in, t hey can only use com mands at th e levels that are equal to or lower than its own level.
For the related commands, see super password, quit.
# change to user level 3 from the current user level. <Quidway> super 3
1.1.26 super password
super password [ level level ] { simple | cipher }
undo super password [ level level ]
System view
: User level, ranging fr om 1 to 3. The default value is 3, i. e. do not specify user
level. It means the password to be set is used for entering level 3.
simple: Configure plain text password. cipher: Configure encrypted text password.
password: If the authen tication is i n the simple mode, the password m ust be in plai n text. If the authentication is in the cipher mode, the password can either be in encrypted text or in plain text. The result is determined by the input. A plain text password is a sequential character string of no more than 16 digits, for example, huawei918. The length of an encrypted password m ust be 24 dig its and in enc rypted text, for example, _(TT8F]Y\5SQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!.
Using super password command, you can configur e the pass word for changing th e user from a lower level to a higher level. I n order to prevent unauthorized users fr om illegal intrusion , user ID authentication is performed when users switch from a lower
Command Manual - Getting Started Quidway S2000 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch Commands
level to a higher level. For the sak e of confidentialit y, on the screen t he user cannot see the passw o rd t ha t he en t e re d . Only when correct pa ssword is input fo r t h re e t imes, can the user switch to the higher level. O therwise, the origin al user level will re main unchanged. Using undo super password command, you can cancel the current settings.
The password in plain text is required when performing authentication, regardless whether the configuration is plain text or encrypted text.
# Configure the password to zbr for changing the user from the current level to level 3. [Quidway] super password level 3 simple zbr
1.1.27 sysname
sysname text undo sysname
System view
text: Specifies the h ostname with a character s tring, rang ing from 1 to 30 c haracter s. The default name is Quidway.
Using sysname c ommand, you can configure the hostname of the Eth ernet switch. Using undo sysname command, you can restore the default hostname.
Changing the hostnam e of the Ethern et switch will affect the prom pt of c ommand line interface. For exam ple, if the hos tnam e of the Ethernet switc h is Qu id way, the prompt in user view will be <Quidway>.
# Configure the hostname of Ethernet switch to Huawei. [Quidway] sysname Huawei [Huawei]
1.1.28 system-view
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