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Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual Contents
1 WEB Configuration....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Logging In to the Web Interface ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Background Information ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Connecting to the Web Interface ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Navigating the web browser interface .............................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 Home page .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Navigation Tree ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Save Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Site Map .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Displaying Switch Information ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Switch Health ................................................................................................................................................... 9
3 System Management .................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Setting System General Information .............................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Setting the Switch’s IP Address ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Managing System Files .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.2 Setting the Start-Up File ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.3 Showing/Deleting System Files ............................................................................................................ 16
3.3.4 Saving the Running Configuration to a Local File ................................................................................ 17
3.4 Setting the System Clock ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Displaying CPU Utilization ........................................................................................................................... 20
3.7 Resetting the System ...................................................................................................................................... 21
3.8 Displaying RFID ............................................................................................................................................ 21
4.1 Port Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
4.4 Power Saving ................................................................................................................................................. 36
6.2.1 Changing the Aging Time ..................................................................................................................... 47
6.2.2 Displaying the Dynamic Address Table ................................................................................................ 47
6.2.3 Clearing the Dynamic Address Table .................................................................................................... 48
7 Spanning Tree Algorithm.......................................................................................................... 50
7.1 Configuring Global STP ................................................................................................................................. 50
7.2 Showing Global Settings for STP .................................................................................................................. 52
7.3 Configuring Interface Settings for STP .......................................................................................................... 54
7.4 Displaying Interface Settings for STP ............................................................................................................ 56
8.2 Configuring Storm Control ............................................................................................................................ 59
8.3 Configuring Class of Service ......................................................................................................................... 60
8.3.1 Setting the Default Priority for Interface............................................................................................... 60
8.3.2 Selecting the Queue Mode .................................................................................................................... 61
11 IP Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 107
11.1 Using the PING Function ........................................................................................................................... 107
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 1 WEB Configuration
1 WEB Configuration
About This Chapter
Use the System menu items to display and configure basic administrative details of the
This section describes the basic switch features, along with a detailed description of how to
configure each feature via a web browser.
1.1 Logging In to the Web Interface
1.2 Navigating the web browser interface
1.3 Idle-Time
1.4 Save Configuration
1.5 Logout
1.1 Logging In to the Web Interface
Before configuring the switch, you must log in to the web interface.
1.1.1 Background Information
The Web interface client connects to the switch through HTTP; therefore, you must log
in to the Web interface through HTTP.
The Web interface supports the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (IE6.0) or above, Mozilla
Firefox 4.0 or above, and Chrome. The Web interface described in this document uses
the IE8.0.
1.1.2 Connecting to the Web Interface
Prior to accessing the switch from a web browser, be sure you have first performed the
following tasks:
1. Open IE browser .
2. Enter the default IP address: Press ENTER.
The user login dialog box is displayed, see Figure 1-1.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 1 WEB Configuration
Element Description
Page selection
Radio button
Check Box
Text box
Drop-down list
1.3 Idle-Time
If you do not perform any operation on the web interface for a long time, you are logged out
and the longin page is displayed. If you need to continue operations, log in again.
Figure 1-1 shows the login page.
Default idle time is 20minites.
1.4 Save Configuration
After performing configuration, you need to save the configuration data.
If you do not save the configuration data, the configuration that you made will be lost after
modifying or refreashing.
1.5 Logout
After the configuration finished, sugguest to logout to ensure the system security.
Following is the 2ways to logout.
Click the button to close the web browser.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 3 System Management
3 System Management
About This Chapter
This chapter describes the following topics:
3.1 Setting System General Information
3.2 Setting the Switch’s IP Address
3.3 Managing System Files
3.4 Setting the System Clock
3.5 Displaying CPU Utilization
3.6 Displaying Memory Usage
3.7 Resetting the System
3.8 Displaying RFID
3.1 Setting System General Information
Use the System > General page to identify the system by the information displayed, including
the System Information, System UP Time, System Name, System Location, System Contact,
System Jumbo Frame, and System EEE, as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 “System > General” Information
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 3 System Management
Figure 3-2 Configuring a DHCP IPv4 Address
To set a static address for the switch:
1. Click System > IP.
2. Select the VLAN through which the management station is attached, set the IP Address Mode
to “Static,” enter the IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
3. Click Apply.
Figure 3-3 Configuring a Static IPv4 Address
Table 3-2 Parameter of Configuring IP Address for Switch
Title Description
ID of the configured VLAN (1-4093). By default, all ports on the switch are
members of VLAN 1. However, the management station can be attached to
a port belonging to any VLAN, as long as that VLAN has been assigned an
IP address.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 3 System Management
Title Description
IP Address
IP Address Address of the VLAN to which the management station is attached. Valid IP
Subnet Mask This mask identifies the host address bits used for routing to specific
Gateway IP
Specifies whether IP functionality is enabled via manual configuration
(Static), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). If DHCP is
enabled, IP will not function until a reply has been received from the server.
Requests will be broadcast periodically by the switch for an IP address.
DHCP responses can include the IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway. (Default: DHCP)
addresses consist of four numbers, 0 to 255, separated by periods. (Default:
subnets. (Default:
IP address of the gateway router between the switch and management
stations that exist on other network segments. (Default: null)
Show the Physical address for this switch.
Click to restart DHCP service.
3.3 Managing System Files
Use the System > File page to manage the switch system files, including upgrading the switch
operating software or configuration files, setting the system start-up files, etc.
3.3.1 Upgrade Firmware
Use the System > File (Upgrade) page to upgrade the firmware to use for system
To upgrade the firmware for switch:
1. Click System > File, see Figure 3-4.
2. Select Upgrade from the Action list.
3. Set the corresponding configuration parameters, and then click Apply.
SeeTable 3-3 for the parameters of upgrade switch.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 3 System Management
Figure 3-4 Upgrade Switch
Table 3-3 Parameter of Upgrade Switch
Title Description
Action Select upgrade to upgrade the firmware (Required).
Source File name The file name of the firmware in the management station.
Click”Browse”button to choose the upgrading firmware. For example:
Destination File
Auto reboot after
opcode upgrade
4. The switch reboot automatically if you enable the chck box Auto reboot after opcode upgrade
completed. After rebooting, the page automatically jumps to the login page when you click it.
5. Input User Name and Password to log in the Web interface.
The destination file name of the firmware in the switch. The file name
should not contain slashes( or /), the leading letter of the file name
should not be a period (.), and the maximum, length for file names is
63 characters for files on the switch. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
".", "-", "_").
Enable the check box to auto reboot after opcode upgrade completed.
3.3.2 Setting the Start-Up File
Use the System > File (Set Start-Up) page to specify the firmware or configuration file to use
for system initialization.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 3 System Management
Figure 3-6 Showing System Files
1. Click System, then File.
2. Select Show from the Action list.
3. To delete a file, mark it in the File List and click Delete.
Table 3-5 Parameter of Upgrade Switch
Title Description
Action Select Show/Delete to Show/Delete the switch system file (Required).
File name The Start-Up File.
Start-Up Activation status. “Y”means the corresding file is the Start-Up file.
“N”means not.
Size (bytes) The size of this file.
Files designated for start-up, and the Factory_Default_Config.cfg file, cannot be deleted.
3.3.4 Saving the Running Configuration to a Local File
Use the System > File (Config File) page to save the current configuration settings to a local
file and to upload/download configuration files by using HTTP. See Figure 3-7, Figure 3-8,
and Figure 3-9.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Quidway S1700 Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual 4 Interface Configuration
4 Interface Configuration
About This Chapter
4.1 Port Configuration
4.2 Trunk Configuration
4.3 Transceiver
4.4 Power Saving
4.1 Port Configuration
This section describes how to configure port connections, mirror traffic from one port to
another, and run cable diagnostics.
4.1.1 General
Use the Interface > Port > General (Show Information) page to display the current connection
status, including link state, speed/duplex mode, flow control, and auto-negotiation.
Figure 4-1 Displaying Port Information
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Autonegotiation Shows if auto-negotiation is enabled or disabled.
Oper Speed
Oper Flow Control Shows if flow control is enabled or disabled.
To display port connection parameters:
1. Click Interface > Port > General. Figure 4-1 is displayed.
2. Select Show Information from the Action List.
Configuring by Port List
Use the Interface > Port > General (Configure by Port List) page to enable/disable an
interface, set auto-negotiation and the interface capabilities to advertise, or manually fix the
speed, duplex mode, and flow control.
Figure 4-2 Configuring Connections by Port List
Shows the current speed and duplex mode.
Issue 01 (2011-11-17) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential