HP/HPS Series High Accuracy Stabilized Voltage and Current Power Supply
Operation Instruction
I. General Description
The HP-302D-II…HP-3010D-II series of power supply are high accuracy linear power supply. They are double channel constant
voltage and current DC voltage stabilizers with the features of low ripple noise, high stability, and high accuracy. They have the capability
of series connected and parallel connected to enhance the loading capacity of the power supply.
The HPS-3050D…HPS-30100D series of power supply are high effect switch power supply. They constant voltage and current DC
voltage stabilizers with the features of high loading capacity, low continuous service failure rate, and high efficiency.
Both HPseries and HPS series constant voltage and current DC voltage stabilizers are suitable for scientific research, laboratory,
teaching, electronic product lines and communication industry as well as necessary equipments. For detail models and parameters see
the table (HP series see Table 1, HPS series see Table 2).
Table 1 HP series
Output Voltage and Current
Voltageand Current Display
Double Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Double Channel 0~2A
Double Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Double Channel 0~3A
Double Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Double Channel 0~5A
Double Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Double Channel 0~10A
Single Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Single Channel 0~2A
Single Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Single Channel 0~3A
Single Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Single Channel 0~5A
Single Channel
0~30V Adjustable
Single Channel 0~10A
Output Voltage and Current
II. Basic Parameter specifications and Panel Features:
2-1 Panel feature of single channel power supply (panel feature of double channel power supply)
(Channel I voltage and current indication)
(Channel II voltage and current indication)
(Channel I current tuning)
(4) Current coarse tuning
(Channel I voltage tuning)
(Channel II current tuning)
(6) Current coarse tuning
(Channel II voltage tuning)
(Channel I output terminal)
(9) Power output terminal
(Channel II output terminal)
(11) Constant current indicator
(Channel I constant current, constant voltage indication)
(12) Constant voltage indicator
(Channel II constant current, constant voltage indication)
(series connection and parallel connection switch)

2-2 Nominal Operation Conditions
Input voltage: AC 220V±10% 50/60Hz
Operation conditions: Temperature: -10℃~40℃ Relative Humidity: <90%
Storage conditions: Temperature: -20℃~80℃ Relative Humidity: <80%
2-3 Constant Voltage Status
Table 3
<1mVrms (Effective Value)
2-4 Constant Current Status
Table 4
III. Direction For Use
(1) AC input: AC input should be 220v±10% 50Hz (on the back of the case will be mark if it is for 110v±10% 60Hz).
(2) Isolation: DO NOT use it in conditions of temperature above 40℃, the heat abstraction fan is on the back of the instrument, there
should be enough room for heat abstraction.
There is a temperature switch in the double channel power supply of RXN series, when inside temperature is upper than 45℃, the fan
will revole automatically for heat abstraction. DO NOT use it in conditions of temperature above 40℃
3-2 Operating Method
(1) Link up to the power (AC220v±10%).
(2) Turn the power switch to ON, the indicator lights.
(3) Tune knob “VOLTAGE” to the voltage that needed.
(4) Connect the outer load to the output terminals of “+”, “-”.
(5) When used in places with high ripple factor, either “+” or “-” connector should be connected to GND connector tightly, so the ripple
voltage would decrease.
(6) Constant current tuning: Firstly tune the voltage to any value from 3~10V, with current tuning to 0 and anti-clockwise to the end, then
short circuit the positive electrode and negative electrode with the conductor, thirdly tune the current knob clockwise to the limitation
current the needed. Take off the short circuit lead, then tune the voltage to the value that needed.
(7) Attention: DO NOT start the power supply with load, nor the power supply and the load would get damaged. When the load is greater
than 20A, please use the terminals on the back.
IV Maintain
4-1 Replacing the fuse
If the fuse breaks, the power supply will stop operating, in this occasion, the cause of the break must be found out, and after
correction, use a same fuse to replace the broken one, the fuse box should not be open unless the problem happens.
4-2 Maintain
Once the power supply inside is burnt out, it must be repaired by professionals or sent to the dealer to send back to the factory for
repair. DO NOT repair it separately to ensure safety.
Caution: HPS series are switch power supply with high voltage circuit in it, non-professionals should NOT repair it to avoid