Table of contents
How it works ................................................................................... 3
Package contents.......................................................................... 4
Install your hardware .................................................................... 5
Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 14
Specifications ............................................................................... 15
Product Warranty......................................................................... 16
Safety Warnings .......................................................................... 16
How it works
Huaptec F10-GDW is designed to help mobile users to amplify
weak 2G and 3G signals. Huaptec amplifiers are bi-directional. The
donor antenna receives the signals from a cell tower, amplifies
them and transmits to the signal booster. Then the indoor antenna
receives the signals and retransmits them to your mobile device.
The signals produced by your phone are amplified by the indoor
antenna via the booster and donor antenna.
Package contents
Optional antenna kits
We will provide all accessories needed for the signal booster.
For more information please visit www.huaptec.eu
Triple Systems
Signal booster
YAGI antenna
Whip antenna
Install your hardware
Before you install
1 Make sure you have sufficient cable length between
donor/server antenna location and booster connector.
2 Make sure the place where you install the booster is well
ventilated, near to electrical outlet, and away from excessive
heat, moisture and direct sunlight.
Installation overview
1 Install your donor antenna on the roof where signal reception
is the strongest.
2 Mount your signal booster, attach the cables from the outside
antenna and inside antenna to the signal booster at the
designated ports, and connect the booster to the AC supply
(make sure all the cables are well connected).
3 Install the indoor antenna in the area where you want to
improve the signal.
Find the area with the strongest signal
The booster’s main function is to improve weak RF signals in a
certain area. The signal strength from the outdoor antenna directly
affects the efficiency of the indoor coverage.
Install the Outdoor Antenna
Select a proper place to install the donor antenna.
Normally a roof of the building is a good choice. As shown
from the above graph, you need to test the signal from A to E
and select a point with best signal for installation.
Choose the direction for the donor antenna.
The donor antenna should point to the base mobile tower to
get stronger signals.
Installation of donor antenna
In most cases, logarithmic periodic antenna is the best choice.
You can also choose outdoor panel antenna or YAGI antenna
as other options.
There are 2 types of installation: wall mount or pole mount.
Wall mount installation is recommended for your convenience.
Step1: Unscrew antenna from L-mounting bracket on antenna
base with a wrench.
Step2: Mount vertical plate of the L-bracket on the wall with