HuanYu HY-TWQ01 User Manual

HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
Table of contents
1. Produ ct in tro duction an d cla ssi fication
Basic w ork ing p rinciple s
Produ ct fe atu res
Technic al pa ram eters
Appea ran ce co nfigurat ion
Struc tur e and c ompositi on
Displ ay ic on de finition
9. Meas ure men t method
10. Rep lac e the b attery
11. Ma intenanc e and p rec autions
Debug gin g
13. Qua lit y com mitment an d aft er- sales serv ice
Appen dix - E lec tromagne tic C omp atibilit y Sta tem ent
1. Pro duc t int roductio n and c las sificati on
This product measures body temperature by collecting infrared thermal radiation emitted from
the human forehead. Its simple operation fast and accurate measurements. The user only needs to
point the probe head at the forehead and press the measuring key to measure the body
Temperature. Widely used in schools, customs, hospitals, families.This product is a class II medical
device, belongs to the internal power supply equipment, B-type application part, the protection level
is general ip-to-device (IPXO). Cannot be a mixture of flammable anesthetic gas and air, oxygen or
nitrous oxide use for continuous running of the device.
The EU is classified as class II.a.
Scope of application: The body temperature of the subject is displayed by measuring the heat
radiation on the forehead.
Legends and warning markers mean the following:
Indicates attention for the Type B application
Contraindications: None
2.The b asi c ope rational p rin cip le
Any object releases infrared radiant energy, and the surface temperature directly determines
the size and wavelength of the radiated energy. Based on this principle, this product uses a German
high-precision infrared sensor designed to detect the release of 5-14um infrared radiation energy by
the human body, and accurately measures the body temperature through precise calculations and
various compensation corrections.
3. Pro duc t fea tures
High-precision infrared sensor, stable and reliable performance
Str ong amb ient te mpera ture ad aptab ility, s till c an be use d in comp lex env ironm ents
New p ropri etary -inte llect ually -sour ced pro be head s truct ure to en sure mo re accu rate
mea surem ents
Sav e the las t measu remen t autom atica lly
Lar ge LCD sc reen wi th thre e-col or high -brig htnes s backl ight fo r clear a nd soft d ispla y
Two te mpera ture un its are o ption al, Cel sius an d Fahre nheit
Automatic shutdown and energy saving
4. Tech nic al Sp ecificat ion
Model N o.
How to me asu re
Measu rin g dis tance
Measu rin g ran ge
Max imum al lowab le erro r
Sho w resol ution
Ope ratin g envir onmen t
Tra nspo rt st orag e env ironm ent
Power t ips
Backl igh t
Show un its
Auto- shu tdo wn
Net Weight
5. Ext ern al st ructure
Infrared detector
LCD display
Mode selection switch(M)
Button up (+)
Button down(-)
Measure switch
6- ( )
Battery cover
Buzzer window
Open battery cover
HY- TW Q01
Non - Conta ct
3cm -5cm
32℃- 42. 5℃(89 .6℉-1 08. 5℉)
Wit hin 35-4 2 ±0.2Wi thout 3 5-42 ±0.3
0. 1
0-42( 50-104℉) H umidi ty85%
0-50( 32-122℉) H umidi ty85%
DC 3V (2pcs 1 .5V AAA Bat tery)
Tip s for lo w pow er
thr ee-co lor hig h-bri ghtne ss back light
Cel sius ()/ F ahren heit (℉)
15 se conds a fter no o perat ion
170 mm×100m m×40mm
180 g
4 3
6. Com pon ent s
This product is composed of infrared sensors, microprocessors, memory, power supplies,
electroacoustic components, LCD screens and Shell
Product accessories: instructions, warranty cards, certificates.
7. Def ini tio n of Display I con
Ico n Defin ition Ico n Sta tus Des cript ion
Mea surem ent mod e
Sho w value s
Low b atter y symbo l
Sto rage lo catio n
Get d ata out
Tempe ratur e unit
Buz z symbo l
Body te mperat ure/su rface tem peratu re measur ement mod e
Mea surin g tempe ratur e value s
Non -Disp lay
Fla shing d ispla y
Mem ory Gro up Loca tion
Sho w value a s memor y
Cen tigra de
Fah renhe it
Sho w S how bu zzer op en with t one
No display
Ful l power
Low p ower
Buz zer off , sile nt
7 3
3 5
8. Set up actions
This product provides five functional settings, such as temperature unit, tone switch, temperature
alarm point, temperature offset and measurement mode. Measurement mode settings are set by the
mode toggle key, and other settings are set within the settings menu.
Set the menu comparison table below
Fu ncti on “M”Mode Key
Me mory t emp era tur e
Swit ch betwe en body temp eratur e and surf ace temp eratur e
Temperature unit switch
Tempe ratur e Ala rm
war ning to ne
Sho rt pres s 1 sec ond
Press an d hold for 3 secon ds
37 . 5
“+ ” Key “- ” Key Ini tia l Valu e
Stores 32 sets of
temperature values
Stores 32 sets of
temperature values
The d efaul t tem perat ure
Def ault Ce lsius
Aut omati c
Aut omati c
Measu rem ent m ode settin gs:
In the power-on state, the screen displays the current measurement mode (Figure 8.1),
repeatedly press "M" mode to select the key, select the desired measurement mode (Figure 8.2). The
default temperature measurement mode setting takes effect immediately.
( 8. 1)Fig ure ( 8. 2)Fig ure
Temp erature un it se tti ngs:
Press and hold the "M" mode key for 3 seconds, press the "M" key repeatedly, select (Celsius)
or (Fahrenheit) temperature units (Figure 8.4) (Figure 8.5).
( 8. 3)Fig ure ( 8. 4)Fig ure ( 8. 5)Fig ure
Temp erature al arm p oin t prompt - nor mal :
Temp erature al arm p oin t setting - hi gh
Temp erature al arm p oin t setting - fe ver :
Tip s:
1. The temperature mode is used to measure the body temperature and to make dynamic compensation
from the ambient temperature and the surface temperature of the forehead.
2. According to the environmental temperature, measuring distance, specific individual skin differences and other factors, the temperature offset value can be corrected by the target measurement, the correction range is -0.5 degrees C to 0.5 degrees C, the factory setting is the default.
9Ca libra tion me thod: p ress th e upper k ey and th e lower k ey at the s ame tim e, then p ress th e mea surem ent swi tch, th e F2 mode t yped st atus, p ress th e upper o r lower k ey to mod ify the g ain val ue, pre ss the me asure ment sw itch to e xit thi s calib ratio n mode.
Belo w 37. 5, the scree n disp lays a green b ackligh t with a lo ng beep prom pt.
nor mal
HI occ urs when th e body temp erature i s higher th an
Body temp erature 37.5, th e scree n shows orange backl ight, with 1 time lon g and
low fever
3 times shor t beep pro mpt L O occurs when the bo dy tempe rature is lower th an 32
Bod y tempe ratur e 38.1 . Th e scr een dis plays a r ed
high fever
bac kligh t, a flas hing tem perat ure and 1 0 times sho rt beep p rompt .
It wi ll show H I when bod y tempe ratur e hig her tha n 42.5
it wi ll show L O when bod y tempe ratur e low er than 3 2
Temperature mode measurement
range 32-42.5 degrees
When the temperature is measured
above 38 degrees
The screen flashes and beeps
Remind you to get a fever, please
see doctor in time
9. Mea sur eme nt method
Make sure that the measurement mode above the screen is body temperature mode. Ali gn the th ermom eter pr obe in th e middl e of the fo rehea d and rem ain ver tical , about 3 -5 cm awa y (Fi gure 9. 1). Pre ss the me asure ment ke y, about 1 s econd a fter th e "drop " sound , show th e mea surem ent val ue (Fig ure 9.2 ), the me asure ment is c omple te. If th e measu remen t excee ds the tem perat ure ala rm poin t (the de fault i s 38.1) , the scr een fla shes wi th a "dro p: Drop s"fiv e-ton e alarm .
3-5c m
( 9. 1)F igu re ( 9. 2)F igu re ( 9. 3)F igu re
When changes in ambient temperature affect the temperature of the forehead, please measure behind earlobe as(Figure 9.3)
3-5c m
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
Thermometers should not be used in sunlight or water.
Tip s:
1. Before and after use, keep the sensor and probe cavity clean.
2. Pl ace the t hermo meter i n a stabl e tempe ratur e envir onmen t. When t he ambi ent tem perat ure
cha nges si gnifi cantl y (e.g. f rom ind oor to ou tside ), plac e about t en minu tes for m easur ement .
3. Do n ot star t measu ring bo dy temp eratu re imme diate ly afte r measu ring th e tempe ratur e of an obj ect
at ex treme ly high o r extre mely lo w tempe ratur es, ple ase pla ce it aft er ten mi nutes .
4. Wh en the ob ject is f rom a pla ce that i s quite d iffer ent fro m the tem perat ure of th e measu ring
env ironm ent, it s hould s tay in th e test en viron ment fo r at leas t five mi nutes o r more.
5. Try n ot to mea sure in t he case o f hair bl owing , water, s weati ng, app lying c osmet ics, et c. Do not t ake
you r body te mpera ture fo r 30 minu tes aft er exer cise, b athin g or eati ng.
10 .Re place the ba tte ry
When the battery icon " " flashes on the LCD display, the battery is in a low state.
1 . Ope n the bat tery co mpart ment co ver and r eplac e the bat tery
Do not misload the positive or negative poles of the battery.
Ple ase use t he spec ified b atter y (AAA No. 7 ) and the n on-re charg eable b atter y
can not be re charg ed.
Rem ove the d ry batt ery whe n not in us e for a lon g time (m ore tha n 1 month ).
Do no t mix old a nd new ba tteri es with d iffer ent ty pes of ba tteri es.
11.M aintenan ce an d pre cautions
Keep the sensor and probe cavity clean, as this will affect measurement accuracy.
Cle aning m ethod :
1. Surface cleaning: wipe the dirt with a clean soft cloth or cotton swabs sticking a little
medical alcohol or water.
2. Se nsor an d probe i nner ca vity cl eanin g: Gent ly wipe t he inne r cavit y or sens or top of th e probe w ith a lit tle med ical al cohol w ith a cle an soft c loth or c otton s wab. Us e unt il alco hol is fu lly vol atile .
Please read this instruction manual in detail before use, please make sure the battery is
It is p rohib ited to i nvade t he ther momet er into a ny liqu id and to p lace it t oo high o r
at lo w tempe ratur es for lo ng peri ods of ti me.
No co llisi on, fal l and mix ing wit h sharp o bject s, Self -disa ssemb ly proh ibite d
Do not use in highly electromagneticly disturbed environments.
Place the thermometer in a position that the child cannot touch.
It is recommended to practice several times to familiarize yourself with the measurement
method and try not to change the product's factory settings.
Measurements are not a substitute for physician diagnosis.
No special maintenance is required during use, please contact the seller or manufacturer for failure.
Please dispose of waste and residue at the end of the life of the product in accordance with local
laws and regulations.
12.Tro ubl esh ooting
Err or Desc ripti on
Scr een dis play "L0 " or "HI"
Keys unresponsive
No display or display exceptions
Sil ent ton e
Turn off immediately after powering-on
1.C heck th e measu ring ob ject, f orehe ad blow ing, wa ter, swe ating , app lying c osmet ics, et c. can no t guara ntee me asure ment.
Check the temperature offset value setting, factory set to 0.0.
Check the operating environment. Environmental changes have a greater impact on measurements. If the ambient temperature changes too much, or if the instrument has just measured the ultra-high temperature object directly into the measurement of low temperature object, the test difference will occur, should be placed in a relatively stable environment after about 10 minutes to obtain a new test thermal balance before use.
4. .
Check the measuring distance (3-5cm)
Reload the battery.
Check if you are operating under the settings menu.
1.Reload the battery.
1.Check that the prompt tone setting is off.
1.Check the battery level and reload the battery
Dis posal M ethod
13.Qu ali ty co mmitment a nd af ter -sales ser vic e
The life time of this item is 3 years and with warranty 12 months.
Note: Any damage caused by malfunction or unauthorized disassembly due to personal
reasons of the user will not provide free repair services.
The date of production is shown in the package.
Compile Date of user manual: February 10, 2020 Version No: V1.1
6 7
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
Appen dix - --E lectroma gne tic c ompatibi lit y sta tement
The i nfrar ed ther momet er comp lies wi th EMC te st ingr ess sta ndard Y Y0505 -2012 .
Tabl e 1
Ele ctrom agnet ic Laun ch Guid e and Sta temen t - Non-L ife Sup port Eq uipme nt and Sy stems
Thi s equip ment sh all be us ed in the p rescr ibed el ectro magne tic env ironm ent, an d the cus tomer o r user sha ll ensu re that t he equi pment i s used in t he elec troma gneti c envir onmen t speci fied be low.
Lau nch tes t
rad io-fr equen cy
emi ssion
rad io-fr equen cy
emi ssion
Harmo nic radiati on
IEC61 000-3-2
Voltage fluc tuations
and flicke ring
radiat ion
61000- 3-3
Tabl e 2
Ele ctrom agnet ic Anti- Jamab ility G uide an d State ment - No n-Lif e Suppo rt Equi pment a nd Syst ems
Thi s equip ment sh all be us ed in the s pecif ied ele ctrom agnet ic envi ronme nt and th e custo mer or us er sha ll ensu re that t he equi pment i s used in t he elec troma gneti c envir onmen t speci fied be low
Imm unity t est
Ele ctros tatic dis charg e (E SD) IEC 6 1000- 4-2
Ele ctric F ast Pul se Grou p (E FT) IEC 6 1000- 4-4
Sur ges IEC 6 1000- 4-5
Voltage dro ps, short int erruptions and volta ge chang es IEC 61000 -4-11
Fre quenc y mag netic f ield (5 0/60 Hz) IEC 6 1000- 4-8
Not e: UT ref ers to th e AC ne twork v olta ge befo re the te st volt age is ap plied
Thi s devic e uses ra dio fre quenc y energ y only wh en it is ru nning i ts inte rnal
Gro up 1
fun ction s, so its R F emiss ion is ve ry low. No el ectro magne tic int erfer ence wi th elec troni c devic es near t hem
Cla ssB
Thi s devic e is suit able fo r home an d direc t conne ction t o resid entia l pub lic low v oltag e power n etwor ks.
IE C6 06 01 Test l evel
±6kV C ontac t disch arge
Air d ischa rge±8kV
±2kV P ower li ne
Cab les
±1kV I /O (le ngth> 3M)
±1kV D iffer ence Mo de ±2kV C ommon m ode
<5% UT( >95% UT) 0.5 Cycle
40% UT( 60 % UT)5
70% UT( 30 % UT)25
<5% UT( >95% UT) 5 seco nd
3 A/m 3 A/m
Ele ctrom agnet ic Envi ronme nt – Guid e
Con forms t o the gra de
±6kV Contact discharge
Air discharge±8kV
Electromagnetic Environment-Guide
The fl oor must b e wood, con crete or til e. If the gro und is cover ed with s ynthet ic materi al, the rela tive temp erature i s at lea st 30%.
The qu ality of th e net work powe r supp ly must be a typi cal comm ercial or ho spital envi ronment .
The qualit y of the network power supply mus t be a typica l commercial or hospita l environment. If thi s device nee ds to be continuously operate d during a netw ork power outage, we rec ommend an uninter ruptible power supp ly UPS
The f reque ncy mag netic f ield mus t be the le vel of a ty pical loc ation i n a typic al comm ercia l or ho spita l envir onmen t.
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd
Tabl e 3
Ele ctrom agnet ic Anti- Jamab ility G uide an d State ment - No n-Lif e Suppo rt Equi pment a nd Syst ems
The d evice s hall be u sed in th e speci fied el ectro magne tic env ironm ent and t he cust omer or u ser sha ll ens ure tha t the equ ipmen t is used i n the ele ctrom agnet ic envi ronme nt spec ified b elow.
Imm unity t est
Con ducti on Imm unity IEC 61000 -4-6
Rad iatio n imm unity IEC 61000 -4-3
Note 1: At 80MHz-8 00MHz, a higher band fo rmula is used. Note 2: The above gu idelines do not app ly to all situations , as the struc ture of matter, object s and popul ation groups ca n absorb and reflect el ectromagneti c waves, wh ich affect electr omagnetic propa gation.
a Fiel d streng th of radio ( cellul ar and wir eless) m obile bas e statio ns and grou nd-bas ed mobil e radio rec eiver s, ante nna rece ivers, F M and F M rad io broad casts a nd telev ision br oadcas ts cannot b e acc urate ly esti mated us ing pure ly theor etica l metho ds. In ord er to asses s the elec troma gnetic env ironm ent gen erate d by fixed R F transm itter s, meth ods of usi ng elect romagn etic fie ld measu rement s sho uld be con sidere d. If the fie ld stren gth of the e nviron ment in wh ich the de vice is me asured e xceeds the sp ecifie d RF level, i t must be obs erved th at the equ ipment i s fun ctioni ng proper ly. Once an an omaly s foun d, measu res must be t aken, suc h as repos ition ing the dev ice in the di rectio n or mo ving it to ano ther env ironme nt. b. In th e 150k-8 0MHz fre quency r ange, th e field st rength s hould b e less tha n 3V/m.
Table 4 The r ecomm ended d istan ce betw een thi s devic e and por table /mobi le RF com munic ation e quipm ent The d evice c an be use d in elec troma gneti c envir onmen ts wher e RF inte rfere nce is co ntrol led. To avo id
ele ctrom agnet ic inte rfere nce, th e custo mer or us er shou ld main tain a mi nimum r ecomm ended d istan ce bet ween th e devic e and the p ortab le/mo bile RF c ommun icati on devi ce. The f ollow ing rec ommen ded dis tance i s calcu lated b ased on t he maxi mum out put pow er of the c ommun icati on devi ce
Max imum ra ted out put pow er of the t ransm itter
IEC 60601 Tes t level
3 Vrms 150 k-80 MHz
3 V/m 80M 2.5 G- Hz
0. 01
0. 1 0 .3 7 0.3 7 0.7 4 1 10 3. 69 3. 69 7. 38 10 0
Conforms to the grade
The isolated distance (meters) is calculated based on the frequency of the transmitter
150kHz - 2MHz 80MHz - 800MHz 800MHz - 2.5GHz d = 1.2×
0. 12 0. 12 0. 23
1. 17 1. 17 2. 34
11 .6 7 1 1.6 7 2 3. 34
Ele ctrom agnet ic Envi ronme nt-Gu ide
The floor must be wood , concret e or tile. If the ground is
covered wit h synthet ic materi al, the relative tempe rature is at least 30%.
Portab le and mobile RF commun ication devic es must be used away fro m the required dista nce of any part of the device and /or system, includ ing cables. This isol ation distan ce is calculated bas ed on the appro priate equation for the trans mitter freque ncy. The recomm ended isolati on
3 V/m
distan ce is calculated as
The P is the transmitter' s rated high output power,the unit is watts, d is the recommend ed distance, the unit is meters. The field streng th of the RF transmitt er obtained by measurin g a through the electr omagnetic field must be less than the complia nce level within each frequency ran ge b. Interfer ence may occur near devices marked with the followin g symbols:
d = 1.2×
d = 1.2× 80 MHz to 800 MHz
d = 1.2× 80 MHz to 2.5GHz
d = 1.2× d = 1.2×
Inf rared T hermo meter
HuNan H uan Yu Ele ctronic Technology C o., ltd
Med ical de vice re gistr ation n umber : Pro duct te chnic al requ ireme nts num ber: Lic ense nu mber of m edica l devic e manuf actur ers:
Reg istra nt/Pr oduct ion Ent erpri se/Af ter-s ales Se rvice C ompan y: Hun an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., L td. Reg istra nt's re siden ce/pr oduct ion add ress: 1-3 f loors B uildi ng B3, In novat ion and E ntrep reneu rship P ark, Eco nomic D evelo pment Z one, Li xian, H unan Pr ovinc e TEL :073 6-332 5558
Hu anYu
The Produc t us er m anual
Infrared The rmome ter
HuN an Huan Yu Elect ronic Tec hnolo gy Co., ltd