HT instruments HT7051 User Manual

User manual
Copyright HT ITALIA 2012 Release EN 2.02 - 04/05/2012
1PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY MEASURES .............................................................................. 2
1.1Preliminary instructions ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2During use ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3After use ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4Definition of measurement (overvoltage) category .............................................................................. 3
2GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... 4
2.1Instrument features ............................................................................................................................. 4
3PREPARATION FOR USE .......................................................................................................... 5
3.1Initial inspections .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2Instrument power supply ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.3Calibration ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3.4Storage ................................................................................................................................................. 5
4DESCRIPTION OF PARTS .......................................................................................................... 6
4.1HT2055S station unit description ......................................................................................................... 6
4.1.1Modify of supply voltage for HT2055S unit........................................................................................ 6
4.2Description of test leads ....................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.1Front view .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2Top view ............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2.3Backside view .................................................................................................................................... 8
5INITIAL OPERATIONS WITH HT2055M UNIT ............................................................................ 9
5.1Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.1.1Language selection ........................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.2Help screen ....................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.3Synchronization ............................................................................................................................... 10
5.1.4Default settings ................................................................................................................................ 11
5.1.5Time/Date settings .......................................................................................................................... 11
5.2Messages at display ........................................................................................................................... 11
6INITIAL OPERATIONS WITH HT2055S UNIT .......................................................................... 12
6.1Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1.1Default settings ................................................................................................................................ 12
6.1.2Setting output power ....................................................................................................................... 13
6.1.3Setting alarm condition .................................................................................................................... 13
6.2Adjust contrast of display ................................................................................................................... 14
6.3Help screens ...................................................................................................................................... 14
6.4Messages at display ........................................................................................................................... 14
7HOW TO PERFORM THE MEASUREMENTS .......................................................................... 15
7.1Theory of Step/Contact voltage measurements ................................................................................. 15
7.2Step/Contact voltage measurement ................................................................................................... 16
7.3Earth resistance measurement .......................................................................................................... 21
7.4Ground resistivity measurement ........................................................................................................ 23
8OPERATION WITH MEMORY ................................................................................................... 25
8.1Saving results ..................................................................................................................................... 26
8.2Recall result at display ....................................................................................................................... 26
8.3Delete saved results ........................................................................................................................... 27
9CONNECTION OF THE INSTRUMENT TO PC ........................................................................ 28
9.1Installation of software and initial configurations (Win XP) ................................................................ 28
10MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................... 30
10.1Replacement and charging batteries ................................................................................................. 30
10.2Replacement fuses of HT2055S unit ................................................................................................. 30
10.3Cleaning the instrument ..................................................................................................................... 30
10.4End of life............................................................................................................................................ 30
11TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 31
11.1General characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 32
11.2Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 33
11.3Standard accessories ......................................................................................................................... 33
11.4Optional accessories .......................................................................................................................... 33
12SERVICE ....................................................................................................................... ............ 34
12.1Warranty conditions ............................................................................................................................ 34
12.2Service ................................................................................................................................................ 34
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The instrument has been designed in compliance with standards IEC/EN61557-1 and IEC/EN61010-1 regarding electronic measuring instruments.
For the operator’s safety and to prevent damaging the instrument, follow the procedures described in this manual and carefully read all notes preceded by the symbol .
Before and during measurements, carefully observe the following instructions: Do not perform any measurement in humid environments, in the presence of gas or
explosive or inflammable material or in dusty areas
Even when no measurements are being performed, avoid any contact with the circuit
under test, with exposed metal parts, with unused measuring leads or circuits, etc.
Do not perform any measurement when anomalies are found in the instrument, such as
deformations, breaks, substance leaks, no display view, etc.
During instrument operation, the ventilation holes on casing of HT2055S unit should
always stay open to ensure enough air-flow for cooling
Disconnect all test leads, switch off the instrument and remove the mains cord before
changing the fuse on the HT2055S unit
Pay special attention when measuring voltages above 25V in special environments
(building yards, swimming pools, etc.) and 50V in ordinary environments, as there is danger of electric shocks.
In this manual and on the instrument, the following symbols are used:
WARNING: Observe the instructions reported in the manual. An improper use
could damage the instrument and lead to dangerous situations for the operator.
AC voltage or current.
Instrument with double insulation.
This instrument (HT2055M) has been designed for use in an environment with pollution
level 2
It may also be used to test industrial electrical systems up to CAT II 300V and CAT IV
50V to earth (HT2055S) and CAT IV 50V (HT2055M)
Follow the usual safety rules to protect the operator from dangerous currents and
protect the instrument against improper use
Never use the instrument standing on the floor, it must be placed on flat horizontal
Only the accessories supplied with the instrument guarantee safety standards. They
must be in good conditions and replaced, if necessary, with identical models
Do not measure systems exceeding the current and voltage limit values specified Do not perform measurements under environmental conditions out of the limit values
indicated in this manual
Before connecting the probes to the circuit under test, check that the correct function is
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Carefully read the following recommendations and instructions:
Failure to observe the warnings and/or instructions may damage the instrument and/or its components or generate a danger for the operator
Before selecting a new function, disconnect the measuring probes from the circuit When the instrument is connected to the circuit under test, never touch any unused
The auxiliary current probe can be subject to a higher voltage. Avoid the contact with
this probe during measurement
Avoid measuring resistance with external voltages. Even if the instrument is protected,
as an excess voltage may cause instrument malfunctions
When measurements are completed, turn off the instrument by pressing the ON/OFF key.
Standard "IEC/EN61010-1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, Part 1: General requirements", defines what is intended for measurement category, commonly known as overvoltage category. In § 6.7.4: Measuring circuits, it reads:
Circuits are divided into the following measurement categories:
Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of a low-
voltage installation.
Examples are electric counters and measurements on primary devices protecting
against overcurrents and on ripple adjusting units.
Measurement category III is for measurements performed on installations inside
Examples are measurements performed on distribution boards, circuit breakers, wiring harnesses, including cables, bars, junction boxes, switches, sockets of fixed installations and appliances designed for industrial use and other equipment, e.g. stationary motors connected to fixed systems.
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly
connected to the low-voltage installation.
Examples are measurements performed on household appliances, portable tools and
similar equipment.
Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to the MAINS.
Examples are measurements performed on circuits not derived from the MAINS and on
circuits derived from the MAINS provided with a special (internal) protection. In this latter case, the stress caused by the transients is variable; therefore, (OMISSIS) it is necessary that the user knows the appliance’s resistance to transients.
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The instrument HT2055 you purchased grants accurate and reliable measurements as well as the utmost safety provided it is used in compliance with the indications given in this manual. Thanks to a new concept development it ensures double insulation and, consequently, compliance with the requirements of overvoltage category IV.
The instrument is composed of the following two units:
HT2055S Station unit which can generate the test current in order to perform the
step/contact voltage and the earth/resistivity measurements
HT2055M Meter unit in order to perform the step/contact voltage measurements with
test current generated by the station unit.
Step/contact voltage measurement with test current of max 55A Earth resistance measurement with 4 wire method Ground resistivity measurement with Wenner method Use of metal plates for step/contact voltage measurement Initial synchronizing for autonomous use of the meter unit DSP internal filtering for compensation of disturbance effect on the measurement Internal memory for saving test USB interface for data transfer to PC Use of rechargeable batteries on meter unit
A dot matrix LCD offers easy-to-read results and all associated parameters. The operation is straightforward and clear to enable the user to operate the instrument without the need for special training (except reading and understanding this user manual).
Test results can be stored on the instrument. The new professional PC SW enables straightforward transfer of test results and other parameters in both directions between the test instrument and PC
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Before shipment, the instrument’s electronics and mechanics were inspected. All possible precautions were taken to permit delivery of instrument free of damage.
However, we recommend generally inspecting the instrument in order to detect any damage suffered during transport. Should you detect any anomalies, immediately contact the forwarding agent or the dealer.
Moreover, we recommend checking that the package contains all parts listed in § 11.3. Should you find any discrepancy, please contact the dealer. Should it be necessary to return the instrument, please follow the instructions reported in § 12.
The station unit HT2055S is power-supplied by 230V ± 10%, 50/60Hz mains while the meter unit HT2055M is power-supplied through 6x1.2V IEC AA internal rechargeable batteries which are recharged from the mains by means of a battery charger supplied as standard accessory. The use of 6x1.5V type AA LR6 alkaline batteries is also possible for this unit. The symbol “ “ indicates that the batteries are low and must be recharged. To recharge or replace the batteries, follow the instructions given in § 10.1
Use NiMh rechargeable batteries IEC LR6 all of the same type for the
HT2055M unit
Do not charge alkaline battery cells
 At the first use of HT2055M unit connect the instrument to the mains power
supply for at least 14 hours to fully charge batteries. When you charge the
batteries for the first time, it normally takes about 4 charge and discharge cycles for the batteries to regain full capacity
The instrument complies with the technical specifications reported in this manual. Its correct operation is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase.
In order to guarantee accurate measurements and protect the instrument from possible failures, after a long storage period under extreme environmental conditions, wait for the instrument to return to a normal condition (see the environmental specifications listed in §
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Fig. 1: HT2055S unit description
1 Protection fuse on mains (see § 11.1) 2 Switch for supply voltage selection (110/230V)
3 ON/OFF key to switch the instrument ON or OFF
4 Input connector for mains cord 5 RS-232 galvanic port for connection to HT2055M unit 6 C1/H terminal for connection of auxiliary earth probe 7 P1/S for connection of auxiliary voltage probe 8 P2/ES for connection of auxiliary current probe 9 C2/E for connection of auxiliary earth probe
10 HELP key
11 – 12
and keys for function selection and parameter settings 13 LCD display with backlit 14 Key for adjust contrast of display
15 MEM key for access to internal memory (see § 8) 16 ESC key to return at previous screen 17 , , , arrow keys and TEST key to activation measurements
4.1.1 Modify of supply voltage for HT2055S unit
1. Open the fuses compartment (see Fig. 1 – Part 1) with a screwdriver
2. Extract the red switch (see Fig. 1 – Part 2) from the fuses compartment
3. Rotate the switch in way to correctly read the “115V” or “230V” indication correspondent to the desired supply voltage
4. Restore the switch in the fuses compartment and close it
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4.2.1 Front view
1 ESC key to return at previous screen 2 MEM key for access to internal memory (see § 8) 3 , , , arrow keys and TEST key to activation measurements
4 Backlight key 5 LCD display
6 ON/OFF key to switch the instrument ON or OFF
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4.2.2 Top view
Test connector.
CAUTION: maximal allowed voltage between test terminals and ground is
50V. Maximal allowed voltage between test terminals is 100V 2 Power supply socket 3 PS/2 connector (for RS232 communication) 4 Protection cover 5 USB connection
Fig. 2: HT2055M unit front view description
and keys for function selection and parameter settings
Fig. 3: HT2055M unit top view description
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4.2.3 Backside view
Fig. 4: HT2055M unit backside view description
1 Battery compartment cover 2 Safety information label 3 Fixing screws for battery compartment cover
4 Serial number label 5 Battery cells (6x1.2V NiMH type AA) 6 Battery compartment
Fig. 5: HT2055M battery compartment description
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Press the or function keys to display the below screens relative to the Step Voltage, Contact Voltage and Settings (see Fig. 6)
Fig. 6: Screens of general menu
The below operations are possible within Settings menu:
Language selection Help screens on connections Syncronizing with the station unit HT2055S Restore of default conditions Recall at display of saved results (see § 8.2) and clear memory (see § 8.3) Setting of system time/date
5.1.1 Language selection
Fig. 7: Screen of language selection
1. Press or keys to enter Settings menu
2. Select the item “Select Language” with the or keys and press TEST key
3. Select the desired language with the or keys and confirm with TEST key
4. Press ESC key to exit and go back to the previous screen
5.1.2 Help screen
Fig. 8: Help screen
1. Press or keys to enter Settings menu
2. Select the item “Help” with the or keys and press TEST key
3. Select the desired help screen with the or keys
4. Press ESC key to exit and go back to the previous screen
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5.1.3 Synchronization
Selecting this option will allow to upload different data from the station unit to the meter unit. The possible options are:
Synchronization of the actual time/date and the generated current Uploading of test current results for Step / Contact voltage calculation Uploading of earth resistance and ground resistivity results
Fig. 9: Synchronization screen
1. Press or keys to enter Settings menu
2. Select the item “Synchronize” with the or keys and press TEST key
3. Connect both units by using the PS/2-RS-232 supplied cable
4. Select one of the below options with the or keys and confirm with TEST key
5. Press ESC key to exit and go back to the previous screen
Station’s time and date will be uploaded to the meter. Value of generator current will be uploaded to the meter Values of logged generator currents I
will be uploaded to
the Meter for calculation of Step voltage or Contact voltage Stored earth resistance or ground resistivity results in the station will be uploaded to the meter
The main purpose of the Time/ Current synchronization is to enable a
correction of the step and contact voltage results after the test. During the test the step and contact voltage results are calculated based on the I set on the meter. After the test the obtained results can be updated with the real generator currents I station. The stored U
measured at the same time with the
and U
values are then corrected
according to the following formula:
The synchronization is active for 24 h If date / time are changed on the meter or station the synchronization of
time and date will be lost. The current logger must be cleared before it can proceed with measurements. Before clearing it you can download its content to the meter
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