HTC One M8 for Windows Verizon Getting Started Guide

Get to Know Your Phone
Setting Up Your Phone
Welcome to Verizon Wireless. You’re now part of a growing movement that’s about speed, signal and strength. This guide will show you how to set up and use your phone, access special features, and find help.
Charge the Phone
Insert the small end of the USB cable into the USB/Charging Port.
Insert the other end into the power adapter, and then plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet.
WARNING! Please use only an approved charging accessory to charge your phone. Improper handling of the charging port, as well as the use of an incompatible charger, may cause damage to your device and void the warranty.
Optional: Insert the microSD Card
With the phone facing up, insert the tip of the tray eject tool into the small hole next to the microSD™ card slot. Push the tip into the hole to eject the microSD card tray.
Pull out the microSD card tray. Place the microSD card into the tray with the gold contacts facing down. Then insert the tray back into the slot.
NOTE: The microSD card is sold separately.
Optional: Replace the SIM Card
The SIM card is pre-installed in your phone. If you need to replace your SIM card, locate the slot for the SIM card.
With the phone facing up, insert the tip of the tray eject tool into the small hole next to the SIM card slot. Push the tip into the hole to eject the SIM card tray.
Pull out the SIM card tray. Place the SIM card into the tray with the Verizon logo facing up. Then insert the tray back into the slot.
Power/Lock Key & IR Sens or
Notification Light
SIM Card Slot
USB/Charging Port
Card Slot
Headset Jack
Duo Camera
NOTE: Devices and software are constantly evolving—the screen images and icons you see here are for reference only.
Using Your Phone
Turning Your Phone On/Off
To turn ON, press and hold the Power/ Lock
Key until the phone vibrates.
To turn OFF, press and hold the Power/Lock
Key for a few seconds, and then tap Power off.
Unlocking Your Screen
1. To turn on your screen, p ress the Power/Lock Key .
2. Swipe u p to unlock it.
Sign In with a Microsoft Account
You’ll need to sign in with a Microsoft® account to do many things on your phone, including:
• Download apps, music, and games from the Windows Phone® Store.
• Automatically upload your photos and videos to OneDrive®.
• Play Xbox® games.
• Wa tch movies an d TV shows wi th
Xbox Video.
• L isten to music using a n Xbox Music
• Create backups of your apps and
• U se Find My Phone to ring, lock , or erase y our phone, o r find it on a map.
Use the email address and password from your Microsoft account to sign in to, Hotmail®, Xbox, Windows®, OneDrive, and more.
If you’re not sure whether you already have one, or if you have more than one and need to choose between them, go to to learn more.
Xbox Music Pass is a monthly music subscription service. Some Windows Phone Store content may not be available via Xbox Music Pass. Available content may vary over time.
Making a Call
1. > From th e Start screen, tap th e
Phone icon. Then tap the Keypad icon
and use the on screen keypad to en ter the nu mber you wan t to call.
2. Tap Call to make the c all.
Receiving a Call
Tap Answer. If the screen is locked, swipe
up first.
Setting Up Voice Mail
> From th e Start screen, tap the
Phone icon. T hen, tap th e Voice Mail icon
or dial *86 a nd tap Call. When yo u hear the
gree ting, tap # to in terrupt , and follow th e setup instructions.
NOTE: Voice mailboxes not set up within 45 days will be canceled. Your voice mailbox is not password protected until you create a password by following the setup instructions.
Checking Voice Mail
> From your pho ne, tap the Phone icon on t he Start screen. Then, ta p the
Voice Mail icon or dial *86 and tap Call.
When you hea r the greeting , tap # to interrupt and follow th e instruc tions.
From ot her phones , call your wir eless numb er. When y ou hear the g reeting , tap # to inte rrupt, and follo w the instr uctions.
Create New Contacts
There are a couple of quick ways to create a new contact:
• O n the Start screen, tap People >
. Enter t he contac t details and
then tap .
• O n the Start screen, tap . Then
swipe to History. Tap nex t to the numb er you want to s ave and then tap .
©2014 Verizon Wireless. All Rights Reserved.
Create New Contacts (cont’d)
If you sa ve a contact to your Microsoft accou nt, it will be s ynced to your Microsoft account automatically. That way, your conta cts are bac ked up if you lose your pho ne, and you ca n see them from a nywhere you sig n in to
Entering Text
When you start an app or select a field that requires text or numbers, the onscreen keyboard becomes available.
After entering your text, tap to close the keyboard.
Taking Photos
Use the HTC® Camera app to take beautiful photos that you can change later with the HTC Photo Edit app.
1. On the Start screen, ta p .
2. Tap to take a photo.
Sharing Photos
1. On the Start screen, ta p Photos .
2. Tap the phot o you want to share.
3. Tap and selec t how you wan t to
share t he photo.
Action Center
For easy access to settings like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth® and Airplane mode, try quick actions. Just swipe down from the top of your screen to get to the Action Center, then tap one of the quick action items at the top. To change the quick actions, go to
Settings > Action Center.
Search and Do with Cortana
Cortana® is like a personal assistant, there to help make things easier for you. Cortana helps you add items to your calendar, make a call, take a note, set alerts, find things and more.
To find something with Cortana, just tap .
To search without typing, touch and hold
, then just say what you need. Not sure where to start? Say “What can I say” to see some ideas.
Live Tiles
Arrange your Start screen how you want it and make it easy to see everything that’s going on with the people and passions in your life, real-time. You can size your Live Tiles however you like, making your phone as unique as you are.
Add Live Tiles
1. Touch and ho ld the item you want to
add un til you see options.
2. Tap Pin t o start.
Resize/Remove Live Tiles
1. Touch and ho ld a tile until it flo ats.
2. Tap the arrow to resize or to
Change Your Phone Settings
To add an email account, change ringtones, connect to Wi-Fi, pick a new theme color, and more:
1. Swipe d own from th e top of the
scree n to open the Ac tion Center.
2. Tap All settings.
Set Call and Notification Tones
You can assign ringtones and text tones to people and choose sounds for alerts. To change a ringtone or text tone for a contact:
1. On the Start screen, ta p People, then
swipe over to Contacts.
2. Tap the cont act you wan t to change,
and th en tap .
3. Tap Ringtone or Te xt ton e, a nd then
tap the tone yo u want to assign.
To change another ringtone or alert:
1. Go to Settings. Then tap Ringtones + sounds.
2. Tap the ty pe of ringt one or alert you
want to change. Then choose the soun d you want to use .
You can also create your own ringtones. For more information, go to windowsphone.
Installing Apps
The Windows Phone Store is the place to get apps and games on your phone.
From the Start screen, tap Store .
To turn Bluetooth On/Off, swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Action Center. Then tap Bluetooth.
Near Field Communication (NFC) lets you get things done just by tapping your phone on NFC touchpoints—quickly pair compatible Bluetooth accessories, open a website featured on an advertising poster without typing the web address, and lots more.
To Turn On NFC:
1. Swipe d own from th e top of the
scree n and tap All settings.
2. Tap NFC and then t ap the switc hes for
the featur es you want to t urn on.
People Hub
Bring your friends, family and colleagues together from multiple social networks into one central place.
Integrate Social Networks
Adding your email accounts and social networks—Facebook®, Twitter® and LinkedIn®—is the easiest way to get your contacts set up on your phone.
1. On the Start screen, ta p People.
2. Tap and then tap Settings.
3. Tap Add a n account.
Viewing Contacts List and Feeds
Tap the People tile on the Start screen. If you’re signed in to your Microsoft account or Facebook account, swipe to the left to see updates from your friends.
Get your files whenever you need them, from wherever you are. Store files and access them from multiple PCs, your phone and even non-Windows devices with the OneDrive app.
On the Start screen, t ap .
Get Music and Games
From the Start screen, tap Music or
Games . Buy music and games through
these Xbox apps. Music and Games will sync with your Microsoft (Xbox One/360) Account so you can access them from other devices.
Keeping Things in Sync
It’s easy to get your photos, videos, music, documents and more from your computer to your phone (and vice versa).
• I f you have a Wind ows 7 or 8 PC: Plug yo ur phone into your c omputer with t he USB cable to get the Windows Phone app.
• I f you have a Mac: Get th e Windows Phone a pp from the Mac App Store.
Conserve Your Battery with Battery Saver
Battery Saver gives you useful info about your battery usage and helps you conserve power when it runs low.
1. On the Start screen, swipe over to th e
App lis t. Then tap Battery Saver .
2. To turn Bat tery Saver on, swip e over
to Settings and tap t he on/off sw itch.
3. To change wh en Battery Sa ver start s
conse rving pow er, tap one of the options under Conserv e batter y life.
4. To see how muc h batter y power your
apps a re using, sw ipe over to Usage. Tap an app to se e details and change whet her it can ru n in the back ground.
Improving AccessibilityUsing Your Phone
Adjust accessibility settings to assist users who have impaired vision or hearing or reduced dexterity.
1. Swipe d own from th e top of the
scree n and tap All settings.
2. Tap Ease of access.
3. Set th e desired opt ions to improve
Support & More Customer Information
My Verizon App
Manage your account, track your usage, edit account information, pay your bill and more.
Get Help Using Your Phone
Get information on how to use your phone in the Help app. Go to Help+Tips to check out walkthroughs and how-to videos.
From your computer, visit
Customer Service
Call (800) 922-0204. Follow us @VZWSupport.
More Information
User Guide
Download a User Guide from or call (866) 449-8358 to order a copy.
Your Wir eless Dev ice and T hird Par ty Se rvice s
Veriz on Wirel ess is th e mobile c arrier a ssocia ted wit h this wire less dev ice, but m any ser vices a nd feat ures of fered thro ugh th is wirel ess devi ce are pro vided by o r in conju nctio n with t hird pa rties . Verizo n Wirele ss is not re sponsi ble for your u se of thi s wireles s device o r any non -Verizo n Wirele ss appl icatio ns, ser vices an d produ cts in cludin g any per sonal info rmati on you cho ose to use , submi t or shar e with ot hers. Spec ific th ird par ty ter ms and con dition s, term s of use, and pr ivacy p olicie s shall ap ply. Pleas e review c arefu lly all appl icable te rms and c ondit ions and p olicies p rior to us ing this w ireles s device a nd any as sociat ed applic ation , produ ct or ser vice.
Hearing Aid Compati bility Information
This p hone ha s been tes ted and r ated for u se with h earin g aids fo r some of t he wire less tec hnolog ies tha t it uses. Howe ver, there m ay be som e newer w ireless t echno logies used i n this ph one tha t have not b een test ed yet for u se with hear ing aids . It is imp ortan t to try t he dif ferent f eatur es of thi s phone t horou ghly an d in diff erent lo catio ns, usin g your h earin g aid or coc hlear im plant , to deter mine if y ou hear a ny inte rferi ng nois e. Consu lt Verizo n Wirele ss or the manu fact urer of t his pho ne for inf ormat ion on he aring ai d comp atibil ity. If you h ave que stions a bout re turn or e xchan ge polic ies, con sult Veri zon Wir eless or y our pho ne retai ler.
Trademark Notice
HTC, t he HTC log o, HTC One , the HTC On e logo, an d all oth er HTC pro duct a nd serv ice nam es refer enced h erein ar e the trademarks or registered trademarks of HTC Corporation and it s affi liates i n the U.S . and oth er coun tries.
Microsoft, Windows, the Windows icon, Windows Phone, Cor tana, H otmail , OneDr ive, Ou tlook , and Xbox a re eith er registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp oratio n in the Un ited Sta tes and/o r other c ountr ies.
micr oSD is a tra demar k of SD-3C , LLC. LTE is a tra demar k of the Eu ropea n Telecommu nicat ions Standards Institute. All ot her comp any, pro duct an d serv ice name s menti oned
herein are trademarks, registered trademarks or service mark s of the ir respe ctive o wners .