HSS Hire 473 Operating & Safety Manual

Dust Extractor
Dust Extractor
Operating & Safety Guide 473
Operating & Safety Guide 473
Minimises the health risk associated
with working in dusty environments
The advanced filter system is automatically cleaned without
interrupting your work
©HSS Hire Service Group Ltd 2007 No. 473/01
Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS
Web Site: http://www.hss.com
... have you been trained
The law requires that personnel using dust extractors must be
competent and qualified to do so. Dust Extractor training
available at HSS Training Solutions
00884455 776666 77779999
SSwwiittcchh OOFFFF
and unplug the Dust Extractor.
Disconnect the hose.
EEmmppttyy tthhee wwaassttee ttaannkk aalltteerrnnaattiivveellyy rreemmoovvee tthhee ddeebbrriiss bbaagg aanndd aannyy aattttaacchhmmeennttss.. CCoolllleecctt
aallll tthhee ppaarrttss ttooggeetthheerr,, nneeaattllyy ccooiill tthhee fflleexx
and give the
tool a final clean up ready for return, to your local HSS Hire.
KKeeeepp tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt cclleeaann
, you will find this less of a chore if you clean it regularly, rather than wait until the end of the hire period. CChheecckk tthhee ddeebbrriiss bbaagg aatt rreegguullaarr iinntteerrvvaallss
and replace as necessary, following the instructions in ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS’.
RReemmeemmbbeerr,, iitt iiss yyoouurr rreessppoonnssi
ibbiilliittyy ttoo
ddiissppoossee ooff aannyy ddeebbrriiss iinn aa rreessppoonnssiibbllee mmaannnneerr.. Handle the equipment with care.
AAvvooiidd ddrrooppppiinngg iitt,,
it, or otherwise exposing it to damage.
WWhheenn nnoott iinn u
ussee,, ssttoorree tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt ssoommeewwhheerree cclleeaann,,
ddrryy aanndd ssaaffee
from thieves.
1. Remove the upper section of Dust Extractor from the waste tank.
2. Pull the lever in the handle upwards and tilt the tank.
3. Tip out the collected waste.
4. Dispose of the waste in accordance
with legal regulations.
Initial Filter Cleaning
Switch off the Dust Extractor and attached tools
Close the nozzles or suction hose opening with the palm of your hand.
Turn the switch to position „I“ and let the cleaner operate for approx. 10 seconds with the suction hose opening closed
Emptying the waste tank
NNeevveerr ppuusshh tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt bbeeyyoonndd iittss ddeessiiggnn lliimmiittss..
If it will not do what you want with reasonable ease and speed, assume you have the wrong size or model for the job. Contact your local HSS Hire for advice.
1. Open the tank locks.
2. Use the handles to lift the tank out of the frame.
4. Tip out the collected waste.
5. Place the empty tank in the frame and close the locks.
6. Dispose of the waste in accordance with legal regulations.
Removing the waste tank
…any comments?
If you have any suggestions to enable us to improve
the information within this guide please e-mail your
comments or write to the Safety Guide Manager
at the address below
e-mail: safety@hss.com
FFoorr aaddvviiccee oonn tthhee ssaaffeettyy aanndd ssuuiittaabbiilliittyy ooff tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt ccoonnttaacctt yyoouurr llooccaall HHSSSS HHiirree..
TThhiiss eeqquuiippmme
enntt sshhoouulldd bbee uusseedd bbyy aann aabbllee bbooddiieedd,,
ccoommppeetteenntt aadduulltt wwhhoo hhaass rreeaadd aanndd uunnddeerrssttoooodd tthheessee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss.. AAnnyyoonnee wwiitthh eeiitthheerr aa tteemmppoorraarryy oorr ppeerrmmaanneenntt ddiissaabbiilliittyy,, sshhoouulldd sseeeekk eexxppeerrtt aaddvviiccee bbeeffoorree uussiinngg iitt..
Keeeepp cchhiillddrreenn,, aanniimmaallss aanndd bbyyssttaannddeerrss aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee wwoorrkk
NNeevveerr uussee tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt iiff yyoouu aarree iil
lll,, ffeeeelliinngg
ttiirreedd,, oorr uunnddeerr tthhee iinnfflluueennccee ooff aallccoohhooll oorr ddrruuggss..
EEnnssuurree tthhee wwoorrkk aarreeaa iiss wweellll lliitt aanndd v
AAllwwaayyss ttrraannssppoorrtt,, ssttoorree aanndd ooppeerraattee tthhee mmaacchhiinnee iinn aann uupprriigghhtt ppoossiittiioonn..
KKeeeepp tthhee uunniittss a
aiirr vveennttss cclleeaarr ooff aallll oobbssttrruuccttiioonnss..
TThhiiss dduusstt eexxttrraaccttoorr iiss nnoott ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr ppiicckkiinngg uupp hheeaalltthh-- eennddaan
nggeerriinngg dduussttss aanndd hhaazzaarrddoouuss mmaatteerriiaallss lliikkee:: gglloowwiinngg
cciiggaarreetttteess,, hhoott aasshheess,, ppeettrrooll,, ssoollvveennttss,, aacciiddss,, aallkklliinneess,, mmaaggnneessiiuumm,, aalluummiinniiuumm dduusstt eettcc..
AAllwwaayyss sswwiittcchh OOFFFF aanndd uunnpplluugg eevveerryytthhiinngg bbeeffoorree aatttteemmppttiinngg tto
o eemmppttyy tthhee uunniitt....
BBeeffoorree ccoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee vvaaccuuuumm ttoo tthhee ppoowweerr,, eennssuurree iitt iiss sswwiittcchheedd ooffff..
NNeevveerr ccaarrrryy,
, lliifftt oorr ppuullll tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt bbyy iittss ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy
ccaabbllee oorr hhoossee..
TTaakkee ccaarree nnoott ttoo ddaammaaggee tthhee mmaaiinnss lleea
by driving over, pinching or dragging. Pull out the mains plug only directly at the plug,
BBeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee dduusstt eexxttrraaccttoorr ffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee,, cchheecckk tthhaatt iitt iiss iinn aa ggoooodd aanndd ssaaffee ccoonnddiittiio
onn.. IIff iitt sshhoowwss ssiiggnnss ooff ddaammaaggee
oorr eexxcceessssiivvee wweeaarr,, rreettuurrnn iitt..
DDoo nnoott mmaakkee aannyy tteecchhnniiccaall mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee cclleeaanneerr..
Most HSS dust extracotrs plug into a standard 240v 13Amp power socket. However, 110v models (with a round yellow plug) must be provided with a suitable 110v generated supply, or powered from the mains via a suitable 110v transformer (minimum 2kVA tool rating). IIff tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt ffaaiillss,, oorr iiff iittss ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy ccaabbllee oorr pplluugg bbeeccoommeess ddaammaaggeedd,, rreettuurrnn iitt.. NNeevveerr ttrryy ttoo rreeppaaiirr iitt yyoouurrsseellff.. Keep cables out of harm’s way, and clear of the work area.
EExxtteennssiioonn lleeaaddss sshhoouulldd bbee ffuullllyy uunnwwoouunndd aanndd lloooosseellyy ccooiilleedd away from the equipment. Never run them through water, over sharp edges or where they could trip someone.
UUssiinngg eelleeccttrriic
caall eeqquuiippmmeenntt iinn vveerryy ddaammpp oorr wweett ccoonnddiittiioonnss
ccaann bbee ddaannggeerroouuss..
TToo rreedduuccee tthhee rriisskk ooff eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk,
, uussee aa ssuuiittaabbllee RRCCDD
((RReessiidduuaall CCuurrrreenntt--OOppeerraatteedd DDeevviiccee))
available from
your local HSS Hire. EEnnssuurree tthhee DDuusstt EExxttrraaccttoorr aanndd ppoowweerr ssoocckkeett
aarree sswwiittcchheedd
OOFFFF bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy..
Suction pipe support
Accessory holder
Appliance switch with
suction power control
Retaining clamp
Waste tank
Inlet fitting
Appliance socket
Cable hook
Tank locks
Castor with brake
1. Open the retaining clamps and remove upper section of the Dust Extractor.
2. Take the accessories out of the dirt tank.
3. Place a filter bag into the tank as described in the instructions (printed on the filter bag).
Press the filter bag connection firmly on to the
inlet fitting.
5. Fit the upper section of the cleaner (do not damage the filter bag) and close the retaining clamps.
Ensure that the retaining clamps fit properly.
OOnn ddeelliivveerryy,, ssoommee ooff tthhee aacccceessssoorriieess aarree llyyiinngg iinn tthhee ttaannkk aanndd mmuusstt bbee rreemmoovveedd bbeeffoorree tthhee DDuusstt EExxttrraaccttoorr iiss uusseedd ffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee.. RReemmoovvee tthhee uuppppeerr sseeccttiioonn ooff tthhee DDuusstt EExxttrraaccoorr:: TThhee mmaaiinnss pplluugg sshhoouulldd nnoott yyeett bbee iinnsseerrtteedd iinnttoo aa ssoocckkeett..
The operating voltage shown on the rating plate must correspond to the voltage of the mains power supply.
Ensure that the Dust Extractor is switched off and insert the plug of the mains lead into a properly installed and fused plug socket with an earthing contact.
FFoorr dduusstt eexxttrraaccttiioonn ffrroomm aa 111100 vvoolltt
power tool connect 110 volt electric power tool to socket making sure the wattage of the power tool does not exceed the maximum wattage shown on the socket cover.
2. Turn the switch to position "I". The vacuum cleaner motor starts.
3. Turn the switch to position "auto". The vacuum cleaner motor starts when the connected power tool/pneumatic tool is switched on.
4. When the power tool is switched off, the vacuum cleaner continues to run for a short moment so that any dust in the suction hose is conveyed to the filter bag.
The motor speed and the suction power can be varied with the suction power control. This allows precise adjustment of the suction power for different cleaning tasks.