HPE-BNP1BUS – P1 FLN Gateway to BACnet MS/TP
250 point may be connected to the gateway for read/write access of up to 250 data-points
Typical Applications
BACnet MS/TP network integration of P1 devices:
Feature Summary
integration of P1 FLN conforming devices in to BACnet MS/TP networks. Up to 32 P1 devices
System 600, APOGEE Insight  TEC, ATEC, SCU, DPU, DLM  MEC Point Expansion units  HRW HP…P1 devices
FIND function for initial network device/application identification  Diagnostic function for comms verification and trouble-shooting  Continuous poll for point status changes  User set period for complete point status update  Scaling table for known and customised sensor types
HRW Limited
6 Wilmer Street, Sai Ying Pun Fax +852 2546 7403 Hong Kong
504-505, 5/F, Wai Wah Commercial Centre Ph +852 2546 7402
OPERATION OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................3
BACNET DEVICE ...................................................................................................................................................3
P1 NETWORK GATEWAY ........................................................................................................................................3
BACNET PRIORITY ARRAY...............................................................................................................................3
TERMINAL MODE ................................................................................................................................................4
HYPERTERMINAL SETTINGS...................................................................................................................................4
Additional Settings............................................................................................................................................5
Connecting at 76800 Baud Rate .......................................................................................................................5
Saving HyperTerminal Settings ........................................................................................................................5
BREAK IN TO TERMINAL MODE..............................................................................................................................5
BACNET CONFIGRATION COMMANDS.........................................................................................................6
P1 CONFIGURATION COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................7
P1 INTEGRATION .................................................................................................................................................8
FIND .......................................................................................................................................................................8
SENSOR TYPE (SCALING) TABLE............................................................................................................................9
Standard Sensor Types ...................................................................................................................................10
POINT TYPE..........................................................................................................................................................10
DATA POINT CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................10
DATA BASE MAPPING TOOL...........................................................................................................................12
POINT CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................................12
SCALING TABLE CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................13
DOWNLOAD TEXT FILE ........................................................................................................................................14
SCAN P1 FLN NETWORK ..................................................................................................................................14
DIAGNOSTIC DISPLAY......................................................................................................................................14
INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING ...........................................................................................................15
TECHNICAL DATA .............................................................................................................................................17
ORDERING INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................17
ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................................................................................17
OTHER HP_BN SERIES DEVICES..........................................................................................................................17
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Operation Overview
The gateway comprises two sections; the BACnet MS/TP device and the P1 network reading data base.
BACnet Device
The gateway is BTL listed, conforming to the BACnet standard’s requirements for device & object discovery and network communication initiations and responses.
During commissioning the following should be configured:
Node # (local network unique number)  Device Instance (system-wide unique number)  MS/TP network baud rate  Maximum Master (MM), set to the highest node number existing on the network, for limiting
network traffic to only those devices that exist on the network
250 AV objects relating to the P1 network devices’ data points being read, AV4…AV253
P1 Network Gateway
250 device data points may be configured, from up to 32 P1 devices. Each data point constitutes a BACnet object (AV).
It is important to have the P1 device manufacturer’s manual available to assist with P1 point address and type scaling.
Each point of the gateway data base consists of:
1. Device addresses
2. Point numbers within the device addresses
3. Sensor type relating to each point (as defined in the scaling table)
4. A point type; LDI, LDO, LAI, LAO represented as a number, 1…4 respectively
BACnet Priority Array
The BACnet protocol utilises a Priority Array for each object to enable various network devices to take control of a device’s object based on the level of need. The priorities are in the range 1 (high priority) to 16 (Auto operation).
In respect of this device:
The point database objects are NULL priority, signified by ‘17’ when viewing the points in
engineering Terminal mode
Manually overriding a point value via terminal mode invokes priority level 9  Release of a manual results in an object reverting to NULL or next lowest and still valid priority
level if it has been commanded from another device in the system (such as the BMS)
For normal reading of the P1 network points should always be at NULL priority
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Terminal Mode
An HPECOM (serial comm. port) or HPECOMU (USB) data cable is used for terminal mode between the gateway and a PC running a terminal program. HyperTerminal or Indigo Terminal Emulator from Shade Blue are recommended. A USB port <> Serial comm port (DB9) converter may be required for HPECOM if the PC being used does not include a Com 1 serial port.
The following settings reflect HyperTerminal. Please contact us if you require assistance setting up Indigo.
HyperTerminal Settings
For successful communication between HyperTerminal and the device, initial Properties setup of HyperTerminal should be as per the screen prints below.
‘Connect to’ Comm Configuration: ‘Settings’ General:
‘Settings’ ASCII Setup:
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Additional Settings
Some PC platforms may need keyboard response adjustment for initial Terminal Mode success. These settings may be done via the PC Control Panel >> Keyboard Settings:
Fastest Repeat rate  Shortest Delay time  Fastest Cursor Blink rate
Connecting at 76800 Baud Rate
Because HyperTerminal does not support 76800 baud then after setting to 76800 the device baud rate will remain at 9600 baud for HyperTerminal communication and switch to 76800 after Writing the new baud rate and eXiting terminal mode.
To allow later terminal communication a device set with 76800 baud will operate at 9600 baud for the first 5 seconds after a power-up. If no attempt to connect the terminal at 9600 baud is made within 5 seconds of a power-up then the device will automatically switch to 76800 for normal network operation.
Saving HyperTerminal Settings
For ease of connection it is recommended to save the HyperTerminal setup for each baud rate you may wish to use with an easily recognised configuration name. For example:
 HPECOM 24 (2400)  HPECOM 48 (4800)  HPECOM 96 (9600)  HPECOM 19.2 (19200)  HPECOM 38.4 (38400)  HPECOM 57.6 (57600)
Break in to Terminal Mode
When HyperTerminal is running and the HPECOM cable is connected to the device the initial terminal screen will be receiving an ASCII character dump which is the BACnet transmission from the device. The ASCII dump will appear differently with different device address setting and if HyperTerminal baud rate is different to the baud rate set in the device. Below is an illustration of how the ASCII dump will look for a device at default settings; address 98 and 9600 baud.
To break in to terminal mode set Caps Lock on and hold the ‘T’ character key continuously (TTTTTTT…). After five (5) T’s have been sent to the device it will switch to terminal mode. At this point the BACnet activity on the network will be halted and the device will display the default user screen.
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BACnet Configration Commands
Function Enter Result Options / Comments
With the Caps Lock on, hold the T key down
Start communication
Set node address (MAC)
Set system Device Instance
Set BACnet baud rate
Set Maximum Master address
Set Sys. Vendor ID (SysVid)
Zero the Reset counters Zero the BACnet comms error counter Zero the M-Bus comms error counter
Write values as default
Exit communication
TTTTT(TTT…) Break in to Terminal mode
Network node number is assigned
Unique Device Instance is assigned
Network comms speed is set
Highest Master device
address on the network is registered
System vendor specific features may be available
All Reset counters are zeroed
BACnet comms error counter is reset
M-Bus comms error counter is reset
W Changes written.
Communication with
HyperTerminal no longer active
until the screen updates with HPE data. It is not necessary to press the enter key to start communication.
Example: 1000=25 1…127 the device will be a ‘token passing master’ 128… 255 the device will become a network slave after power reset Example: DI=401025 (building 4, network 1, node 25)
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800 Example: 1001=38400
After changing comm. speed it will be necessary to reconnect with HyperTerminal at the new comm. speed to save (write) the change!
Next address searching limited to MM address
SV=0 applies generic BACnet operation. If an entered ID is not implemented then the generic operation will be applied
Factory diag. In order as displayed: Rx timeout, Tx timeout, Hardware reset
Example: 2=0
Example: 3=0
Always do this after making changes that you wish to be permanent Auto X after 240sec without key entry. After eXit unplug the HPECOM cable to allow network communication to take place
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