HQT Science and Technology DR 9200U User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing HQT DMR digital repeater DR-9200. As a product built to the DMR
digital functions to deliver an advanced communication solution. With DR-9200 you can make
use of digital advantages to top the competitiveness! To get maximum benefits from the product,
please read this manual carefully before use.
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Safety Information
Please read the following safety guidelines. Nonobservance of these guidelines may cause danger or violation of law.
Don’t transmit with antenna detached from the radio or don’t damage or change antenna type. Strong electronic waves are emitted from the radio and damages or changes to the antenna may effect the performance of the
radio, and it may cause the radio to be defective and not covered under warranty.
Don’t use other manufacturers’ accessories. Unknown or unauthorized accessories may cause the radio to be defective and not covered under warranty.
Don’t disassemble the radio. Disassembly of the radio may cause a serious defect or malfunction and not be covered under warranty.
Don’t give an excessive shock to the radio. Don’t place the radio where the direct sunlight or high temperature occurs. Don’t make a damage to the battery pack by sharp substance or an excessive shock.
Turn off the radio before boarding on an airplane. Don’t use the radio in the hospital without any pre-approval. Don’t use the radio at the place of where computer of other electronic devices are being used.
Please keep the radio at least 1 inch away from the human body. Don’t give any damage to antenna. When using earphone, please reduce the volume to a low level. If not, unexpected high sound may have harmful effect to your ear. Don’t touch the conductive metal of the battery radio with wet hands. It may cause damage on your hands. Please be careful when putting the battery in a pocket or a bag.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with its action in General Docket 93-62, November 7, 1997, has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment. Proper operation of this radio will result in user exposure far below the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission limits.
transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty cycle). Transmitting more than 50% of the
time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded.
This radio is NOT approved for use by the general population in an uncontrolled environment. This radio is restricted to occupational use, work related operations only where radio operator must have the knowledge to control the user’s exposure conditions for satisfying the higher exposure limit allowed for occupational use.
When transmitting, hold the radio in a vertical position with its microphone 1 inch (2.5cm) away from your mouth.
The radio is transmitting when the red LED on the front of the radio is illuminated. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressing the PTT bar on the radio.
These are required operating configurations for meeting FCC RF exposure compliance. Failure to observe these restrictions mean violation.
FCC Notice
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
1.RF Radiatio n In fo rmation
This product mu st b e re stricted to opera tions in an Occupational/Controlled RF exposure Environment.
Users must be ful ly a wa re of the hazards o f th e expos ure a nd wh o are able to e xerci se con tr ol o ver
their RF exposu re t o qualify for the hig he r ex posure limits.
RF Radiation pr of il e
Radio Frequen cy (R F)is a frequenc y of e le ctromagnetic radiation in the range at which radio sig na ls
are transmitt ed . RF t echnology is wi de ly u sed in communicat io n, medicine food processing and other
fields. It may ge ne ra te radiation du ri ng u se.
RF Radiation Sa fe ty
In order to ensure user health, experts from relev ant industries including science, engineering, medicine
and health wor k with inte rnational organiz ations to develop standards for safe exposure to RF radiation.
These standar ds c on sist of:
United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal Regulations;47CFR part 2sub-part J;
Ame rican National Standards Institute(ANSI)/Inst itute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE)C95.1 -1 99 2;
Institute of El ec tr ical and Electr on ic E ngineers(IEEE )C 95.1-1999;
Internatina l Co mm ission on Non-l og iz ing Radiation Pro te ction(ICNIRP) 19 98 .
FCC Regulatio ns Federal Commu ni ca tion Commissi on (F CC)requires that all radio communication products should me et th e req uirem en ts se t f or th in th e above stan dards befo re th e can b e m ar ket ed in t he U. S, and the manufa cturer shall post a RF label on the product to inform users of operational instructions, so as to enhance th ei r occupational he al th a gainst exposure t o RF e nergy.
Op e rat ion a l I nst ruct ion s a n d T rai n ing Gu i del ine s To en sur e th e o ptima l per forma nc e a nd th e com pliance with occupational controlled envir onment RF radiance limites in the ab ove standards.
2.This device c om pl ies with part 15 of the F CC R ules. Operation is subject to the condit ion that th is device does not c au se h armful interf er en ce. Changes or modi fi ca tions not expre ss ly a pproved by the part y re sponsible for com pl ia nce could void the user's a ut ho rity to operate t he e qu ipment.
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