Thank you for purchasing HD5L series elevator controller manufactured by
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
This User Manual describes how to use HD5L series elevator controller and
their installation wiring, parameter setting, troubleshooting and daily maintenance
etc. Before using the product, please read through this User Manual carefully. In
addition, please do not use this product until you have fully understood safety
Preserve this Manual for future.
Due to product upgrade or specification change, and for the purpose of improving
convenience and accuracy of this manual, this manual’s contents may be modified.
If you need the User Manual due to damage, loss or other reasons, please contact
the regional distributor of our company or directly contact our company Technical
Service Center.
For the first time using, the user should carefully read this manual.
If you still have some problems during use, please contact our company Technical
Service Center.
Telephone: 4008-858-959 or 189 4871 3800
The product warranty is on the last page of this Manual, please preserve it for future.
Three-phase AC power supply
Ground connection
Connection with peripheral devices
AC input reactor
EMI filter
EMI filter
AC output reactor
DC reactor
Braking resistor
Ground connection
Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions ............................................................................ 1
1.1 Safety Definiti on ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 About Motor and Load ...................................................................................................... 1
10.4 Power Regenerative Unit ............................................................................................ 108
Appendix A Parameters ............................................................................................................. 109
Appendix B Communication Protocol ...................................................................................... 129
Communication Protocol
Elevator A pplicat ion Guidan ce
Safety Information and Precautions
Product Information
Mechanical Installation
Electrical Installation
Operation Instructions
Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd Chapter 1 Safety Inform a ti on a nd Prec a uti ons
A Danger contains information which is critical for avoiding safety
Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions
1.1 Safety Definition
Warning: A Warning contains information w hich is essential for avoiding
risk of damage to product or other equipments.
Note: A Note contains inf ormation wh ich helps t o ensure co rrect oper ation
of the product.
1.2 About Motor and L oad
Compared to the standar d frequency operation
The HD5L series controllers are voltage-type controllers and their output is PWM wave with
certain harmonic wave. T herefore, the temperature, noi se and vibration of the motor will be a little
higher than that at standard frequency operation.
Motor’s overload protecting threshold
When choose the adaptive motor, the controller can effectively implement the motor thermal
protection. Otherwise it must adjust the motor protection parameters or other protection
measures to ensure t hat the mot or is at a safe a nd reliab le operation.
Lubrication of mechanical devices
At long time low-speed operation, it should provide periodical lubrication maintenance for the
mechanical devices such as gear box and geared motor etc. to make sure the drive results meet
the site need.
Check the insulation of the motor
For the first time using of the motor or after long time storage, it need check the insulation of the
motor to avoid damage the controller because of the worse insulation motor.
Please use a 500V Mega-Ohm-Meter to tes t and the in s u lation resistanc e m ust be higher than
HD5L Series Controller User Manual ―1―
Chapter 1 Safety Inform a ti on a nd Prec a uti ons S he nzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd
Controller’s rat ed cu r r ent
1.3 Installation Limitation
No capacitor or varistor on the output side
Since the controller outpu t is PWM wave, it is strictly forbidden to connect capacitor for improving
the power factor or varistor for lightning protection to the output terminal s so as to avoid the
controller fault tripping or component damage.
Contactors and circuit breakers connect e d t o the out put of t he controller
If circuit breaker or contactor needs to be connected between the controller and the motor, be
sure to operate these circuit breakers or contactor when the controller has no output, so as to
avoid any damage to the controller.
Rated voltage
The controller i s prohibited to be us ed bey ond the speci fied range o f oper ation voltage. If need ed,
please use the suitable voltage regulation device to change the vol tage.
Change three-phase input to single-phase input
For three-phase input controller, the users should not change it to be single-phase input.
If you have to use s ingle-phase power supply, you should disable the in put phase-loss protection
function. And the bus-voltage and current ripple will increase, which n ot only influences the life of
electrolytic capacitor but also deteriorates the performance of the controller. In that case, the
controller must be derating and should be within the controller 60% rated value.
Lightning surge protection
The controller internal design has lightning surge overcurrent protection circuit, and has certain
self-protection capacity against the lightning.
Altitude and derating
In the altitude exceeded 1000 meters area, since the heatsink efficiency will be reduced because
of the tenuous air, the controller should be derating. Figure 1-1 is the derating curve of the
controller rated current and the altitude.
Figure 1-1 Derating curve of controller rated current and altitude
―2―HD5L Series Controller User Manual
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd Chapter 2 Product Information
150% rated output current for 2 minutes
180% rated output current for 10 seconds
V/f control; Open-loop vector control (SVC);
Closed-loop vector control (VC)
Panel control; external terminal control; host computer communication
control via SCI communication port
Digital setting: 0.01Hz
Analogue setting: 0.1% × max-frequency
SVC: < 200ms VC: < 50ms
To achieve parameters uploading or downloading
The programmable input interface has up to 34 functions
The pragrammable output interface has up to 19 functions
Controller is built-in MODBUS communication protocol
To eliminate the potential safety problems, safety inspection for the
peripheral devices is provided when power is on
To eliminate the potential safety problems, speed deviation detection
protection is provided
Up/down forced deceleration function, to avoid climbing elevator or plunging
I/O phase loss auto-detect and alarm function
Real time detection for the motor temperature
Power output grounding fault protection is enabled
Power output short circuit protection is enabled
―4―HD5L Series Controller User Manual
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd Chapter 2 Product Information
Item Specification
Analogue supply
Digital supply +24V, maximum current 200mA
I/O feature
Analogue input
Analogue output AO1, AO2: 0-10V/0-20mA (voltage/current is selectable)
Digital input DI1-DI6 (control board); DI7-DI12 (I/O card)
Digital output DO1, DO2
Programmable relay
SCI communication RS-485 interface
+10V, maximum current 100mA
-10V, maximum current 10mA
AI1 (control board): voltage 0-10V
AI2, AI3 (control board): -10V-+10V/0-20mA (voltage/current is
AI4 (I/O card): -10V-+10V/0-20mA (voltage/current is selectable, and
differential input is supported)
Storage temperature -40-+70℃
Location for use
Altitude Less than 1000 meters, otherwise should be derating use
Humidity Less than 95%RH, non-condensing
Ocsillation Less than 5.9m/s2 (0.6g)
Encoder card
About panel
Enhanced protection Protective cover (HD-CK-Frame4)
Power unit Power regenerative unit (HDRU)
Function parameter setting, check the state parameters and the fault code
-10-+40℃, air temperature fluctuation is less than 0.5℃/min
The derating value of the output current of the controller shall be 2% for each
degree centigrade above 40℃. Max. allowed temperature is 50℃
Indoor, preventing from direct sunlight, no dust, corrosive, flammable gases,
oil mist, water vaper, dripping or salt etc.
OC encoder card with frequency demultiplication output (HD-PG2-OC-FD)
SINCOS encoder card with frequency demultiplication output
Line drive encoder card with frequency demultiplication output
Serial Communication encoder card with frequency demultiplication output
(HD-PG9-SC-FD) (support Endat)
Mounting base to panel (HD-KMB)
1 meter extension cable to panel (HD-CAB-1M)
2 meter extension cable to panel (HD-CAB-2M)
3 meter extension cable to panel (HD-CAB-3M)
6 meter extension cable to panel (HD-CAB-6M)
HD5L Series Controller User Manual ―5―
Chapter 2 Product Information Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd
• Do not install if the controller is imcomplete or impaired.
• Make sure that the controller is far from the explosive and combustible things.
• Do not operate the controller until the power is cut-off 10 minutes later.
• It is required not only carry the panel and the cover but also the controller bottom enclosure.
• Do not play metal into the controller when insta l ling.
3.2 Requirement for the Installation Site
Ensure the installation site mee ti ng the foll ow ing requirements:
• Do not instal l at the direc t sunlight, moisture, water droplet location;
• Do not install at the combustible, explosive, corrosive gas and liquid location;
• Do not install at the oily dust, fiber and metal powder location;
• Be vertical installation on fire-retardant material with a strong support;
• Make sure adequate cooling space for the controller so as to keep the ambient temperature
between - 10-+ 40℃;
• Install at where the vibration is less than 5.9m/s
1. It needs derating use if the controller operation temperature excee ds 40℃ . The derating value
of the output current of the controller shall be 2% for each degree centigrade. Max. allowed
temperature is 50℃.
2. Keep ambient temperature between -10-+40℃. It can improve the controller operation
perform ance if install at the location with good ventilation or cooling devices.
3.3 Installation Direction and Space Requirem ent s
To achieve good cooling efficiency, install the controller perpendicularly and always provide the
following space to allow normal heat dissipation. The requirements on mounting space and
clearance are shown in Figure 3-1.
According to the direction of the Figure 3-2, press the panel until hear a “click” sound. Do not
install the panel from other dir ections or it wil l cause p oor contact.
Figure 3-2 Installation of the panel
There are two steps in Figure 3-3.
First, press the hook of the panel according to the direction 1.
Second, take out of the panel according to the direction 2.
• Only qualified electrical engineer can perform wiring job.
• Only when the power supply switch is completely off can you do the wiring job.
• You can’t open the controller cover to do wiring operation until the power is cut-off 10 minutes later. Do
not wire or detach the controller internal devices at power-on situation.
• Do not do wiring operation until the internal charge indicator of the controller is off and the voltage
between (+) and (-) of the main circuit terminals is below 36V.
• Check the wiring carefully before connecting emergency stop or safety circuit.
• The earth terminal PE of the controller must be reliable earthing. It must use two separate earth wire due
to the leakage current from the controller to ground.
• It must use Type B mode when utilize earth leakage protection devices(ELCB/RCD).
• Do not touch the wire terminals of the controller when it is live. The main circuit terminals is neither
allowed connecting to the enclosure nor short-circuiting.
• Do not do dielectric strength test on the controller.
• Do wiring connection of the braking resistor or the braking unit according to the wiring figure.
• Make sure the terminals are fixed tightly.
• Do not connect the AC supply cable to the output terminals U/V/W of the controller.
• Do not connect the phase-shifting capacitors to the output circuit.
• The controller DC bus terminals must not be short-circuited.
HD5L Series Controller User Manual ―15―
Chapter 4 Electri c al I ns tallation Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd
4.2 Selection of Main Circuit Peripheral Devices
Please r efer to the Table 4-1 for the recommended specification s.
Table 4-1 HD5L series controller I/O wiring specification
• The bare portions of the power cables must be bound with insulation tapes.
• Ensure that AC supply voltage is the same as controller’s rated input voltage.
―16―HD5L Series Controller User Manual
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd Chapter 4 Electri c al I ns tallation
L1 L2
L1 L2L3(+)(-) BRUVWPE
Optional EMIfilter
Optional ACreactor
Mains supply
Braking resistor
DC reactor
Supply ground
4.3.1 Terminals Description
(+) (-)
Figure 4-1 Power terminal layout of HD5L controller
Table 4-2 HD5L power terminal function description
Terminal Function Description
L1、L2、L3 Three-phase AC power input terminals
U、V、W Output terminals, connect to three-phase AC motor
P1、(+) DC reactor connection terminals
(+)、(-) DC supply input terminals; DC input terminals of power regenerative unit
(+)、BR Braking resistor connection terminals
PE Earth terminal, connect to the ground
4.3.2 Wiring Terminals
Figure 4-2 HD5L power terminal connection
During trial operation, make sure that the elevator will go up when the UP command is enabled.
If the elevator goes down, set the parameter F00.08 (run direc tion) to be the reverse value.
HD5L Series Controller User Manual ―17―
Chapter 4 Electri c al I ns tallation Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd
SCI communicationterminal
CN7 andCN8
4.4 Control Terminals and Wire Connection
• The control circuit is designed as ELV (Extra Low Voltage) circuit and basically isolated with the
power circuit. Do not touch the control circuit when the controller is on power.
• If the control circuit is connected to the external devices with live touchable port (SELV circuit), it
should increase an additional isolating barrier to ensure that SELV classification of external devices
not be changed.
• If connect the communication terminal of the control circuit to the PC, you should choose the
RS485/232 isolating converter which meets the safety requirement.
In order to efficiently suppress the interference to control signals, the length of signal cables
should be less than 50m and keep a distance of at least 0.3m from the power lines. Please use
twisted-pair shie lded cable s for analogue input and output signals.
The positions of control terminal, wire jumper and SCI commu nicati on port in the control board
are shown in Figure 4-3.
Figure 4-3 Positions of control terminal, wire jumper and SCI port in the control board
―18―HD5L Series Controller User Manual
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd Chapter 4 Electrical Install a ti on
DO1 Digital output 1 Programmable optical-coupled isolation, open
DO2 Digital output 2
CME DO1 reference ground Isolated from COM, default short connected COM