HPE XP7 User Manual

XP7 Performance for Open and Mainframe Systems User Guide

This document describes and provides instructions for using Performance Monitor, Performance Control, and Cache Residency Manager.
This document is intended for system administrators and Hewlett Packard Enterprise representatives and authorized service providers who install, configure, and operate the XP7 Storage system.
Part Number: 858754-003 Published: May 2016 Edition: 9
© Copyright 2014, 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
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Revision History
May 2014Revision 1
Applies to microcode version 80-01-22-00/02 or later.
September 2014Revision 2
Applies to microcode version 80-01-42-00/00 or later.
October 2014Revision 3
Applies to microcode version 80-02-01-00/01 or later.
April 2015Revision 4
Applies to microcode version 80-02-22-00/00 or later.
June 2015Revision 5
Applies to microcode version 80-02-41-00/00 or later.
September 2015Revision 6
Applies to microcode version 80-03-01-00/00 or later.
December 2015Revision 7
Applies to microcode version 80-03-01-00/00 or later.
April 2016Revision 8
Applies to microcode version 80-04-02-00/00 or later.
May 2016Revision 9
Applies to microcode version 80-04-02-00/00 or later.


1 Performance management..................................................................................8
Overview of performance management................................................................................................8
System requirements............................................................................................................................8
2 Performance Monitor operations.........................................................................9
Overview of Performance Monitor........................................................................................................9
Data collected by Performance Monitor..........................................................................................9
Short-range monitoring....................................................................................................................9
Long-range monitoring..................................................................................................................10
Performance Monitor data graphs.................................................................................................11
Export Tool for Performance Monitor.............................................................................................11
Cautions and restrictions for Performance Monitor............................................................................11
Cautions and restrictions for monitoring........................................................................................11
Cautions and restrictions for usage statistics................................................................................12
Performance monitoring workflow......................................................................................................13
Setting the storing period for the monitoring data...............................................................................14
Starting monitoring..............................................................................................................................14
Monitoring WWNs...............................................................................................................................15
Adding new WWNs to monitor.......................................................................................................16
Viewing the WWNs that are being monitored................................................................................16
Removing WWNs to monitor.........................................................................................................17
Adding WWNs to ports..................................................................................................................17
Editing the WWN nickname...........................................................................................................18
Connecting WWNs to ports...........................................................................................................19
Deleting unused WWNs from monitoring targets..........................................................................19
Monitoring CUs...................................................................................................................................20
Displaying CUs to monitor.............................................................................................................20
Adding and removing CUs to monitor...........................................................................................20
Selecting CUs to monitor...............................................................................................................22
Confirming the status of CUs to monitor.......................................................................................22
Changing the sampling interval..........................................................................................................23
Stopping monitoring............................................................................................................................24
Using the Performance Monitor data graphs......................................................................................24
About the data graphs...................................................................................................................25
Displaying the monitor data on graphs..........................................................................................25
Adding a new graph.......................................................................................................................26
Changing the data displayed on a graph.......................................................................................27
Changing the time period displayed on the graph panel...............................................................27
Deleting a graph from the graph panel..........................................................................................28
3 Performance Monitor data.................................................................................29
Monitoring data...................................................................................................................................29
Usage rates of MPs............................................................................................................................33
Usage rate of DRRs............................................................................................................................33
Usage rate of cache memory..............................................................................................................33
Write pending rates.............................................................................................................................34
Usage rates of access paths..............................................................................................................34
Storage system throughput.................................................................................................................35
Data transfer rate................................................................................................................................37
Response times..................................................................................................................................39
CMR delay time..................................................................................................................................40
Disconnected time..............................................................................................................................40
Connected time...................................................................................................................................41
Contents 3
HTP port open exchanges..................................................................................................................41
Cache hit rates....................................................................................................................................42
Back-end performance.......................................................................................................................43
Drive usage rates................................................................................................................................44
Data drive access rates......................................................................................................................44
Business Copy usage statistics..........................................................................................................45
Remote I/O (RIO)................................................................................................................................45
Pair Synchronized...............................................................................................................................46
Differential Track.................................................................................................................................46
Number of Journals............................................................................................................................47
Data Usage Rate................................................................................................................................47
Metadata Usage Rate.........................................................................................................................48
Detailed information of resources on top 20 usage rates...................................................................48
4 Exporting Performance Monitor data.................................................................49
About Export Tool...............................................................................................................................49
Preparing to use Export Tool..............................................................................................................49
Export Tool limitation.....................................................................................................................49
Requirements for Export Tool........................................................................................................50
Installing Export Tool.....................................................................................................................50
On Windows.............................................................................................................................51
On UNIX...................................................................................................................................51
Using Export Tool................................................................................................................................51
Preparing a command file..............................................................................................................51
Preparing a batch file.....................................................................................................................55
Running Export Tool......................................................................................................................56
Running a batch file.................................................................................................................56
File formats...............................................................................................................................58
Processing time........................................................................................................................58
Termination code......................................................................................................................58
Log files....................................................................................................................................59
Error handling...........................................................................................................................59
Export Tool command reference.........................................................................................................60
Export Tool command syntax........................................................................................................60
Subcommand list...........................................................................................................................61
Exported files......................................................................................................................................84
Monitoring data exported by Export Tool.......................................................................................84
Resource usage and write-pending rate statistics.........................................................................85
Parity group and external volume group statistics.........................................................................87
Statistics for volumes in parity/external volume groups................................................................88
Volumes in parity groups or external volume groups (at volumes controlled by a particular
4 Contents
Port statistics.................................................................................................................................91
Host bus adapters connected to ports statistics............................................................................92
Volumes (LU) statistics..................................................................................................................92
All host bus adapters connected to ports......................................................................................93
MP blades......................................................................................................................................93
Remote copy operations by Cnt Ac-S/Cnt Ac-S MF and monitoring data by HA (whole
Remote copy operations by Cnt Ac-S and monitoring data by HA (for each volume (LU))..........94
Remote copy by Cnt Ac-S/Cnt Ac-S MF and monitoring data by HA (volumes controlled by a
particular CU)................................................................................................................................95
Remote copy by Cnt Ac-J and Cnt Ac-J MF (whole volumes)......................................................96
Remote copy by Cnt Ac-J and Cnt Ac-J MF (at journals)..............................................................97
Remote copy by Cnt Ac-J (for each volume (LU)).........................................................................97
Remote copy by Cnt Ac-J and Cnt Ac-J MF (at volumes controlled by a particular CU)..............98
Causes of Invalid Monitoring Data......................................................................................................99
Troubleshooting Export Tool.............................................................................................................100
Messages issued by Export Tool.................................................................................................101
5 Performance Control operations.....................................................................105
Overview of Performance Control.....................................................................................................105
Performance of high-priority hosts..............................................................................................105
Upper-limit control.......................................................................................................................105
Threshold control.........................................................................................................................106
About I/O rates and transfer rates (traffic)...................................................................................106
Use cases for Performance Control..................................................................................................107
Use case for one-to-one connections..........................................................................................107
Use case for many-to-many connections....................................................................................109
Cautions and restrictions for Performance Control...........................................................................113
Implementing Performance Control: one-to-one connections..........................................................114
Performance Control workflow: one-to-one connections.............................................................114
Setting priority for ports: one-to-one connections........................................................................115
Analyzing traffic statistics: one-to-one connections.....................................................................116
Setting upper-limit values for non-prioritized ports: one-to-one connections..............................117
Setting a threshold: one-to-one connections...............................................................................118
Implementing Performance Control: many-to-many connections.....................................................119
Performance Control workflow: many-to-many connections.......................................................119
Setting priority for WWNs: many-to-many connections...............................................................120
Monitoring all port-HBA traffic: many-to-many connections........................................................122
Excluding traffic between an HBA and a port from the monitoring target: many-to-many
Analyzing traffic statistics: many-to-many connections...............................................................125
Setting upper-limit values for non-prioritized WWNs: many-to-many connections.....................126
Setting a threshold for the entire storage system: many-to-many connections...........................128
Managing host bus adapters............................................................................................................129
Changing the PFC name of a host bus adapter..........................................................................129
Replacing a host bus adapter......................................................................................................130
Working with PFC groups.................................................................................................................132
Creating a PFC group..................................................................................................................132
Deleting an HBA from a PFC group............................................................................................133
Changing the priority of a PFC group..........................................................................................134
Setting an upper-limit value to HBAs in a PFC group.................................................................135
Renaming a PFC group...............................................................................................................136
Deleting a PFC group..................................................................................................................137
6 Cache Residency operations..........................................................................138
Overview of Cache Residency..........................................................................................................138
Contents 5
Priority mode (read data in cache)..............................................................................................138
Bind mode (read and write data in cache)...................................................................................138
Prestaging data in cache.............................................................................................................139
Cache Residency system specifications..........................................................................................140
Estimating cache size for Cache Residency....................................................................................140
Cache Residency cache areas....................................................................................................141
Cache size requirements.............................................................................................................141
Calculating cache size for open systems....................................................................................141
Calculating cache size for mainframe systems...........................................................................143
Cautions and restrictions for Cache Residency................................................................................144
Cautions and restrictions for cache residency.............................................................................144
Interoperability restrictions for cache residency.....................................................................145
Cautions and restrictions for prestaging......................................................................................145
Managing cache-resident data.........................................................................................................146
Placing specific data into cache..................................................................................................146
Placing LDEVs into cache...........................................................................................................149
Releasing specific data from cache.............................................................................................150
Releasing LDEVs from cache.....................................................................................................151
Changing modes for data already in cache.................................................................................153
Viewing Cache Residency information........................................................................................153
7 Troubleshooting...............................................................................................154
General troubleshooting resources...................................................................................................154
Troubleshooting Performance Monitor.............................................................................................154
Troubleshooting Performance Control..............................................................................................154
Troubleshooting Cache Residency...................................................................................................154
Calling HPE technical support..........................................................................................................155
8 Support and other resources...........................................................................156
Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support...............................................................................156
Accessing updates............................................................................................................................156
Related information...........................................................................................................................156
Remote support................................................................................................................................157
Documentation feedback..................................................................................................................157
A Performance Monitor GUI reference...............................................................159
Performance Monitor main window..................................................................................................159
Edit Monitoring Switch wizard...........................................................................................................161
Edit Monitoring Switch window....................................................................................................161
Edit Monitoring Switch confirmation window...............................................................................162
Monitor Performance window...........................................................................................................163
Edit CU Monitor Mode wizard...........................................................................................................176
Edit CU Monitor Mode window....................................................................................................176
Edit CU Monitor Mode confirmation window...............................................................................179
View CU Matrix window....................................................................................................................180
Select by Parity Groups window.......................................................................................................181
Parity Group Properties window.......................................................................................................182
Edit WWN wizard..............................................................................................................................183
Edit WWN window.......................................................................................................................183
Edit WWN confirmation window..................................................................................................184
Edit WWN Monitor Mode wizard.......................................................................................................184
Edit WWN Monitor Mode window................................................................................................185
Edit WWN Monitor Mode confirmation window...........................................................................187
Delete Unused WWNs window.........................................................................................................188
Add New Monitored WWNs wizard...................................................................................................189
6 Contents
Add New Monitored WWNs window............................................................................................189
Add New Monitored WWNs confirmation window.......................................................................191
Add to Ports wizard...........................................................................................................................192
Add to Ports window....................................................................................................................192
Add to Ports confirmation window...............................................................................................194
Monitor window.................................................................................................................................195
MP Properties window......................................................................................................................197
Edit Time Range window..................................................................................................................199
Edit Performance Objects window....................................................................................................200
Add Graph window...........................................................................................................................212
Wizard buttons..................................................................................................................................225
Navigation buttons............................................................................................................................226
B Performance Control GUI reference...............................................................227
Performance Control window............................................................................................................227
Port tab of the Performance Control main window...........................................................................228
WWN tab of the Performance Control main window........................................................................230
C Cache Residency GUI reference....................................................................236
Cache Residency window.................................................................................................................236
Multi Set dialog box..........................................................................................................................240
Multi Release dialog box...................................................................................................................241
D Warranty and regulatory information...............................................................243
Warranty information.........................................................................................................................243
Regulatory information......................................................................................................................243
Belarus Kazakhstan Russia marking...........................................................................................243
Turkey RoHS material content declaration..................................................................................244
Ukraine RoHS material content declaration................................................................................244
Contents 7

1 Performance management

This chapter provides an overview on performance management of the XP7 Storage system, and describes the system requirements.

Overview of performance management

The XP7 Storage system includes a suite of performance management software products that allow you to monitor and tune storage system performance to improve and optimize storage utilization and performance.
Performance Monitor: Enables you to collect and analyze detailed performance and usage statistics for the XP7 Storage as well as statistics about workloads on drives and traffic between the hosts and the storage system. You can view the data in lists and on graphs, and you can export the data for analysis in a spreadsheet and other applications.
Performance Control: Enables you to control port activity to provide high-priority hosts with higher throughput and prevent production servers from experiencing degraded performance. Performance Control monitors the data being collected by Performance Monitor and applies upper-limit control and threshold control according to user-specified settings.
Cache Residency: Enables you to improve host access to frequently accessed data by retaining the data in the storage system's cache memory to make it available at front-end access speeds.
You can perform performance management operations using Remote Web Console and RAID Manager for the XP7 Storage system. For details about the Remote Web Console, see the XP7
Remote Web Console User Guide. For details about RAID Manager, see the XP7 RAID Manager User Guide.

System requirements

Performance management products. The performance management software products for the XP7 Storage system are required for performance management operations.
Performance Monitor
Performance Control
Cache Residency
License keys. The license keys for the performance management software products must be installed. For details about installing license keys, see the XP7 Remote Web Console User Guide.
Java. Java is required for Performance Control and Cache Residency. For details about installing Java and configuring Remote Web Console, see the XP7 Remote Web Console User Guide.
Remote Web Console secondary window. The Remote Web Console secondary window must be enabled before you use Performance Control or Cache Residency. Java and some settings of Remote Web Console are required for the Remote Web Console secondary window. For details, see the chapter on how to use the Remote Web Console secondary window in the XP7 Remote Web Console User Guide.
Cache memory for Cache Residency. Use of Cache Residency might require additional cache memory in the XP7 Storage system. For details, see “Estimating cache size for Cache
Residency” (page 140).
8 Performance management

2 Performance Monitor operations

This chapter describes performance monitoring and provides instructions for conducting performance monitoring operations using Performance Monitor.

Overview of Performance Monitor

Performance Monitor enables you to monitor your XP7 Storage system and collect detailed usage and performance statistics. You can view the data in lists and on graphs to identify changes in usage rates and workloads, analyze trends in disk I/O, and detect peak I/O times. For example, if there is a decrease in performance, such as delayed host response times, you can use Performance Monitor to discover the reason for the decrease and determine the actions to take to improve performance.
Performance Monitor collects data about storage system resources such as drives, volumes, and microprocessors as well as statistics about front-end (host I/O) and back-end (drive I/O) workloads. You can perform both short-range monitoring and long-range monitoring. For long-range monitoring, data is collected constantly. For short-range monitoring, the data is collected when the Monitoring Switch is set to Enable, and you specify when and how often the data is collected. Using the Performance Monitor data, you can manage and fine-tune the performance of your storage system using the performance management software products for the system.
“Data collected by Performance Monitor” (page 9)
“Short-range monitoring” (page 9)
“Long-range monitoring” (page 10)
“Performance Monitor data graphs” (page 11)
“Export Tool for Performance Monitor” (page 11)

Data collected by Performance Monitor

Performance Monitor allows you to collect the performance and usage statistics for the XP7 Storage system. All statistics are available for short-range monitoring. Most of the storage system usage statistics are available for long-range monitoring. For details about the performance and usage statistics, see “Monitoring data” (page 29).

Short-range monitoring

When you perform short-range monitoring of the storage system, you control when the statistics are collected (in real time or during a specified period of time) and how often the statistics are collected (from once per minute to once every 15 minutes). Short-range monitoring occurs in parallel with and does not affect long-range monitoring activities. All performance and usage statistics are available for short-range monitoring.
Overview of Performance Monitor 9
The sampling interval is the length of time between data collection events for short-range monitoring. The following number of CUs to be monitored determines the options for setting the sampling interval:
Up to 64 CUs. If there are 64 or fewer CUs to be monitored, you can set the sampling interval from 1 minute to 15 minutes in increments of 1 minute. For example, when the sampling interval is set to 3 minutes, Performance Monitor collects statistics once every 3 minutes.
Performance Monitor collects statistics for 1 day when data is collected at 1-minute
Performance Monitor collects statistics for up to 15 days when data is collected at
15-minute intervals.
More than 64 CUs. If there are more than 64 CUs to be monitored, you can set the sampling interval to 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
Performance Monitor collects statistics for one day when data is collected at 5-minute
Performance Monitor collects statistics for up to three days when data is collected at
15-minute intervals.
For short-range monitoring the SVP can store a maximum of 1,440 data collection events if there are 64 or fewer CUs to be monitored. Based on this number and the sampling interval, you can calculate the maximum storing period for the statistics as the sampling interval multiplied by 1,440. For example, if you set the sampling interval to 1 minute, the maximum storing period for the statistics is 1 day (24 hours):
1 minute x 1440 = 1440 minutes = 24 hours = 1 day
If you set the sampling interval to 15 minutes, the maximum storing period for the statistics is 15 days:
15 minutes x 1440 = 21600 minutes = 360 hours = 15 days
This maximum storing period is the maximum range of display in the Monitor Performance windows. When you specify one minute for the sampling interval as in the example above, Performance Monitor displays the statistics for a maximum of one day (24 hours) in the lists and graphs. When you specify 15 minutes for the sampling interval, Performance Monitor displays the statistics for a maximum of 15 days in the lists and graphs.
If there are more than 64 CUs to be monitored, SVP can store a maximum of 288 data collection events. Based on this number and the sampling interval, you can calculate the maximum storing period for the statistics as the sampling interval multiplied by 288. For example, if you set the sampling interval to 5 minutes, the maximum storing period for the statistics is 1 day (24 hours):
5 minutes x 288 = 1440 minutes = 24 hours = 1 day This maximum storing period is the maximum range of display in the Monitor Performance
windows. When you specify one minute for the sampling interval, as in the previous example, Performance Monitor displays the statistics for a maximum of 1 day (24 hours) in the lists and graphs. When you specify 15 minutes for the sampling interval, Performance Monitor displays the statistics for a maximum of three days in the lists and graphs.

Long-range monitoring

When you perform long-range monitoring of the storage system, you control when the statistics are collected in real time or during a specified period of time. The long-range monitoring statistics are collected at fixed 15-minute intervals (0, 15, 30, and 45 minutes of every hour) and stored for up to 6 months (186 days). Long-range monitoring occurs in parallel with and does not affect short-range monitoring activities.
10 Performance Monitor operations
You can collect the following statistics in long-range monitoring:
Usage rates of MPs
Usage rates of DRRs
Write-pending statistics
Access path usage statistics
Data drive usage statistics
Data drive access rates

Performance Monitor data graphs

You can view both the short-range and long-range statistics on data graphs. All statistics can be viewed in short range (for the storing period corresponding to the sampling interval setting). Usage statistics about storage system resources, which are monitored in both ranges, can be viewed in both short range and long range. When viewing usage statistics about resources, you can specify the range to view and which part of the storing period to display on lists and graphics. A few storage system usage statistics are not available for long-range monitoring.
For details about the Performance Monitor data graphs, see “About the data graphs” (page 25).

Export Tool for Performance Monitor

The Export Tool software that comes with Performance Monitor allows you to export the monitoring data in a .csv file for analysis, for example, using spreadsheet software or database software. You can also use Export Tool to save and accumulate data over extended periods of time for long-term analysis and future reference.
For details about Export Tool, see “Exporting Performance Monitor data” (page 49).

Cautions and restrictions for Performance Monitor

“Cautions and restrictions for monitoring” (page 11)
“Cautions and restrictions for usage statistics” (page 12)

Cautions and restrictions for monitoring

Performance monitoring switch
When the performance monitoring switch is set to disabled, short-range monitoring data is not collected.
Changing the SVP time setting
If the SVP time setting is changed while the monitoring switch is enabled, the following monitoring errors can occur:
Invalid monitoring data appears.
No monitoring data is collected.
If you have changed the SVP time setting, disable the monitoring switch, and then re-enable the monitoring switch. Next, obtain the monitoring data. For details about the monitoring switch, see “Starting monitoring” (page 14).
WWN monitoring
You must configure some settings before the traffic between host bus adapters and storage system ports can be monitored. For details, see “Adding new WWNs to monitor” (page 16),
“Adding WWNs to ports” (page 17), and “Connecting WWNs to ports” (page 19).
Cautions and restrictions for Performance Monitor 11
Parity group monitoring
To correctly display the performance statistics of a parity group, all volumes belonging to the parity group must be specified as monitoring targets.
Storage system maintenance
If the storage system is undergoing the following maintenance operations during monitoring, the monitoring data might not be valid:
Adding, replacing, or removing cache memory
Adding, replacing, or removing data drives
Changing the storage system configuration
Replacing the microprogram
Formatting or quick-formatting logical devices
Adding, replacing, or removing MP blades
Storage system power-off
If the storage system is powered off during monitoring, monitoring stops until the storage system is powered on again. Monitoring resumes when the storage system is powered on again. However, Performance Monitor cannot display information about the period while the storage system is powered off. Therefore, the monitoring data immediately after powering on again might contain extremely large values.
Microprogram replacement
After the microprogram is replaced, monitoring data is not stored until the service engineer releases the SVP from Modify mode. Therefore, inaccurate data might be temporarily displayed.

Cautions and restrictions for usage statistics

Retention of short-range and long-range usage statistics
Usage statistics for the last six months (186 days) are displayed in long-range monitoring, and usage statistics for up to the last 15 days are displayed in short-range monitoring. Usage statistics outside of these ranges are deleted from the SVP. In short range monitoring, results are retained for the last 1 to 15 days depending on the specified sampling interval. If the retention period has passed since a monitoring result was obtained, the previous result has been deleted from the SVP and cannot be displayed.
Statistics for periods of high I/O workload
For short-range monitoring, if the host I/O workload is high, the storage system gives higher priority to I/O processing than to monitoring. If this occurs, some monitoring data might be missing. If monitoring data is missing frequently, use the Edit Monitoring Switch window to lengthen the sampling interval. For details, see “Starting monitoring” (page 14).
Volumes and CU ranges
The volumes to be monitored by Performance Monitor are specified by control unit (CU). If the range of used CUs does not match the range of CUs monitored by Performance Monitor, usage statistics might not be collected for some volumes.
Reverse resync operations
When you run the RAID Manager horctakeover command, the pairresync-swaps command for a Cnt Ac-J pair, or the BCM YKRESYNC REVERSE command for a Cnt Ac-J MF pair,
12 Performance Monitor operations
the primary and secondary volumes are swapped. You can collect the before-swapped information immediately after you run any of the commands. Invalid monitoring data will be generated for a short time but will be corrected automatically when the monitoring data gets updated. The invalid data will temporarily be generated when the volume used for a secondary volume is used as a primary volume after a Cnt Ac-J pair or Cnt Ac-J MF pair is deleted.
Display of monitoring data immediately after monitoring starts or immediately after the sampling interval is changed
Monitoring data cannot be displayed within the first two sampling intervals after the monitoring starts or the sampling interval is changed because no monitoring data has accumulated. For instance, if the sampling interval is set or changed to 15 minutes, monitoring data is not accumulated for up to 29 minutes after this setting is made.
Display of monitoring data during high SVP workload
If the SVP is overloaded, the system might require more time than the sampling interval allows to update the display of monitoring data. If this occurs, a portion of monitoring data is not displayed. For example, suppose that the sampling interval is 1 minute, and the display in the Performance Management window is updated at 9:00 and the next update occurs at 9:02. In this case, the window (including the graph) does not display the monitoring result for the period of 9:00 to 9:01. This situation can occur when the following maintenance operations are performed on the storage system or on the Remote Web Console PC:
Adding, replacing, or removing cache memory.
Adding, replacing, or removing data drives.
Changing the storage system configuration.
Replacing the microprogram.
Pool-VOLs of Fast Snap, Thin Provisioning, and Thin Provisioning MF are not monitored.
Margin of error
The short-range and long-range monitoring data might have a margin of error.

Performance monitoring workflow

1. Determine the resources to be monitored and the data to be collected, and write down the required information, including control unit (CU) numbers and WWNs of host bus adapters.
2. Set the storing period (short-range or long-range) for the monitoring statistics. For instructions, see “Setting the storing period for the monitoring data” (page 14).
3. Start performance monitoring. For instructions, see “Starting monitoring” (page 14).
4. Add the WWNs that you want to monitor. For instructions, see “Monitoring WWNs” (page 15).
5. Add the CUs that you want to monitor. For instructions, see “Monitoring CUs” (page 20).
6. Adjust the sampling interval as needed to increase or decrease the maximum storing period
of short-range statistics. For instructions, see “Changing the sampling interval” (page 23).
7. View the monitoring data on graphs. For details, see “Using the Performance Monitor data
graphs” (page 24).
8. Export the monitoring data as needed for analysis and for retention of long-term data. For details, see “Exporting Performance Monitor data” (page 49).
9. When you want to stop collecting monitor data, stop monitoring by disabling the monitoring switch. For details, see “Stopping monitoring” (page 24).
Performance monitoring workflow 13

Setting the storing period for the monitoring data

Before you start the monitoring function, you must set the storing period, short-range or long-range, for the monitoring data. Short-range data can be collected for up to 15 days, and long-range data can be collected for up to six months (186 days).
Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system.
3. Select Performance Monitor.
In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. On the Performance Monitor window click Monitor Performance to open the Monitor Performance window.
3. On the Monitor Performance window select Long-Range or Short-Range in the Data Range as the periods (ranges) for collecting and storing statistics.
4. Select Set Range or Use Real Time in the Time Range as the periods (ranges) for displaying statistics.
If Long-Range is selected, you can specify only Set Range. If Short-Range is selected, you can select Set Range or Use Real Time.
5. Click Apply to apply the settings to the storage system.
Related topics
“Performance Monitor main window” (page 159)
“Monitor Performance window” (page 163)

Starting monitoring

After you have set the storing period for the monitoring data (short-range or long-range), you can start the monitoring function.
CAUTION: When you start monitoring a storage system, all of its previous monitoring statistics are deleted. If you want to keep the previous monitoring statistics, first export the desired data using Export Tool and then restart monitoring.
14 Performance Monitor operations
Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. In the Performance Monitor window click Edit Monitoring Switch to open the Edit Monitoring Switch window.
3. Click Enable in the Monitoring Switch field.
4. Select the sampling interval in the Sample Interval. This option is activated when you specify Enable for Current Status.
5. Click Finish.
6. In the Confirm window enter your task name in Task Name, and click Apply to start monitoring.
In CVAE you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task name to view details of the task.
In RWC the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
NOTE: Monitoring data cannot be displayed within the first two sampling intervals after the monitoring starts or the sampling interval is changed because no monitoring data has accumulated. For instance, if the sampling interval is set to 15 minutes, monitoring data is not accumulated for up to 29 minutes after the start of monitoring.
Related topics
“Edit Monitoring Switch window” (page 161)

Monitoring WWNs

This section provides instructions for monitoring WWNs using Performance Monitor:
“Adding new WWNs to monitor” (page 16)
“Viewing the WWNs that are being monitored” (page 16)
“Removing WWNs to monitor” (page 17)
“Adding WWNs to ports” (page 17)
“Editing the WWN nickname” (page 18)
“Connecting WWNs to ports” (page 19)
“Deleting unused WWNs from monitoring targets” (page 19)
Monitoring WWNs 15

Adding new WWNs to monitor

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Select the Monitored WWNs tab, and click Edit WWN Monitor Mode to open the Edit WWN Monitor Mode window.
3. In the Edit WWN Monitor Mode window select the WWNs in the Unmonitored WWNs list, and click Add.
4. Enter your task name in Task Name, and click Finish.
5. In the Confirm window click Apply to apply the settings to the storage system. In CVAE you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task
name to view details of the task. In RWC the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
Related topics
“Edit WWN Monitor Mode wizard” (page 184)

Viewing the WWNs that are being monitored

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. In the Performance Monitor window select the Monitored WWNs tab to see the WWNs that are currently being monitored.
16 Performance Monitor operations
Related topics
“Performance Monitor main window” (page 159)

Removing WWNs to monitor

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Click the Monitored WWNs tab.
3. On the Monitored WWNs tab click Edit WWN Monitor Mode to open the Edit WWN Monitor Mode window.
4. Select the WWNs in the Monitored WWNs list that you want to remove, and click Remove.
5. Enter your task name in Task Name, and click Finish.
6. In the Confirm window click Apply.
7. When the warning message appears, click OK to close the message. The settings are applied to the storage system.
In CVAE you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task name to view details of the task.
In RWC the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
Related topics
“Edit WWN Monitor Mode wizard” (page 184)

Adding WWNs to ports

If you want to monitor WWNs that are not connected to the storage system, you can add them to ports and set them up for monitoring with Performance Monitor.
Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. In the Performance Monitor window click the Monitored WWNs tab.
Monitoring WWNs 17
3. On the Monitored WWNs tab click Add New Monitored WWNs to open the Add New Monitored WWNs window.
4. Specify the information for each WWN, as listed in the following table.
Enter the 16-digit hexadecimal number.HBA WWN (required)
WWN Name (optional)
Port (in Available Ports)
5. Click Add. The added WWN is displayed in Selected WWNs.
6. If you need to remove a WWN from the Selected WWNs list, select the WWN and click Remove.
7. When you are done adding WWNs, click Finish.
8. In the Confirm window click Apply to apply the settings to the storage system.
Related topics
“Add New Monitored WWNs wizard” (page 189)

Editing the WWN nickname

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
Enter the unique name to distinguish the host bus adapter from other adapters. The WWN Name must be less than 64 characters and must consist of alphanumeric characters and at least one symbol.
In the Available Ports list select the port connected to the WWN. Ports connected to mainframe hosts are not displayed, because they are not supported for Performance Monitor.
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Click the Monitored WWNs tab to see the list of WWNs being monitored.
3. Select the WWN to edit. You can edit only one WWN at a time. If you select multiple WWNs, an error will occur.
4. On the Monitored WWNs tab click Edit WWN to open the Edit WWN window.
5. On the Edit WWN window edit the HBA WWN and WWN Name fields as needed:
A 16-digit hexadecimal number. The value of HBA WWN must be unique in the storage system.
WWN Name
The nickname distinguishes the host bus adapter from other adapters. The WWN Name must be less than 64 digits and must consist of alphanumeric characters and at least one symbol.
18 Performance Monitor operations
6. When you are done editing WWNs, click Finish.
7. In the Confirm window click Apply to apply the settings to the storage system.
Related topics
“Edit WWN wizard” (page 183)

Connecting WWNs to ports

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. In the Performance Monitor window click the Monitored WWNs tab.
3. On the Monitored WWNs tab select the WWN to connect to the port. Select only one WWN at a time. If you select multiple WWNs, an error occurs.
4. On the Monitored WWNs tab click Add to Ports to open the Add to Ports window.
5. Select the port to connect in Available Ports, and then click Add. The selected WWN and port are added to the Selected WWNs list. Mainframe ports are not displayed because they are not supported for Performance Monitor.
6. If you need to delete a WWN from the Selected WWNs list, select the WWN, and then click Remove.
7. When you are done selecting the WWNs to connect, click Finish.
8. In the Confirm window click Apply to apply the settings to the storage system.
Related topics
“Add to Ports wizard” (page 192)

Deleting unused WWNs from monitoring targets

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
To delete WWNs that are being monitored:
Monitoring WWNs 19
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Click the Monitored WWNs tab.
3. On the Monitored WWNs tab, click More Actions > Delete Unused WWNs to open the Delete Unused WWNs window.
4. Enter your task name in Task Name, and click Apply. In CVAE you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task
name to view details of the task. In RWC the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
Related topics
“Delete Unused WWNs window” (page 188)

Monitoring CUs

This section provides instructions for monitoring control units (CUs) using Performance Monitor.
“Displaying CUs to monitor” (page 20)
“Adding and removing CUs to monitor” (page 20)
“Selecting CUs to monitor” (page 22)
“Confirming the status of CUs to monitor” (page 22)

Displaying CUs to monitor

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Open the Monitored CUs tab to view the list of CUs.
Related topics
“Performance Monitor main window” (page 159)

Adding and removing CUs to monitor

Use the Performance Monitor window to add and remove CUs to monitor.
20 Performance Monitor operations
NOTE: When you remove a CU from monitoring, the monitoring data for the CU will be deleted. Therefore, export the desired monitoring data before performing this operation. For details, see
“Exporting Performance Monitor data” (page 49).
Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Open the Monitored CUs tab.
3. On the Monitored CUs tab click Edit CU Monitor Mode to open the Edit CU Monitor Mode window.
4. Add or remove CUs to monitor. To add CUs to monitoring target objects, select CUs from the Unmonitored CUs field and
click Add. To remove CUs from monitoring target objects, select CUs from the Monitored CUsfield and click Remove.
5. Click Finish.
6. In the Confirm window enter your task name in Task Name, and click Apply. In CVAE you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task
name to view details of the task. In RWC the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
NOTE: To monitor a parity group, specify the CU numbers of all LDEVs belonging to the parity group. Otherwise the parity group is not subjected to monitoring.
Monitoring CUs 21
Related topics
“Edit CU Monitor Mode wizard” (page 176)

Selecting CUs to monitor

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Open the Monitored CUs tab.
3. On the Monitored CUs tab click Edit CU Monitor Mode to open the Edit CU Monitor Mode window.
4. Click Select by Parity Groups in the Unmonitored CUs field. The Select by Parity Groups window opens. The available parity group IDs and number
of CUs are displayed.
5. Select the parity group ID from the list and click Detail. The Parity Group Properties window opens. The CUs and the number of LDEVs are
6. Confirm the properties of the parity group and click Close. The Select by Parity Groups window opens.
7. Select the parity group to be the monitoring target in the Select by Parity Groups window and click OK.
CUs in the parity group are selected in the Unmonitored CUs field. For information about monitoring these CUs, see “Adding and removing CUs to monitor” (page 20).
Related topics
“Select by Parity Groups window” (page 181)
“Parity Group Properties window” (page 182)
“Adding and removing CUs to monitor” (page 20)

Confirming the status of CUs to monitor

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
To view the monitoring status of CUs:
22 Performance Monitor operations
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and click Performance Monitor in the tree.
2. On the Monitored CUs tab, click View CU Matrix. The following CUs are displayed in the Monitored CUs window.
Monitored CUs
Set monitored CUs
Release monitored CUs
Related topics
“View CU Matrix window” (page 180)

Changing the sampling interval

You can change the sampling interval for short-range monitoring. For example, if you want to collect statistics over a longer period of time, you can lengthen the sampling interval to increase the storing period.
Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. In the Performance Monitor window, click Edit Monitoring Switch to open the Edit Monitoring Switch window.
3. Select the desired sampling interval in the Sample Interval. This option is available only when the current monitoring status is Enable.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the Confirm window enter your task name in Task Name, and click Apply to change the sampling interval.
In CVAE, you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task name to view details of the task.
In RWC, the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
NOTE: Monitoring data cannot be displayed within the first two sampling intervals after the monitoring starts or the sampling interval is changed because no monitoring data has accumulated. For instance, if the sampling interval is changed to 15 minutes, monitoring data is not accumulated for up to 29 minutes after the interval was changed.
Changing the sampling interval 23
Related topics
“Edit Monitoring Switch window” (page 161)

Stopping monitoring

When you no longer need to collect monitoring statistics, you can stop the monitoring function. After you stop monitoring, you should consider exporting the monitoring statistics using Export Tool, because the existing statistics are deleted each time monitoring is restarted.
Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Click Edit Monitoring Switch to open the Edit Monitoring Switch window.
3. Click Disable in the Monitoring Switch field. The Sample Interval list is grayed out and becomes ineffective.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the Confirm window, enter your task name in Task Name, and click Apply to stop monitoring.
In CVAE, you can check the progress of the task on the Tasks & Alerts tab. Click the task name to view details of the task.
In RWC, the Tasks window opens if Go to tasks window for status is checked.
Related topics
“Edit Monitoring Switch wizard” (page 161)

Using the Performance Monitor data graphs

“About the data graphs” (page 25)
“Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25)
“Adding a new graph” (page 26)
“Changing the data displayed on a graph” (page 27)
“Changing the time period displayed on the graph panel” (page 27)
“Deleting a graph from the graph panel” (page 28)
24 Performance Monitor operations

About the data graphs

The Performance Monitor data graphs are displayed on panels with the graph on the left and the legend for the graph on the right. Performance Monitor can display up to four panels with up to four graphs in each panel for a maximum of 16 graphs at the same time.
You can change the size of each graph panel by clicking the icon in the upper right of the panel.
You can plot up to 8 sets of data on each graph.
You can display the value of each data point by placing the cursor on the data point on the
You can adjust the unit of scale on the vertical axis using the vertical scale selector on the upper left of the graph. For example, you might need to increase the vertical scale to see data with high values.
In some cases, you might need to adjust the vertical scale to display the data properly. For example, if the scale is too small, a single data line might be so thick that the entire graph is painted in a single color.
You can display or hide data points on the graph panel by clicking the legend on the right of the graph. Each graph must display at least one set of data, so you cannot hide all of the data.
When you are viewing data for the MP blades in real time (Time Range is set to Use Real Time), the MP blade names are displayed as text links. Click the text link to display the
resources assigned to an MP blade of top 20 in usage rates on the detailed window.

Displaying the monitor data on graphs

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
To display the monitor data on graphs:
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Click Monitor Performance to open the Monitor Performance window.
3. Specify the data range and time period to be displayed on the graphs:
1. In the Data Range field, select the desired data range: Long-Range or Short-Range.
If you want to display real-time data, you must select Short-Range.
2. In the Time Range field, select Set Range to display data from a specific period of time,
or select Use Real Time to display real-time data as it is being collected. The Use Real Time option can only be specified when Short-Range is selected.
3. If you selected Set Range, specify the starting date and time and ending date and time
for the range of data in the From and To fields.
4. Specify the monitor data to be displayed on the graphs:
Using the Performance Monitor data graphs 25
1. In the Performance Objects area select items in the Object field. Select items in the left field and then select detailed items in the right field. Detailed item
changes by the items selected in the left field.
2. Select items in the Monitor Data field. Select items in the left field and then select detailed items in the right field.
3. Select the monitor data to be graphed in the Available Objects list.
4. Click Add to add the monitor data to the Selected Objects list.
5. If you need to remove monitor data from the Selected Objects list, select the object and click Remove.
5. Click Apply to display the selected monitor data on graphs in the Monitor Performance window.
Related topics
“Performance Monitor main window” (page 159)
“Monitor Performance window” (page 163)

Adding a new graph

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Display the graph panel in the Monitor Performance window. For details, see “Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25).
3. Click Add Graph to open the Add Graph window. If a warning message is displayed when you click the Add Graph button, you are already
displaying the maximum number of graphs. To add another graph, you must first delete an existing graph. For details, see “Deleting a graph from the graph panel” (page 28).
4. Specify the monitor data to be graphed by selecting the objects on the left and adding them to the Selected Objects list on the right.
For details, see “Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25).
5. Click OK to add the specified graph.
Related topics
“Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25)
“Monitor Performance window” (page 163)
“Add Graph window” (page 212)
26 Performance Monitor operations

Changing the data displayed on a graph

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Display the graph panel in the Monitor Performance window. For details, see “Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25).
3. Click Edit Performance Objects to open the Edit Performance Objects window.
4. Edit the monitor data being displayed on the graph by adding objects to and deleting objects from the Selected Objects list on the right.
For details, see “Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25).
5. Click OK to display the graph with the newly specified monitor data.
Related topics
“Monitor Performance window” (page 163)
“Edit Performance Objects window” (page 200)
“Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25)

Changing the time period displayed on the graph panel

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer, and select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the
Performance Monitor window.
2. Display the graph panel in the Monitor Performance window. For details, see “Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25).
3. Click Edit Time Range to open the Edit Time Range window.
4. Enter the desired starting date and time in the From field. Enter the desired end date and time in the To field.
5. Click OK to display the graph panel with the newly selected time period.
Using the Performance Monitor data graphs 27
Related topics
“Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25)
“Monitor Performance window” (page 163)
“Edit Time Range window” (page 199)

Deleting a graph from the graph panel

Required role: Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
1. Open the Performance Monitor window. In Command View Advanced Edition:
1. On the Resources tab, expand the Storage Systems tree.
2. Right-click the target storage system, and then select Performance Monitor. In Remote Web Console:
1. Select Analytics in Explorer.
2. Select Performance Monitor in the tree to open the Performance Monitor window.
2. Display the graph panel in the Monitor Performance window. For details, see “Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25).
3. Click Delete Graph in the lower right, or click the close icon in the upper right corner.
4. When the confirmation message appears, click OK to delete the graph.
Related topics
“Displaying the monitor data on graphs” (page 25)
“Monitor Performance window” (page 163)
28 Performance Monitor operations

3 Performance Monitor data

This chapter provides detailed descriptions of the monitoring data collected and displayed by Performance Monitor.

Monitoring data

The following table lists the objects that can be monitored and specifies the data that is collected for each monitoring object. You can specify the objects that are displayed in the graphs in the Performance Objects in the Monitor Performance window. When the resource group feature is installed, you can specify the objects to be displayed in the graphs only when the resources that are shown in the necessary resources in the following table are allocated.
The monitoring data for each sampling interval is the average value of the data over the data sampling interval. The sampling interval is 1 to 15 minutes for Short Range and 15 minutes for Long Range. The monitoring data shows the information by each resource ID even when the volume is in a virtual storage machine (not by virtual ID). For instructions on viewing the monitoring data, see “Using the Performance Monitor data graphs” (page 24).
Monitoring dataObject of
Usage rates of DRR (%)
Write pending rates (%)
Usage rates of access path between DKA and cache (%)
Usage rates of access path between MP blade and cache (%)
Usage rates of access path between cache (%)
Data transfer (Mbps)
Response time (ms)
Data transfer (Mbps)
Response time (ms)
Necessary resources
NoneUsage rates of MPs (%)Controller
NoneUsage rates of cache (%)Cache
NoneUsage rates of access path between CHA and cache (%)Access path
PortThroughput (IOPS)Fibre port
PortThroughput (IOPS)Mainframe fibre
CMR delay time (ms)
Disconnected time (ms)
Connected time (ms)
HTP port open exchange (count/sec)
Data transfer (Mbps)
Response time (ms)
Data transfer of WWN (Mbps)
PortThroughput (IOPS)iSCSI Port
PortThroughput of WWN (IOPS)WWN
Monitoring data 29
Monitoring dataObject of
Response time of WWN (ms)
Throughput of port (IOPS)
Data transfer of port (Mbps)
Response time of port (ms)
Read throughput (IOPS)
Write throughput (IOPS)
Cache hit (%)
Data transfer (Mbps)
Response time (ms)
Back transfer (count/sec)
Drive usage rate (%)
Drive access rate (%)
Business Copy usage rates (BC/BC MF) (%)
Necessary resources
LDEVTotal throughput (IOPS)LDEV (base)
Cnt Ac-J MF)
Ac-S/Cnt Ac-S MF/HA)
LDEVWrite host I/O throughput (IOPS)LDEV (Cnt Ac-J/
Write host I/O data transfer (Mbps)
Initial copy cache hit (%)
Initial copy data transfer (Mbps)
LDEVRIO (count)LDEV (Cnt
Pair Synchronized (%)
Differential track (count)
Initial copy throughput (count)
Initial copy data transfer (Mbps)
Initial copy response time (ms)
Update copy throughput (count)
Update copy data transfer (Mbps)
Update copy response time (ms)
Parity groupTotal throughput (IOPS)Parity group
Read throughput (IOPS)
Write throughput (IOPS)
30 Performance Monitor data
Cache hit (%)
Data transfer (Mbps)
Response time (ms)
Back transfer (count/sec)
Drive usage rate (%)
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