In 2013, PiLeJe’s global infrastruc ture
was non-standardised and had
reached the end of its warranty.
The aim was to standardise along
with the servers and storage, in order
to optimise processing times
Case Study
PiLeJe relies on its new IT
system for future success
HPE updates PiLeJe’s IT system
infrastructure for the next five years
After issuing an invitation to tender,
PiLeJe opted for HPE vir tualised servers
and storage arrays, a solution which was
agreed and rolled out by Iliane
IT Matters
• Standardise IT tools over the
four company sites
• Remote monitoring of
virtual infrastructure
• Durability of the installation over
the next five years
• Facilitate scalability with HPE solutions
Business Matters
• 99.5 per cent infrastructure
availability rate
• Almost instantaneous access
to data thanks to the HPE Array
and Automated Tiering
The PiLeJe Group, which
specialises in micronutrition
and phytotherapy products,
was using a non-standardised
IT infrastructure that was out
of warranty. After issuing an
invitation to tender, the group
chose an HPE storage array
and virtualised server-based
solution, on the advice of
its partner, Iliane. Now
standardised and operational,
the new installation oers a
99.5 per cent availability rate.
Standardise the infrastructure to
optimise data processing
The PiLeJe Group develops and distributes
concepts, products and services intended to
protect and maintain personal health. Within
the scope of this work, two fields were
selected: Micronutrition and phytotherapy.
At present, the PiLeJe Group consists of the
PiLeJe laboratory, the PhytoPrevent brand
and Wamine, the group’s veterinary branch.
It employs 300 sta across four sites
in France. Its products are currently
available in 20 countries as well as in
metropolitan France and its overseas
departments and territories.

Case study
“PiLeJe chose a solution based on Hewlett Packard Enterprise products due
to several factors, the most significant one being the confidence we have in
our partner, Iliane, with whom we have been working since 2010.”
– Alexandre Dodier, IT operations manager, PiLeJe Group
Page 2
The group has increased the size of its
premises in Paris and St-Laurent-des-Autels
in Anjou. The latter houses an order
preparation and dispatch platform, a call
centre and all the group’s support services.
This site is the heart of the IT system.
Expansion of its performance would enable
PiLeJe to support any company developments.
In 2013, PiLeJe’s global IT infrastructure
came to the end of its warranty. Across the
company, non-standardised systems were
used over the various sites. “The aim,”
highlights Alexandre Dodier, IT operations
manager for the PiLeJe Group, “is to
standardise our tools including servers
and storage, and to place our users at
the heart of the IT system.”
In other words, to optimise processing
time for the company’s integrated
management software package and
save time in regards to the availability of
access to statistical data. Redesigning the
infrastructure was therefore essential.
HPE virtualised servers and
storage arrays
After issuing an invitation to tender, to
virtualisation and storage specialists,
PiLeJe chose the solution based on
Hewlett Packard Enterprise products
as a result of several factors. The first
was that the technical proposal proved
to be flexible and scalable over the next
five years, without having to compromise
any other part of the infrastructure.
The second concerned the stability of
products installed. “But the most important
thing was the confidence that we have in
our partner, Iliane, with whom we have been
working since 2010,” states Dodier.
For four years, PiLeJe has been using
infrastructure based on HPE products stable from the outset, and has also evolved
over the years. Furthermore, Iliane has
always been capable of dealing with any
issues, whether these relate to modification,
maintenance or problem-solving.