HPE M0S64A Product Data Sheet

The challenge
• Decentralised organisational structure with heterogeneous database land­scape (SAP and DB2 databases)
• Performance problems in bulk data processing
• Data harmonisation as requested
Case Study
The University of Basel is accelerating its data warehouse via two HPE ConvergedSystem 500s for SAP HANA
The solution
• Migrate the central SAP Business Data Warehouse onto two HPE ConvergedSystem 500s for SAP HANA
• Design and realisation of the migration jointly with Sapify AG, the University of Basel and partner-company Niederer Engineering AG
• The project was completed one month before the scheduled deadline
The result
• Considerably greater performance in processing of large data volumes
• Generation of complex analyses and reports with the push of a button from the data cockpit
• Easy usage of data from dierent sources with no time-consuming pre­aggregation
• Analysis results from future data models partly realisable in near real­time
• Faster results with smaller data volumes
The University of Basel faces fierce competition in recruiting the most talented individuals and attracting funding from public and private donors. And like most higher education institutions, the university is a complex organisation consisting of dierent interest groups and cultures. The need for the SAP Competence Center (SAPCC) to exhibit max imum ‘business’
eiciency and structural heterogeneity poses an enormous challenge, particularly with regard to bulk data processing. The decisive question is: how can large amounts of data for reports and analyses from diering data sources be processed significantly faster in the central SAP Data Warehouse? The answer: SAP HANA on two HPE ConvergedSystem 500s.
Case study
University of Basel
“The project was an enormous success. The tremendous cooperation
between Uni Basel, Sapify AG and Niederer Engineering AG meant the SAP HANA data warehouse was able to go live a month ahead of schedule.”
– Christoph Wyss University of Basel SAP Competence Center
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Customer portrait
University of Basel – a top university with an international reputation
Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is a full university with seven faculties that oers bachelor, master and doctorate degree pro grams. Presently the University of Basel has around 13000 matriculated students and doctoral candidates and roughly 3000 full-time personnel, two thirds of which approximately are academic sta. Life Sciences, Image Science, Nanoscience, Sustainability and Energy Research and European and Global Studies are the university’s strategic research and teaching priorities. The re search work of Uni Basel regularly puts the insti tution among the world’s top 100 uni versities in international rankings. The university has a modern, high-performing IT, the hardware for which is mostly based on HPE products in the SAP environment. The administration strategically utilises SAP and maintains its own SAP Competence Center, certified as a Customer Center of Expertise, with 10 sta members who ensure operation and perform further development of the SAP environment.
Initial Situation
Problems with high-volume data analysis
The University of Basel deploys SAP software in the administrative areas of resource management, finance and controlling, human resources and logistics. The University’s individual SAP modules deliver data daily to the central data warehouse based on SAP BI. In the past there have been recurring per formance problems in bulk data processing, as data did not flow unchanged into the data warehouse, but to be aggregated at first in ETL processes (Extract, Transform, Load). Christoph Wyss, project manager and developer at the SAP competence centre, responsible for data warehousing, has thus been looking into ways to accelerate bulk data analysis, together with long­standing SAP partner Sapify AG. Wyss: “SAP HANA is a promising new in-memory SAP database technology, and the hardware component HPE ConvergedSystem for SAP HANA is ideally designed for this technology. The decision to procure SAP HANA was speeded up by management’s need to update SAP Business Planning and Consolidation Tool to accommodate ‘SAP BPC embedded’, which requires SAP HANA.” HPE Gold Partner and university specialist Niederer Engineering AG was additionally brought on board as hardware expert.
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